THE U. OF M. DAILY. Publishesi Daily (1soays excepted) during the Colletee ear, by THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscriptioo price r5.55 per year, invariably in aaree olercopies 5 ents. Sbsrip- Dions may be let at the otfier at the DAIY, an Stoffiet', cith any at the editors or authorized solicitors. Cmmniatios should reah the ofie by Tocock P.Mx if they are to appear the net Jay. Address all matter intended tr publia- tone to the Mianaging Editor. All bsnes nomrmnicatins should be sent to the Busi ness Manager. THE U. of S. DAILY. Anan Aebor. Xich. EDITORS. C. A. DNISON, Law '0, Managing Edtor. H. A. SPADINGt, Lit. '4, Asistnt. J. L. LORIs, Lit. '5, Asisttt. AV. N. COuAE, Lit. 'l, Asistot. F. ALvEist a oe'li, Sbstitstr Asistiant. J. A. LecsO, Lit. "96, Athletic Editor. S. W. C sccss, 1v.. Lit., Business Manger. WM. A. MciOa, Lit. '5, Aslt~lct. H. 5. tamo , R,'ld . 1 . Hall. '55. Mis Lolaneas', '-i. ocEDcct.. R. o. Astn,'5. .L lrtnao'1 1F'. I'.dlll,'91i P.1..c i~d l, 11 E . I.lyle, 'V . . D. ll n, '96, . L. E. Conrad, T5. C .. J etin s, '.li The Ei d rsdost blad thtmselvs crapon- sible fte Oiisc . orylel f o r tres podnts, apearng in tht DILt.. A COMtARISON f stidt' x- penscs at thc U. of Al., with that f Vlt and Harvard, givn in a- other colunin, gies a mot gratify- ing rcslt in favor of this icatition. Thc actoal expenses at list U. of M., arc graly rtduttd by cheap tuition, making it posilc foy cvty on, no natt howv linited hi means, to seccur a liberal education at this institution. 'Te ininon at Harvard is given in Sec. 'lBolles' report as about S±450. Stdnts of tht U. of H., lae bttn knowni to sptod less than $S0 during te' col- lege yeas, and $;450 will keep a t- idtnt io a very cmfoiiitale Iii i r thus we sethtetsiinimumn expnse at Harvard io greater than th aver- age expense at lst U. of Al. Teses figres arececrtainly gratifying to U. of Al. stdents vwhot advantages art equal to Iliac of otlser stdens of Harvarid and Yale, or any oler institution in the country, whr ex- penses artnuch lighr. Tis is the result of the U. of Ali. heing under the protection and manag- ment of the stat, whirls is th po plc in aggrgate, with th ain of educating their sono and daugters, with no desire to make the Vier sity a money maing institution. It seems to us, that high grade instruction can e furnished ceaper by the state institution for the rea- ons given above, than at univeri- ties under the control of privae, corporations. Stole two Freshmen. allow the Thanksgiving Ddy foot- The freshman class of Albion col- ball game to hr played this year, on loge gave a banquet last night, svhicshr assurance from the football man- was interfered with by sophomores agtmcnt that there is an overwhelm- anti tipper classen, but the fresh- ing sentiment among the Yale sta- men were prepared for any contin- dents and graduates against ouch tisgtncy with heavy clubs and pep- disorder as have occurred after the per. games in former years, hut on the The banquet was given in list understanding that no further games Erosophian Hall, anid as the preol- on Thanksgiving Day, in New York dent was on his way there he was (City, will he allowed if the result seized by the sophomores and car- this year shows that these disorders tied otut of town, as was also the cannot he checked. master of ceremonies. The two The Final Rouna. were hound together, tied to trees and left in the woods, east of the In the final round of the second city, class singles yesterday only one set About 50 o'clock they were found was played. The match will he fin- by the freshmen who had gone to ished this morning at nine and a look for them and were taken to the half. banquet somewhat late and nmussed ALrxado.........1a1 0 1 5050 5 5 1- up. Tilt banquet