THE U. OF M. DAILY. ICALKINS' fiOc M]XED CHOOQLATC$ 40c PER POUND. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th.f INot more thoan7% pound to, person at this rate.Wwntyou totry them. Calkins' Pharmacy~ +-]JJFJL 3TJD T41jI1TEN Kid, Buck and Elk Tanned. See the N E VV Y0 U M A N at BOWDISH & MATTLESON, THE OUTFITTERS. I2VTOQI-&OElJE XE NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full -Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUD)ENTS' SUPPLIES, whicli they offer at the Lowvest Prices. THE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HAND BOOKS BiOUGIIT OR EXCHIANGED. CARISDS EGIE5AVEZxD =ST 'FUdXMl BET P 'STY=ES. UNIVERSITVYIOOKSELLERS, STATE STREET. Special Sole of Writing Toilets. Fine Liunn n Wove Writing Papers. 25c a pound. Sweaters and Gymnasium Suits. Visiting Cards engraved on slkoiL notice. SHEEH3AN& Co. University tBooksellrs, iStatiaoersoust Enraverrs, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A new invention for duoplicatingop ies of writings oust draswings. Dosstnt v/tentthe'wickI. Doenetot sokoe tttittteys. Hs nnbuttdordor. Giveosoa pucretite li/nt. finever -bencitntsbaet-Insnnwhift enas distilled wateri Itis puet- c-rosnut..GiesUlit intt-tot smnotor dr Dived r om s-nptly. Sold onsytby Deantt &fCo. Wiltloment airy prie made moilot 44 Soath~ Main Stbret, D. EAN & COMPANY. From an original, an nrdinavy paper with any pen, inoncopies ran tie madte. Fifty copies of typewriter manuscripts producred in 15 minutia, Send for civculars nd nt ples of work. AGENT S WAN'TED). LAWTON & CO., 22 Vesey Si., New York, 0. K. BARBER SHOP". *l~s eonniti 0 lFine Sthinec-vtht0s. ewpri cel,itnbsho80iibaths tor $it0I. Lien' Idair DicressigPIrur ustaims T. R10 ttannv~'i:,3itE. WashingtonSt. PAiTRdONIZE OWEN'S tBARtttt SHOP, rNo. 4 East ItIuriin Street. FIRST N'ATIONAL BANK CM 'a OP ANN ARBlORt. Capital, $50,00. Surpirs,,ted Profitn, I,000. Transacts a gennraltbankingtbianens. lFor- egn eschange nought and nold. Letters o credit eroec-ed for travelers ahroad. P. BAOII Prenn S. W.CLAIKSON, Cashie. ANN ARBOR- DT HJA IJsNUNDRY CO.. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SEtRVISS, - NManIger. UNIVERSITY NOTES. S. H1. Perry has heen selected as A. IB. Stone, law 'go, is lpractic- assistant managing editor of thne lag in Chicago. Castalian. No prizes wilt he offered The e)00-graduate reception wilt thin year, the hoard depending he held the 24th inst. upona the patriotisum of its class. AV. 11. Bates, msedic 'gye, has a Mr. Frank Wells, who wan one of flourishing practice in Wyoming. tine quiz masters in telawv depart- 'y6 and '97yplayed a practice meat last year, ia nowv practicing gante, thin morning, on the campus. law with one of the leading firma in De Pauw plays Wahash college tihe Pacific Slope, in Portland, One- to-day-We play Be tPauw Monday. gun. Tine results of the game with Pur- Somethning of itnterest to students due will he pouted at the DATs- will he the course of lectures to he office tonight, given in Newherry halt, hy the P'rof. T. M. Cooley will lecture Rev. Walter Elliot, Paulist of New on "The Influence of the Hahit of York. The first talk will he given Thought upon Institutions," Mon- on Friday evening, the 17th inst. day evening. He will lecture each evening for a There will he addresses to-morrowwek Adisofr. morning, at 9:15, at Newherry halt,wek Adisofr. hy Miss Buck and Mr. Lung on the Owing to unavoidahle cicum- "Salvation Army." stances the Scotch Concert an- All '96 men desiring class canes sounced fur Monday evening, on must give their nanmes, as noon as tine Inland League program has heen possihle, to Cummer, Bourland, postponed for a few days. Watch Choate, Flowers or Baird. for the announcement. Mr. U. J. The Alpha-Nu-Adelphi progranm, Corey, the Wagnerian scholar, fromi given last night, was enjoyed hy the Bhoston, will appear in that course many present. Thne music hy Wednesday evening, Nov. 03. Messrs. Cook and Geriner was a very The subject of the morning dis- entertaining feature, course at the Baptist chords, next A large, handsomely framed plc- Sunday morning, hy the pastor, Rev. lure of Wilmot S. Pennington A. S. Carman, will he "The Prom- adorns the walls of the gentlemen's inc and the Peril of a Religious Re- parlors in Newherry Hall. Below vival." In the evening the suhject are engraved these words: "In loy, will be, "The Brink of Eternity," ing memory of Wilmot S. Penning- with allusion to a remarkable inci- ton, of the class of '79, from his dent of the recent terrible railway parents and sister. disaster at Battle Creek. -:WM_ R. FUL.DE, >1; RSA CLASS 'TAILOR, Wiia imStreet.,Inirt doorsvestnofState Street. U. OF M. FLAGS, StertingSiver.,tensselledin yellown and bkin, , i'tol or catcho pin. Price, $1.50. PWk. ARNOLD, Jew derct. FLOWER~S, f,. OW9S OUY1NillsWitll.,Flrits Tetnphroo et. i atejfminers' allJ eI IFcaliue' nh fCasital, $ii,060. Sictinpsnr nto7t X17,001f)~. Dones aucn~a 0,ntcotisocin tsoioen. Pays inter- ot on Savinngs Deponits. llon SafvO- Deptnosit 5;osi-s for rnt~s. R. OCEiOPP,-en. P. H. BTcSER, Cashiier. Banop enSaturdayc-evening. STRA1O .CBE T$EBEST./ CIGARETTE SMOKERS whio are wcott- ing to pay a lottle mote thoaonoton pere charied foe the ornaryoo ptoade Copareine, will in THIS BRAND superior sn ail otheos. The Richmond Straight Cut No,.1 are made fenin tnheorghtest, nosnt deliceate ioofnanny,nod toiphest coot GOLD LEAF grown in Vorginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, mod otiseeve that the name of the moanufacturersasa helosw ia on every pactage. The Leading -*A:E~'TAJ LOR Has she newest Pull and Winter Woolens anod largent stock in the city. You ran pet any selection you are nloogfor. COME AND SEE US. 12 E. Washington St,, near Main.