THE U. OF M. DAILY.________ ORGAIZE 180. NCORORAED 886 U. OF M. CALENDAR. THE CHEI7UANEGON ORCHESTRA. _ LEW H. (1.EMEN'1', Fi., Nov. 1?-Seria h loo l~d Jeague 'eries.. 51t So. MALSr S. Dir ec-tor snd Macoger. Pet. Nov. 10.-S. C. A. reeption to the Law Newbery llol,S8p. M. E XC]ELSIO0R LAUNVDRY Sat. Nov. 1.-Senior Literary eection. 2 p. am. 0NHAct'IIUURON ORE '. IRooto A. Good Werk Guorateed. Goods rolled for Sat. Nov. 11,-Jonior Loaw election. andi delivred. A. F. (OVERT, Prop. Sat., Nov. 1-itto Jerry Simtpsont, int i. L. A ° torts. Sul)tect, "Sooty RecettChalooe- ill 22 IsearS iin the gBusine4.' Agitcu-ltutrt.' CITY LAUNDRY, Sun.Nttv. t2. Chatteltserricerat 0;15 a.,am. suject,"Thse Salv-atissnsArmsy. M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave- Thurs. Nov. iL.-First Citoral Utioancnertl. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE ----____P +$TATC $AVLP2G$ BAI2K+ They Will be Fine. Use. Main and tWashington Strsets. (otne rmfrtpn. A. L. NOBLE, Preso. Roisir PHILAPSar'tsh'r. oitndtrtEsipg) uponl herself; she must hear all the The j3= & Mt. prhg Syore good music she could and study 1,3the place to tsuy anytiing'is thtc Drag line. Mediciane, Spongcs, Brushtes, Etc. Etc. night and day. She has followed GO T this advice. At the first of the 31. E. JOLLY & Go.s Ithilharmonic concerts of the season Whett yoauwatt a pture iboxof Fine Cthoeslate of 1885-86, Miss Ptowell, then Candtes. ttiontttty attcot. ('gas,-.Tohbetc seeoyar Uiarettesad thitesa-t Stock of Pipes in sevente er old, played the thts lsty.' Bruch concerto. Her success was LADIES' and GENTS' LUNCH^ ROOMV. R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. itmtnediate, and she was compli- nmented especially by the profes-! D AN CI NG and D ELS ART E siotial musticiatns whlo heard her M, A.NNIE A D FOSTER play. It has tofteti beetn said titat 46 S. State Street. Xl slPoiell plays like a mtati, atit OiON)i- 8p. mo Advancet Itts fot Las diadtt ottlI tts to shte has a certaitn strenthltanti p. -tm. -tt ett - t ei-toCtlasst. ipower chiefly tnoted in tmen players; SATItti ' lt tt. ttt. tGeteen'acttotiotia *iss neverthecless, slte possesses tender- 4Da tll. tLame daningttets s" ness attd poetry in a mtarked degree; Privatie le-sots .io appoittmtentt. and it is thil happy combination, .AXJGHIGAN GENTI AL 3 : tt ltt N ESeT 51 0..RtiR.eeA-. M. N . . kCmAted. tet.'t: A-5, AtsssA.lttt THFlISEciANN AR1BChca:OExAreUs.15 P.YR&iTLIN-!1G. and Ep. 60 A. PUBISHING;xr~s. 85 THRANNQARS.R -G CLASSESINGDANIG tit sseta andt TWttrktettyndLoeste0Pr; iesntedty adThud eay-.evsein e:retties, S.atrast floose. G tminasstttreott. raiils. otte term twelve saeeks)i$5.Puspils recetivetd at asy tiate. SU1ISCIt tTIINS PFOR THE l"iDAILY A4 Ft CttMtNt sLs eFsec. $2.50,p er year. togetiter witit no entd of the hardest kind of work, that has tplacedt her at the bead of women violinists. The tickets can be obtainetd at music stores, at Calkin's tdrug store, Moore and Westroores and at the office of the School of Music (Maynard St.). Price $2. Second Eleven at Albion. 'Varsity secontd eleven, ttnder the charge of Capt. Cadwveli, ciiiide- scend upon Albion to-morrow, 17 strong, to take the Aibion team into camp. The teato wiii probably be: -Cadwell, Parker, ItIadden, Evans, Murbacht, Neal, Rice, Crozier, B~ourland, LeRoy, .taul. As sutb- stitotes there wiii be:-lKeep, Drttm- helter, Atler, Mitchiell, Rudel. At St. Andrew's. On the three remainitig Sunday evenings of November, tite Rev. I1. M. Duff lxii speak in St. Andrews' Churcit on 'The G~osptel in Early Years: Its leadisg 1'reachiers as Men and her Workers." 'The sttb- ject soul be presented in the follow- ing order : Nov. to, "The Apostolic Companions," - Blarnabas, Tim- othty. Titus and Apollo ; 'Men of lilke passions with you,'' Acts. 14- 05. Nov. 19g, "The Apostolic Pit- pits,' '-Clement, Ignatius, Plycarp, Papias,-'"Remember ye the words which have been spoken before by the Apostles of otir Lord Jesus Christ.'' St. Jude, verse 17. Nov. ,,6, ''The Defender of the Faith,'' -Justin Martyr, Aristides, Irena- ess,-" We did not follow cunning- ly devised fables.'' it St. Peter,. iii. On the Sunday evenings in De- cember, the Rev. Henry Tatock will speak tpon a subject to be an- nounced later. They Need Money. 'Te football teatm of te Uni- versity of Wisconsin is in financial straits. The fund devoted to that branch is such, ut in name. Their cupboard is very bare. Active. measures are about to be taken to make good the large deficiency. Every sudent in the university will he visited and asked to sub- scribe. In addition, the city will be divided into districts and thor- oughy canvassed. Success will ro doubt attend the efforts of the cor- mittees, as Wisconsin has a winning teatti. Haers Indicted. 