THE U. OF M. DAILY. - 11 SEE THE NEW YOUMj N, 1U)TkO0 IR. ItIT I THE SWELLEST HAT OF THE SASONT. prce NOr, SI.1F. iWa-t.ll. yitmpt f o AnythinU you wvant in the Line of Shoes or Fine Furnishings5 ICalkin's Pharmacy Ar 3S.SAT IM1.BOW DISH &H MATTE. ..1SON, State St. I-\-iEOQI:OE E & WElrTJlEO IRE3 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Hiave a Full Assortmient of UTNIVERSITY T.IX T BOOKS, new and seeondl hand, and all kinds of STUI)ENTS' SUP1PLIES, which they offer at the Low eat Prices . DIE A.lISCO ;(GVEN 'TO SllTULENTIS. SECON Hi~i ANDI la ' ~iPa -~ I511 JAY' C. TA-'YLOR,, '1t7IGI2E1 OFTHE 1OWE N)AL SlUD1IOBE)I ~. MAIN ST. 0, K. BARBER SHOP. I t ation:t Itooshower latis. new Ipor- ce-ion tiubo. 30 lathsor50 0 a. Lulies' 10ir .J. it. Poi'OJA too at:301 E. WashintonSt. No. 4 .Fastow 3 l IA strteet. UNIVERSITY NOTES. itrof. Griffin lectures to the laos today. Miss Ittez i-. Ladd, lit '93, is leacinitg in Racine, (V'is. l:dwin 'i.Neil, latw '93~, is prac- ticing in St. Joseplh, Mo. Attdres E. (ibson, latw '93, i practicittg int Atst Arbor. 'NV. J. lianmtill, lit '9J, Ihas re- ttlrntiel to takce1)001 graduate wsorko. O~livet defeated the Kalatmazoo team at O~livet yestertlay by a score of 26l to 6. 11. C. Rxai, lit '93, svisititng friendls in te city. lie ttay 1105- silbly take a p. g. coarse. Contribatiotns are poaring itsttiott the Etditors of the -'lVrinkle'' antt saccess seetis alisa assaredl. 1-. 1I. lDecke, li '9;,is studtyitng late its an office itt Chicago atttl will nast return to college this year. II. A. 1 I a 'aa, '93 lit, tas ctt- teredil larvard Untiversity, swhere lie snil like utp work its the laws school. aonme of the brightest of oar Japs- asese stttdents have been acting as interpreters to thseir coutitrymn at thte World's Fair. prof. Craig, of the setiitic depart- ment, will meet all statlents inter- ested in Biblical study in room r, Newberry Hall, at 7:3o tonight. Miss Helen A. Rice, lit '92, whto for the last tswo years has been prin- cipal of tihe Clhampion, Mich., Highs School, has returned to graduate with the class of '94. oA ,r =IMIDS A- _V I ID T3NPOOHE3EK E ZsSO OVYOES. ttrlltii ooer 0. a. wi' atitait Nide 'atlt Stttt' antl I -:t tai0' toitli a lt 1' i-at i ioioar2ti{ Ii. tjrt it) 111 Nrlat urnttt U 1ry1itWith a oer i Nicklii t-td Dler Lamp-t , ttNo.?,clentr fritiipit is lt--m nnr il r.5. tild 5. tdraft _. tritoorwcl f ;a 'I I.i.) t~ 1hi Nir lZ t ttc't al PamopNO. 0,rrttter Ni -clt teti- Roaht eriiti Sin o.att , (al t erii ~ J ~ ~ f tiaft all)C. ds;t-asO )1. _NttttPltated YaleamotlNo. ], cenoer NtikltPatetd Ga Studetatt oap En- s-a ttan'ctctt -T Niicke'l Pliateat Juos aiip, No . center- Nickel.OtPtited Oermii nStudetit Lampt, Irit -L'.U Ali. P'iagPlii. dcott,'St)7. cc'-,'$3.t0. liF i - l;, -leiiu Pone. H3.10 .:to, ~t:r~~cl ~an c>. ,a-T..i,,n st pa a,, . .T1'n teaF.1. tdsitlocerp ie3thtIa,tsitio .Ex: it ou 00ckbeor~e yimrnd ati to it 44 south Main Street, DEAN & COMPANY. Ann Arbor, M>lisS As a result of tlie hard times and INTER-COLLEGIATE. the consetquent inaability to get ThfrsmncastPiceo positions, last year graduates are re- tersinascssttrictn turning to take ptost grailnate swork. niies25 liinein roswn lniversity's freshmtian class C'. A. Miner, of thseElgtern rim rst1 deptartmietaslitjaist comipleted a Hiariol, '93, of tPrinsceton, will very neat 3 by 4 swall ntais of thetris Ntheera Ilcriy' city, to be 01sed in the S. C. A.cee. Eli. Ei. Anidiona, lit '92, toas riar- rietd recently-. Mr. Anmidon lint teen engaged as sulterittetadent of schools at West Blend,, 'Nb., for the coring year. 