RECEPTION TO THE LAWS. management wrote back accepting SHOULD BE TERRORS. I 'W'EVE GOT EM '
the terms on condition of having History and Weight of Each Player. A CAR LOAD OF
The Laws Entertained Last NightACRLODF
by the Ladies of the S. C. A. at the privilege of half the gate re- -We Have a Beefy Rush Line.
Newberry Hall. ceipts instead of the guarantee. Al- -No Team Work, ERIE + PIANOS
The reception tendered the mem- bion did not deign to answer. The All over the country, football JUST RECEIVED.
hers of the law department by the second eleven in the meantime were coaches are announcing the definite Cases in Oak, Mahogony, Walnut andBlack.
ladies of the Students' Christian kept from making arrangements for makeups of their teams; and al- To Rent or for Sale. Prices Right. That's fair.
Association, at Newberry Hall, last any other games. Friday morning, though there has been continual
night, was a very successful and en- Assistant Manager Batavia tele- shifting of positions, the players . r b ®r
joyable affair. Invitations had been graphed to Albion, and again late and places on our team can now be
sent out during tihe wveek to all last night, asking for an answer announced as nearly, or quite, defi- 51 South Main St.
menobero iose addresee could be within an hour. No reply was re nite barring, further accidents. C.
ascertained, and a a result about ceived until this morning, when a H. Smith is center rush, with C. T.
8oo tn all were preoent. 'te early telegrams canie, coolly stating that Griffin, substitute; right and left
par oftheevnin wa sentin e-Albion had mtade a date to play guards, F. W. Henninger and J.
ooialweepeetTh arytlgancmcolsttnthtGifnsusiuerihan letpart of the evening wao spent .ottre-AlinhdmeadteopaygrsF W.H nnerndJ
newing old acquaittances and mak- Notre Dame to-day. It will be re- Hooper, substitute, J. L. Morrison;
ing new ones. To say the laws were tntbered ttat Albion broke a date right and left tackles, G. J. Villa
in their glory would be drawing it here at the last moment to play the and W. W.. Griffin, with H. M.
mildly indeed, as their gallantry and Varsity, earlier in the season, and Senter, substitute; right and left
that the management secured a game ends W. J. Aldrich and G. H. Fur-
partiality for the fair sex is prover- en,.f. a ..ur hnownteaetetooiarye
with the D. A. C. to take its place. bert; quarter Baird and substitute, thfnA 1, Sdorphhiseattt to sit a ls loss
al. After the promenade all re- n Arbor rices send for Catalogue to
paired to the auditorium, and after ' - G. Greenleaf; right half, P. Freund,
singing "The Law Department," a Thanksgiving Proclamation. while, at present, Dygert and Dyer
song composed by Miss Gertrude Executiveotiiee, Mieligan. are playing left half and full back
Buck for the occasion, a very inter- To the people of the State of Michigan, Greet- respectively.
omtg: In weight, at least, our team need DETRO-T, - MICHIGAN.
esting address was given by Prof. Ittpursuance of a time-honored custom, I
Knowlton, entitled"M y First Case." do hereby appoint 'hursday, NovemberItlhr- take second place to none in the ----N OT I CE !-+-
t.eth, as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty country. The average weight of we re here to stay. we are preed to
he song iAnn Arbor was fol-ich h has itstowed "ie aeitso worik to tte tradte of tis cit
lowed y an address from Prof. hole tea is 74 pounds, that e ed Sy e house r loaitd
tthepresent year. You are requested to ab- of the line is 187 pounds and that Aseric, and at priesgovern d 'y gods or-
Thompson, entitled '"the Attorney stain from all lttor and buines, except of dered. Soits frot det. tthit y ottars) to any
and Jury.'' This address contained teessity and i ,ariiy, and to assemble at of the back ts 152 pounds. EN- pri.e desired. iteCustowTaitcritghe
myour respective plates of worship for the cluding Furbert, who weighs14iO -'
many valuable prints to thte law stu- -operobservance of the day and occasion.
dents in reference to pleading be- In the preparation of those yos ly pounds, the average weight of the Nt. ANN STREET.
