THE U. OF M. DAILY. I The proprietor graduated In'84 and the prescription clerk in '90. They have learned their business by hard study, What they know is at your disposal at Calkins' Pharmacy SEE THOSE TIES FOR $i.oo, Never before offered for such money.. Get a Pair of those Street Gloves for $1.25 wort;.75 Hats in the Latest tlocks from $3.50 up. YOUM..JIVIA.N'S are the Best. BO PIE & MATTESON TEE OUTFITTERS. n\-o oi: & W.WIxE?(9Z NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HAND BOOKS BOUGHT OR EXCHANGED. C.AR~DS E 5.7'30E:D =N W WTRBJ33EST kO'SYT-jUS. SHEEHAN& Co. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERS, STATE STREET. Special Sale of Writing Tablets. Fine Linen and Wove Writing Papers, 25c a pound. Sweaters and Gymnasium Suits. Visiting Cards engraved on short notice. SHEEHAN& Co.' University Booksellers, Stationers and Engravers, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. 4 1 .L V _ Does not char the rick. Has no bad odor. Has never been in barrels- It is pure carbon. Delivered promptly. Does rot smokee hirnreys. Gives a pure white light. Is as white as distilled water. Gives ight without smoke or odor. Sold only by Dean & Co. Will meet any prie mae on oil. 44 South Main Street. DEAN & COMPANY Ann Arbor, Mich. AN UNIVERSITY NOTES. The Mechem debating society has The Castalian board will meet been organized by the election of this evening at 8 o'clock sharp. the following officers. Pres. Ed. . T. P. Bradfield has been elected Sims; vice-pres., F. V. Smith; nec., Mr. Harvey; treas., H. V. Richard- managerof '940s bAseball team for ':WM- R. FULDE,,: FIRST CLASS TAILOR, WilliamStreet,Firstdoor Westof State Street. U. OF M. FLAGS Sterling Silver, enamenled in yellow and blue, stick pio or catch pin. Price, $50S. W . ARNOLD, Jeweler. FLOW S, FI-OW S tFOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY. & ~ti S ii ALL. ?1oriStI. 26 ~ruS. Azl.4 ihe itrmers' and jtsec nii ' 'and Capitsal $0,ros. Surplus and Profits $17,000. trues agrneral lanktngobrrinees. Pays inter- net on Sovs DenPlposits. Haso Safet' Deposit Boxes for rent. R. KEMPF, Pres. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Bank open Saturday evening. TR ARE THE BEST. I A new invention for duplicating copies writings and drawings. of From an original, an ordinary paper with any pen, zoo copies can be made. Fifty copies of typewriter manuscripts produced in 15 minutes, Send for circulars and sam- ples of work. AGENTS WANTED. LAWTON & CO., 22 Vesey St., New York. O. K. BARBER SHOP. litrornnectronr ine 'ShowrBIathrs.nwpor- en urbsn30 batrs for $ 01 0.rdries'Hai; Dressing Parlor upstairs. J. R. TROJANOWSKr, 30 E. washington St. nATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP, f !No. 4 East Huron Street. FIRST N9ATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Prots, $30.000. &Transatctsa general baning busines. For- eign excharrge bought and sold. Letters of credi procored ion trvelters shroud. P.ACOO, Pre 5. W. CLARKSON,.Cashier. ANN ARBOR- WI7EFIJYI h1UND1RY 601 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.; E. S. SERVIss, - Manager next spring. There will be a joint meeting of Alpha Nu and Adelphi, Friday even- ing, in Alpha Nu hall. We hope that Michigan will take action upon the proposed debate without delay.-Cardinal. The football team did not prac- tice yesterday afternoon, but rested after the hard work of the trip. There will be a meeting of the ex- ecutive board and sub-committees of the Oratorical association tomorrow in Room 21 at 5 o'clock. All the class teams were out in force yesterday afternoon getting in practice in preparation for the inter- class championship games. The Prohibition Club meeting Friday evening will be addressed by F. M. White, F. A. Manny, O. Roberts, W. Mills, and O. B. Con- ant. The Astronomical Society will meet Friday evening at half past seven, in Room 22. Prof. Hall will speak on "The Naval Observa- tory." This morning, from 9:15 to 9:30, the sophomore class canes were pre- sented for inspection in the main hall. All orders for these cains must be accompanied by the cash, $3.50. dressed Friday night by Mr. Max CIGARETTE SMOKERS who are will- Wiinkler, on "Present Movements Ing oto par a little more thanIkeprice chreged for the ordinury treOr cigarettes, of Political and Religious Thought will fdnd5THI BRAND superiortoallothr. in Germany." The occasion will be The Richmond Straight Cut No.I enlivened by music and refresh- CIGARETTI'ES m e nlos.are made from the brightest, most delicate inmflavor, and highest cost GOLD LEAF At thte business meeting of the S. grows is Virginra. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe C. A., this evening, the question of that the name of the manufacturers as the disposition to be made of the below is on every package. moissionary.funds of the association re n, gcG & l ciOBACCO c will be brought up. Last year they n" BR ANC 1 , asMND\IaGINA were used to support Mr. Keller, the travelling secretary of the Stu- ".. -. --77 dents' Volunteer Movement. Prof. de Pont is now ready to re- The Leadinu ceive subscriptions for La Nature (course 4) for next semester. The ' TfAILOR class will be made up of the first thirty to report, but exception will be made in the case of those for Hanrthe newest Pall and Winter Woolens and largest snuck in the city. You nan get uny whom the course is required work. selection you are looking for, Subscriptions must be paid before COME AND SEE US. Christmas, or the right to a place in the class will be forfeited. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. son; marshal, Mr. Reed. On Friday night of this week begins the series of meetings con- ducted by Rev. Walter Elliott, the Paulist father. These will be held in Newberry hall, and will be con- tinued through Thursday of next week. The Young Men's Liberal Guild of the Unitarian church, will be ad-