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November 09, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-09

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THE U. OF M. DAILY. ________

518Sn. MAIN 5T. Director aod Manager.
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods railed for
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop.
22 Years i the Bues ns.~
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
Coe. Main and Washington Streets.
A. L. NOnLE, Pros. HOaET PHFILLI, Cash'r.
The 13. & P4. prig -Store
la the place totbuy anything intheis Drag line.
Medicines, Sponges, Brushes, Eta. Etc.
1R. E. JOLLY & Co.'s
Wheouata pue hax of Fine Chocolate
Candies. Stationry at cast. igsa,'Tssosacco,
Cigarettes and tlhc Finest Stsock of Pipes ttn
the City.
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St.
.6 S. Sii.tte Hetree.
MONA . ipn.ssAsdssssedsl 11,slor is-
TI (-S i)AY 1iip.sste1asiss-s dis v ecsss.
SATUIO ins. (el enei i ilcrr cli
55UU)% -i . i. Ols i ell i 's 5 nt n
Privatr lessots.biy apoissslssesl.

Fri., Nsov. 1-Social itsIlad League Series.
Fri. No. 10.-. C. A, rceptons to tho Lw
stodensiast Neserry Hlsl, Hp. m
Sal, No. 1i.-Sealor Literary eletion. 2i. m.
Rloom A.
Sat. No. ii. lonior Lo eetin
'fat., Nov. li-llso Jer~y Siopsonst, it S. L. A
couses. Sosjet, Some Reenst Cissssges its
Sas. Nor, iL.-Chatel sericr at 9:si)Sass.
satbjet, "The Slvtions Amy." _
Thurs. Nov. IL -Firt Coral Untion concert.
Cornell Hard From.
Considerable misundersanding
and misapprehension ha obtained,
as 1o the games arranged for Cornell
on Thanksgiving day. It has been
announced without authority and
has been generally understood that
Cornell would play U. of Ml. at De-
troit, on Thasnkgiving day.
Thio game was announced in the
firsi issue of the Sill as ai probable
ganie, lis thle Iwo imanagers failed
10 agree sn the fina arragenents
assdi a gasmse has beess arrangsedi wills
Unciv ersiy of Minnesuta. It ass
thieresore isa cefissitely aniosned
that Cornsell sill play Univssersity of
Minnesoa, in Minneapolis, os Nov.
30. Minnesoa has a strong earn
anid has defeated tsearly all the col-
leges of the northies, including
Michigan. The game swill there-
fore, doubtless irove anintseresting
one, ansi Cornell may be sure of an
enthusiastie reception aid fair treat-
mientsinusMihnneapols, svhere se is
very popular.-Cornell Sun.
Newspapr Mn to organie.
Cinsidiierable interest has beens
isainstainedl in tie re-establishmnent
of ue U oiversiy Press Clul. Va-
oils plasns for its isproveniseit ave
beeniprospoisedl aissieveryhing ipoitsi
to a stronsg cisb amnsthue ness-a
iape srses of te Clege. A mseet-
isgswill le ihed tonmorrowsv es-ingi
at shicihisthe best issteress of lise
asociaion will e discussed adi
seps taken towards re-establish-
muerst. Every newspaper man us the
Ulnisversiy shouldi le present. Te
uieansi psace of lisaeimeeingsoil
le ainouced in to-moiirrows's tDss ci
Junior Laws Mot
At a meeting of the juiio lasv
class held yesterday after the lec-
ture, a commuittee of fie sas ap-
pointesd to confer witi a like con-
mittee from the seiior class in
order to secure an orator for Was-
ingt on's biribday. The clas colors
iwhich were inex slecad arc black
yellow and rce. "L~eges Populi"
was selected for the class moto.
It was decided to old the election
Saturday in the customary way.

