THE U. OF M. DAILY. fMIXED CHQCQLATCE \pj$i JID ip i jTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th.1 Kid, Buck and Elk Tanned. See the N EW Y OU M AN at I Not more thin1/ pound to a peson BO WD SHIT___ ERS____ Cakn'Pharmacy _____________ 7= Jz a EOO v 8 & NO.- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full A ssortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THE USUAXL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HAND BIOOKCSIBOUGHT OR EXCHJANGED. CARTDS mENGRcAESTAEvE v-vTTSSJmmSsTvzcms. SHEEHA &Co. UNIXEI OTVtXBOOKsSELLER'S, STATE. STREET. Special Sale of Writing Tablets. Fine Linen aiid Wove Writing Popecs. 250 a pound. Swcaters and Gymnasium Suito. Visiting Cards engraved on sort notice. Univsitiy Booksellers, Stationeis unit En"ravers, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A new invention foreduliatinbg cospies of writiugs and draswings. 1)0(0 iot charse bcsick.bDocs iiot sokeoo t'iiiiiiys. JfIe o 50abssioslos'. Gb'ivs apsse whitllit. lsas'verbeein ins basi''c 1 s ouwhite aso distilleicci o ' Itsis puiecarbon. Gives CyhItcdwithpouDmok oo. Delivceredptromiptly. Sold osnly by Deuan. & Co. Will t nosy prietemade son oil. 44 South Main Street.,DEAN & COM ANY". Ann Arbor, Mich.DE N o iiur.± . From an original, an ordinary paper with any pen, ins eopies cans le maide. Fifty copies of typewriter manuscripts produeed in 15 minutes, Send for circuslars anti sam" ples of work. AGENTS WANTED. LAWTON & CO., 22 -esny St., New York. 0, K. BARBER SHOP'. SIn roneertb V Fine ShiowieBthsi. sew poe- celain tuhn. 10 tiathisfer $5.00. Lasdies''SHsir Drensien liartor upstairs. J. tR. Toe1auoso, 10 E. Wasington Si. P ATRIONIZE OWEN'S BARERt SHOP, No. I East Huron Street. FIRST N~AdTIONAL BANK 'OF ANN AIRBOR. Canpital,$50,0tt0. Sarplas and Profits, $30.000. laTransacts a general hanhing business. Fur- ein exehange houghtaned cold. Letters of ceedit procured foe travelers aheoad. P. BACHI, Prenn. S. WOLARKION, Cashier. -NN ARBOR- ITKIIJ4 J'qR[ND1RY 604 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERTISS, - Manager. UNIVERSITY NOTES. No, it wasnot thei'rtiu'ayisreick thtmatelim boiidtraiidlamie; no' a olleefooitbntlsganie.-Ex. Thsere are 12 men at the Yale training table. Dartoouth ptlayed Tufts Wednes- day, score t4 to 4. First Chooral U'aion conscert swill be given Thusorday evening. .Tbe Press Club at Drown Univer- is in a floorising condition. Dr. Dlyas, '92 dent, is visiting friends Iteme for a few days. Dr. Downey gives a demonstra- lion before tlhe dental society this evening. A bulletin dispatch of the game witht Depauw this afternoon will be received at Ibis office tonight. Full account of game. Cornell suffered another defeat on Saturday. Lehigh took its re- venge for last year's 70 to o defeat by winning t4 to o. The Ann Arbor High School eleven met defeat at the hands of the Normals Saturday at Ypsilanti by a score of 42 to 12. A movement is on foot in the Literary Adelphi to grant diplomas to its members who complete a specified amount of work satisfac- torily. The D. A. C. football team went to Pittsburg Saturday and was there defeated by the strong Allegheny A. C. in a. rough, slugging game. 'The' score was n18 to o. Minnesota won the championship of the Northwestern Inter-Collegiate Association Saturday. It had the easiest kind of a time with Wiscon- sin, winning by 40 to o. The classes in social Pathology at Leland Stanford University, spent some tdays in studying criminal life in San Francisco. Anmong othser places they visited tlse jails and hottse of correction. The first section of the junior dents will comomence work to-day in they Histological laboratory. The course has been extended to five weeks. The second section will work in continuous gom work, a compulsory course this year. At the meeting of the senior dents, Saturday morning, in the dental theatre, the following officers, who had been nominated by the inde- pendent caucus were elected: Pres., IVt. P. Green; vice-pres., Miss A. :Miller; andty., C. P. Haselden; treas., F. IV. Blake. At the election of junior laws the following officers wvere selected: President, WV. A. Keerna, of Indi- ana; first vice president, J. V. Ron- encrance, of New York; second vice president, Miss Watson, of Penn- sylvania; secretary, C. B. Hender- son, of California; treasurer, Win. Downing, of Colorado. The Harvard glee, mandolin and banjo clubs will make the usual holi- day trip this year, hut will not go further west than Cleveland. .-WM- R. FULDE,a .FIRST 'CI.A~ss TAILOR, Willi imStreet, t Fitdooiv West ofStatse Street. U. OF M. FLAGS. Sterting Sitlsir. enametlled to yellow and btllr, stichlien orectch pin. Price, 01.50. IJ'. ARNVOLD, Alwclec. FL OWgES, f02 QsI9S C'upitclat, vit. Suicpto sind Privts, $1y,o00. Does anra n',i It --s mebusineeo. Peys inter- et o vi eonDeprpits.lehan Safety Dieposit Psixes fourent. It. 1EMdPFPr eos . F . IIEISEE dastter. Pailsope~n tudayevening. CIGARETTE SMOK(ERS whio are witt- ieg to pay a litte iore tha n she plice ehrlied toe thn ordinary hiadeCigarecttes, wil ind THIS BRAND saperior toati others. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 see made from the brighitest, msot deticate in nlavor, and highest cost GOLD LEAF grown in Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that the name of the manufacturers as helow is on every paeLkage. ToeI 1,4 C.~tY ,ngERCAl OsACCOe ' NV BRANCH l T , MNensltlA OFEJ=_ ITL1 The Leading -+A TA1 LOR Hans the newest Fall and Winter Wooens and largest stcek in she eity. You can get any selection you aee looting toe. COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., agar Main,