THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. tIoos ST. Director aod Masager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HURON STRtEET. Good Work Guranteed. Goods oalled for and dlirerd. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22 Years fits tiie BusiiuesS..eo-' CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP TOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATC sAviflG$ BA12R+ Cor. Mois aod Wahington Strrets. A. L. NOBLE, Pros, ROBERT PHILLIPS, Casli'r The 13. & MA. pr~ag tore Is the place ts boy aoytbing is lbs Drug liar. Medicines, Spongos, H3rasliso, Etc. Rto. IR. 1E, JOLLY & Co.5s When yousswant pBo orsx)0of Fins Chsoolate Candies. Sationery aosts. Cifars, Tobacco, CigarstseO and lbs Foe-t Stock of Pipesoin tbs City. LADIES' and GENITS' LUNCH RO00OX. R. E. lolly & Co., 26 S. State St. DANCING and DELSARTE MRtS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 8. State Street. MONDAY-8p. n.Adovanced Class losLa- duesandGtleme1n00 MGONT) Y-7 p. n.Lado.e1'(leto i-e las TUESDAY5-7 p. 0n. Gentlemenc's daociog class. SATU RDAY-10 a. m. Gentlemen's dancinag pm. ChildrnsOdacing class. 4ao. .adies' doncingelass. Private lessons by appointment. U. Or M. CALENDAR. Mo., No. 21.-Social in Uity Club couse. Mon.. No. 21.-M. J. Corey, of Boson, in I- lad Lagu cours. Subject, "Te Nieb- longesn Iig." Toss. Eve., No. 28-.Taksgiig re'o, b. f1ins. Fri., fDs. .-area, lbs grot iolis, in S. L. A. cors. Almost a hut-Out. Continued fonfirst pae. down in three minutes. Goal. Sco, 16 to 6. Micdhigan wedges got twelve yards, buit she lost the ball on four clowns and after the Northwestern punt had clear ailing for Ierbert's touchdown in dyve mintes. Goal. Score, 22 to 6. After ten yards 015 a wedge Northwestern began to lose ad punted. The Michigan backs made long steady runs and IDygert tosshed down in seven minutes. Goal. Score, 28 to 6. Northwestern worked the wedge again for tein yards, bt Aldrich andd loopr tackled well and it was Michilgan's ball. Her rapid gailing began againl andl Dygert touched dowii in four minutes. Goal. Score, 34 to f,. I the net iv minttes Nortiwesterii lost the bll, but regaiied it oii her two-yard -file wen time was called. The secod hal brought Michigan 38 points to Northwestern's big goose egg. After a brilliant wedge gaii for Northwestern of twenty yars font downs, followed by long, rapid gins, got Michigan a touchdown 011U er- bert's twenty-five-yard run in three minutes. Goal. Score, 40 to . The Nortiwestern wedge was broken p, and Michigan forced the ball to the ive-yard line. Northiwestersn mde a safety, aidding two to Michigan's core. Northwestern started from the tweity- five-yaiod lile, but Mihiganl broke thrtough,1110 Dygert tochled dosnsInil towelse minuites. Goal. Sore, 4 fo(ii. Northwsesterni cotild ot ginillfter' shartinlg, aiid good gains brolgt lich- i2v11 Villa's tochdownllill sinulite. Goll. Score, 54 to i. Sooi gettig thle ball on tie ustal for downs, Mihigan's whole teamnidhoed iii get- ting Villas tohownil slii ive tiniuites. Goal. Score, (il to 6. Afte several fumbles oil both sides Dygert toucheo dosvn iin eight minultes. Goal. Score, 66 to ft Micigan broke Northwest- em s swedge, ad Ferbert made a clear run of sixty yards before lie was tackled by Culver on the ten-yard hune. Both sides fumbled linid Morrisosi fell on the ball over the Nrthwestern's l. Goal. Score, 72 to 6. North- westeris wedge gained twenty ylrs, and four downs lost ter the ball just as time was called. The men lined up as follows: NoaTuwaSToso Posiio. ManoAN. Pearson---..