THE U. OFM. DAILY. CALKINS' 11c SEE THOSE TIES FOR $1.oo, Never before offered for such money. MIXED CHOCOLATESr MX PE RPHOUNT Get a Pair of those Street Gloves for $1.25 worth..75. 40c PER POUND. Hats in the Latest Blocks from $3.50 up. YOUMANS are the Best. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th. I Not sre than pound to a prson I ff - at his rte. W want ourtotry tem. B atTts t a t BOTI)IHi A THE OUTFITTERS , .,.LL. Calkins' Pharmacy JSAOOI-8 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HAND BOOKS BOUGHT OR EXCIAIGED. O. =7 GALED VED INY TKO2 E' tIYLE SHEEHAN & Co. UNIYERSITY BOOKSELLERS, STATE STREET. Special Sale of Writing Tablets. Fine Linen and Wove Writing Papers, 25c a pound. Sweaters and Gymnasium Suits. Visiting Cards engraved on short notice. SHEEHAN& Co. University Booksellers, Stationers and Engravers, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. )es iot chat the wick. Does not smoke chimneys. Has no bad odor. Gives a pure white light. Hasnever beenin barrels- Is as w ite as distilled wateir. It is pure carbon. Gives li ht without smoke or odor. Delivered promptly. old onty by Dean & Co. Will meet any price made on oil. 44 South Main Street. DEAN & COMPANY Ann Arbor, Mich. DC UNIVERSITY NOTES. AllIlfe is Wingedin deepest goom, To dance and sing is wicked here, For songs shall vanish in the tomb, And "hops ' all vanish in the bier' -The Columbia Spectator. Miss Washington, medic '96, is attending school in Washington, D. C. A new invention for duplicating copiel of writings and drawings. employed at the World's Fair is in school again. From an original, an ordinary paper with any pen, ioo copies can be made. Fity copies of typewriter manuscripts produced in 15 minutes, Send for circulars and sam- ples of work. AGENTS WANTED. LAWTON & CO., 22 Vesey St.,New York. O. K. BARBER SHOP. In connection .Fine Shower Baths. new por- celain trtubsi. mlt $sior5.00. Ladies' Hair D~ressing Parlor uipseairs. J. R. TRoJANOWSK, 30 E. Washington St. PATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOJ, P No. a nEat sluron Street. FIRST NATIONAL BANK :OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $30,000. Transaets ageneral banking iuniness. tor- eign exchanevbought and sold. Letters of credit procured for travelers abroad. P. BACH, Pres. S. W. CL ARKSON, Cashier. ANN :ARBOR- ATEIJM LJUNDRY 604* 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVIss, - Manager. Prof. Trueblood says that John Temple Graves is the most elequent orator in America. The University Prohibition club will meet Friday evening Nov. 12, in the law lecture room. The meeting at Unity club next Monday evening, will take the form of a social, all are cordially invited. The students' directory, being published by O. E. Scott, of the senior law class, will be ready for free distribution Thursday. Wrinkle promises something novel and exciting for the Thanksgiving number. It will be printed in colors and contain twenty pages. The athletic association was pres- ent at the T. & A. station this noon when the football team returned from the south, and gave the boys a rousing reception. The young men of the Unitarian church here formed a Young Men's Liberal Guild, and all students in sympathy with such a movement are invited to join. P. S. Houghton, pharmic '79, has a flourishing business at Galesburg, North Dakota. Hon. Frederick Douglas, who was called to Ann Arbor on account of his grand-daughter's death, left for Chicago last night. Class football managers are all busy getting their teams ready for the inter-class games. All players are expected to appear on the cam- pus every afternoon. Collegiate Sorosis, founded at the University of Michigan in 1886 as a collegiate branch of New York Sorosis, from whom she holds her charter, has filed articles of Incor- poration, under the laws of the State of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Staebler and family wish it stated that they fecl very grateful to the members of the freshman dental class for their kind action taken in regard to the death of Mr. Mark Staebler, a member of the class, who died last Thursday. Something foreign to the ordinary routine will be done by the D. A. C. directors at their regular month- ly meeting. One of the directors will offer a resolution which, in sub- stance will mean the withdrawl of the D. A. C. from the A. A. U. There will probably be a goodly sized row, but the feeling against the Sullivan-Curtis organization is pretty strong in the club, and the clances for the adoption of the resolution are bright. @:WM. R. FULDE,:- FIRST CLASS TAILOR, William Street,Firstdoor WestofState Street. f U. OF M. FLAGS. Sterling Silver, enamelled in yellow and blue, stick pin or catch pin. Price, $1.50. WF. ARNOLD, .Jeeler. ffLOWERS, Ff2 OWERS FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY.11S YOU t & W ALL. ~r l.Telephon .I15. iI~hJ~amer' 'itjecanzcs' 3nh Capital, &55,050. Ssrpluis and Profils $/,000. Does a general banking.businees. Pays inter- eet on Savings Deposits. Has Safety Deposit Boxrs for ret. RI. KEMSPF.Pt-Pes. F. H. BELSER, Caishier. Bunt open hatrdayeve-ning. RiCMov. .t 6a T- !~TRM n ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS who are will- ing to pay a little mre tan the price ehare furte orinary tradv Cigarettes, will find THIS BRAND superlor toaliothers. The Richmond Straight Cut No1I CIGAREW.TTrES aremade Iromthe brightest, most delicate inflaver, and highest cost GOLD LEAF grswn in Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that the name of the manufacturers as below is on every package. GI0 .1. tu gICaW eTOnAccO CO N BRANC" .5leeKMOM NDV1ANA The Leading mom +,TAI LO0R Hs she newest F'all and W~iter Woslens and iargsnstoc kin the city. You can get any selection you are iooking for. COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.