THE U. OF M. DAILY. CALKINS' ARE THE BEST. IIf you /ou't, its because you bave't 9tried tbhe. You coo't judge drugs by 9the tasCe. If you eould, you would kno surs srare the best thub casn be Ibouugt. We wish you c ould. Calkins' Pharmacy 34 S" STATE STREET. ~The Third Shipment atf HODGMAN'S MACKINTOSHES Just Received.o DONT FAIL TOS E LL A PARTY $11iOEL($ .4 SJ3oW dish & M attesoi 5 , TAT STTT, J~AOoI~BJ & - r R NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kiinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. TI/F USU M, DISCOUNTfS GlVEN TO STUDENTS. SElCONDBhAND lA/I/ES 1 011/CC O : LOUC NNLD. OeRZfcDR IfTG 7LVED EdST S/T dL C 11d tOST 2C'YrC iE 'Nl'1 iC5 / Ceti C/ II', STATE STREET. Speciaoi So/e cf/Veii/c1 'ColctL. Fine Linen anod Wove W5\itioo P1apers. 250c visiting Cards engraved co shortlnotice. / ci o lv /1 c//ce, 5/ ac d Lnor co , STAT S "7FEET. The slllj Cix Pr'nle . A neow i00nve 001iot for dulicatingcopiocsof writings ,oool.odrawings. Jltc00)noldo/too. 6(iiocooc /ofF /'Wite /i.. Jlooo oolooo been ills/100(0 c . 5 Is os 'c/l/it:oo C/disi//ed cc/ie PC -cs ooooocar/oco. (i~locCij/of ci//ovl/ ciioca00ol oor. Ikcicocl/ jol/i. ,Sold/ily00/5by Llooto&dCo. Wil met'ay pidI~eolol 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. UINIVERI-TVY NOTERS. P0res. Angell has gon/e to New Vork0o/ business. The sophConmoreo are plansning Co givc a social before Thankosgivin/g. f//c senior literary c/ass elects of-ficers 1/ext Sa/urday afternoon, at z a. mI. /in Ro/oumA. The football teamu wsil//bce1/1/0o- graphe/C/dais af/crnool/ 0n ti/c i/cl/ of Cfic Waterman Gymo. QI/ite a nun/bcr of canidcatco for 1tic foot bull teunm were 0/Ct for prac- ticec yesterday afternoon. Mtr. Mkead will give anothaer dent- onstration in Phvsioloceal- psv- All tbose whlo 0/issedI the first q/u/z /i/ Psych/ology oill be exanmined by 1\r. L/oyod Sa/turday nmorning at 9 o'c/ock. ili//Carle/ono, CC/c /oet, wi/i spea/c 0r 00/ran/a of I1/Co/anNa- tur /"in/1/C S/dr Lec//re Course at Dc/c/lit. to-niloht. A/co/pen/ing meeting of the Jef- fersoiniani socie/y swill bce/held in /1hc law lee/ure rooni /1is evening. A cordial ila/ion is extended to all. At /1/c meeting of /1/c Philosophii- cal Club 1/his evening at 7:45, in Room 21, Dr. Lloyd will reard a paper on "Theise ychology of the Historical MIethod." The Inland League swill not lhold their first social, Friday evening, Nov. so, at the Church of Christ owing to the death of Misu Adele Smoots, their former secretary. ]Further notice will be given newt week. Prof. Dewey, in an excellent ar- ticle in the November number of the Educational Review, suggestsa method of ethical instruction which he considert free from the objections commonly urged against this new addition to the curriculum. IWM.R.F LDE. J -VIEScer C1a.SeSt 'rAsIO,Z Ye//l ooand BeIr /otooos, UO. of/'1. Clog Pius. inee/poairing Clone. WNM. ARNOLD, Jeweler. FLOVJERS, Ff2 OW9uS COUSINS & 1AL, rloristsIse- "n''1150 J t.51c1 0001l //51 c. f.'xtrtrt "wrtrx . iu loooi a ooo t Iooo 000 oil0S.=gill sO 410/ ots. Hai Sto el It. 1(110/11. I/000. F, H. 1/1/151Ilis / oc $TM ARE THE BEST. / CIGARETTE SMOKERS u/olace us//- tng to pay/ a 1l0i tole ore 00 0/an theoprce scharged 1or the o0d1naussrade.10Cigrets, us//bund THIS BRAND superior to alol or. The Richmond Straight Cut Nos.1 CIG AIRF.T's see muade from the brightest, mst delicute in1 flavor, asd hig/hest cost GALD LEAF grostn iaYirginssa. BEWARE GF IMITATIONS, andob /serve thaut tho natme of theomanoufaocueris below i5 00 ettty /p0c/ago. EGRSANC" iT, ttsftKsNDVtP54510. to-. E =7=TL1= The Leading - ws.A I LO0R anuro / ioo,00co/isorgnleoan co ie moooleer /ifly ology Saturday evening.N i4 r Fit oies 0f if/pewriteomanuscripts/prouOced The '94 mechaical and civil en- iso 15 mionutcs, Seed for circulars ando/soon /1/es of woe/s. AGENTIS WANTRE). gineers are practicing for the foot-' LA\ATON &1ZCo., ball game Saturday msorning. 22 N1ecey St., New York. Th/ere will be a meeting of te sohomore girls, Friday, at t1:15 p. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. in., to elect member on class com- Moo conn/ecti0 on: ineShowerotohut/w new bor- eelw tua. 3) bthsfor$50. Loodies' Hoair mit/ee. J. t oJNw1 / CSE. ashigton/S/. bliss I/alley, of the School of fATHiON/Oowcx 5 t/BRBER/SHOP, Music, will assist the Jefferuonian P No. 0 Rast luron Street. Society in its open session thit FIRST NATIONAL BANK evening. -,;, +O+ AN AROR.Dr. E. C. Brown, 093 homeop. is Capital, A50t000. Surplus und Profits, $oto0. nicelystlda Madrid, Iowa, Tranuscts a general baaingouiss. Cuor- where he is enjoying a lucrative; sign exchange bought and sold. Letters of credit procsuredgortrureters abroad. practice. C. BACH, Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cushier. Representatives of the Yale, Har- .ANN ;ARBOR - yard and Princeton Unions will THAM'17E1UNDR Y CO meet in New York next Saturday aV * evening to take decisive steps to- - 23SOUT FORTH VE. wards the formation of a tringulsr E. S. SERtoISS, - ;MaN~nager. debsting league. I A case of scientific books, con- taining in the aggregate abont 250 Hns the newest Cull and Winter Woolrns and volumes, has been received at the largentslock in the city. You can get any slcinyou are looking fur. library. 13 volumes treat of phin.- logy, 23 volumes of mathematics COME AND SEE US. and 89 volumes of chemistry. The rest are various scientific ubjects. 2 E. Washington_ St., near Main.