THE U. OF M. DAILY._____ CAW "4VE S ET >4 VVA YO0UVX }~ 11ItI THE SWEiLLEST HSAT 0F T ~E SEAtSON. Wellselyo lilstko i yu Anythinct you wvant i the e of Shioes or FineFunsig Calksin's Pharmacy A '3 J4 So.- S TATE STREET. IBOWDISH & MATTESON, State St. J~OI & r z cE NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, Have a Full Assortment ut lUNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hiand, and all kinds of STUT)ENT!s SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Pr'ices. THEE toll AL DISCOULNTS GIVEN TO STU DENtS. ECONt) lAND 101,' 11)1 I. AN l0 OAJJRIS IINC GINO ERD IN '3TTIE 13E3 R119 E0TK JAY C. TAYLOR, AK712 E OVOIE VOCAL STLDIO, . 5A. MAIN ST. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Iii conection: line Showe r iBaths. new pr oean tcbs. 130 btlhsforu51.00. Ladoieso' 01; 1)e" nn Plarlorupstairs.. J. 1t. TROoANOWon), 3S E. Wasbinogton St. flTRONIZE OWEN'S BARER HOP11, P No. 4 Eos) Iloron Street. UNIVER:SITY NOTES. If Venusnowwere)00onl the 000t1, On one thing0you coulboo; 11crer0p;ctore wooldSb00;,ivenowitb Som tird-rateeiogarette. -Adrian Ti 00-. O~rpha Neuman is teaching at Fen- ton. Ralph S. Garwood, '92, is teach- ing at Mtarohali. Estelle L. Jones, '9,, is teaching at Vassar, 'Slrbl. Edwin Bi. Harts, law '93=, has lo- rated in Chicago. Important meeting of tile Oracle board tihis evening. Grare D. Warrall, '92, is teach- ing at Moichigan CityIndl. tMiss Date Igenftritz, '92, is leach- ing lbis year at Coldsvater. K. C. Fitch, formerly '94, has re- turined to graduate with '9J. The hospital aniphithteater is be- ing fitted op swith nesw tile floor. H. H. Walker, '93, is taking a course 'at Antloin 'iheological Semi- .nory. Dr. Lynds lion moved his office and residence to at][South State street. H. H-. Loveland, '94 medic, is an assistant in the Detroit Medical School. The Stale Agricultural College is reported as having an attendance of hot 225. Dr. Martin has been in the east during part of the vacation attend- ing clinics asd doisg some practical work. Nicilel ial; o yal n) i;;p, No,. 0, cee r ee Niocel l01; oil cheiestee tnm,;,No.0 , Ocenter draft. lOke. d tic;) . N. Nickl Ploted) Vole Lamt, o. ;.1, oentee Nik001Plate)dOGerman Student;), Eoo- dra), - bil;) 'icda 310le La; pNo. l3, center Nickei PliieooiGerman Student Lam)p, Per- ;ira, ?I.50O. fetion SO.0o. Nickel Plated Juino Lami p, N;;. t, center Nickei Plated Geeimuis Student L~amp, lel;;- ;)eni, f1.75. ce--., X3.5i. 11and ;Lampst.BrackelLampI ir~iyoapsoanutLups,0P oo mp.New se 'ndatilower prices thanlls e-ou xmneorso eoe 0000 n nd sae ou. 44 South Main Street,DE N & C M A Y Ann Arbor, Mich.D A O P N An unusual number of iunior lits I. C. Belden, '93 lit, last year oii have this year changed to the boy the Inlander, and oine of the Clhi- deioartmient. cago athletic teanm, has returned for Josephto lrunmann, '9 lit, has post graduate wcork. bcen appointed assistaint in Animal 'The Cleary Blusinless College, cof 'torpliology. Ypsilanti, which swns so completely H. N. Goddard and E. Doff, '93;svrecked last spring by the terrible lit, are teachiig in the Wisconsin cyclone, is being rebuilt better tlian State Nornmal. ever. 0 0000. 0i1, 00-1))) 0010.)of00 0) Slate Nornmal, has taken up liii abode in this city. Thle dreiiclhing rainsyesterday did loot prevenst the football tenon tromi takcing the usual run. C. F. WVeller, who wvas a year at Chicago University, returns this year to tihe U. of M. Atiss Marietta H-ubbardt and bliss 0BSllerry, '92 lit, have positions as teachers at Adrian. Earl 13. Babst, lit '93, is studying lawv in the office of ox-postmaster general D~ickinlson, at Dletroit. 'T'he contract for the newe gymna- sium~l at the Normal School, Y'psi- lanti, has been let for $.g1,000. Fay Donelson, one year with '93, after graduating last year at Napa College, Cal., is here for p. g. swork. James A. Bordeaux, president of the U. of MS. democratic club last year, hlas opened a law office in De- troit. P. F. Trrowbridge, lit '9 2, for the past year instructor in philosophy at the State Normal school, is now assisting in the chemical laboratory and taking advanced literary work. Moanager Bird is wcorking most diligently for the initerest of tthe fon t ball team, having given it nsuchi of of his time during the susmer andc all sinice Sept. zSi. 'The annual reception of the Stu- denits' Christian Association will be held Friday- evening. A mistake in yesterday's DAxl.s react Eposortli League, listeadl of S. C. A. I NTER-COLLEGIATE. 'lwsenty-tsvo Vale students will co;acls football teams this fall. L. Bliss, '93, of Vale, is coaching the Leland Stansford football team. University extension is to receive more attention at thse University of Wisconsin this year than fornmerly. Seven of itarvard's last year's eleven returned to college this fall. Williams college will celebrate its centenary in a fesw days. The col- lege was opened in September, 1793.- The anniversary exercises will be participated in by President Cleve- land, ex-President Harrison, Coo. Russell of M\1assachusetts, and other prominent men. w l : . 1 ILT ', e e rai0 n 00;)lt iv i '- 0 0.o i.0.000)tion 0o I0)i j 0U.of) i . FI.,e Plo.. WYM. ARN iO LD, Je-weler. F+LOWC~gS, F OWV R S.,)-W'. Ao'e. i1Oi ~ ilI:Hil. loiss, ~eepo.oo115. ('71 [!1 ll l' ({. )'''o. '. H . n'1 ribt1, I~ e 5T ARE THlE BEST. CIGARETTE AMOKERAS waeboi lt ing ts pay a l1ttlenore Ills 1he price 01h1,000 1o0 11)0ordinary1,t00de.Cigarettes, wil ind lTHIS BRAND su0er01)0o1l othlers. The Richmond Straight Cut No. I CIG.ARE.TTES ore made loom 15e brightest, 111001deliiete in flavor, and higestost o GOLD LEAF gown' in11Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, andobs0))000 tool the same0ofthenmnfactureros a below ison every paotogo. Bl.RANCH1'k55r1CoIA0HVI.AINO The Leasding + TAI LOR Hs the nesiFalOad Winter5lvooiens and largesocstorktin the city. Youn et any oslion Vonulare lookiog Ior" ( COME AND SINELUS. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.