VOL. IV.-No. 40. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. WISCONSIN'S CHALLENGE. for the debate and the entertainment AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM. "I1W EVE GOT EMp of the visiting team. Our Neighbor in the Northwest 5. The first four debaters shall be To be Given in the Choral Union A CAR LOAD OF Takes the Initiative in Chal- allowed eighteen minutes each to pre- Series Tomorrow Night- lenging Michigan. sent their arguments. The last two Best of Talent. ER E + PIANOS shall be allowed twenty minutes each. JUST RECEIVED. It may be possible that satisfac- The closing debater on the affirmative The following excellent program tory arrangements can be made with shall be allowed three minutes after will be rendered at the Choral UnionT iccn ut Wisconsin looking to a joint debate the last speaker to close the debate, concert tomorrow evening: gta n which time shall be deducted from the with that institution. Correspon- time assigned him. 1. Sonata, A major Op. 47,-"The Kreutzcer," deuce has been instituted with the 6. Any person shall be eligible as a Adagio ossteut, PrestoAdante cn leading universities of the West and debater who is pursuing regular under- Variaione, Finale, Presto----------------51 South Main St. , graduate work. Miss Maud Powell, Mr. J. Erich Schmaal Cornell. Wisconsin's inter-debate 7. The univesity at which the de- 2. Aria "La Reine de Saba,.......... Gounod committee has taketo th initiative bate is held shall choose three persons 3. a, Adago londlia to perpetuo and forwarded the following chat- to act as judges of the debate, subject-- ..-..............- .....-..-Rics lenge to the DAILY for publication, to the following conditions: Miss Powell. ynotifying the local om- First, no person sall act as judge 4. Soas: a, Berceuse; b, 'Ete', .Chaminde officially tygMadame Nordica. mittee. The challenge reads as fol- who is a resident of either Michigan 5. Piano solo: a, "Evening Star," "Tann- or Wisconsin. hauser." b, "Spinning Song," Flying lows: Second, no person shall act as judge Dutchman.....-.............wagner-Liszt "The University of Wisconsin, who has been at any time a student at, Mr. Scmaal. through its representatives, hereby or in any way connected with, either Miss Powell. challenges the University of Michigan university. I. "Jewel Song," fOm "Faust,"-Pa ...Gounod when you wantneLateotMetro olitn Styles 3lol9egesat$, $3, $4 or $5 Shoes at Sc to $1 a pair es to a joint debate to be held sometime Third, no person shall act as judge Madame Nordica. than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to during Februrary or March, 1894." to whom as judge either university ob- s. Fantasie on HnsaroasAir.. Ernst J. J. BLAKE, jects. Miss Powell, whose name appears on Chairman of Com. the program, is the fortunate possessor 1 R A series of rules has been ar- The Indiana Trip, of two valuable violins, a Guarnerius DETROIT, -185 Woonw ICHAN. ranged for the government of the and an Amati; the latter one however, debate of which the following is sub- Our team returned from Indiana is not her own property, but has been - -N O T I C E ! mitted to the consideration of the crowned with victory yesterday loaned to her by a good friend, Mr. we are here to stay. we are prepared to Edward J. Delehanty who is an en- give acaesof work to the trade of this city local intercollegiate debate com- noon, and were met by a small but u .nequaled by any other house ever located thusiast upon the subject of music, here and not excelled by any City Tailor is mittee: enthusiastic crowd of admirers. Aerica and at rr sgovern d Ipgoods or- mteenhsatccodand a noble patrols of the art. dered. Sats ram $30.1s thirty ditlersi) to any "The judges shall decide the debate They were highly elated over their In appearance Miss Powell is a bru- price desired. FPne Cstom Tsitoring by upon the general impression of the ar- victory and were very enthusiastic nette, with large, dark, dreamy eyes guments presented. in their praise of the treatment they brown hair, and a serious face of the N. A sTREET. A number of other rules are being received during their trip. introspective order. She is tall and formulated by Wisconsin's commit- Ldignified, and very graceful. In watch- Y Lafayette, Ind., the town -where ing her play, to say nothing of listen- tee which will be submitted to Mich- Purdue University is located, they ing, one realizes what an attractive igan soon. all unite in calling one of the finest picture a pretty woman makes holding Speaking of the challenge for the of towns for a visiting team. The the bow between her dainty fingers, debate The Daily Cardinal her violin tucked under her dimpled proposeddy game there was witnessed by an en- chin, her shapely arm displaying all its Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST. of the 13th inst, says: thusiastic but impartial crowd of curves and graces as her bow ripples "The committee appointed to issue a 2,ooo people. The Purdue boys over the responsive strings. HOT LUNCHES, challenge to Michigan for an intercolle- treated them very handsomely dur- Speaking of Miss Nordica, the L giate debate sent such a challenge to inLowrey (hoCOlate5, Ann Arbor this afternoon. The only ing their entire stay and also played Chicago Post says: _ conditions accompanying the challenge them a stubborn but gentlemanly "There is no singer before the pub- TTULE'S are that the debate is to be held here game. They were the guests of the lic today in this country who can so f 48 S. STATE St. and that the judges shall decide the Lafayette Club in the evening, and thoroughly satisfy the musical sense as debate on the general impressionpro were escorted to the theater and Madame Nordica. duced by the arguments presented.1)1erwrdsto teitain The debate will probably be held in the afterwards to the train. Webster Society Program. ninth or tenth week of the winter Summing up the results of the term. two games, our team has bettered The following interesting program If no answer is received from Mich- its defensive playing to a marked will be given this evening by the NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! igan within two weeks the challenge. will be withdrawn. degree, and is now beginning to Webster society: Music, duet, Misses The committee will also submit a fully make use of its weight and Watson and Eaton; Declamation, proposed constitution for the league strength. Although we are sorry J. F. Henry; Essay, "Darkest South- 300 New Sweaters, latest styles, just re- embodying the following articles: that this development could not land," J. E. Patton; Oration, G. L. ceived at 1. The name of this organization have been made in time to gain Reed; Music, duet, Misses Watson shall be the Michigan-Wisconsin de- bating league. for us the scalps of Minnesota and Eaton; Debate, "ResolvedA H R 'S 2. The debate shall be held the first and Wisconsin, yet we must now that the highly civilized nations Friday in February. rest content with laying for them should seize the lands of the less 3. Each university shall be repre- until next year. Next Saturday we civilized as a means of advancing sented by three debaters. play our last league game with the civilization," Aff., Z. A. Gordon UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 4. The university at which the de- bate is held shall pay all the expenses eleven from Northwestern uni- and F. W. Ferrier, Neg., F. Kanke of securing judges and arrangements versity. and W. A. Eckles. STATE STREET.