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November 21, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-21

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ORGANIZED 1880. INCORPORATED 1886 U. OF M. CALENDAR. tional drama was founded upon would Call Them Blessed.
THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. Grecian mythology. The speaker
LEW H. CLEMENT, GreBostonythivegy.yTheespeaket
51 So. MAIN ST. Director and Manager. Wed., Nov. 22.-'94men meet to arrange for would not nay whether Wagner had A oton university tse faculty
class banquet. has voted to permit work on the
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Mon., Nov.27.-Miss Jessie Brown,. of Cleve- succeeded in executing this idea,
20 EAST HURON STREET. land, on Child Charactersa in Dickens. at but stated that the German people college papers to count an hour's
Good work Guaranteed. Goods called for Inland League. work in the course, allowing seven
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Tues. Eve., Nov. 28-.Thanksgiving recess be- had not accepted his drama as the
hours per week to the managing
gins, national drama. However, the Nie-
22'Wears in the Husiness.%e PFri., Dec. 8.-Marteau, the great violinist, in . . . editor and two hours to each of his
belungen Ring is his grandest work,
CITY LAUNDRY, S. L. A.acourse. and shows him to he a poet unsur- assistants. The thousands of toil-
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. worn; care-laden collegiate editors
A Commendable Work. passed by even Shakespeare in the wore u coeiateeditor
KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE grandeur of conception at least, if
edeTtIG B K+ (Conicetromtirst pahne. not in execution.tive faculties blessed were they all
Cr. Main and Wahingtn Streets educational centre. We mst be some- . . to take such philanthropic action.-
A. L. NOBLE, Pres. ROBERT PHILLIPs,Cash'r. thing jmore than fine scholars. We Life in Greece was a passnle, in Buffalo Blue.
- - must be cultured women with the Norway a bitter struggle. So the
The 3. & M. Prg Store grace and tact and skill in conversa- undertone of Grecian mythology is GRAND OPERA HOUSE.
la the place to buy anything in the Brug line. tion which only experienced and va- a sentiment of the beautiful, and
Medicines, Sponges, Brushes, Etc. Etc. ried assoeiatiohc give, antwhichn
will insure us a welcome in the world's the enjoyable; while the controlling PROF. D. M. BRISTOL's EquiNEs.
.e e. .The Toronto (Cats.) Empire tlts
ehojeest society. Ambition for the idea of the Teutonic is the grand, speaks of Prof. Bristol's horses, which
R. E. JOLLY & Co.'s fair fame of the Yellow and the Blue, and terrible, the tragic. This, of willdappear in the Grand Opera house
Wheiyous aiwa a ura oo Fine Chocolate loyalty to Alma Mater-that is what necessity gave to Wagner's drama a tw gniytsliext week, co btencingd01
Candies. Statiaonery at cost. Cigars, Tobaceco, ncsiygv Friday, with a niatinee On Saturday
Carettes and the Finest StoCk of Pipes in tlhis league means. .g.y
theiS O T'L~eHoa. Bt oto lderfins tdepressingly tragic tone. afternoon:
LADIES' andGENTS'wLUNCH ROOM. But most of all, dear friends, it The lecture was illustrated be- "The Grand Opera house was well-
R. E Jolly & Go 26 S State st stands for mutual helpfulness. Do ly cx-filled last night in every part, the oc-
lisyS t ask, "Wstt good will it do mets cellent pictures, many of them casion beig the performance of Prof.
join the League? " Ask rather "What taken from scenes and characters as niatol nedeatiperfories bherei
DANCING and D ELSA RT E opportunities to help others will it Wagner himself staged them. Sev- markable animals that cannot be term-
MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER open to us?" Not one of us is too erald marvelous as illustrating the won-
46 s. State Street. poor to give a kind word and a friendly alsha-ioraes whenand teligence of the
MONDAY-8 p. is. Advanced Class for La- hand. Not one of us is too rich to also ware given. ho hen treated patiently and
dies and Gentlemen. k rdly,. Prof. Bristol uses less per-
MONDA V-7 p. m. Ladies' dlsarte class. need the kind word and the friendly suasion than any of his predecessors in
TUESDAY--7 p. m. Gentlemen's dancing hand. We carnst live to ourselves Football vs. Study at Yale. conducting his entertainment. The
SATURDAY- il m. in.Gentlemen's daneing alone. We have some claim upon With all the work which the Yale wholetf viceeand the hosesodinay
cleachtothersftiiiieaiid thelhortes ofeMrs.
2 p. m. hildren's dancing class. each others time and talents. If Mrs. football team do in training, they promptly and with evident apprecia-
4n. m. Ladles' dancing eclass. Alice Freeman Palmer were here to- tion. of the spirit of the thing they are
Private lessons by appointment. Alice Fremd Pay, "Young here t have no time for study, and some of called upon to do. Sultan is an exced-
Piaeinasi apisetr day she would say, 'ougladiea, pr od.Sla sa xed
join this league, and through its oppor- them are unable to be present at ingly clever animal, his mental arith-
metic simply passing all understand-
isntuities give all you can and gather the recitations. The faculty have ing. Ite correctly answers questions in
-°all you can to enrich you future lives, always been lenient with athletics ,addition, sibtraction, simple division
You will need more thn book-lore , 'cand multiplicai1, questio s not oily
loe u ti er' eget fcollege fomhi Isite h to h ieiieonl
0 s swhen you face the work of life. Miss t y from his master but from the audience.
duties and the wrangling over de- Like the horses.tthe mules Denver and
A - Young, frim Welleley, Miss Joiison,- Dynamite sem possessed of almost
from Vassar, Miss Fountain, from Cal- tails with other colleges has dis- more than lian intelligence, the
ifornia, Miss Lovell, from Turkey, and pleased and disgusted some of the former is really the star aid pet of the
many another founder and friend of faculty and members of the corpora- 'whole sioa-. Unsoibtesly, as the pro-
- - ugnyn gminsays: They pesrfosrin many Pbean-
. . AT this asociation would all repeat the tion. It would not be a surprise to tiful and interesting pictures that will
E words, 'You'll need more than book- linger long and pleasantly in the mem-
lore when you face the work of life , many graduates if at the close of o- g p tt"
Last Saturday, Dr. Angell expressed the present season the faculty took BUSIN SSLOCALS.
HIGAN ENT AIL to me his earnest and cordial interest action to remedy what some of them
1st 1 the omn's League. Botli e and term the evil of football. How he J. '. Jhobs Co. Isave rceied a
S Tleal eie. ) wp. ise. MrosAgl. fis ionese er . .lueic ile if sesksear-tlie very latest.
s.- - - wrss sncAMi tota, aore with us eg ii our iiita this will be done, is not apparent, lave y pihotos taken at Randall's
Mai l........... intlhi............ but one staid member of the faculty , before tle iisihi of Christmas.
Da Express..... 530 Day Expres ..... 8 1 to each women in this University to ' Two ne's ly furnished front suites of
N. . Limitesd- ,N.S. Limted..... 9 5 cast in her lot smsnig ts. who enjoys the game, is quoted as rooms furice heat and oil, very
N. FalsSpecial. .J11i2 ChicagoExpress.. 155 Come with us and we will do each saying: cheap. A1so good board at $2.50 per
N. Y. & Cii. Lim.. l231( ;. R. & Kas. Exp. 6 08 week. 37 S. Ingalls.
A. aM. Clii. N. Express. 8. 50iii) Other golod. "We may pass a rule preventing ls A- - -,r - ., ,i.

