_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.
'C fPbliahed Daily (unuays excepted) during
the Colleuce year. by
Subscripitio price V.,N0 per year, invariably
in adeanee 5iaic copiea 3 Prtt. Subarip-
tiona may be left at tbe otfier of tbe DILiY,
at Stofitetas, sithb any of tbe editora or
authorized solicitors.
C'ommuaicatioat souald reacb tbe office by
7 o'clock rot,. it they are to appear the next
Jay. Addreson all matter intended tor publiea.
Elan to the Managing Editor. All buiness
eommuatcattons shoald be tent to the Boai-
nenn Manager.
Ann Arbor, Mfich.
C, A. tEiooN, Law '04, Manging Editor.
11. A. SPALDING, Lit. '04, Assitant.
.J. L. LOoIE, Lii. '1, Asitat.
W. N. UttOATE, Lit.'0W, Assistanot.
F. WaLTcico, Law '004, Sabstitote Assistant.
J. A. LEoY, Lit. '00, Athletic Editir.
S. W. CeURTSS, F. G. Lit., Business Manager.
Wm. A. MOlCK~, Lit, N9, Assistant.
H. B. Gamlo, '95. B. .l.i5.
Miss Lci,Jan-,'i. MtEICL,
H . 0. le A . tttti. F. L. Matindale, '94
F. P.SLle '11.
E. t '. Lyle,'1. ' . . 0,Hasbins, '11.
posyi HO. ttMI OPAsttiC,
L. F.. ucom aoc, '95- L. G..teninsti,',4.
All copy monst be at the otbc beore 9:30la,.
of te day of publication.
The Editors do not bold tbemselves respo-
sile toe the opioioos or statements ot cores
poodeato, oppeortoc io the DAILY.
MANAGER Baird io profuse in hio
praises of the treatment the team
received at the hando of the studento
of Purdue, and the citizens of Lafa-
yette. Our team apprecates the
treatment received and wilt recipro-
cate moot heartily upon occasion
offering itseif.
Nowe that thsere is no longer any
excuse for indifference there should
he no tack of loyal enthusiasnm in
foothall here from nosy on. I.e -it
no longer he said that :Milchitgan
fails in athletics hecause her stu-
dents are not loyal to her represent-
atives. Let everyone turn out next
Saturday to see Michgan lay out
her old-time rival, Northswestern.
"WEv have lost the pennant. hut
stilt retain our college spirit."-
Itlls with great satisfaction that
we learn that Wisconsin retains the
tatter good quality even when ac-
knowledging defeat. One would
have thottght a few weeks ago that
Wisconsin helieved she hail good
chances for winning the penant.
We are glad she acknowledges her
defeat, so gracefully so early in the
game. _______
WISCONSIN 'has challenged us to a
joint dehate, and the question
arises, do we want a repetition of
the circumstances attending the dis-
cussion of the dehate last year? It
would appear fronm the indefonitety
worded rule wyhichWisconsis suh-
mits for the government of the de-
hate, Iliactthe same trouhte is liahle
to arise. The local committee
shosld consider well the proposi-
tions atit not yield the point we
made last year inasmuch as sey-
Newherry Halt, on "Three Infalli-
hilities: Reason, Church, Bihle."
For the rest of te week Iis topics
wilt he as follows: Monday, "Intem-
perance, or why I am a Total Ah-
stainer;" Tuesday, "What heroines
of our Dead?" Wednesday, "Why
I am a Catholic;" Thursday, "'The
Voice of Consience. Whose Voice
eral usiversities have favorahly con- is it?" These meetings are to he held
sidered our proposition, in Newherry Halt and wilt he open
to all, membhera of any church or of
WEare informed that at other no church. All the queations will
large universitiea of the country, be treated fairly and impartially and
the ladies take a great intereat with attempt to give offence to none.
in foothall, and it is to he regretted
that they do not take more interest Alpha Nu-Adelphl.
