THE U. OF M. DAILY. I+ YOU KNOW+ CALKINS' CHOCOLATES ARE THlE BEST. If you don't, it's hecnuse you haven't3 tried them. You cant judge drugs bty *the tatte. If you could, you woond 9know ours are the hest that eau he Ibonught. We wioh you could. Calkins' Pharmacy 3S.STATE STREET. '-The Third Shipment of HODGMAN'S MACKINTOSHES Just Received. FAT lEDON'T FI(TOSE -WELhPARTY $HOE$ J3olish & MattesoIj, Pw STATE STJREET. M\J-OOE=REJ & Szw-Ernrl-oIRE, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assorti-ent of IJNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUIDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THlE USUAL IJISLOL}Ul'S GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HAND BOOKS IS(LOLL Ill O E-" LNIAALI 0. CARTFS -i-iA'trULDSPlBP/-ASS mas _' ST lS'ZSS L: S )VES) I-V LOOKS~LLIS, STATE STREET. Soon ilSole ef Wr~iting 'lalleic;. Fite ULea tantiNoe Wr/ticg1Papers, 25c a pocund. Swcaters cod GymttnasiumcSutl. V'isitintg Crdsengravedcon short notice. t/o ieitly Booksl/t , Sta'tinersanl STATE STREET. The Smle rinter. A ntewc /ocentf'cccfor u/lictiCng coesco wri00ttngstand rings. Promtan oraignal, anorndinarey pperwec aoy pea, sosocopiescacoo le toote.1'Filty copies of typewieomanus cript scarodacetd in 15 minutles, Send lo icercuas andosam pleseof work AGEN"IS WANTED. LAWTON & GO., 22'scsey St.,New'tYoth. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Min connecticoc:tlfine Shtower Bathsc. te'tote- ceclatn tlot. ,Wt bathos liceuS.o0. Ladies' Hiri Dressing Parlor upstairs. J. R. TitOJAOWtsccwt, 10 E. Waoscin.ton St. P ATEONlIZE OW iEN'S BARBER~i SHOP, No. 40EstRuotrteon Street. FIRST N.11J lNAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Cnpitacl, $5i,000. SnrploustondProfits, $HiltS. Transacts a genenal hunting btositness. For- einexehangehought and told. aettersonf credit procoted for travelers nbrond. P. BACH, Fret. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashieir. -ANN .ARBOR IYIJ4 IsJUND1RY 600 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SESviss, - Manager. JDocoolchtartheic/ct. Dots ttt/swokr chtt 11i 70) lbad io'. Oqts t yJtlc cti/c I/to rot' litcc ittar rlc15/c[s hias d / itsh 11/ /o J~eCatrons. (,isirs lig/ct ?it cI/es Dl/ire'dl t'col/. t bold/ ott/c/byjDccci 4 4 South Muin Street. Ann Arbor, M9 IrS. D t'',.N&(C UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prof. Spalditng is noon stodying at Leipsit. Prof. Dewvey examnotedl Iis tlass in Political Pilllosophyl/ yecsterdiay. Uci'stalian board moeetibngthctscccii- iicg at 17 S. 'Thayer st., at 7 3o o'clock. Ptrcsitot Anigellstill nost lectucre to hits class inIiniternoationoal Lasw tfloToro. 'Thc class in Currecy atid Bank- lng will be quizzcel next Tuesday on J evnis, chapters S-t1, inclusive. C. B. Allen, '93 lit, preaches ut Sangus, a suburb of Boston, in con- nectionswith liii theological stndies. Next Friday evening will occur the S. C. A. reception to the law studtents by the wonoen of the asso- ciation. Mr. Mcartindlale gave the principal speech yesterday iii the Great Ora- tors' course. His subject ws Crassus. The classes iin American Consti- tutional History are requested to he p repared with blue books at the next recitation. The chapel service next Sunday morning will he led by Mr. Long and Miss Buck. Subject, "The Salvation Army." Wisconsin hat begun to move in the direction of another debate with Michigan. The Cardinal announces for this evening. a meeting of the committees appoited by the debat- ing'societies to consider this matter. A meeting of th be called for nextS ni. for ltce elertioin 'The finals is set wiii be flayed thti o'clock betwseen .1r1 antler. ighit'v exaogcr~a the tlallosvc'eii cli Arbor continueto rural capers of states. The prize oftersc recently announeed until Nov. T5- Poit hlave already been r lpetition. Rev. Carrman, pa Baptist church, h charges here, and for of the First B. Springfield, Ohio. Election day foe suited as follows: lurk A. C. o; Har, A. A. o; Princeton o; Wesleyan q, Ore: Wisconsin stude elated over the vict urday. The celebr included a honfir( speech making, win Indian war dance. Miss Adele Sine special student of S died yesterday. Sl ter of Mr. J. N. Sr the iron departmen ical engineering tat ot slokt i). odir.L/oct . 1/Fla cPints 'et. tl I &fCOo.FinteReirecling Donce. WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler'. DOMPANY. FO ESf VIiq e senior lits still COUSI1N&tL tL, Florilt2, 'Telephonec11it Satuirday at 2p of class o fficers. IlJl' 'id'cd i5 on -ls sige Jjts afterboonltat l/ 0.' 'cccpi/,/ 0 ccci Prcccc/c ;"01. cl Does".a0 "'trt' cca . i cc. / tt stcc't . P t er iedmnicoandI Alex- cit on S:,%0 tOiIat-osicttos c. as a/coo 1oo it ccc'fo- rnt 1ItiE-lI P , 'res, F,'.H..EL SEl R1.11 ash'lr Hankcopen Sc'tc ittcct/y'eening. tect aceconts c _____of_____________ ebration onXAn >romet in Irons the nelghborin0 --..;- Df the Sotlunder, RI(1IM 1hold good only tRM S- my contributions + J Oy lRr ARE THlE BEST. received in ton- CIGARETTE SMOKERS whco ace trill- log to pacy a lttiemortan100the price chareged lee the ordtnary tradle Cgarettes, sloe of Ithe Iirst wililond THIS SBRANDsuperircaelllathera. tao resigned his The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 will become pat- C1GARIYJPE3S a tist church in nee made from lice brightest, most delicate 1too flavor, and tighoest coalt GLD LEAF growti n Vieginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, attobsoteree ttball games re- thca t tnamae eflice tmansfacturersasa Yale 42, New helow is us every patcage. yard so, SBoston TO UEy &cIjrs(7.9Ms ca! a o5A Co t 5, SOrange A. C. U eBRANCM , oRnrsussVoRttAla scent A. C. o. 7=_=7 ants wtere much " tory of last Sat- 'ation at Maditon The, Leading eserenade and AI ' rding np with an .r O~T 1 OR cots, who was a Has the newest Full and winter Woolens and Prof. Trueblood's largent stuck in the city. Ton can 'etacy seleetionnyou are lookinog for he was a daugh- noots, foreman of COME AND SEE US. It of the mechan- oratory. 12 E. Washington St., near Main. _