THE U. OF M. DAILY. O mED 1880. INCORPORATED 1686 U. OF M. CALENDAR. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW R. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIN ST. Director and Manager. Wed., Nov. 22.- 94 men meet to arrange for class banquet. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Fri. Roe., Nov, 24-Adeplhi meeting, in Room 20 EAST HURON STREET. 4,8p. in. Good Work Guaranteed. Good carll dfor Mon., Nov. I h.-Mo aJrssielirown, of Cleve- and deliveredi. A. F. COVERT. Prop. land, on Child Characiers in Diokeno. at Inland League. 2s Years in tine Business.--/ Tues. Eve., Nov. 28-.Thanksgiving recess be- CITY LAUNDRY, gin. Fri., Dec. 8.-Marteau, the great violinist, in M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. S. L. A. course-. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE Athletic Board Meeting. +$TATE $AVI1nG$ BAflI{+ Co . Main and Ws.hington Streets. The Athletic board held a meet- A. L.. NosLn, :Pren. ROBaRT PHaItLIPS, Cash'r. ing last night to transact business The 13. & M. prig Store matters, mostly connected with foot- Is the place to buy anything in the Drug line. ball. Manager Baird announced that Medicines, Sponged, Brushes, Etc. Etc. we might expect a prosperous trip G-O 'o for the game with Kansas university R. E. JOLLY & Co.5s next Saturday. As stated in yester- When youwant a pure box of Fine Chocolate day's DAILY, our Thanksgiving day Candies. Stationery at cost. Cigars, Tobacco, Cgarettes and thF linest Stock of Pipes in game will be with Chicago univer- floe City. LADIES' andGENTS' LUNCHROOM. sity in Chicago. Manager Baird has R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. made proposals to Lehigh for a game with her at Detroit the Satur- DAN CING and DELSARTE day after 't'hanksgiving, provided MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER she comes west to play Minnesota. 46 S. State Street. MONDAY-8 p. n. Advanced Class for La- dies and Gentlemen. Register Your Addresses. kIONDAY-7 p. tm. Ladies' delsarte class. TUESDAY-7 p. n. Gentlemen's dancing class. Students will no doubt find in 6ATUlRDAY-10 . n. Gentlemens lancinag class. some cases that their addresses are p. Children's dancing class.. o. no. Ladle'' dancinglas.s. Incorrect in the recently issued Privatelessonobyappointmnbt. bok. MIGHIGAN CLNTItA l irime Tle (Revised> Scpt :?th,1893 E A ST .W ES r . 1 P. M. A M. Jiail.........4 2; 1 a ... ....9 26 Day Express..... 30 Day Expres... 819 N,.. Limited..... 6 08 N.. Limited...94 N. Y.I ioited..... 9 45ltM. N. Falls Special...1112 Clicasoo Exprer-.. 155 N. Y. & Chi. Lim..1 ?31 G. R. Kai,. Exp.. i08 A. M. Chi. N.Express... 850 Atlantic Express. 5'3 Patciic Expres-...10 20 D.N.Expresso..61 GR Exprec .104 0. W. RUGLEnS. H. tW.11 AYES, C. P. & T. AgL, Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and,- - PUBLISHING -s-R OT S-.. Student Work a Specialty. Best Workmen and Lowest Prices in the City. GRANGER'S..- CLASSES IN DANCING will meet a'. follows: Getltentur loday morninga 10 and Thursday evenings 8:0; Ladies, Saturday afternoon'. 4. Ladle'. anod Gentlemen, ad- vanced class, Tuesday evenings 8. Ground floor 6 Maynard street. Tuition. one term (twelve weeks) $5. Pupils received at any time. BXc0- C-o In Picture-Framing at mTs.i WRS- Headquarters for Signs. 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. Any such cases, if reported to the Newberry hall office, will be corrected at once, and by this means a fairly accurate register will be al- ways accessible. If not convenient to call, drop a postal to Mr. Manny, General Secretary of the S. C. A. The Registration. The registration to (late of the various departments is given below. This may be taken as the registra- tration for the semester as very few additions will be made. Literary ---- --- -- .. ..... ...- 1,343 Law-----...........-....---..--........- 81 Medical--.....----------------.. ..-- 364 Dental------------..-----------186 Pharmaceutical .--.-- --- -. 56 Stomceopathic ------------------ 28 The admission price to the Star ford-Berkeley Thanksgiving day game has been raised to $1.50. Dr. L. S. Merriam, instructor in Political Economy, at Cornell, and Miss M. L. Yeargin, a junior in the university, were drowned last Sat- urday in Cayuga Lake. Yale is reported to be overtrained. As the matter now stands, says the Boston Globe, Harvard is likely to go through the Yale rush line like a sheet of paper unless the coachers give the players all a rest this week and prevent them from lining up before the Harvard game. In 1888, Phillips Exeter scored a touchdown and goal on Harvard, and in '87, '89 and '9o she scored safeties on the same college. Until Andover kicked a goal from the field against Harvard, and Lawrence- ville scored a touchdown against Princeton, Exeter was the only pre- paratory school that had scored against either Yale, Harvard or Pri -,ton. Toc game between the U. of N. C. and the U. of Va. is to Rich- mond what the Yale-Princeton match is to Gotham. The annual event is already attracting a great