at the U. of M. Next Friday evening, Alpha Nu
It may not he generally known and Adelphi wilt hold a joint meet-
that thse Athletic association is more log. The following program has
tiheral with the ladies than at many heen arranged for that occasion:
universities. Ladies are admitted Opening address, President Dear-
horn; Vocal solo, Miss Alice Patten-
to all games free, and wve see no Declamation, Edmund Block; Paper,
reason wvhy, under the circunmstan- J. H. Shaffner; Parliamentary Law,
ces, more ladies sin not attend the A. H. 'Tstttle; Society paper, Isaac
bames. Lect the ladies turn oct Stern; Vocal solo, Miss Alice Pat.
cI li wass' to the ganse Saturday, and ten; Dehate, "Resolved, that Alpha
hell)wl tecodtu lnigNo and Adelphti shosuld open at
sxvil hecrocit tus endng7:30 o'clock," Aff., H. A. Dancer
encouragement to our tranm. and H. S. Voorhees; Neg., WV. I.
______________ Thomas and Mr. Canady; Critic's
Wiaconsin Givos Up. report.
aod SHORTHAND.Magnificeot boildiog; nine
teaciers; lrgeattendace;good discipline; supee-
iorwork; well supplieddreadiog room; daily lectares,
Satur~day eeaingreceptios; opaen h11enireFyea
Exoceptioal facilities toe placing stud~ents In poet-
tioot-sotrthandeeraduatesguaranteedthem. Living
exeses $ 2 to 02.75 per week in privatre fmilies.
For ew eCatalogue, addess
Time Tsble takitng effect Sunday, Nov.), 1093.
Traioo leave Ano Arbor by Ceatral
7:15a. cm. 7:15 a. ci.
*11:15 . tn. 1:0as. m
4:15 p. m. 9:U0 p. m,
*Traiis roo betwceo Aoo Arbor tonl Toledoc
All trains da:ily except Sun:day.
B. S. Old C5N5lVi5O. Accit, Ann::Arbor.
WT H. BONNE11,0G.FP.A. Toledo.
Ann Arbor Savings B8ank
AnniArbor. Micit. Capital Stckb,5,00.
Surplis, $150,000.
Orcuolzeil under tote ceneal Banlking Lows
of this State. Recetves deposits, boys and
sells exchaonge oa the pincflipail cities o1 the
United Stateo. Drafts casbeid ipon proper
identificstioa. Satety deposit boxes is reat.
OretecoIs: Chriitiao Mac, Fres.; W. D.
Harraiao, Vice Fees.; Obhie. E. Hiscsck, Co-
osior'- itJ. Fritz AsL.Cashier.
Ax cmany lasits : there are <-mains in a
buishel otfswhetini tRENsO FOtWS success-
cfii comiedy dramas,
The ganses Saturday betsveen
Michigan and Purdue, Wisconsin
and Minnesota practically settle the
fact that Minnesota has the hest
foothall team in the West this fall.
Although efforts are heing made to
arrange a ganme hetween Purdue and
Minnesota, these two teams will
probahty not meet thsis season. If
they should, Purdue, cripledt as it is
hy the ahsence of Olin and Finney,
would undouhtedly he defeated.
The standing of the teams of ttse
Northwestern Intercollegiate Foot-
halt league at present is as followys:
Flayed. Won. Lo:s. 'ercent.
Miinnesota:: 3:1 : 0 1,000
Wiscoosin ' 1 1 .5001
Mielti<-tn :1 0 1 .000
Northiisterii 1 5 1 .010
Minnesota having svon alt three of
ter games and the three other teams
Isaving lost at least one ganme, the
pennant goes to Minnesota-Daily
Adidrossen by a Catholic.
Rev. Walter Elliott, thse Paulist
father, of Newv Vork, will hegin Ihis
series of evening addresses next Fi-
day evening. His suhject for that
evening will he, "Types of Chsar-
acter, or the Elements of True Man-
hood and Womanhood." On Satur-
day evening he wilt speak on the
suhject, "Can we get along without
the Bihle?" On Sunday mornsing
he will preach at St. Thonias church
at the morrning service, on "The
Confessional, its Origin andOject,"
and in the evening will lecture in
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Dieseriptive patmphlet tree cit tpplicatitio iety. Floiral1 tdtsigntsitmide upossosnoice.
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Every "Woshburn"Instrumintis
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istict. We state our repitalion
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