Schoolmaters Club.
The fail meeting Of the Michigan
Schoonasters Club will be held
on Nov. t8th, at 1:o a. nm., in
room 24, north wing, University
Hall. The program will be as fol-
Misic iss the High Shool-........--.
F------- ro. A. A. Stanley, Iiivesiy
Discussio. . . . . ..----------_----
Latin in the High Shosl-----. .-------
....J. H. Harris, Mieigrns Military Aademy
Discussin . . . . ..--------"--------
...Assistant Pes. J. H. Drake.tnidersity
Business SMeetig
Estglish Cmposition in te High School oat-
seqent l the Study o1 Formal hetori.
Me. Cornelia S. Hist, Cetsal High
School, Gand Rapids..----- ---...
Discossionss-----Frinscipa A. E. Cortis, Asrias
Law Election.
The law class of '95 will meet in
lisa lecture roon, at 9 o'clock, Sat-
urdlay morning to elect officers for
lisa ensuisig year. As all msehoss
requiisie for elections has-a bens lre-
arraingesd andIasoptec-as apoint-
ing is lr, uaking nominatons, asc
ball,,i-.;-the elecion will begins at
9 o'clock sharp.
Tlhe preoecec, aid active partici-
Iaton of every membr of the class
is ugentsty solicitesd. Students frotu
oilier caseosouil be admittes as
spectators anti ae not subject to ex-
clusion ao currently reoted. Let
every voter be on haid proimpty at
the abuse mentioned hour.
Isosr 5. 15.xsoS,
Funeral Notic.
The funeral of Mliss Adele Snots,
siillisa hal ross the Chursh of
Christ, Fidsay, at 3 p. u. Frends
of lisa famsily are iites.
Jo us 1irphys listsretiesd loded isisis i
wi-ilslaurelsiiiii sicalchispisr illy
Scasilansiis silsied silmsisy osit te pat
anin thcieirpliclis ilsrissslaIr. iisis
oesian wssssishoisfirIistis ucsiy ai
prosisdipoissitiii tiii s-teensofsit sr
thesatre ges. Wse -luise t I s~liss
O'Roursikte.ass excclletst edanielt,
siinger atwds(latcrs hosil 5shosrtly
b seheret'inhis nwpay"h
TisiisWILWc-Pi sis c-.iii."
Nosw tisst s. J.1 -Sessissiiis i memsoy
of lt'passt asdthalsst Io-'Murpyhisi
rtired, Iteciiis anilshe usesbliebohs
seelse tisgene Otiotrke to e the
essisils Irish comsesisin.Ileswl
shosrtyIe sorts st the Grasndi Operi
hlotuse iiisiiseswpsy,"Te Wikosw
Pustmn,"onovPu. I.
D~o you wissh to ret your roosms
Jhy tdsn't yous isert a iie sic two ill
our1 lots1 tolumnssifor it fess says?
More rootmssIssvoeroenrettedlthrotgi
the DIAIY thssntsthrssgisily other
sediml, for the DAtILY praticaly
falls into every students atis.

