THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) duriag the Cllege tear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price V2.55 per year, invariably in adv-antc Stegle copiea 3 cents. Subscrip- ioes may be left at the otfiec of the DAILY, at Stoffetes, with any of the editora or authorized soliciort. Coemmunications ihould reach the ofice by 7 o'clock r. a. it they arc to appear the neat Jay. Address all matter intended for publics- tioneen the Managing Editor. All bunines communicationn should be sent to the Heal- nss Manager. THE U. of H. DAILY, Ann Arbor. Xich. athletics should be oniy too willing to asaist in raising a neat sum for the support of football. If this were done a large sum could be raised in a short time, and the re- suit would be apparent in the de- velopmdent of a vigorous athletic spirit ini the University. WVE can judge just how Minneaota feels, now that Cornell has played oft on her. Speaking of the pros. pects for their Thanksgiving game, the Aridl, of Minnesota, says: "Cornell won't play us, but there is a prospect of a game with Lehigh University which can play all around It is doubtless true that a game in Detroit on that day would have been much more acceptable to the great body of Michigan students. How- ever, as it svas found impossible to get a satisfactory game at Detroit, the management should be support- ed in its attitude in taking the beat date it could arrange. While Michigan students doubt- less feel that Chicago university is an opponent scarcely worthy of our steel (notwithstanding the unim- portant defeat of our team by Chicago early in the season), never- thelesn no possible loophole should be left to Chicago, and so crushing a defeat should be administered to he swill sileccomplesuetety the Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ad SHORTHAND. Magnificent hailding; sine iecrs; large atiendance; guod discipline; saper- iorwrk~; wellsapplied reading ronm; daily lectuas'~ Saturday eening receptices; oenthibontires year Eaceptonaal faciliies fur pllacgsiadentsinosi5- tions-shorihasdradassguarantieedsthen. Living expeses $2 to $%1.75 pcer wekin private amilims. For 'Sew Catalogue, uddres P. R. CLEARY, Pats. C. A. D-ttzs, LEDITMaagngdSo. Cornell. Let's begin to get up our St. A. SPALDING, Lit. '94, Assistant. enthusiasm. The defeat of Lehigh J. L. Lusac, Lit. '55. Assistant. would gv us fifthu rank ao W. N. CHOAT, Lit.'56, Assistant. giv mn F. W~AoTcss, Late '94,OSbtitue rAtsistant. American colleges on the football J. A. LEROY, Lit. '96, Athletic Editor. field. Ol the ''Big Fo ',"Yale 8. W. CURTItS, P. 0. Lit., Husiness Manager. Ol or c Wui. A. Musex, Lit. '57, Assitant. Harvard, Princeton, and "U'' of LITERARY. LAW. Pennsylvania, would then be ahieatd H. . tGamono, '9i. ii. F. H3all. '3., Miss Lois Janses, '9. IDIA. of us.' R. O. AsoiYvi', E. L. Martindlle,.94. F. P. Lydle, 16- H. 0. lHaskins, .P ye, '16 . THE Detroit Tribune suggests DENTAL. I OM(ELIIPATH 1C. L. E. Cooradt, '973. 0. 0. Jenkins, '!AE that the matter of there being, as All espy must be atthe ofic bfre8:0a alleged, several men on the U. of of the dasy or publiation. M. football team who are not stu- The Editors do not bold ihemselves eepsn- dents, and the matter of our play- sible fee the opinions or statemenseot corres log coach Barbour be explained. pondents, appeartng in the DAILY. It seems strange that the 'Tribune has not yet ascertained the falsity of the former charges as wve have - emphatically and explicitly denied THERE will be a meeting of the I them. As to the matter of playing DAILY board, Friday night, at 7:30 Barbour, he was played according o'clock sharp. Assignments of to an agreement with DePauw, work will be made for the remainder which also played a coach, and of the semester, and important bus- which consented to let him play in mness will be considered. the place of Freund, wvho wvas in- jured in the Purdue game. THE DAILY prides ilself oti hav- ing a brand new sign anid henceforth 'THE faculty by its action Monday there will be no excuse for any one night practically assunmed control not knowing our location. 