14MW tt* , . 1a5 VOL. IV.-No. 42. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. AN ORATOR FROM THE SOUTH. Eloquent John Temple Graves upon whom fell the Mantle of Henry W. Grady. To a university audience, the elo- quent successor of Henry W.Grady, of the Atlanta constitution, needs little introduction. If there was no other means of judging the man other than the fact that he has taken the place of his able predecessor, so well known in the North, this fact JOHN T GRAVES. alone would make him well known to the reading and thinking public. It ls seldom, indeed, that a snan has gained such a place in the hearts of the people of the South, both as an editor and orator as that held by John T. Graves to-day. "The Reign of the Demagogue" has gain- ed for Mr. Graves an enviable repu- tation whenever he has delivered it. In his efforts to bind the North and South more firmly together this loyal Georgian has well earned the title of the 'Apostle of the New South, and with his surpassing elo- quence linked the heroes of both sections; thus, growing grand isi flying high the starry emblem of of our national unity. Speaking of this uncomparable orator the Boston Globe says edi- torially. "Seldom indeed hasany orator gain- ed such instant success in Boston as that which was won on Saturday even- ing by Editor John Temple Graves of Atlanta. It was not so much the bril- liant diction of his speech, nor the fervor of his appeal that aroused en- thusiasm, though these were note- worthy in every way. What made Mr. Graves' address so peculiarly effective and interesting was its great frank- ness, its absolute sincerity and the spirit of lofty patriotism which"mani- fested itself throughout. There is no danger that oratory will ever become a ,lost art, while there are men like this Sonthron to appeal to the heart and soul of the people of America." The following complimentary no- tices from other universities where Mr. Graves appeared are well worth noting: State University, Iowa City, Iowa: '.The greatest lecture of a great course, and the finest oration ever heard by the University-" President J. P. D. John, of DePauw, University, Ind.: "His lectures are expressions of marvelous eloquence, and are brimful of fundamental truth. All young men everywhere should hear thremr." University Course, Greencastle, Ind. -E. A. Gilmore: "In the opinion of our committee and course, his lecture was the finest specimen of genuine oratory ever heard at DePauw Univer- sity. John Temple Graves will always be welcome here. As is well known, Mr. Graves will appear here in the Students Lecture association course tomorrow night, and will deliver his famous lecture, "The Reign of the Demagogue" on that occasion. Michigan Schoolmasters' Club. The fall meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will be held in room 24, north wing, University hall, on Saturday next at 10:3o a. r. The following is the program prepared for the occasion: "Music in the High Schools," Prof. A. A. Stanley, University; discussion, Principal E. C.Warriner, Battle Creek; "Latin in the High School," J. H. Harris, Michigan Military Academy; discussion, As- sistant professor J. H. Drake, Uni- versity; business meeting; "English Composition in the High School subsequent to the Study of Formal Rhetoric," Mrs. Cornelia S. Hulst, central high school, Grand Rapids; discussion, Principal A. E. Curtis, Adrian. Whole Hog or None. There is a hitch in the arrange- ments for the Cornell football game Thanksgiving day at Minneapolis. The Ithaca team wants $300 more to come, as expenses will be heavier than was thought. This will probab- ly be conceded and the game play- ed, though it is now known the Cor- nells are demoralized and not very anxious to come west. It appears that Cornell is hoggish with other places than the U. of M.-Detroit Tribune. AN AUSPICIOUS BEGINNING. The Opening Concert in the Choral Union Series the Best ever Given Here. 'IW/'E'VE GOT EM" A CAR LOAD OF ERIE + PIANOS A large. enthusiastic and thor-J E b JUST RECEIVED. oughly delighted audience, was Cases in Oak, Mahogony, walnut and Black. present upon the opening night of To Rent or for Sale. Prices Right. That's fair. the popular Choral Union series. Everyone seemed pleased to be pres- ent, and all must have carried away : I' 9 inspiring memories of the perfor- 51 South Main St. mance, which was one of the most memorable of the many great artist . concerts given in this series, in the past four years. The opening number of the con- cert was the great violin and piano sonata in A major, Op. 47., Bee- thoven. This sonata, dedicated to . a R. Kreutzer, was a tribute of crea- when you want the Latest Metropolitan Styles tive genius to the highest type of ofs$21s$3, seorib5 Shoes at 5Ic to Si a pair less interpretative ability and has justly than Ann Arbor prices send for catalogue to been considered as one of the great- est ensemble compositions ever pen- U. I .1 E U ned, and its proper rendition calls 101. 183-185 Woonwaso AvE., for the highest musicianship. It DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. would be difficult to conceive of a -I--NO TICE ---- more artistic performance than that we are here to stay. We are prepared to of last evening, give aClass of work to the trade of this city Of lat eveing*unequaled by any other house ever located Miss Powell is an artist of the he erran e-csled Eby aryCiryTsrwia Amrcasndrt prices rr-errn0diry grords or- first rank. She stands in the front tderer.Sri len romv etr lrrrrsi Ioany price desired. lPrre Carsran Tairerregbe rank among the great virtuosi of the time, easily leads the lady violinists.o 7 ANN STREET. That she if the first, is conceded by all the great European critics. An- other artistic triumph for America, for Miss Powell says "I am proud of my success in Germany, but I won it as plain Miss Powell, an American girl, and every time I ap- Arlistic Phstsgrapher, 6 E. HURON ST. peared I said to myself 'this is for HOT LUNCHES America.' " Madame Nordica is another American, who, starting as Lowney's hocolate$, as a poor girl, has won fame and -- riches through the concientious TUTTLE'S study of an art of which she is an 48 S STATE St. acknowledged high priestess. In fact on the interpretation side, DO N 'Y WX A IT America has no right to feel ashamed .1 of her position. Miss Powell has a finrshed technrc, broad artistic tone, NO refined conception, and decided in- W IS YOUR CHANCE! tellectuality. Perhaps no one quality is more thoroughly emphasized in her 300 New Sweaters, latest styles, just re- playing than that of intellectuality, ceived at to those who demand a complete surrender of the intellect to mere feeling, her play may seem' lackingH R S in warmth. That it should appear so to any one emphaizes the fact, that in the domain of Art, many UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE are worshiping false gods. She is a fine example of the new school of (Continued on third page.) STATE STREET. ii