I Notiersinserted in this coisumo at the rate
of 5 coaperlsse. Spcias res .or onss
time, and extra lines furishesd bc aplying as
the DAILY fhie.1
(So to thse J. T. Jacob's Co. and get
your underwear. They 110e 1+te
largest and best assorted lite in the
Good board at $2.00 a week. Also
nieely furnished rooms heap. 8 North
State sreet. 33-38
Nobby Styles in Neckvwea at 2.c.
"I, A. Wallace & Co.
Hlave your photos taken at Randall's
Ibefore the rush of Christtnas.
All stiff Htats at one-half regular
price, at E. A. Wallace & Co.
'Choice Tobacco Cigas and Pipes at
-Sheldon's Billiard Hal No3 North
Main street. 1-7
ATTENTION-Do 500 thintk of buy-
ing a typ-rite this yeai? Tn call
at the DAtILY offit it son wshs one be-
low cost.
All $5.00 Ktnox Hts tow8.-S0. E.
A. Wsllace&Co
See Sillee~ sew S ua n in-t LsenTat-
Iets. Thieysire te atsticasd hst its
the city. -sO".Site s.
Fisutiss iusa :specilyst Seth-
tslees os. s: t
GioodsiUssideusv, is 1 .ansuit44 cents,
sworthis -li 7; ns t r:. A. 's'al-
laser &I.C.
"W''here, did cus t ;g lisat i?
Tile J.. Jclsioumspiny
Yous ha.ve yr eluie ofi$2us2-0anatd
$3,l Flats, disisp oiled i tear 55 itioloi
Isis Si.7l1 this useek only. Es-rptur-
chasser ges a key
Ilt1ZACEur' siths a goosd paisr ofshotl-
dec bces. A lsrssestoess 's loupries
st Brswt'sIDruig Stose Aewvshots
wortiraices .st'sisi
Seniors its -ll di'lsrisiuus ar'le eni-
tledsto secsnsiitrres isisniphotographlisl
woirk stA. W. CIoils ,Studio, i. i6
lHurosst. '5M-PF--2
All canlssatusc nu-th it egar prie.
E. A. Walilce & Cs.
Fr sale, (GoousiVictio Safety. Shi0l
0" . IBuIstterfisesd,41 0C-tstrinestet.
Hasve you litusein to l szewoss ii li-
sn l stuilssie;isio ibistrsisusess.
Jesrsey thirts of lssthl os eut. E.
A. -Walace Col
liiitiiiht s s -< o ;for usll
Lasbotoiry suple.Dssei ,sucuss,
aprons 55arilsleep<.-I E',
Anntus irhi I isWo rt 't aWsest
hisnstol s s-i' '- ceiilh s tiis iet
toi leaisiuand.1 iii,uit~.s. iHave
ysourliight 'uitsuit'sd. I-7
A. 's'saiiaieC o
NessLaundrhty ''y 1. othce hst
worik yonev1e sirssaw iiiok s(toe ini
eight hsisirisisoextrsa s-his set. Ollie, 11
E. Iui'n street Voisi- S -1 's.
llssrsss.'tehe hissuss'
111l1 styli-he 5 ). - aliacee A
Last Excurtion.
'The MdiuhigastsCentsralswilii-sts u
spiechal traintoisDetroit, Icrisiy, Novis.
ti, elsis-hiisiihasrie satIDeroit at 92
a. It.,adits oistitg sil lessve Detroit
st 0 p.niss.Ftare for Ithe crousndhtrii
ninesty s(9 s's-iss. 'Phi.s cihiho' te lst
esssin sf lie seasonst.
roc Excursion to Dtroit.
'lis ode ae (s 90.: .htWoodwardsco
savtnue,-.eto iit. ik rI etudshtotevey
stusdenut is-dil ts uchasreat tei
stors, its .ny desprtet. (I 'hiiiuii,
1'anati/itussn1 s.c IisiissiTiohisisiuto the
a~mountt of 's.,illS Or over, the fao to
Detroit aosd retursnt. 'fke advanltag
of this last exesrsions of the sestonts
Fridatyset. 3-L5

N. . 'Isswt
NM a il - - .....'st .12i i 1 uia s. .......-..... is"
N.ay .tt is ....510 5I) i 55'11(5 i ss - h
N.N5Lmied.- -ui(s i i iewt..i 1
A.Yt istcti ,sits.15--.-NE
5N. -Ch.Lows '.1 .I lfl s . 0
0. It.('hies-s
D.WN .r-s .s.. G(1
Stundent Work a Specialty.
Best losktie-satid Lossesti elts siniheCiy.
CLASSES IN DANCING wcillsmest-i5
follos: e ns1.stemeniS."- isis-say tsss is 10 o i
and 'r-sdsty ed'5cis 8:00: Oihatdiets. Saturdal~y
aftlernossss . 5 . tis 111] 5(1 te t s.'sss.'ts.
vstssei lais-s,'Iis1esiistst'ct'ti nis S. slisisiss
flsosr. 5G iiiisui i ,tut 'twito.. ne tes m
(twelve-siscis.)I$5.. Pupil55st'coiei' t an ssy
suss e"efect"GamO ta~oN o OLDER.
Te stuadt'ssddlsitionsailuand.
15c Eleaf. SEE xIT! 2 For z~c.

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