Atlantic Express. 61 ls-Paific Express...10 21
D. N. Express.....11o1
0. H. Express-..104
G. P. & T. Agt, Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor.
Student Work a Specialty.
Best Workmen and Lowest Prices in the City.
follows: Gentlemen, Saturday mornings 10
and Thursday evenings 8:00; Ladies, Saturday
afternoons 4. Ladies and Gentlemen, ad-
vanced class, Tuesday evenings 8. Ground
foor. 6 Maynard street. Tuition. one term
(twelve weeks) $5. Pupils received at any
E3I~r- CYW
In Picture-Framing at hTABLB~m,
Headquarters for Signs.
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.

Wagner Evening.
There were no vacant seats at the
Inland League lecture last night.
Mr. N. J. Corey, of Boston, gave an
entertaining and instructive lecture
on Wagner's great drama, 'The
Niebelungen Ring."
Wagner is known to all as a great
musician, but it is not generally
known in this country that he was
an able stage manager, a profound
philosopher, a literator, a poet, and
a politician. As a politician he suf-
fered ten long years of exile from
his native land. As a poet, he had
a great love for mythology as em-,
bodying the inaugurative. He con-
ceived the idea of a great German
national drama, founded upon Teu-
tonic mythology, as the Greek na-

Yale from playing in New York and
Springfield, and limit the place of
playing to New Haven, Cambridge
and Princeton. The faculty to a
man do not favor the out-of-town
games, and wouldm uch prefer to
see the game played, as they were
years ago, on the home grounds of
the several colleges in the associa-
tion. This gives the student an op-
portunity to see the games, and at
the same time takes away many of
the temptations which surround
them while away from the influence
of the college."
Granger's "Waltz Oxford."
Mr. Granger introduced and taught
his new combination of movements,
the "Waltz Oxford," at the class meet-l
ing Tuesday evening, and it was pro-
nounced by many of the class the
prettiest and most graceful dance of
the season.

i EiNTI1)N.-DO you think of uy-
ing a type-writer this year? Then call
at the DAiLY office if you wish one be-
low cost.
For Rent.-Two single rooms, one
suite, furnace heat, light, hot and cold
water bath, two dollars and three dol-
lars. 20 E. Jefferson st.
BRACE tzwithin goulodpair ofshiuil-
der braces. A large stock lit low prices
at Brown's Iirug Store. A few shop
worn braces at 50c.
Dave you beento taZlewood's Bil-
liard Hall yet? Everything nice, pleas-
ant aid quiet;liaboisterotisness.
Go to Biloss'S IDRUG10S-TOiRE for all
Laboratory supplies. Dissecting cases,
aprons and sleeves.-Low Prices.
Students' Thanksgiving Rates.
'ho Toledo, Ani Arbor & No. Mich.
Ry. will sell tickets to students of the
U. of M, aiid Ypsilanti Normal at one
and oe}'-liird fare for round trip, to all
points tn the lities of our Toledo con-
nections, except the Lake Shore. Tick-
ets will be sold on Nov. 28, 29 and 30,
ood to return until Monday, Dec. 4.
Sstudeiats must be provided with proper
se'i eates.


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