THE U. OF M. DAILY. . of . t CA " toe debate tban is Wisconsin. We hope tbat an agreement can be arrived Published naily (Sundays excepted) during at that wsill do away with the possibil- the Cllers year, by ity of any trouble or misunderstand- THE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ing at the time of the debate, should _ one be arrainged for. Our position is that to be fair to both sides the judges Subscription price X62.50 per year, invariablysiotihciisruedatohemn in advance Single espies 3 cents. Subscrip-shudbunstcedatohem - tions may be sift st the office of the DustY, her' of d riding the question. We be- at binfiet's, witih soy of the editors or liege that ini a debate there should be authorized solicitors. 110 divisions for the purpose of mark- Csmmunicstions sold rencs he offbee by 7 seclect P. i. if they see to sppear the next ing on airgument, style and delivery day. Address all mtter intended for publics- separately, but that a decision in order tion to the Managing Editor. All business to be stfair one must be given upon the comsmonications shouid be sent to she Blusi- gnrlefc hc h ruet ness Manage. hge hahpn he.arguentse THE U. of X. DAILY, hv a pntejde.Sye s Ann Arbsr, Rish. livery and argument all contribute _____toward this, but these elements cannot be passed upon separately in deciding EDITORS. a debate on its merits. C, A. DEIsos, Law 'ad, Mnaging Editor. 11 .SADNLt 9,Assat . L. LousE, Lit. '95, Assistant. I Football on Saturday. IV. N. CnOATE, Lit. '96, Asistant.- F. WALTERoSLa'id Suletitoic Assistant. Saturday wan a quiet day in foot- 3. A. LniiiivLit. illAtetic Editor. bal Bu fe bi gms vr S. W. CURTSS, P. 0.Lit.,Ousiness bMansger. bal Bu fe bi gms'wr Ivt. A. MislhLu ., Asitant. played, although there was no lack LITEoRsR. LAW., of minor games. The stores of H. B. Gammon, '4. R.1. Hull. '5 Miss bet.. June.. 94"5 Erc. hoth Western and Eastern games it. . SadcStlt, '9. E..L. Mueasinrindalc.i. were: -Minnesota Ito, Ex-Colleg i- E. P. Lyl,96 DENTA tiuorEOAvuir, ales o; Iowa 34, :Missouri t2; Case L. E. conat '5 .G Jenbins,.'94.. School of Scicnce 22, Oberlin 8; Allcpy must beuat theofficebefore S30a. im Lake Forest 14, U. of Chicago 14; of thtcday ofpublicationt. Knox 30, Illinois o; Denver A. C. The Editors dosnittbold'tbemselves respon- 32, Boulder 4; Princeton 36, W~est sible for the opinions or statem~ents ci corren Point 4; Pennsylvania 50, Cornell podents, appiartng in the DIL..v o; Williams 30, Amtherst :12; Le- high, 10, Lafayette o; Boston A. A. 18, Tufts t2; IBrowvn 2S, Mass. t'echnology 6; Allegheny A. C. 8, INr the face of recent develop- Pittsburg A. C. 4; Olrange A. C. merits it seems moot fitting to at- 20, Crescent A. C. 4. tempt-+_ . to ..varrage a gaiueu't7Attttss-.0--- Two hundred and sixty-seven mem- bers constituted the law class of '9i, who are now scattered through- out twenty-four states and three foreign countries. The apportionment for the states is as follows: Michigan 57 Illinois 39, Indiana z9, Ohio =7, Pennsylvania s2, Cali- fornia to, Kansas, Missouri, Min- nesota, Nebraska, each 8 or more. As to the leading cities, the mem- bers are distributed thus: Chicago 18, Detroit 6, Pittsburg 7, Grand Rapids, Seattle, Indian- opolis, each 5, Toledo, Duluth, Saginaw 4, Terre Haute, Topeka, Kansas City, Great Falls, Lincoln, Omaha, Cleveland, Salt Lake City, Ann Arbor, each 3. Two members of the class have died since gradu- ation and one has abandoned law and entered the ministry. To a man up a tree it looks as if Cornell was afraid to meet the West on the football field-Daily Cardi- nal. _ U NES5 Is bhe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORTHAND. Magnificentbuildinonsise teaces; largte attendance; good disciplite;super- iorewrk;ceb;tlsupplieddrerudite room;udily lectures- Saturday evenistg receptions; onthe11e ntieyear Exeptional facilities fee placingtstensInstposi- tios-sbceibaaueeaunnesuaeanteed them. Living expnes 2t$275 perrweleki riate families. Fur New Ctaloue, address P. R. CLEARY, PRES. Time Table ttakinig effect Sundasy, Not. 5,1893. Trains leave Ann Atrboe by Central Stantdard Tine. N00TH. 5SOUTH. 