THE U. OF M. DAILY. I HE ANfl BI ITihe proprietor graduated to '84 and the prescription clerk in '90. They have lea-ned their business by hard IJstudy, What they hnow is at your disposal at Calkins' Pharmacy SEE THOSE TIES FOR $ .oo, Neverbefore offeredfor suchrmoney. Get a Pair of those Street Gloves for $1.25 worth $1.75. Hats in the Latest Blocks from $3.50 up. Y'OUM.A.N' S are the Best. EO PISI & MATTEON, THE OUTFITTERS 8 \.O Q , & T\ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HAND BOOKS BOUGHT OR EXCHANGED. CARETTS ENR9R~AVED 1N T'E JBEST SW='7T ES. SHEEHAN& Co. UNIYERSITY BOOKSELLERS, STATE STREET. Special Sale of Writing Tablets. Fine Linen and Wove Writing Papers. 25c a pound. Sweaters and Gymnasium Suits. Visiting Cards engraved on short notice. SHEEHAN & Co. Uriversity Booksellers, Stationers and Engravers, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A new invention for duplicating copies of writings and drawings. c:>x . OIL. Ogg. M== S=-21-R OZ= _ Does not char the trick. Has no bad odor. Has never been in barrels- It is pure carbon. Delivered promptly. Does not smoke chimneys. Gives a pure rehite light. Is 0s white as distilled wtater. Gives light weithout smoke or odor. Sold only by Dean & Co. Wilt meet any price mate on oil. 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Engineering society will meet A. F. Lenty, dent '93, is practic- Friday evening, November 17. The ing in Chicago. electric light plant at the Kalama- Thenoficiao. zoo asylum will be discussed by The official count gives Prof. Grif- Prof. Wagner. fin 1267 majority. . Prof. Thomas has in preparation Nordica and Powells in the a German grammar for schools and Choral Union tonight. colleges. The book, which is to be Alpha Nu and Adelphi give a in two parts, will be published by joint program, Friday night. Henry Holt & Co., of New York. The football team was out yester- MacMillan announces for publi- day afternoon practicing in the cation in 1894, a journal entitled storm. "The Psychological Review." Dr. Jas. R. Angell, lit '9o, is instruct- John Dewey represents the U. of or in Philosophy at the University M. as one of the co-operating edi- of Minnesota. tors. Prof. Davis will speak at the S. Assistant Prof. Liwet has recently C. A. chapel service Sunday morn- prepared for publication the lec- ing, on "What shall I do to be tures on mathematics, delivered by saved ? " Prof. Feux Klein, of the University The eleventh annual commence- of Gottingen, at Evanston, Ill., in ment of the Cleary Business Col- September, 1893- lege was held yesterday afternoon. The Inlander board is wcrking The class consisted of thirty-nine. hard on the Christmas number. ':WM. R. FULDE,:- FIRST CLASS TAILOR, willlamStreet, First door WestoftState Street. U. OF M. FLAGS, Sterling Silver, enamelled in yellow and blue. stick to or catch pin. Price, $150. TUX. ARNOLD, Jereler. 1LOWe0S, F12 OW RS FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY. COUSINS & HALL. rlo 2fss elphone t.1 j15. Il~eJInullnerst' analedens' a,4i Capita. ,,X. Surplus and Proits $7,000. ties a un>ral lanking tusinesr. Pays inter- nelterr Savintgs Depositse. llasSafnty Dieposit Bexesroer rrnt. R. KEMP, ttres. P. H. IELSER, Cashier. ]tank open Saturday evening. ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS who are wil- ing to pay a titte innerthan she price char gdtfr the ordinary trade Cirgaret t, willfind THIS BRAND superior toallothers. The Richmond Straight Cut No. I CIGARETTES are made trom the brightest, most delcte in ftavor, and highent cant GOLO LEAF grown in Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that the name of the manufacturers as below is on every package. &tG1Kr Meic,K 10B co BRANCHi , R1e ctMOND\/ GINA The Leading S -TA] LOR Has the newest Putt and Winter Woolens and largest asoek in theacity. Yon ran get any selection you are looking for. COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. From an original, an ordinary paper with any pen, roo copies can be made. Fifty copies of typewriter manuscripts produced in 15 minutes, Send for circulars and sam- ples of work. AGENTS WANTED. LAWTON & CO., 22 Vesey St.,New York. O K. BARBER SHOP. IMIn connectiri: Fine Shower Baths. new por- relaite.s. sr melths tor $5.00. Ladies' Hair Dressing Sarter utatirs. J.R.TROtAvowsKi,i30E. Washington St. PATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP, P o. 4 East ron Street. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $30,000. ITransacts a generalbaning bainss. For- eign exchange Sought and sold. Letters of credit procurnd for trvelers abroad. P. BACH. Pen. S. W. CL AKSON Cashier. ANN ;ARBOR- EBJLJA Js1UNDRY 60 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. Illinois University, having ac- quired the fish exhibit which at- tracted so much attention at the World's Fair, is building an aqua- rium. W A new faculty rule requires that hereafter all requests to drop work must be accompanied by the written' permission from the instructor in charge. In a German university a student's matriculation card shields him from arrest, admits him at half price to the theatres and takes him free to' The magazine will be enlarged and many new features added. The DAILY will publish a list of the con- tributions and illustrations next week. E. Bulkley and wife, both of the class of '84, were visiting old friends yesterday. Mr. Bulkley was for six years professor of Philosophy in Dashisha college, Kyota, Japan. He expects to take a graduate course in Chicago university, with the in- tention of becoming :a Professor of the Comparative Religions of the East. E. S. SERVISs, Manager. I toe art galleries.--Ex.