'Te first Faculty conicert wiii or- cur at Nessberry Hall, Thuiirsday evening, tOct. 5. Tickets niay be- obtained at office of School of Muasic at Ness-ierry tHall. Hayes is a gotid footbsalilJplayer, anit ileseives credit ftir the noble aitd hte has gicen athletics at the U'. iif M,1 bt thle little exhibition lhe gagt) eotn the cansius yesteriday after- n)00)nilaes ntitreflect to lisa creidit. Already fellosws froim the U. of M. are makiig frequsent calls otn their fair cousins at Ite Normual. tf Itey do not confine their operations nmore to thneir ossn territory oar boys may make sonse serious objections.- Normal Correspondence. Thte two bible chairs, established by thse Christian Woman's Board of M~issions, and occupied by Professors H. L. Willet and Clinton Lockhtart, will begin work next Monday in Newberry Hail. Several courses of instruction are offered. The faclty at bale has orilered electric lighits to be placedl on the camputas. A series of hare and hioutnds croas counttry rains seas started at the Uni- versity of Illinois last Saturday-. Iloths Princeton and IHart-ard have arranged ganmes wnubCornell 1tolie playeditas season in Ness'Foun. 13)y the uinidergradluate ruling, Ols- good, the famotts right italf-back of Cornell last year, atnd this year stil l'enissyleania, teill be throwel out of football, utnless a nese antI very libi- eral coustrutction is puttt onithe ti11e. Th'letPrinretons footballlayers coticludled their training at Nesw- port, RI.iL, yesterday, and left for Princeton. They are highly Ipleased witih the outlook, and claims that they will have lBalliett center, Hall for a guard, Davis and tea for tackles, McAulay and Trenchard for ends. It is about decided that Plhil WIM. ARNOLD, Jeweler'. alE Jil t tl)li t ' tI at i)' t ii _nal tani)t titt itn in i-a s into erta- Pot o iitt lt-positsi. Hais ft Is. IEATttF'e. . H ~. 1; oatsEtt, C~i-ir. TR L ARE TILE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS wottre(nill tigto pat itettl mre tathericeIO sullithatIBIS BRAND sror it taloitiuti. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 iaetmaidefbum theiihtesttt, mtiot diate tnfatiur, uaindibhighet cost GOLD LEAF BEWARE SF IMITATIONS, antdoosevt thttheiicnaeatfthe lioatouirintas beoisilosoevry pakage. Tf i (1f, y4eia OAC ~ r 4 BRACH 7C,3Z7MODI1LD The Lea'dingj to 4-eAeaaI. ]LO0R King swill be one of the halfs, antI for th othe halfand fo the luar in-t nthon' P± Fll and wiit teo-its anud for he oher alf nd fr th qua- l-ge i-ttocktin the city. Tiot icait-etany ,election ysu are ioom toIti. ter there have been promising can- didates in training. The policy will( COME ANB SlEit- . be to put all thte old men in their old positions. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.