'blie Of athletics. Heretofore athletics sign is a work of art, a facsiul)o of have not been officially recognized the DAILY head, being the work of by the faculty, all overtures regard- Staebler, the artistic painter. ing this subject coming frotm the Athletic association. Now the THE effort on the part of the menm- faculty has five while the students hers of the class of '93 nosy in col- have only four members on the loge to arrange for a banquet is cer- board of control. Thus we see the tainly a move in the right direction attitude of the faculty in regard to and should meet the hearty approval controlling athletics is entirely of every loyal '93 man. We know changed, the present position being of no better way to keep class spirit one of abaolute supervision. What alive than by an annual banquet athletics have needed at thxis in- where the good "auld ang syne" of stitution for some time is recogtii- our college career is lived over again. tion on the part of the faculty, such Every '93 man in college should at- as obtains at other colleges and uni- tend the meeting tonight and do all versitiea of the standing of tile U. in his power to make this scheme a of M. succes. _____________Nowy that it has finally been de- ALL who have not paid their sub- cided that we are to play Chicago scriptions to the football fund shouldl university at Chicago on Thanks- do so at onceas the money is needed. giving day, all regrets and grumbl- Without financial support, athletics ings should be dispensed with and cannot be expected to flourish, every effort bent to making the re- Everyone who takes any pride in sult as gratifying to us as possible. madeat he imeTime Table taking effect Sunday, Nov. 5, 18es. reckless boasts she aea ie Trains IeaveoAnArsA-bor by Central of her victory over us. ua-RTtndardsTime 7:15 a. em. t:15 a. m coil151 D. 1:05a.01. The funds of Yale University 4:15 p. m. 1:t10 p. M, *Trainsars" between Ann Ar-bor ssd Toledou have increased during the prescnt onkltat aiyix p edy year by over $2oo,ooo. R. S. GREnENWOOD, Ast, Ass Arbor. W. H. HENNETTG. P. A. Toleds. --- - --- -Ann Arbor Savings Bank 'earpilS. a5U 0.i t! 0reanied une:r the (enernlHank~ing Lawa of tiseStat eIl ve- depostis, boys and R di~~'S //O ti-rcll I sotthe principal cieties of the initelt Statrs.lDrafts roshed upon proper iettit isn Safety dells-it bones turet. HrictLex LChristian Macki, Pt-es. ; W. D. Hortisan, ViceFres.; Obhat. E. Sitech. ,Ca- sieir-lAt.J.1Fritz AsstL Cashier. Horsford's Acid Phosphate Gi~TI1lD OPE1~7 POUSK Is hemot efetie ad gre-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVE., Is te mst ffetiv an agee- NOV. 24 AND 25. able remedy in existence for Familly Maltline, Satutrlayt at :0 p1111. THE BIG CITY SHOW preventinglindigestioa, andre- li 111asaasceei is t1y ofithe Fa1mo1u1s lieving those dsanses no lstng Prof 1D° M. BRISTOL'S froom a disordered stomach. jjUjS JRRItJLUM Sprngied, off ie F i stEatedlhtresknowE-toa l Dr. W. . ,G-rdinerSpugn,'held bito - Tiell arge-I .and11Hest Est- °s: I vaue t asan xcelentI tolfanmen.Ofthe indi the oldi.high Miass., says: " I0 1 1 xax r cell i II l, blei ssai iutcl-Ilell liresi is .tis tietooaft bsest 1v1I Ie l apperd eith preventatie of indigestiaa, andi a pleasanti nextIsucess-.-in,11helin"stilleit'.res Ro e aidulated drink whenspropeldle ute1d111will 5'iaand aild larg1e1alitie .Preciel~y J aaeel alnd- wiehiewelt. Stal~ tu of Paeilaceas, Co pee il. Ilellllll I Oiex - - - :.3)5and 501 Cetits. Descriptlive pamthlptllifive 011applicatlionlto Illlllls-Cl, - - - - -?) liets. Rtumford Chemical Works, Providtnct,R.t. MatIine'ric-e-.the amle. :seats oneSale at Bewalre of Sulbstitutes0111nd Iitins. 11 alts' hI: I-Ivy Store. J hAM 'W. GOeOtlI5'. Florist. Growier of For Sale by all Druggists,. Jttoses, Caritonsllanid Flowers st all vari- e____________________1ty. Fleol dinsmadle upon011rtovtlicec. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY No. tObevastosystriet, 1151pI.lceeer gte. Fietpliare itiecity.1P151p1 ill lettnlpie IOATEERE, ot wvolk;andl delitering. iOtheelJ Ha-i Ha- 12EH WsahigtsoiSteet. ron St.Telepho11018Sd Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers. "Best In the World." Every "Washburn" Instument is thepraduteoserspecIiatahin-I ery adeensnbe snShlsth eatt C-I i ails We stateearr eputation I ut ..iponatheir excellene.A beautiful li contaIis portra t fleadng artissas prces ad fall descrip- tianssofthsistrumentsFrees. COR. STATE doM ON RO ESTS. CHItC A GO. The Ann Arbor Orgngss Co., Sole Agensts, AN~N ARBOR. J