7:15a. mo. *5 a.m. *1215 p. ra. 11:80 a. m. ' d:75 . m. 9:00 p. M. *Trains run between Ann Asbor and Toledoi only. All tranins dailv exeept Suicday. R. S. GREFEN WOOD, Agent, Ann rtbor. W. H. IENNI'i, G. P. A. Tolt-do. .Ann Arbor Savings IBank Actn Arbor. Mich. Capcital Stock,b$50,000. Sat-pins, S15,000. Oreanized under thelGeneral Banking Laws ci itis State. teie- depisits, boys and seils exschange in the principal cities of the Unitedl States. nrafts cushed uoptspeper identificatioin. Safty depositboxes tso rent. tOFFICRS: Chiiristian Matek, Pr-es.; XW. D. Haimn, Vice Pees.; tCs. E. 5llscock, Ca- shiesr- t. J.Feltz Asst. lu-bier. G1r T PD PI I41OdSE f I - I our second eleven and the Univer- sity of Chicago for next Saturday. Northwsestern played a game with the U. of C., last week, resulting in a tied score 6 to 6. Speaking of Chicago's weaks play in thte game The U. of C. Weekly bays: The game at Evatistona was a i ii salt- lloilltntt. We had atiticillt .1 sic- tory, atid the result gave tis no pleas- ure. We should have defe-ated the suburbatn collegians by a big score. Thie team which lined up for Chiceago was one of the best alto ever lilt upoii1 a football field, atnd there was 110 ex- cuse for their weak play. :After Clii- cago had made her first (and last) touchdown, this effort seemed to be 1 only to keep Northawesteru froui scor- ing. There was no effort to score on msrl tAlittle offensive nOav swould Growth oi American Cities. The "Qiuarterly Ptublications of the Anmerican Siatistical Associa- tion" for September, just issued, contains an article by Carl lloyd '94 on the growth of cities in tlie United States duringg the decade 1550-1890. This paper is the result of an loves- tigation undertaken last year in con- nection with the course in statistics. The text of Mr. Boyd's article is otthsceifcrulsfhs study being presented chiefly in the form of statistical tables and of dia- grants. There are tivo of the latter which bring out in a striking man- ncr facla of great interest hitherto unsuspected. I TWO NIGHTS. Horsford's Acid Phosphate PR F RISTOL'S Is the hlost effectiveand agree- F,-,oocs15Ex~iibition; o1 able remnedy ill existece fo501 preventinhgindigestion, tind 1e- i!i 1E ilo'nsetie Ie (11 0~k Eeving those diseases nllsi" I V perahueernOpa fronti a disorderetd stomaich. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVE., Dr. W. W. Gardner, Spiringfield, NOV. 24 AND 25.. Mass., says: "I valise it as an excellent --_ preventative of indigestioii, aeelaipessntl Ploft. lliistol's faoe us shoshae attracted wol ie enion and in thieie display ofi acidulated idrink wen oeeerly diliid icdthihorse seese seen almsshuant, ccl fiirnish water andsweeeed." iancintertainmentcelcl worthi sefeig. J iSs'i. GuoiliiNsv, Fiorist. Groswer ci Descriptive paimphetifeeion application to lseteas tiose end Floessof aslvael- ety. Forali desione ui ponstheoirt esetiee. Rumford Chemical Woehs, ProvidenceR..I.' No. 1lQbseessstosey street, opp. cemetery gate. Bestare tif Sistitutes and Imitations. O.GiEF ATEIETL, For Sale by all Druggists 1/N ElIi . Washsington Stseet. I _ -__ _ I-- r -- _ I III H -- _ - - - !El illll ! have kept Evanston from scorinig and An Interesting History. might have added maniy poinlts to Chi- cago's seore." The hibtory of one law class writ- - ten two years after leaving the Alma REFEERING to our Editorial in re- Mater, is the history of all. Some gard 10 the rule for deciding the interesting points may be gleaned inter-collegiate debate, the Cardinal fronm the third and "souvenir" editi- makco the following impartial and on of "The Directory of the Law fair statement of Wisconsin's posi Class of '95, University of Michi- lion: gan," compiled by Harry D. Jewell, The indefinitetly wordeid rule referred of Grand Rapids. Thio little work to is simply this, that this judges shall is just from the press and presents decide the debate upon the generalmayfcsoinestosudtsf impression of the arguments present-mayac oinestosudtsf ed. Michigan cannot be more anxious the U. of M. Gs'iUITARS, / V Mandolins, Banjos,' Zithers. " Best in the World.' / Eer Wasbusrn"'Istren s thte rduct ofnousspecil snachin- ses, wnpe stas nbsr rharatie uiothteirrexcellence. ASbeautiful eynasdr nSueirCtloebr entaisin portrats of leading artisane priesandfull descrip- tionsose ismtrumens, Free. COR. STATE & MeNnoc STS.i CHICAGO. !ii The Ann~s Arbor Orgawn Co., Sole Agents, AN~N ARBOR. lftb