THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 SO. UsAIN ST. IPi rector and Maosger. E XCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20, EAST ii COON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods coiled for and delivered. A. F. UOVERT, Prop. za Yrears iii the Bushssa.s. ". CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP TOUR ACCOUNT WVITH THE +$TATE $AVIflG$BAI2K+ Cer. Main and Washington Streets. A. L. NOaLE, Preso. ROnEnTPHILaIPS, Cachr. The 13. & Mf. prhg Store Ia the place to bay anything in the Drag line, Medicincs, Sponges, Brashes, Etc. Etc. G-0 TQ R~. E~ JOLLY & Co.'s When you waint a pare box ofcinccChoccoate Candies. Staticcery at cost. Cigcrs, iobacco, Cigarettes and the Finest Stsick ofiPipeo in the City. LADIES' and DENTS' LUNCH ROOXS. R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St DANCING and DELSARTE MSS ANNIE WARD FOSTER .6 S. State Street. MONDAY--yp. l.Advaned Casfoasc- T e a anp d Gentlemen SAT I)tAil-10la. ia. GUccliaic's ianira 2p. m. Chi Iidi's daiicingclas.. 4 ta in. Ladie 'idancinc lass. Privatie lesca. lby appointiaent. UJ. F M. CALENDAR. Sat. Nc. 11.-Senior Literay elcti. 2 p. m. Rocam A. Sat. Nov. 11-Janice Lass clectin. Sat., Nic. 11i-Hoc.Jery Simpspon, i S. L. A coursi. Sbjes, "Same Recenit Caiigs i Agriultare.- Sa. Nc. 12.--Chapel erice at 9:1 a. m, .subjec. "The Salatio Aiy., Thurs. Nc. Il-Pist Choral Uincocncrt. Snouldi e Terrors. (Cntinued fromsfSet pae. the leam. He stands 6 ft. o1a1 in. high, weighs 185 pounds ad is 21 years old. F. W. Henninger, also from the High School here, is on the 'Varsity for the second year. He weighs 175, is5 ft. 10y, in. high aod 20 years old. R. L, Freund, last year substitute half, learned foolball wills Brewer sod Fairchild at tie Hopkins School in Btoston. He is 21 years old,5 ft. 6y,~ in. high, aad ceighs but 130 J. Baird gui his sart with tie Hlighi Schol teanms of Ann Arbor anid Hyde lark, is 20 years old, 3 ft. 6i., high, and weigis 145 pounds. G. 11. Ferbert playedl las yearwihteAn rbrHg Scol and gels on the 'Varsiy as a fresh- man. Hfis weight is 13, height5 ft. 712, in., and age 20. C. H. Smith, who i spending his first pear here, was for four years center rush at De Pauw. He weighs 230, sands5 ft. 1o in. high, and is 2o years old. Jas. Hooper, who weight 10 lbs., is 6 ft. 2y5, in. high, and 25 years years old, has played a little for two years, being last year with the Colo- rado School of M~ines. G. J. Villa comes from Washing- lon, and has ucer played football before in his life,tHe weighs 195 pounds, is 5 ft. 7 in. high, andt is 20 years old. 1. lDyer has played on class teans here, and also one year withs the Pastime Athletic Club of S. ILouis. He is 2,3 years olnd, 5 ft. 1ra in. high, and weighs 173 pounds. The weights of the subs are as follows: Senier, 157; Miorrson, 175; C. T. Griffin, 165; Greenleaf, 130; and Aldrich, 165 pounds. The Wrinkle board will hold a meeting Monday nigt to discuss plans for the Thanksgiving and Christmas numbers. Dr. C. N. Sowers, last year on the DAILY board, passed the highest of thirty-three applicans to prac- ice medicine in Virginia. Of the 33 only so passed. F. G. Smith of the same class also passed the ex- amination. They are both practic- ing near Low