I I THE U. OF M. DAILY. Tire proprietor graduated in '84 andfi the prescription clerk in '9o. They have leaned their business by hard study, What they know is at your disposal at Calkins' Pharmacy SEE THOSE TIES FOR $1.00, Never before offered for such money. Get a Pair of those Street Gloves for $1.25 warts $1.75. Hats in the Latest Blocks from $3.50 up. "YOIJMANNS arc tieBest. LOHTDISH MATTESON, THE OUTFITTERS, 323. STATE .j./EOO~LE~ & WET ~J-[-1 -, W -Sr ::Ro NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND hAND LOOKS BOUGHT OR EXCHANGED. CAR^DS ENG-RA.VE TN ' T-EIXSJ 8EST STfYE]S.. SHEEHAN& Co. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERS, STATE STREET. Special Sale of Writing Tablets. Fine Linen and Wove Writing Papers, 25c a pound. Sweaters and Gymnasium Suits. Visiting Cards engraved on short notice. SHEEHAN& Co. University Booksellers, Stationers and Engraves, STATE STREET. The Simplex- Printer. A new inventiortfor ruplicating copies of wcritinsgs atnd drawings. From an original, an ordinary paper wtth any pen, too copies can be made. Fifty copies of typewriter manuscripts produced in 15 minutes. We will sell this machine for only $5.00. which to way below cost of manufacture. The Princer is new and can be seen at the office and tried. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. K An connectio;:Fine Shower Baths. new por- reain trbe.:5 air sfort$5.00. Ladies' Hair Dreeming Parlor rupstairs. J. R. TROJANOWSK1, 30 E. Washington St. PATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP, No.4 East HuronStreet. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $30,W. Transacts ageneratanking baines. For- eign exchange bought and raid. Letters of eredit proured foe travelers shroud. P. BACH,rFes. S. W.CL ASKSON, Cashier. ANN ARBOR- r TJ IA WIND1 Y 60. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVISS, - Manager. CCT Doesvot char the wick. Has no bad or/or. Has never been in barrels- It is pure carbon. Delivered prompt/. Does rot smoke chimneys. Gives a pure white light. Is tas white as distilled weater. Gices light rithout smoke or odor. Sold only by Dean & Co. tsill meet any price made ornoil. 44 South Main Street. DEAN & COMPANY Ann Arbor, Mich. *EN & O PA Y UNIVERSITYaNOTES. Harvard will meet Yale next Sat- W. H. Povey, '9 lit, is nick with urday at Springfield. It is expected tire grip. that a crowd of 25,000 people will tI-lopswill be held in many of the witnEss tie game. fraternity houses on the 23rd inst. E. Batavia will leave for Kansas The Orchard Lake cadets downed City tomorros to perfect arrange- the Normals at Ypsilanti, Saturday, menl for the game which Michigan 3622. 'plays there next Saturday. F. H. Green, '9r lit, who is a M. J. Corey, of Boston, will de- teacher in Detroit, is visiting in liver his interesting lecture on Wag- the city. ner's "Niebelungen Ring," in the Hillsdale made a touchdown Inland League series tonight. against Albion Saturday in fifteen Princton was scored against on seconds. Saturday. Duncan, West Point's No reply has yet heen received full back, obtained the ball one from Minneapolis in regard to a yard from Went Point's goal, and game on Thanksgiving day. by a run of iog yards obtained a M F. W Nagel.', .stouchdown. r. F. W. ger, it 92, is The committee in charge of the teacher of Physics and Chemistry in scocial to he given hy Unity cuh the Oak Park, Ill., high school. thin evening will present a unique Leland T. Powers will give and varied Art program. All inter- "tDavid Garrick' in the lecture . .. ested in Art are cordially invited. course at Ypsilanti this evening. :admission, 15 cents. Hillsdale defeated Albion Satur- Manager Baird, Trainer Moul- day n8 to o, thereby winning the ton and Coach Barbour, wore ex- championship of the M. I. A. A.s Rev WaterEllotts shjet tinpansive smiles Saturday after the Rev. Walter Elliott's subject this game was over. Trainer Moulton evening in Newberry hall will be declared that it made him grow "Intemperance, or why I am a To- younger to see the game the boys tal Abstainer." , , put up. The next attraction in the lecture The rivalry between the '94 me- course will be Marteau, the great chanics and the '94 civil engineers French violinist, who will appear culminated in a football game at the here on Dec. 8. athletic field Saturday morning. Cornell suffered a severe defeat at The civil engineers were defeated the hands of Pennsylvania Satur- x6 to o. The following yell was W M-R. FULDE,:a AII&ST CLAOs 'SAILtOR, ilrliamStreet,Firstdoor WestofState Street. U. OF M. FLAGS. Sterling Silver, enamelled itn yelto and blue, stick tpi or catch pin. Price, $1.50. 0 W. ARNOLD, Jeweler. ( FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY. ffO I C IHAL , fris o w eepoe S 5 t Ji Jfa m-r' pttaId iaics,3asih Capirtal, 50,00o. S'rplus and Profits $y7,000. Does a generaI lanlin<-5 astes. Poys inter- est on savinrgs Deposits. Has Safety I. KEMPC. tees. F. H. IINISER, Cashier. Bank open Saturday evening. SRAI ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS who are wilt. log to pay a littte mere thtan the prito charged tor the ordinaryrtrade Cigarettes, williind THIS BRAND superior toalothers. The Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 CIGARE.TTES are made from the brightest, most delicate in flavor, and highest cost GOLD LEAF grown in virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that the name o the manufacturers as helow is on every package. s t G~krz RiMsTocco BRANCH i, er1sCMOraVItrINtA The Lea'ding Han the newest Frill ed Witter Wolens atd largest stack in the city. Ton ran get any selection you see linking for. day. The score was 50 to o. Cor- nell came within three yards of scoring. improvised: "Prime movers, prime COME AND SEE US. movers, therodynamics! Michigan, Michigan, Senior Mechanics! 2 E. Washington St., near Main. 166,