THE U.' OF M. DAILY. cu. of W~Z. TaL Published Daily (Sundays excepte)t during the Colee year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price V.011 er year, invariably in aosanrc en~lccopiea ,3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the ofice of the D~AIY, at Stoet's, with ay of the editors r autisorzed solicitors. Cmmunications ssstld reach the office by 7 o'clockhP.. if they are to appear the net Jay. Address all matter intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business commnincatons shold be sneato th eBstui- ness Manager. THE U. af X. DAILY An Arbr ich. EDITORS C, A. Enaso, Law '4, Managing Editor. H1. A. SALDING, Lit. '4, Assistant. J. L1. LOIE, Lit. '5, Assisant. W. N. CooTE, Lit. '6, Assistat. F. WLscl, Lass '4, Sbstitte As'stsat. J. A. LEio, Lit.'St, Athletic Editor. S. W. CUTSSo, P. G. Lit., Business Manager. W. A. MOCsKi, Lit. '7, Asitanot. H. B. Gamomson, '4. 5. F. 19Ll.'5). Miss Los Jatos, 'N04. IAL 1t. . Assee9 E.L.Marti'dSl ,'4 L. P.Sad ler,' "f'9t69.l6. itloe ' L. P. tyte. H I. I. iasins, '6. L. 1.Coorast.'555 C. . Jitts, '4. All copy must be st the offiecbefor 8:30a. n of thecay of pbliatio. The Editors do not old hemelvco reopn sible f'er the opinions or stateiento of corres pondents, pparnc in the DAILY. THE long suffering college public is certainly impofd upon by n- foundfd rumors which go the rounds of the public press each year con- cerning the University of Michigan. Some one away out in the wilder- neoo of collegedoin boo invented the following strange piece of news: "The University of Michigan has a fraternity wich admits both sexes to its membership." IT scarcely seens necessary for us to correct the absolute aid groundless falsehood wvhich has been circulated through the medians of the Associated :Press reports, stat- ing that four of the U. of M. eans who playd Purdue were not stu- dents, but hired players. Hlow such a report could originate, ex- cept it be evolved from the brain of some reporter in search of sensa- tionalist, we cannot conceive. When Michigais has to resort to such means, as alleged in the re- port, we will retire from the foot- ball field. SPEAKING of the tendency of wealthy men to use their wealth in endowinlg public institutions tie Detroit journal nakes the following apt remarks editorially: "If, for example, some Rockefeller should torns his finsncil field glass upons the University of Msihigan and beholding tthere tlte pride nf the tate, with its glorious past and] preoeiit nieeds, should sit down alonse withihits thoughsts and with a ful oilnOsciotsess of a duly before himo, the very tliought of whiieh would make it to im na blessed privilege-what wuold lie do . WVIp, just to the Rtoekefeller did who bestowsed great gifts upois the Uniiver- sity of Chicago. Whlere is thse tockefeller fur Mieci- iganl P Does he live in this statei"' APROoPOS to the recent expulsion of the students at Princeton for the hazing indulged in against members of the freshman class, Thse Free. Press says, editorially: "Even col- lege professors can learn something and the faculties of other institu- tions of learning will find a valuable object lesson in the details which preceded the expelling of thsree slt- dents from Princeton for playing thse role of barbarians unuder list name of hazing. Young metn sith If F- editors, and it was decided to en- large it to to pages and chsarge 15 cents. The Thansgiving issue will cost to cents as usual. Since there have been complaints from subscribers in regard to the late delivery of Wrinkles, the edi- tors will have a list of all subscrib- ers at thse box office, lit building. All who notify Wrinkle before the next issue is put on sale will be able to get their papers at the box office earlier on Friday than it could be possible to get them by mail. All subscribers who do not send such notification will get their papers as usual through the mail, and as early as possible. It is quite likely that the editorial board will be increased from six to ten members before the Thansgiving issue appears; and the artists and cartoonists swill be organized isto an Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS anod SHORTHAND. Magninicent butldtng; nine teachsers; larce attensdance; coed discipliane;sipe- issrs'srt; well supplied reading rooms dailylcetures* Saurday evenoing receptions; spa..thbeeesire year Exceptional faciities foe placisnstests In posi- tionss-shsshadzedaescssarsstcedihem. Liein> exses $2sS3to 55.70 per seek in privatfamilies, hor ew C'ataogae, address P. R. CLEARY, PsEs. Time Table takinsg effect Sundasy, Nov. 5,38890, Trainsteasve Anns Arbor by Centrsl Stansdard Tinme. 7:15a. m. 57:15 a. om. *5 -.15tp.em. 511:ttsa. Is. 4:15 p. re. 9:+Htp. in, *Trains rots betsscsn Ann ArbosrassdtToedot onty, Alltrints dotty ecreupt Ssssdoy. H1t 01GRENWOODs~, Atioet, AnnhArbor. W. iH.tENNE'T,0G.FPb.Sotledto. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Assn:Arbor. Ottets. iasytq;tot ots,F50,000. Surptlus, $50:,ttt0. the Generastltsan.isg Laws of thIis State. OtorsiN-s ds itstt butys and selcxcisante osn ths'piiptaelstcities of the UntedtStates. lDrafts cshedsspons peeper tdenstificatos. Safty delpostt boos's to rent. OrFFtCERS: Chrstian Isack,.Pres.; Wv D. Harriomsan, Vtsce fees.; ('lhas. S. Iliecocks, Ca- sier- Al. J.Fritz Asst .ashier. GI TIPDOPEI T12- OUSE ONE NsIGHT ONsLY. FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 17th. I their penchant for cruel sport should be able to finttlvent in the football team, but fellosvs of teir stamp generally lack the mtanly courage to engage in thtat rotsgls and tumble sport." A comparison of the two articles on English, at Harvard and at thse U. of M., in thsis issue will fully re- pay the reader. This matter of learning to write English is too little attended to, in nearly all of the colleges of America and the strength and reputation of both Harvard and thse U. of M., as educational institutions, is that thsey turn out graduates able to write their mother tongue. The olly criticism thsat could be made of thsis departmsent at the U. of M. is that most of the English work is elective and not enoughs is required. Still, as elective courses they are gaining favor, anti now few top with tlse required courses but take muds of the advanced practical work. y Thanksgivings Wrinkle. I For 'Thanksgiving the edition of Wrinkle, which will be on sale one week from tomorrow, is expected to be far ahead of any previous issue. It will be printed in artistic colored inks, and will consist of n16 pages. There will be a fine doublespage car- toon, illustrating tse effects of co- edocation at tlse U. of M., and anothser feature will be the special Turkey Day cover design. Mr. M. W. Campaus full page hsumorous cut of illustrated footblal terms sill appear, and considerable attention will be paid to the great Thanks- giving Day sport. The Chrtstmas issue was discussed Monday night at the meeting of tile 1 1 I , art 'staff, with one of the members as chsairman. At Leland-Stanford thef gtrls sore tennis courts of thseir own, whlich they allosv the boys to tuse on Fri- day afternoons. Hor'sford's Acid. Phosphate :As-mantslaughss :thtrsrsrerTraisin a bssts'l otsr Iscs. tss n0th .0VlFoiO soreeso- Is the most effective and agree-J- T QP T T Q able remsedy in existence or H A I PKN 'T'be gs's'otst of att turaltptlasy's.strodue preventing indigestion, :and re- ssttsre t:: 1 sseitisis ic os:,:-d, es tl lieiving thise1 diseases arising~ THRILLING SAW MILL SCENE, Arstl bzsaw'-scu ttinsg tstis-s sgeuine fromso a tusosoerei sstosnach, ibr tl