continued tliia late hoot to mice up for lost tinse. Theo Holman Tele-Microscope. of thse.Acadenmy of NTatutal Sciences, hlas invented anistrumsent whlichs he calls list Holnsan tele-nmicro- scope. It brings the separation be- tween the shortest range telescope, about four feet, and the longest range nmicroscope, about five inches. The instrument nmagnifies an object 500 times, the powver running frons two to fifty or niore diameters. As a medium of teaching science by ob- ject lessons it is believed it will prove greatly sperior to list micro- Horsford's Acid Phosphate Is the most effective and ;agree- able remsedy in existence for preventing indligestion, anod re- lieving those diseases arising froll a disordered stole'ich. Dr. W. WV. Gardner, Springfield, Mas., says: "I value it as so excelest preventoative oatindigestio, atnllaapleasant Is she LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ad SHORTHAND, 5anfcentc bholding; ntne tchelargIe Ottendosce; goad discipline;taper- iorwol; 'well surplied reoding roam; daily lecturets Satureday eveningreceeptions;l opeo thae.ntireyear Exceptional faeilities tae plaeing stu.dents is posi- tions-sbhoadgraduatescguaranteedlthem. Ltelag exess$2 to $2.75 perrweek in privateamilies. Foe New Catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, PatS. Time Table takingv effeet Suoday, Nov. 5, 1853. Trains leasve Aotn Arbar by Central Standatrd Timle. 7:15a. so. X7:15a. m 4:15 p. m. 9:tc P. m, *Trains roo between Attn Arbor asd Toledo only. Allstrla.sddailv "xcellsSusiday. R. S.t(iCFFN551100 .As.;Csn5ta A ii rors Wv Rt licNxssl3'0 .5P.A.'Toldo. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arb.Ssor. Miceh. Capital Sloch, 5$5,000. Occooied sinderctoe Geneal llnkistsLos afts 1 lState. l Rscivelepsits, busoy.and sells exclianigeontbc piteilail sities ofthe vetted Stases. Drafts.cashsed upo proper idesntifieation. 5Safety depsost boxes to renti. OICERS:tt ChitoianaAlacIk, Prert.;W. 0. Harrimoan,. "ice Pres.; Chase. E.Hstctock, Ca- shier- M. J. FcttzAsst. (ashier. TIllsSIPACEiLRESRVED FORTHlE GI JD OPI [ 1 YOUSE J 515S.Oiiit~b iea.Oiwca tli.a 1lsoii ia i~e~a i a Ia ~eecte tlci p.escetae S A] 6 N. OOD iEN, Fa.rwat.bowe Sreo. scope, for tisat instrumesit canbe acsidlt.tdrtink swhessproerly Idilutedtwith used by only one iperson. 'rie tele- wate, sod sweetesed." microscope, projecting all objects Deseriptive paeiliet feesoniappliaet.ionl to up~on a screen, exhibits the samet to RsumfordChsesuicaliWorks, Providence,... any numsber of people. It is as a 55cic~lee ii .lsusittes aild 1iadtiso. universal projector thsat Prof. Hol- For Sale by all Druggists. msan uses hissstuslent in hlis let-_______________________ ures, givinsg illuistrationls almost isi- possible to give sih any otihetill- strumlent. A Joint Program. Thlere will be a joint mseeting of tilt Adelphi and Alipha No' literary societies, Friday evesing, Nov. so. The following is the program for" the evening: Scenetfrosa Julius. Caesar--------. .--- ---------- e'.cs. Ad a sail Eliaa:;ler Declamaltion. . ..-----------.t.Thlomsa Msioc------------M ssrs. Gernerad oilslok DlebatI. i"Resed, Th~at thlepresetrsis is 'casd Iy uncertasinty conscessing; thse ne-,r. , I'. 55ileox,I55. It. tymanll. Msic--------- St'. ors. Clertsiratsd Casok Yale Faculty on Football. The following announcement was made by the Yale Faculty M~onday evenircg. It has been decided to SUBSCtUPTIOtiS I't)i. THlE DAILY $2.50 per year. s. GUITARS, 'i Mandolinsa, Banjos, Zithers. -" Sj "Best in the World." IEveer' "5'asslsilre" tnstruenllt tis leIrant)aS(ilsoblile echaracter-l u io lir ercce'. Albeosnsifl eoiinlg Iportraitsl Itlealding tios'ofatthese intrumlets, Free. COnR. STArar& M O N OnESTa., CHICAGO. c The Anm Arbor Orgoan Co., ;sole Agents, ANN AISBOR.