VOL. IV.-No. 44. U
John T. Graves Speaks on "The
Reign of the Demagogue."-The
Lecture Enjoyed by All.
Seldom has such a patriotic and
lofty appeal for good government
been made to our student body as
was delivered last Saturday evening
by the eloquent Georgia editor,
John Temple Graves. To appre-
ciate true oratory is to listen to this
"Apostle of the New Souti." A
wealth of vocabulary, a clear ring-
ing voice, and a musical rhythm,
almost poetic, are qualities that well
equip Mr. Graves for the lecture
He prefaced his theme with the
important question, "What shall a
young man do with his life?" The
youth of a republic are its bulwarks.
The Ameriean youth, today is stand-
ing on the brink of the Rubicon,
while the glories of Rome lie before
him. What will he do with his in-
We are living in a fast age. Young
boys strut around in swallow tails
before their fathers wore socks.
With our fertile soil, our genial cli-
mate, our widely extending shores,
our free institutions, where is a
nobler field for the youth than in
serving a virtuous government? The
insect that gnaws at the heart of free
government, is aptly called the dem-
agogue. Where selfish ambition
lurks he may be found. He lives a
thousand lives, in law, in juries, in
business, in religion, and in journal-
ism. Wherever the people have a
voice in government, there are two
men, the patriot waving aloft the flag
of freedom and truth, and the dem-
agogue lifting the pirate flag of
The germ of this product is the
ward politician. His greatest trait
is familiarity. He knows everyone,
is everywhere. Wherever found
selfishness is his aim.
The speaker's ringing declaration
that he would rather swing the
lance of free thought and plant the
seeds of truth, than to occupy the
highest office to the detriment of
his countrymen, showed that sin.,
cere spirit of lofty patriotism, which
is not found in mere idle words.
Taking up the race problem,
--he expressed his belief that
this perplexing question could
be settled along the lines
proposed by his illustrious prede- ALMOST A SHUT-OUT. a"M ivEg C GOT EM11
cessor, Henry W. Grady. The Northwestern Powerless Before A CAR LOAD OF
South alone must settle it with rea- the Strength and Skill of
son, humanity, and patriotism. Our Team-72 to 6. ERIE + PIANOS
Unrest is the warning signal of We have met Northwestern and JUST RECEIVED.
the hour. We need not dread the she is ours, although, indeed, there Cases in Oak, itahogony, talnut and tlaek
division into parties, but the lines is not much of her left to possess.To Rent orfor Sale. Prices Right. That's fair
of division. 'Tis the rich against The victory over Purdue rought s
the poor, organized labor against confidence in oir team, listganeof 11 a
organized capital, fighting across Std e hed us t at a o
Saturday showed us what a formid-
the ballot box. But give us the 51 South Main St.
men ho spoils of office iable team we really have. From the
nt hwyvhom the lustls of office lvery first, Northwestern was at the
not buy, whom the lusts of officemeyofurtandhesref
mercy of our team, and the score of
will not kill, and demagoguery l
o k a 72-6 shows how complete and de-
will wither and die. Let us cisive was the defeat she met.
pledge ourselves in the light of
th -lutiu xmls stb Northwestern played a spirited
tse illustrious examples set hy and manly game, but was clearly
Gladstone, Washington, Clay, Lin- outplayed at every point. Our
outpaye atever pont.Ourin-
coin, Grant and Lee that demagog- terference was pronounced by spec-
uery and selfishness shall e stamped tators the finest ever put up by any when yu wsattheLatstMetropoltanStyles
out, that out of the evils of our Western team our teamwork was sf,. 54 at s Shoes at Joe to $1 a pair less
time shall come the dignity andWs than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to
purity worthy of the best statesmen almost perfect and our defensive R H
playing was by far the best ever
whom our country can produce. seen here. Every man on the team R a
Mr. Graves came with a message deserves especial commendation, 101 183-185 WooswAsn Ave.,
and spoke with an earnestness and . 'DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
from big Hooper to little Ferbert.
eloquence that fully impressed his Dygert played the game of his life, - -N O T I O E --
hearers. In him we see an example aidin the ame wonderfully both as we acelhere to stay. We are prepared to
argive aciass of work to the trade of thiss ite
o te nw out, te patriot rg- captain and as player. Te tack- neualed by any other house ever located
. a a s yathe chasms of sectionalhere and not et clled by any ityt ailorin
lg g ove ingooflBaird, Senter and Ferbert Atinesadatpaelet s'ora d by gss
sti, a certgs and and te long gains of Dygert, Fer- pIs ssied.lise Custm Tailrig by
South into a prosprous ad frat bert, Dyer, Villa, Griffin, Hooper
na people. and Henninger continually evoked No.It 7 Av STREET.
Sunday Morning Service. applause, while Smith at center -'
Prof. Davis addressed the S. C. played a steady and telling game.
A. Sunday morning on the subject, The Northwestern players left
"What shall I do to be Saved?, here with their opinion of our team
The question put by the keeper wonderfully raised. They declared
of the prison at Philippi to St. that we would now have the easiest Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
Paul is still the leading luestion of kind of a victory over Wisconsin
Pal sstl teledngqusio adthtMineoa oldsreyHOT LUNCHES,
life. We are saved from our lower and that Minnesota would surely
selves that we may improve our lose her laurels if she should meet Lowney's qhocolate,
higher and better natures. -s again this year. _A-
The Christian life gives scope for The game opened with Michigan in TUTTLE'S
every faculty and is to be a life of possession of the bll, and her first 48 S. STATE St.
gain was ten yards. Northwestern
activity not sloth. The test of held lin fairly well for tsree downs,
one's faith is the character he de- and then the ball began to go up from
velops and the service he performs. five to fifteen yards every time. The
The Christian life does not save first touchdown was made by Dygert
one from the misfortunes of life, in three minutes. Goal. Score, 6 to 0.
but it does give peace from the con- Northwestern started well for fifteen NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!
yards, but getting the ball on four
tention and the unrest of life and downs Michigan bucks and tackles
insures against dispair. gained strongly and steadily in spite of
Jewett's desperate playing. Griffin 300 New Sweaters, latest styles, fust re-
The game of football between touched down in six minutes. Goal. ceived at
Kansas university and Baker uni- Score, 12 to 0. In the next twelve
versity which was to have been minutes the ball changed hands twice
on four downs. Jewett made a fifteen-
played Nov. 7, was forfeited to yard run. Northwestern punted. Mich-
Baker with a score of 4-0. The igan soon got a touchdown by Hooper.
Courier and Beacon, the organs of No goal. Score 16 to 0. With good
the respective institutions are ex- end runs by Jewett and Williams, UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
Jewett's fifteen-yard run got the
changing some very hot words as to Northwestern's first and only touch-
the cause of the forfeiture. Continuedson third page.) STATI STREET.