-Left Rd .O________Sntr Vasoorr.._ Lft Tuckle.._-W. W. Griffin Wilkinson---. Loll Gurol-----Hooer Pearce--------Cooer---.....t Sot - .-----. igt Guard..------llsunhoge lernstein.-H ihblTackelc......l Culver --- ...igt Hnd.----.--Adrieb Capt. Griiil..,-Qartr-ack.H__ aird Williaams--... Lft Half_.---Frbr Jeset.--_-.Rigt Half -- ._._Dyr Noyes.--.---Fll ack...--Cap.Dygr Toucbdowns-Michigo 12; Nothweterns 1. Goals- Dyertl1l; Noys 1. Sbtitutes - Mihign-Grelaf for Frber, SMoriso for Senr. Wisconsin -Witer fr Noys, Young for Wiliams. 19M Class Meeing. AltIlse meeting of the junior class last Saturday. the question of hav- ing the junior hop given by the whole class, rather than by the nine fraternities, as has been the custom, was discussed, ut it was decided that more time was nedd for consideration and the rmattcr was laid on the table for one month. The class also decided to allow only those who have paid their class tax to vote at meetings of the class. Comparative Football Scores. We give below a comparative table showing the results of games played by Yale, Harvard, and Princeton this yea, whre two of them hvc played gans with the same tams POINTS. Oct. 7-Yale vs. Crescent A. C.__ 1-0 Oct. 14-Princetoss v. Crescent A. C.----------------2-.0 Oct. 14-Yale vs1Dartmoth-_280 Sept. 30-1arvard vs. Dartmouth 100 Oct. "'-It arvard vs. Dartmouti 30. Oct. _ t--rinceton vs. Cornell---, 400 Nov. 4-llarvard vs. Cornell----34-0: Oct. 2.--Yale vs. Williams ----820 Oct. 1-Itarvard vs. Williams.- -52-0 Oct.21-Yale vs Orange A. C. -. 001 NTov. 7-Princetoin vs. Orange A. C.-------------------08-0 Nov. 4-Princeton vs. Univ. of Pein.----------------40t Nov. 11--Yale vs. Univ. of Pesn. 140 Oct. 2-Yale vs. West Point - _ - 28-) Nov. l-Princeton vs. West Point 36-l4 INTER-COLLEGIATE. Harvard's rush line aerages iSi pounds. The University of Chicago han adloptedt the goldenI-rodt as itoflooer. Twoo hundred and sixty graduate students are enrolled at JonsoHop- kins. O~f the 5,000 students enrold at the University of Berlin, goo arc Anmericans. By a vote of 48 to 43~ Wisconsin seniors have decided against the wearing of cap and gown. Since Cornell has cancelld Ithe Thanksgivsng day game, Minnesota is trying to arrange a game wit Lehigh for that day. Eleven of the general fellowships of Chicago nnivrsity have been won by women, altogether they num- brd ht one-third of the appli- cants. Cheating has grown to such an extent at the university of California, that the students have formed an association for its detection and punishment. The faculty at Rutgers have or- dered the football team to cancel all its engagements, as only two mem- bers have obtained a satisfactory grade in their classes. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Paooy ,11. H. lSlToi's REluIXES. The Tloronto (ai.) Empire tism speiskos of Prof. B3ristol's horses, whichl will sppear in the Grand Opera House twvo nights inext week, comulencing on Friday, withl a mlatinoe on Saturday afternoon: "The Grant OiersIHouse was well- filled last tight in eory part, the o- clsioli being the performnalce of Prof. Bristol'o Eiducated Horses. There is not a single feat performed by the re- markable animals that cannot be tern- ed smrvelouso as illustrating the won- derful docility and intelligence of the hlorse, when treated patiently and k ndly. Prof. Bristol nes less per- suasaion than any of his predecessors in ci n lutisg hia entertainment. Tte 'shoe time e speaks in