THE .U. OF M. DAILY. *c'c. of 1 1Im. a~u cation, no time is to be tost- Now fisence of Habits of Thought upon tbat tbe class is officered, would it Institutions.'' The pervading theme not be werll to dive the matter tire of the discourse was that a '"law in Published Daily (saays exeepted) during V i~e Cllte yea, by careful consideration it deservtea? THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION It is to be boped that sufficient -- interest will be manifested by tbe Subsription price s1a50 per year, invariably in advance Sinltespies i3 rents. Subscrip- tions mar be left at the sficee at the DAIsY, at Stoffiet's, with any at the ediiors sr authorizedsliiors. Communieations shosld eeaeh the oficee by 7 nameockr. im. if they are ts appear the nest Jay. Address all matter intended fsr publica- tinato the Managing Editor. All bussness communieations shosld be sent en the Busi- ness Macseer. THE U. of . . DAILY, Anna Arbor, Xich. EDITORS. C, A. DENsISON, Law '94, Managing Edtor. H. A. SPALINGs, Lit. '04, AssistaInt. J. L. Louse, Lit. '95, Assistant. IV. N. CnO ATE, Lit. '96, Assistant. F. WALTES, Law li, Substitute Assistant. J. A. LERsui, Lit. 'i6, Aibietic Editor. S. W. CURTISS, P. 0. Lit., Business M1anageer. WvM. A. tMoGK, Lit. '9t, Assistant. H. Bi.Gamsona, '94. It. F. Ball. 'N. biss Loia Janes, '914. MEDIAnL. F. P. Astde in95 F. L. iNartiadale. '94. E. i. Ly. yle, ' 6. 6. H.ID. laskaiin, '96. DEN5TAL.. tOtisi OrATsie. seniorsa to niake it a success. If this year's class does not es- tablish such a publication and earn the prestige to be gained from being the founders of it, some succeeding class will do it, as sucb an annual is only a question oftime. The success of the Yale Shingle, published by the senior law clans, at Yale, proves conclunively that an annual in a law school can he nuc- cessful. ILet the enthusiastic sen- iors in the law department give this matter their serious consideration and we are sure that the plais will be a success. THE following editorial clipped from the Cornell Sun, will be inter- eating to Michigan readers for the misrepresentations it contains. the hearts of flit people"'is of in- comparably more force than one upon the statute-books. Because of this, the liberal construction party have been able to interpret the con- stitution broadly, and to invest in the federal government powers which at first seemed antagonistic to States' rights. The people, grown accustomed to look upon these things as natural, have come to regard them as law. The evil of habits of thought arises when they permit practices, such as lynchings, to strengthsen ethically, and finally, to appear just to thepopular eye. The annual series of hare and hounds runs will be started at Har- vard this afternoon. The runs are opeti to all mlembers of the Uni- versity and are to be so short and easy that men may safely take part in them, whether they are in train- ing or not. They are to be held Ttuesday and Friday of every week, from now on throughout the fall. Horsf'ord's Acid Phosphate $11E4S - _ ' kJLE 7 is bhe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS an~d SHORTHAND. Magnifientsbuilding; nine "ebers; large aitensdanee; toad disipline; naper. )rwark; wall supplied reading ranm; daily lecturen' Saturdayeeninreeeption~s; spaenshe entire year Exceepianal facilities tar paigstu ldentsn in posi- tioas-s-ba~indsradnsgearanteedsbhem.bLeving exneses $2 toa$Sit5 per wek inlsprivate families. Far N-e Caalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, Pns. Time Tale taia.igfrict Runday, Nay. 5, 1893. Trains leaserAtns Arbor by Central StandairdTimse. NOsTH. SOUeT. 7:15ba.em. 7: 15a. m *1:ls15 . as. ll:Wlia. ia. 4:15 p. is. liasd P. in. *Trainsraun betaten Anan Arbor andlToletdo assly, All truis daily except Suinday. R. S.ouR.tWots Aet, Ann Arbsrs W. 13.lIENNETT, G. P.A. 'Toleo Ann Arbor Savings Bank AnnsAirbor. Michs. Pari traMcE, $50,000. Sarslse5, 0sl00. Oreasiuedtnde-r thriGenral Banking Lans at tis Slate. Rnceivs deposits, says and sells exchsansge onshe principasiies at the PUnitesdStates.tirafts- enused span pimper identiiceatissn. Ssfety delio-it batsato rent. (rire s:s thritilan Macek, Picas.:W. D Harrsimas. VisePFers.;(iss. E. Hiss-isk, Ca- shie- l. J.Fritz Aast.iahier. Gi yTrDuOPEI T r OUSE ONE NIGHNT ONLY. TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 14th. ______ - - WO have alwvays noticed thlat vhen al topyessyt pbeatcss ticebeors83.. people have a qiiestionabe position, they always lose themselves in the The Edinors do nat bald themselesresrpon- maze of their agment in attempt- ible Car tbe opinionssor statemesnt fcarretsag pondents, appeasring inthe DAILYc. ing to explain their attitude. 