Moor, Virginia, as surgeons for mining camps. Hono to he Dad.GRAND OPERA HOUSE. T1he freshman denial students Joe Murphy hats retired loaided down held a meetiing yesterday and passed wt laurels a1111wea~lthi; posor'Biilly Seanlan is a lovcdinieiiory of the past the following resolutions upon the antd in their place has arisen anIi rias death of thseir classmsate, E. M. comedlian who hida fair to occupy a protid poshiiii in the esteem of our Staebler: theatre goers. We allude to Eugene Whsereas, God in his all wise provide has O'Rourke. aii exeellent comedian, ceen best to recmcve frcm ace midscar be- singer aind danscer, wcho will shortly laced friend cnd felo studect, Emanuai el aeshr shsns ly"h Mack Staehler, be it bereby Resclved thast wc, Wicklow Postman." as members of the class of '9e, cc the dentala depacimcot, of the Uoicerity of Michigan, ° THE WICKsLOW POSTMAN." do hereby manifest oar heairt-felt sorrow for NOW thiat W. J. Seanlan is a memory the loss (has sostained; and be it also Re- of the past and that Joe Murphy has solved, that we extend oarrkhssrt-felt sym- retired,(lie critics and the public both pathy to the bereaved sacs in the sad boors declare Eugene OtRourke to be the of their affliction, and be it further Resolved coming Irish comedian. Ile will thast a copy or these resolutions be spread up- shortly he sen at (lie Grand Opera on theelaosrecords, thsat a cpy be presented House inliso new play, "Th~le Wicklow to tlsheeeaved family, aiid also ke published Piostman," on Nov. 14. in ike local papers. S. 5. MUMEiY, -3 Fi. 5. MANN, No graduate of Harrigans's Theatre, H. HILLMANs, Newr Yovrk City, who lhis left that Go. P. 0 rca t. home cf Irish comedy ts star for him- Coinitteve. self lhis evrissade ii failure. Mr. The funeral will he held this Eugene O'Roiirkoe, ill Iisiiewv Irish coeiduy draiia, "the Wicklow PIost- afterisoon, at 2:,30 o'clock, from the mn"''is the ile-stidibutaint fromri iar- Episcopal churchl, and the class wiii CIgiInis. anidt fromi all reposrts lie lIp- attenid the funaral in a botly'. if exce-ilenitilliit. Resolutions or Condolence. ---BUSINElSS LOCALE. jMICHIGAN GENTRAL :imeslailo(Rlevsistillcp. 24th, i1lt3. 'lIt I.........427 1Ilail......92 Dsay Ecpress... I 50Day Expes...8ll NS.Lited .l6P8N. S. 5Limiiite...5954 12 17'iiesi'o Espreso.. 15 N. Y. kClii. Li m.12 31 G tl. & K al. Eii.. liii ..Ni. Clii N. Eopess.. Sill AtlanicExapress 5 aiio'Expres--.. .10 20 D. N. Express.ill G.R xres..104,1 OW isoncaE, H. W. H AYES, G.P ',Ago., Chiicagii. Agt., Anii Arise. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUE PRINTING and- -p. PUBLISHIING Student Work a Specialty. Hoot WorkmeniiaindLoist Pricos in the Ciy. GRAING ER'S., CLASSES IN DANCING will meetc as followsientOvsle, S is. oeay uslecitnc 51 and Thurisayesecliisa8:00; Ladies. Saturdasy afeoes4. Ladie'. mid OGeitleime, c(- vanced class, Tlacooeaveniiigcs8.Giond floe. 6 Maoocrd aeet. Tuitiio. oie tecim (twev' ewekssi $5. Ptipils receeived at any time. SUHSCEICTI7ONS 51OR THE DAILY $2.50 per year. It i l inl of its mosot earnest work to a mostilnti lees its heirt by his death. As a marl cccsshas lice senit to Iis ito in the cllegs Sige Cl Noti Extra ( DAILY COI Professor speeches is tile DI)si collies tos U. of A ratific; by the Ref