THE U. OF M. DAILY. ICALKINS' fifc . Z==ZT77 = o" MIXED CH-OCOLATE$ 40 TUESDAY,. '' L q DTqI TENOVEMBER 4th. Kid, Buck and Elk Tanned. See the N EW Y OU M AN at aol mr the.tW ant oudto atrsoatn THlE OUTFITTERS. ot rthisrt.W antpo o r tem.'tBO WDISH sr ___________O Calkins' Pharmacy J 2-vlOc:TOI 8 &WJ EO-RJ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second .Band, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THlE USt ALIa ISCDU,\TS GIVEN TPU STUDENTS. SECONID IHAND BOOKSIPOlK. l I"OR txCII ANGED. CAR. -A.ED ~~--~ VEa~S =N 1 wivm 8aSTr SYI-El Sm UNIt 1ESITVI)SILII*ES, ) II. S TATE STREET. Dos v ot charrthc wick. Dossnot smcoke chlimneoys. Has noobad odor". Glees ae po(m white light. Has er r rbaeencn itto' s-Pawhtasdtildat. Iti , vcarbon ( resa e/it.o ltvitu csmkor or . Special Sale of Writing Tablet..tisor ero.i iralhtriolsmk orto. 'toe Linen anti Wovt Writin g Papers. 25tcDeli__ered__________________ Sold___ only __by ___ean __&__Co. a poand,..Will cmoot aey opticeaeoneail. Sweaiers and Gymnasium Salts. 44 South Main Street. D A zC M A Y Visiting Caeds engraved on sliort notice. Ann Arbor, Mich.DE N & O PA Y BHEEH AN& Co. Uiversity Iliahseilers, Stationeers and Engravcrs, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A' ew e tionfor duet c tinrg copies at werit in rirgs. From anooriginal, an ordineary parw aile any pen, ioo copier can ire marie. Fifty copies of typewriter manuscriprts irroducned in 15 minuates, Senrlfhr crirsutaes anti sane- plea of work. At;ENTCS WANTED. LAWTON & CO., 22 ,-esey St., New Yorke. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Winr rcnnetirnrr.irerShowre eBlathrs.ret'porc- celira t . rrJOraterstrrr $.0.rrLadrrien' Nar5 Drcessineg larreupairsn.. J. I. TrOASK,130rrart Eare . Wasington SI. flATI5ONI 'IE OWEN'S BA RBER 0110I1, 1 No. 4sEast llrrrnrStree't. IRST NATIONAL BANK EY i~f ANN ARBIOR. CapicetattOO000. Surlplusand Prolits, $30000. Transacts a genernlhbanking busncess. IFor- nignr exchacea'boughtand nsold. Ltters of credit prncnred far traanelers nabroncd. P. IIACII, Prenn.S. WeCLARKeSON, Cuanler. ANN ;ARBOR T MJIJY hNND Y CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. ER S. Sastyass, - Manager. UNIVERSITY NOTES. The University Glee Club will '9f re bou toinvst n cassglee a concert at P'ort Huron on the y6 ae abut o jue11in cass2911h, and at Flint, 30115. carrus. '1he independents Mra fPiaepiP. of thre senior Dr. orgn o Pliladlpha, a.,dent class held a meeting yesterday visited tbe University yesterday. for the noination of officers. IDr. Morgan wsathre first Professor Tire University Glee Club will sit of Trheory and Practice in the for ther picture at Gibson's, tensor- Honmeopathe Department. rose, at to o'clock. The lianjo C. G. Jenkins, '94 Honseops., is Club will sit at 2 o'clock. entertaining his father. P'rof. I. N'. Demmon is giving a Yale has played none of the course of University extension lec. stronger teanms tis year and is nose tures in Toledo. He gave the first anxious to arrange a game with last Friday nighet. Hie gives six Pennsylvania for tirelractice to lectures on "Shakespeare and is be derived. Plays." Northwestern and Chsicago univer- I. M. Staebler, a member of the ally played their second game at freshman dental class, died yester- Evanstons yesterday, and strange 1o day, at Iris home in this city, of say for the second list result was a tie typhoid fever. We extend to his of 6 to 6. 'Their first ganme was C2 parents the synspathy of is lass. to 12. Dr. H. Thurtell, a graduate with 'The Freshsman Glee Club had an thse class of '92, visited at the boa- e'amnination in room 24 last evening. pital Thursday. 'Tie University Glee Club will Solicitors for the Chroral Unit n neet ins roons 24, to-nighst for prac- course are making themselves hreard. lice, at 6:45 sharp. Othser menabers wishing to sell Cyrus Gordon, of tire law class of tickets slhould apply to Prof. de 69, was elected Presidenst Judge of Pont. the 46111 Judicial IDistrict, Pennsyl- T1he scaffoling on the nortih side vania, yesterday. of the new recitation building broke Lingleton Bell, law '82,is now Dig- yesterday morning, throwing several trict Attorney of Chearfield County,meshufitnfetotecrs Pennsylvania.meabufitefetothcrs Misses Elmer and Dunbar, 75 E. beams below. All escaped with Washington st., gave a reception to slight bruises except one, who hroke some friends last evening, his left leg just below the ankle. The. Wrinkle, in our opinion, is- He was attended by Dr. Muirhead sued its best number up to date, to- and then taken to the University day. Hospital. 0WM_ R. FUILDE,V FIRST ..A SS TI.R Willib treert,lFitrores'.tttSateSteet. U. OF M. FLAGS, St ee'ie-Sittrv e eameeinr - yeltreesandrrblhe, seirk lpan Sotr cahpin. rie, $1.0. ' O VRTIM. AN R OD ree. COUSINS & 1IALL. r1oits, T~,~1c.A e1attere.Iter . 'rretet ort Prrti 'I ert Des a eneralt taer ing trbseesn. Pays teeter- rer tre Stavings letertt. lion Snfery epirose itesfr ten t. Ri. lcEDllPP tes. I. H. IlEER, ashaaiier. Btankenha urd eayeening. ~TR A 6 ARE TilE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS whoeeaseewill- Ieee to papyas lite rcee than teCere chargedfri rthe ecrdina~ry traerCiaaretes, waltnd TH IS BRAND sperior to tel thers. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 CIGAER1T nemacinfromnetiretrieghatest,'rrest elirate ifleavtrtr, aendl tigihestct GOLD LEAF growto en Virgieaa. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, anerrvee teaetetnamee.ofthe meanaeuaactorrsaas heloa snevneary package. OM K $.11 4E1CNT600C The Leading *A +TAJ LOR Hoa. the newest Fail and Water Whtooentseend largest stoekitecity. Yoeu taogee any aeleetion you are lookineg for. COME ANP.SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.