'The Cornell Sun says: Our positiotaini relation to an anntual TH ARU"PULIHIG OLSM football game with finiversity of Michi- Tonsxvganby mhiganeaiids ertoo bnehr fOAYour victorious team returnsb cigagsean todbymsuerstoodmeboth frmtheir successful trip with the of our owo studeiit body. Cornell has launals of two victories added to never estered into an agreement to their banner. Let every student play Michigaii every year and no final turn out and give them a hearty in- arrangements for a ganie this seasoin ., . , . were ever iiade. The reason was sinm- caption such merit! as their achievements IN another part of the DAILYv we make mention of the hare and hounds series of runs that begitn at Harvard this afternoon. The runs there are open to any men in the University and enough have en- tered to make thenm exciting and en- joyable. They are to be short and will not be injurious to any of the men in any way. They will be held twice a week during the fall. The DAiLY has suggested for some time that series of runs be inaugu- rated at the U. of H., but so far nothing has been done in the line. Some were held last year, which, all who entered, seemed to find profit- able, and we would like to see the pastime started again tits year. WE had cherished the hope that the law class of '94 would take in- terest in a class annual, but the wish seems in vain. 'Thus far noth- ing has been done looking to the launching forth of such a publica- tion. If the senior class is to in- moratlize itself and leaveb ehind the niame of establishing such a publi- ply the inability of the masnagers to tome to terms miutually satisfacetory. After the Htarvard-Pennsylvainia gamie was set for Thanksgiving day, Michit- gats seemed to flunk that Cornell wsould be compelled to plamytier if slit liad ai game at mll. Ini this she -Was nmistaken. Cornielilia foiind s worth- itr adversary, fmarther neat. The Uni: versity of Minniesotas team is the strongest team in the northiwestatnid and they have alreaidy proved their superiority to fteAim Arbior contin- gent by defetiting them it Aim Arbor. A team that camn do flits, espeeially a team so young in football ms that of Minsnesota, must; certainly have pluck aiid footbmsll blood. The niew arranige- menit possesses manifest advaiitages over the former. T1o be sure theme ni will be obliged to make a long journey, loinger thanift team has ever before taken, alid iii be somewhat handi- tapped by this. Oiift other hand Coriiell will niot be obliged to plamyft UT. of M. luggers before their crowd of Michigan shouters, a flung that any athletic team will svoid if possi- ble. In Miiiseapolis Cornell nosy be sure of fair aud gentlemiaiily treat- iaent. Judge Cooley at Unity Club. Judge Cooley paid a considerable compliment to the Unity Club last night, when he spoke on the "In- I s t h e m o s t e ff e c t iv e a n di a g r~ e e - A irs s s s g stu ei t h e. a oi t C me d s i a nsNRa l e e y i x s e c o ableiremedy jo exishneefen sfUiLUHewi preventing indi eo,an re umdDan, lievin(g those idiseases arising The Wicklow Postman fro a disordered stomsaclh. Peene sit livarsusisany. iluts Dr. W. W. Gardner, Sprtingfieldl, Mas,,saysa:"I value it a ass antxclets; IZI ES: eersed setl._ e.Aslussinu- PssT'a ucst-ttt asssifirt, roiv usnPMisssu'ue ir'PeI, preenetive at sndigestions,ansi a plenasintsI 5'sjs sitiePCirleissielsoitfirest raw, Slt; acidulted sdrink wt-eniiroaierty silutss ins h au s us u dS eals t- salassir sits' 3cc-city waler, stud saweeesed." J ilE «'. GoOUi, litI. Grno-er of Deserlitie pssaplet freeions spplitionsto lisit i- srtsnstimssanidsslowrssaofntall vurl- Rumtsd~iamiea~srhs Feaidene~l.ety. Flosrel siinassse 5u55o1ntsort nsotice. Rumfrd hemial orks Prvidece,.I.Na. I Obsu-reattey street, sip. cessetery gte. Bewasiec ssiSubstituites sasndlussisat~s 55I5 I~~~!!CATIERFER,. For Sale by all Druggists ii f sss .WshitnSntrreet. -~GUITARS, Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers. " Beat in the World." Every "Washbur n"tnstrunent is tthelproductuofousrsecialsmachit- er ad ,tuntsnble charatier sties. statitsour epuattiosn containiag pusrtrains!ofleadiet atistndrcssl nstrumsa, Free ee- COn. STATE MnNROE STS.; CH ICAGO. inI Thie Aian Arbor Organs Co., Sole Agense%, ANN ARSBR.