VOL. IV.-No. 45. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. CHICAGO ON THANKSGIVING. Study Philosophy?" which is the A COMMENDABLE WORK. "WEIVE GOT EM"4 Manager Baird Telegraphed Stagg second in the series oI How to Is that none by Women's League.- A CAR LOAD OF this Morning.-Minnesota Study at the U. of M." A sketch Its ObJects and Purpose Ex- did not Answer. on the life and work of A. Bronson cellently Set Forth. R IE + PIA NOS At last the Thanksgiving game Alcott, the transcendentalist philos- It is a fact recognized by all, who JUST RECEIVED. has been arranged for. It will be opher, by Dr. Samuel A. Jones will are acquainted with the objects and Cases in Oak, Mahogony, Walnut and Black. played in Chicago with Stagg's be illustrated by full page half tone purposes of the Woman's League, To Rent or forsale. Price Right. That's fair. team. Manager Baird has been of Mr. Alcott. A series of Yule- that this organization is doing a waiting some time expecting to ar- tide sketches by Mabel Colton will commendable work among the la- 7 g range a game with Minnesota for be one of the Christmas character- dies of the University and faculty. Thanksgiving, but this morning, not istics and among the stories are A recent address by Mrs. Prof. 51 South Main St. having had any answer from Min- Murph's 30, a story of newspaper Carhart, gives the objects of this sot, he telegraphed the Chicago life, by Carl K. Friedman, '91 lit, organization so pointedly that the University that we would play them and illustrated six drawings by the DAILY publishes her remarks in full on the 3oth. writer; '"Monsieur,'' a story of an as follows This means that there will be no artist in France, written and illus- The Women's League, of the Uni- game in Detroit this year, but in trated by Howe A. Williams; "How versity of Michigan, represents four view of the muds larger crowd I Proposed," a humorous story by distinct ideas. First, hospitality. It iw t u a g d Raleigh Nelson and an article on means that our homes are freely open- which will turn out at Chicago, and raeity Won in te o ed to you. When we ask you to come the need that the association has for "Fraternity Women in the World,' and see us, you may take us at our when youwanttheLatestMetrsopolitanStyles money, no one need find any com- by Isabella M. Andrews, '89 lit. A word; we mean it. Sometimes the ti at Aor V rie seeod to ctal ara t plaint. Our game with Chicago description of Tennessee lynching, quiet of a small tea-table may be use- R.C will probably lead to an annual written and illustrated by H. W. ful to you, the music of a little child's game with that University and leave Webber, '94 law, will be one of the voice may be a sweet reminder of home. f & .gaewttatniestad ee Yesterday, one lady said to me, ''I Cornell out, wich seems to be in novelties of the book. Several d 101. 183-185 wOOwA> Av., want a League Tea-party every month DETROIT - - MICHIGAN. accordance with the general senti- poems and bits of verse will liven up and a different group each time." An- ment of the students. the edition. other said, "I need the girls for my }- -NOTIOE !--. From the athletic view this is a This of course is only a partial own sake. I enjoy their young life, we are here to stay. ve are prepared 'a list but may give some idea of what They do me good." vie ualed b ork tst the trsde at this cityed very happy outcome. Cornell, To us, yoe represent untold inltu- here and not exy celled hby any ety etailor oin j the Inlander will be for Christmas. America, and at pries govern d by goods or- judging from her poor playing this ence and power. All too soon you will dered. suits from oIo' (thirty doiliars) to any year, could hardly put up a better P. '. ' go from us, as hundreds have already price desired. Fine Custom Tailtoring bv game than Northwestern did last . - a gone, to mold society, to establish new \ i Saturday and however much we The P. G. Laws completed their homes to trail the citizens of our land, no. 7 ANN STREET. to heal its diseases, to modify its evils, would like to scrub the D. A. C. nrgantzatlon yesterday by electing to guide its iilanthrophies. We want grounds with Cornell men, there te following officers: Pres. Chas. to know you so well that our interest would be no satisfaction to the K. Friedman, Ohio, vice-president, and sympathy may follow you to the spectators in watching such an un- Miss M. E. Benson, Wis.; secre- ends of the earth. We want to wel- equal game. Whereas, with Chi- tary, F. L. Browne, Mich.; orator, come you back when you gather for F. S. Jones, Ill.; valedictorian, J. reunions. Dear young women, we cago there is a probability of a cover your friendship. And I think Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST. brisk, lively game, with a slightly you will find it worth your while to better chance for Michigan, as, Van Tassell, Mich.; prophet, W. T. know us. Your associate members HOT LUNCHES, judging from Chicago's Saturday Webb, Mich.; poet, Wm. Wright really represent Cosmopolitan society , ,she has not improved as Tex. The feeling in the class favors We have seen at home in Philadelphia, y gamese asntmrvdas hdfh - New York, Boston, London, Paris, -AT~~~ much as our men have. a departure in the method of hold. Ne Ytk.Bstit, Jdn, ars A TUTTLE'S The AI~ cograulaes anaer lug las da t~rciesandtheRom, Athens, in China, Japan, tzer- The DAILY congratulates Manager ing class day exercises, and the many, Ireland and the Sandwich 48 5. STATE St. Baird and the football management probability is that they wtll be in Islands. And everywhere we have on the happy outcome of the trouble the nature of a banquet. been students in the great school of O surrondingthe ootbal gam forlife. Out of our years atid opportun- D surroundksgiving. Engineers' Debate. ities surely we may glean something for you. A unique program has been ar- Second, the League stands for har- Chr-stmas Inlander. ranged by the Engineering society mony and unity. In our work and in NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! The lander board is working for Friday evening. In place of pleasure we know no department, class, society nor sect. We are a sis- hard for the Christmas number of the usual work of the society, they terhood organized for mutual improve- 300 New Sweaters, latest styles just re. the magazine. It will be enlarged will debate on the question, "Re- ment, comfort, rest and inspiration. to nearly a hundred pages and will solved that general, practical plumb- With the cordial co-operation of all, ceived at be illustrated by twenty half tones ing should be introduced into the our university life may be broader, and zinc etchings of new buildings, engineering course." Aff., J. to the women here, but, by radiation football practice etc. The cover Hammond and F. A. Sage; Neg., to the men, and useful to us in all our will be of a new design, made es- T. W. Bather and H. B. Leonard; relations. pecially for this number and will be general debators, M. S. Conner, D. Third, the League means loyalty to printed in several colors. B. Luten, H. D. Hamper, M. S. the University of Michigan. We must UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE prAnteon ee coribuios. willbe Ba e, HC. Bd,. H er, a seek enthusiasticallyto make ourselves Among the contributions will be Bames, J. C. Bird, 0. Grenlick and worthy representatives of this great .an article by Prof. Dewey on "Why H. H. Egmer. (contluedon third page.) STATE STREET.