'The troutile at Princeton over tlic hazintg of certaitn freshtten by Spht- ottores, is not yet at a11etd, irt fact, the motti seriotusipart of it seems to be jt. beginning. Those engaged in the;ihazitg of freshman Leopold hace been itdicted and fle prose- cuting attorney hreatens to arrest those who fai to appear. Btoth the freshman and sophomore class have protested and "resouted'' but to no avail. 'The lacy will take its course, though the punishment wilt probably not be extreme. In addition the faculty are pe- paring a series of penalties for ha- lug, including the expulsion of the individua offender and the taking away from the class, of alt leaves of absence and ipermission to engage in Atholetics. J UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'iTe rttgby game between the senior civil ergineers atd mecani- cat engineers, for Saturday next, has been declared off. Engraved on hi scuffs Were the Furies and Fates, And a delicate map of the Dorian states, And they found in his patin, whicit were holow, 'What is fretqtent in palms-that is, sates. -University. Catndidates for the freshmen glee club were exanined last evening in oonm 24. INTER-COLLEGIATE. Through the non-appearance of her opponents Yale has been disap. pointed in four schedued games titis year. 'rhis year the newv rule in the Harvard law school requiring en- trance examinations from all except certain specified colleges goes into effect. The resut is at once seen in this years statistiscs. 'rhere has been a falliitg off of forty-nine, p- psosed to~ a gain last year of thirty- one. 'The attendance is 345 to 394. T1he college yell s a purely Ameri- can invention and is unknown in other countries. In England the students simply cheer or scream the name of their college or university, no attempt is made at a rythmical measured yell as in this country. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Joe Murphy has retired loaded down wits laurels and waelth; poor Billy Sanlan is a lsved nmemory of the past and in titeir ple has risn an Irish comedian st-Io bido fair to occupy a proud position inthtte stein of our theatre goers. We tltde to Engene Otouirke. ati excelentt omedian, siger stndidatncer, woito o iishortly Wickttl'otettostman Nowts:that V -. J. Sc~taanis a msem~ory ill the lias st tudtah tI' 'tttpiy htas retied, tt s-srit is anthie pic t h ielstre Etgsttt.(.3 Ii-rke to le te coinligIlishi-oft edsiant. Itoe sitt siiotly lbesent ibttoe(rlich Oerts hosuse it hs il 1155 ply, 'TbeWicow Ptostmonl tiNots. 14. BUSINESS LOCALS. fNtiees inssetet istisitcolumtn at te rats at 5 comatsperlile.spcitttrats foe longer tisme, tand eatess lises toensoled by appyigat the DAILY otfss.5 1o1rttENT---Desirabhle rotms in miot- ertn house at 25. 5S. Fitih Ave. 56-37 (Gosh botrsi at $2011 a sweek. Aso nicely furiniised rotis chetap. 8 North State stret. 33-8 Htave yosurphtls tkien atitanl~ltiis before the rshof siCUlrittmtas. Choice Tsobaceo Cigars tttd Pipest Sheldoin's BillirditHtll, N. 5Nortt Maia street- 1-7 AT--1-IINro'.-Dts yoisuttikitfbty- lug ia types-riter tis yer 'hilen tll lt thte DAIotfiteeif tousshioneO e- low- cot. See Scitietl's essSwsan LitnettTtsb- et.'ITey ate Ilcth e etetsttslbet ii thts city. b0 S. Stati' St. Fouintain51fes asp~e ilty at Sel- ieedle's, 350 . State 0. "Whiere-. Ci ytutget (htinl~t?"- att 'The J.. .. JacstsC.omplay Yost ave yousr choice of $2, 52.50 and $3 Bast, sdispltyed itsltieir wintosv, for $1 .701 this week sunly. Every' pur- echaser gets a ikey. BRACE tU siths a goodiltdof shiol- der brases. A ilarge stock at io prices st lBrsowt'o Drusg Store. A fewshilop wtortsbrasess st f50. Seiiors itt tslsdepartmietts tire etti- t'd hootsisrrliltes 0tn phitosgrphtici -sork at A. XW. Cris', Stssio, Nt. 0 1111t-0i1 t. vId-XV F 2w For sle. Gttid Vitor Safety. $90. 0. E. Busttet-field, 41 Castierie street. 194 Hasve yott beets to Iltslewoos lI- hiard Hldiyet? Es-rytliiignIie, pleas- ant aindlqiset; Isis0fboisterouslness. GO o ti1hiRstsW ' tltSOsiE fortll :Lahorsttvsussipies. hDisetiig ases, apons iandtusleeves.--toin Prices. Ann Artsor D)ye Workos at 3 West Hturoi stsreet Special attentiiotn givei to cean-ssitg tttttreatiritg sits. have yourilgit sutl.syes. 1-7 Newv L tusly. Try its for he best work yoever saw. Worksline it O~iglhthoturs no extraharge. Olice, 1'. E.It 'llionsstreet. Works 475t1 W. IHuron. 'T'lephoneliC8.