lecture roc 13, at 7:45 recent vie' puiblican p Rousing sr it is expe Glee club' Congrali by ieiegrar the club. losyal to il Oral Thesecxec ous sub-coi cal Associa 2I at 5 0' Nov. 16, ii canvassing. Novoii ebe r ,,9;3. ti cmv tothelii:k solidie if liihe0[Not~icsinseited is hio colsimn atthue role rf5 eltc pieliscSpeial eates ice loager Unciversitysoftbicsinac, thsatsoie tim~e,004 extauinseurished brapplyiog at Isloisly esteemsed siiimbisandiitee DAIooii'. aria, ArthuireJ. Stoegis, haiiiomeiii' For, E22I-Desirale roomo in hood- i'e end, she elasso herebly tesi- ernhoe at 2840. 1{ifth Ave. 36-37 :tlt esadolencv is0 all biereiaved Gfood hioarid at $2.00) a week. Also if sympsathiy aniiirespet tie iineely fiurihed roos heasp. S North ctedi thiat a i'ipy at this iletterc bes aesret'33 trs'sl, aiiilthast it be epblised For ent-Isco sinle roioschd oiie espaers. suit. Fisriiaice heat, list anod cold scaler sos of 1895l, per Committee, bath, $2.011 andh-4.00 dollars, 20 E. Jef- fersonl. 34-37 H. It. Kessi, Havie your phoitos taken at lRlsndall's M.1. . GoENB1;t. behore (lieirisis of Chriatmnas. Chsoice 'tobaeeo, ('igara and Pipes st - 4Sheldoni's Biliard iHall, No. 3 North ce to Lam Students. Main street.1- AT~r?,TENT-iI. Io you thinlk of buy- lng 5 type-swriter this yeiar? '1henl call copics of Wednesday's itt(lie DILYtofofice if you wvishioiie be- ntaining "writelup'" of low cost. Griffin'is reception and See Schleeelsa leu' SwnlLinien Tabi- lets. TIhiey lire (lie neatest land heat in n full, may be obtained at (lie city. 50 S. Slate st. voffice to-night. Get Foun~tainidren sseialty at Schi- end home. hesiles, 511 S. Slatest5. "Where. 1id you get that iHat?" SI. Rpublcan lub.The J. ''. Jaeobs Comopahny - ' VYosu laie your chioiceof $2, S2.50 and ation nmeetinlg iii be held 8:3 Iats, displasedciiniitheirowitidow, pulican club is the lass for $1.7i)(Isis week oiily. Evevy ptuv- om Monday night, Nov. chiasev gels a key. 5sharp, in honor of the BusR:, ii' with ahgooid paiivof socu- ;tory achievetd by the ye- der bvaees. A lavge sieck al low pvices artythrughutte ~ ~ at Brvowi'sIDruug Stsove. A fewvshop )art thoughut he U S.wovrnbvriees at 50c. peechses wilhl be mache and Senios in lldeat nsareti willd thtoeU.o kM.t adtohsir rats'esnpihotograpie wilrendier music. wr tA. 1W7. Ctuis', .Studiio, No. Ii ulations have hieen sent HlursonSt. MV-W-F-2xv m 1o Gov. IMctKinley by For osle,(food Victor Safety. $90, Let every republican be 0.+.KBsutterfield, 41 Caitherine street. iparty and come out. 19-41 GEo. W. puu.t>r Havsie yoiuhsesi to Hazclewvood's Bill- Preidet.liar llil y etlyEverythinog lice, hpleaa- a anunt ut asish qsuiel; 110boisterousness. -~Go to hIhi5CN'sI)l:it'sj S''oissg for;sill orical Association. Laboiatisry ssippiics. r)iSOe(ftihsg fdSS, aprons sld sevs. .01P''c. cutive board and thse vari- AnIs Arhbsr DI yc5 orke d1 3 West nnsnstleeo of ibe Oratorn- Hiurosistreet'- lSelo(iii attenitioni giveis ltion Will mcci in Room to cleaoning ig 11rcliiirilig suits. Have 'clock sharp. Thursday, your light atiitasiyed. 1-7 oreport on the work of New Lauundrvy. Try uss for the best work you ever saw. Work done in " GERRUDEBUCK eight hours no extra charge. Office, 10 GERTUDEE. hluron street. Works 47-31 XV. President. Hturon. Telephone 83.