an ordinary tone of voice, and the horses obey it promptly and with evident apprecia- tion of the spirit of the thing they are called upon to do. Sultan is an exceed- ingly clever animal, ils mental arith- metic simply pssinig all sndertand- tug. H~e correctly aswers questions in addition, sibtractioi, simple division and multiplication, qtestiosns not only froiaiIsmnaster ht from the audience. Like the horses. teiules Denver and Dysamite semi ossesed of almost more tli Ii 111010 itelligecfe, the fortmer is really thle staraid pet of the woloe stiow. uidoubtedly, as the pro- gram says: 'They perform many bea- tifiil and interestinlg pietures that will linger long and pleasantly us the mem- ory." HUSI N EMSLOCAL. The J. T. Jaeobs Co. ae received a fine line of neckwer-thie very ltest. Cll osi Rose, of the Golden Eagle, at the Cook hoose, Tuesday. Htave yortpotos taken at Randall's before tile 1r1011(f hristmas. 'Two neowly furiished froit suites of roomsl,0furiaie het sld oil, very cheap. Also) good boatl at $2.50 per week. 37 S. Inglls. Choice t'o'eo, Cigars and Pipes at Sheldon's B1liadi 1a(ll,1No. I North Mtubs street 1-7 ATTEIO11N.-D) o C lttthintk of buy lug a1.type-iollter l 111 3year? '11Th e cat at the D1)oi off)11It if 111uwish ose b- loss cost. site, furnlace Ihea.ligt hIot allotcodt wa~ter bathtwT51 o' 1' 1 11a1dthree (10- iars. 20 1. Jetes011 st D)o youOsanit ai lew suit or oercot, if so, it soill y 0You to call on Rose, at te (l, ook 11o)10e,1 lesol y. BRC -'wt opi fder braces . large stor' at losprics lt Brows's Drale Store. A fesv sho worni bracesoat 50c. Faor sale. Good ic~tor Sfety. $10. 0. . Butterietd, 41 Caterise street. 1-4 Htave 3you1 been toIHazlewod's Bil- lihard 1H1111yet? Ehveryhingice, pleas- an tand Oquiet 110 boisterousness. Go to IBlIGMN'O l)121ohS'son'E for alt Laboratory snppies. :Dissectig ases, aptons ansl leves.-1.mT Pries. Anni Arbor Dye Works at 3 West Iturons tet-t'Speciat atteltioitiven to cleanin~g usd repairisg suits. Have your light suits dyed. 1-7 Every studntsholld tke advas- biage of the reduciedh prices the Golden Eagle. of Deroit are quotilg on Suits Overcoats ad Trousers. They are now shoin~g a ine of novelties for Hlia~y wear, also special hvlue for FulhlIDress wear, alt at reduced prices. Mtt. Rose will tbe at the Cook os, Tuesduy, thle 21st inst., and with be pleased to met all who desire seeing the liu. Granger' Waltz Oxford." Mr. Granger introoduced sld tught his new comb~hiiation of movements, the "Waltz Oxford," ltthat class meet- ing Tuesday evening, and it was pro- niounced by many of the class the prettiest asidnmost graceful dance of Ithe season. 3JGHIGAN GENjTIAL 'imse'iTale (ltevsed S11t. I4"hlk18I.3 N. M. L5 Aoled 'M. N. S1. iited... IllO' (bN. . opmited...e 4 NY, Lm im Ill.. i9.tu45s r.00. A.A. 0h . FoEpres... 5 .1) Atlntic Express.a5 4:3l'a itll.'Expacs...10510 0. N. Loprs (5 6 1 G.11". Exspa ....1144 ©. W.EI(.ttL". , H. V11AYEvS, G. P. & T. Aolt.,Cicuso.A' I, Ann Arbor THE ANN ARMOR ARGUS PRINTING andlr- - .1 -PUBLISH"MINGT Student Work a Specialty. Host W'orkmenlan~d Loosest Price's in thes City. GRANGER'S. - CLASSES IN DANCING swill inset as folhows: Gsntlmn, S-ulorday mornings 1.0 and Thursdiay evenoingas:00; Ladies, Suturday afternoons 4. Ladics and Gentlemusn, ad- vacecd chass, Tuesdis assenigOs8. 0G1usd floor. 0 Maynard ,otreet. 0telrms (twelve weekos) 15. Pupils reccived at any limo. to Picture-frainfg at mSi i2 ER'm Headquarers foe Signs. 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.