deal of attention in the metropolis of the Old Dominion. Virginia has a very fine team this year, nine of last year's players having return- ed. The game is to be played on Thanksgiving day. Yale and Harvard have arranged the annual gun club shoot. Both colleges are dissatislied with their treatment at Springfield last year, and Hartford has been chosen as a compromise. The match will take place on Friday, the day before the Yale-Harvard football gam. The usual rules govern the contest. The teans are to be composed of five men each, and thirty clay pigeons will be shot at. Literary Comment. The best written and finest illustrat- ed work on the mythology of Greece and Rome that has ever come to our notice has just been published by the American Book company. It was written by H. A. Guerber, special lecturer on mythology, with special reference to literature and art. Students of the classics should pur- chase this new work which gives a lucid account of Greek and Latin my- thological heroes and heroines. The illustrations are exceptionally fine, consisting of more than seventy- five full page half tones. The myths are told graphically and accurately as possible, avoiding all the repulsive features of heathen mythology; the most popular myths being given in every case. The book is an octavo volume of five hundred pages and retails for $1.50. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. WONDERFUL TRAINED HOUSES. As already announced in our col- umns, Prof. D. M. Bristol ad his school of thirty educatedt mues and ponies wil exhibit in the opera house, two nights, commencing Friday. A matinee wl be given Saturday after- 11001. The followinig is fromn the Newark (N. J.) Daily Advertisers "A large and appreciative audience greeted Prof. D. M. Bristol's Eques- Curriculum at Miner's theatre last evening. Almost everyone is aware that this remarkable troupe consists of about thirty wonderfully trained and beautiful horses, the tricks aid antics of whichs are so numerous and varied that they are able to entertain an au- dience for a whole evening. The open- ing of the show takes the form of a school, in which various tasks and du- ties are assigned to the horses. The most intelligent and accomplished of the horses is Sultan, a beautiful and high-spirited animal, whose mathemat- ical education would compare favora- bly with that of many a child. fte tells time and works sums in arthme- tic, and even gives the proper answers to 1lestions proposed by persons in the audience. lhe most conspicuous and hardest worked member of the company is Deiver, s imule. He is at onice the comedianiand philosopher of the how. The second part of the entertain- ment consists mainly of feats of phys- ical skill and balancing, many of which undoubtedly require the exer- cise of a reasoning faculty. Among the mo'e pleasing exhibitions are a game of leap-frog. and the walking of the tight rope by Dynamite, i diminu- tive mule. A brilliant effect is created by a military drill, participated in by all the horses." BUSIN LS LOCALS. The J. T. Jacobs Co. have received a fine line of neckwear-the very latest. Ilhave your photos taken at Randall's before the rsh of Christmas. Two newly furnished front suites of rooms, furnace heat and oil, very cheap. Also good board at 82.50 per week. 37 8. Ingalls. ATTENi'oN.-Do you think of buy- ing a typewriter this yearS Then call at the DAILY ofce' if you wish one be- low cost. For Ielt.--'boo siglehootms~l, 0110 suite, flurae eat, igt, loit at cols water bath, two dollas and three dol- lars. 20 E. Jefferson st. BRACE U with a good ptir of shoul- der braces. A large stock at low prices at Brown's Drug Store. A few shop worn braces at 5e. Slave y ou bee" to cazlewood's Bi- hard all yet? Everythingnice, pleas- ant and quiet; no boisterousness. Go to lBtowN'iS D UG SiORE for all Laboratory supplies. Dissecting cases, aprons and sleeves.-Loc Pries. Students' Thanksgiving Rates. The Toledo, Ann Arbor & No. Mich. Ry. will sell tickets to students of the U. of M. aond Ypsilanti Normal at one nd ne-tlird hae for rouni trip, to all points (enthflenhes of otr Toledo con- nections, except the Lake Shore. Tick- ets will be sold on Nov. 28, 29 and 30, good to return until Monday, Dec. 4. Studenits must be provided with proper certificates. I. S. GREENOOD, Agent. Grangar's "Waltz Oxford." -Mr. Granger introduced and taught his: new combination of movements, 'the'"Waltz Oxford," at the class meet- ing Tuesday evening, and it was pro- notineed by many of the class the prettiest and most graceful dance of 'the season. Total-----------.----.--- INTER-COLLEGIATE. S2,558 At Vanderbilt University gymnas- tics are compulsory. Otto Wagenhurst has been elect- ed captain of the U. of P. crew for next year. The Harvard Annex began its fifteenth year with an attendance of 200 students. Trinity College has received $io,- ooo by the will of George Scott, of Washington, D. C. At Dartmouth an annual prize of $6o is to be given to the member of the athletic team standing highest in his studies. A