- atherins, around the tables supplied with other six men of the line is 195
fore a jury.. The professor dwelt ttte luxuries of alt climes, do not fail to re- pounds. And, although this aver-
particularly upon the necessity for tettber in a substantial manner tte needy,
sack, and afflicted, that they, too, may have age is brought up considerably by
the laws to exercise courtesy in all reasons for Thanksgiving. Let the day b
proceedings in te court room. so observed that alitaythavetcauseforothank- the 230 pounds of the center Smith,
fulness, those who have an abundance, for it is not entirely a beefy line that
The class yells of the '94 and '95 that abundance and the privilege of aiding e have. With ouch weight and the
law classes was given, followed by those who want for the generous giving. Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HFURON ST.
the U. of M. Yell.Given under my hand and the great seat of hard, strong players we have, our
th .o .Ye- the State at the Capitol in La rsing, this eighth
The program was as follows: day of November, in the year of our Lord one line, and whole team as well, should HOT LUNCHES
thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, be a terror to any; and, indeed, it
Music-------------- ---------------Orchestra. andof theIndependencetofttheUnitedStates,tLOWtild sOCO.i l.t
Promenade; "A fair exchange is no robbery." the one hundred and seventeenth would be so, had we any semblance
'Ofi with the old love, on with the new." By the Governor; JOHN T. RICHI of team work whatever. ~ ~~
Music----------------C------ an--Orchestra. JonSW.JoCfM, Governor.TUTTLE'S
Promenade--------Com e up hirher " S cretary of State. Excluding criticisms and com- a 48 S. STATE St.
"There's ailvaysroom at the top."mentsit may be interesting to give
Song.------------------"The Law Department.m
Address------------------------"My First Case,' Junior Law Election. some of the characteristics and
PROF. tNioVTON. history of the individual players jnLy EAtLY
So.g.-----" Atn Abtr." At the junior law election this who make up the team. To SECURE
Addrs's- li----_Te Attoroey and Jury," TOs1e
PRor. TiOMPSOr. morning, W. H. Keerns, of Indiana, Capt. Geo. Dygert got his start in
Song-.--..--....---"Seeing Nelie tome' nominated by Mr. Bingham, of Mis- football in the Ann Arbor High First Edition of
Teits of- - - - -'0~5 Law onwselce r
yellsof-t---------------------- s ouri, was elected president, with a School, and has seen four years'
Yeil tMasters: L. 0. tott.'to. vote of 131. Victor J. Obenauer, service on the 'Varsity team. He is PROF.ZI T
S. C. Setasas. '9. of PRhiOFn.noZIXV'ETSMr
of Michigan, nominated by Mr 23 years old, 5 ft. 4 in. high, and
This Is Ablbon Honor. Busch, of Michigan, received a vote weighs 160 pounds.
ThisIs lbio Hoor.Elementary Treatise on The-
of 65. As we go to press, the elec- W. W. Griffin has also played
Our second eleven will not go to tion, for the remaining officers, is in with the 'Varsity four years, two oretical Mechanics, Part IL
Albion to-day. The circumstances progress. years as substitute. His weight is
175 pounds, age 25 years and height Now FOR SALE AT
Manager Baird received a letter The following officers have been 5 ft. 8 in. H
Wednesday, asking if the second nominated by the independent sen- R. W. Hays, who came from
eleven would come to Albion, Sat- ior dents: Pres., M. P. Green; Northwestern here, has played here UNIVERSIT.Y BOOKSTOrt
urday, to play their first eleven, vice-pres., Miss A.Miller; secty.,C. for two years, but is no longer with
and guaranteeing expenses. The P. Haselden; treas., F. W. Blake. (Continuedon third page.) STATE STREET.