THE U. OF M. DAILY. +4. U NO CALKINS' CHOCOLATES ARE THEt BEST. IfI yoo don't, it's becauoe you ha-rent 4tried them. Yocan't judge drugs by4 Ithe taste. It y'lu could, you wousl4 knwor re tho boot that ran tte 4bouogit. W~e wtilh you could. Calkins' Pharmacy 4 34 S. STATE STREET. CZ 7 PERRIN'S ELK TANNED madown- GLOVES AT THE THDE OUJTFITTERS. SOLE AGENTS for Hodgman Mackintosh, Vouman'u, Silvermian's, Vihite's und Roe! ft's Hats. Water- boone fNeck Gooidu. Johnston & Mtirpyys Wrigit & Richards'FOOTWEri. Joufdish & Mattesonj STAE STatFE-r. MOJRE ~NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Ilave a Full Assorti-ent of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, Rnd all kinds of S)TIJJEN TS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. TIlE \l' .s.',. Dr-sLO.Ut Ni's GIN EN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HAND I RiS ltri3Oli'i DO ; E ANGED. HARMID EJ~cEFLAVRSD TMT WE-0.S/ TESW SWT-ZTR' STATE STREET. Sel Siilkriofi Vvei tirt- tahles 2S pound. Swater sn Ut~ynls i S :itu c!. Visitg Cs engiiravedstonlshrtiinotice. U FI i a y oo s i rSatoes- . STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A new iuv tia fr clrii e itU tsp ,;of wering s l dagirlg. 1)u t5 h II's)t w 110MOI It s trc DcI ei1 ar' I/e ~ic /i/is biosm ke ns/ s/ 'arbof.i'es Dlit zithi/i )"tl y. Sold De S i lysi/by Deer Wil llet y pri ebieol i. 44 South Main Street. 'DE". Ann Arbor, Mich.E N Froo n orniginal, sitnedinary ipaper with any pen, ioo cesca n lie mtrde. Fifty coptie'sof typsewriter manuoscrrits proiducted in 15minutes, Scott forecirculrs-andtti - iles of nwoik. AGE'NTsS WAN'I'EO. LAWTON &GOS, 22'sriy St.,New Yotk. 0. K. B IRBEPO SHOP. 1.515 etinciti usr : ir Shower t't tiis. titti - irin)c s. ;)) aths foir h'i.00. itties' Harir lireositi_ P'rise Ii)-arl s . PATEONI/IE oWt NS M'R siliiSttP, FIRST 1N'A'IONAL BANK Oh' ANN AttIl3li. Caupitril,$50,000. Sortitos rind iProfits, 4;:30,00. Tranisarts a general baninustoioiiess.or- elgit excarbngiei boelug tid told. Letterso ceedle procureil urortin tiers abroad. P.BACit Pres. S.nW.CiA lcSONcotter. -ANN .ARBOR- 1H)IJA L1AUND1RY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SEKSISSo, - Manager. UNIVERSITY NOTES. A tiutmber of co-edo attended the gante Satturday. ,Satreday night the first social at Ilais nFall look place. 'fle guard ropes at the Athletic' Fieldl are not regulated so aso to be of anse srvice. It.1). Jetwell, lawc '92, register of ptrobate, at Grand Rapids, wias in the city yesterday. Ralph Stone, law '92, formserly nianaging editor of the D~viivy, paid a flyitng visit bore yesterday. Saturday morning, Orchard Lake beat the Ann Arbor High Schsool at the Athiletic Fiel by a score of 40 to 4. Albion has heen playitig poor football this year, but Saturiday sur- prised Olivet to the extent of 42 to 14. Wilhelm MIiller, lit '92, nmanaging edlitor of the Inlander two years ago, spenst Sunday witht friends in the city. Thse Ypsilaniti Normals defeated the D/etroit High school. ole-rca at Ypsilaneti Saturday, by a score of 14 to so. It is reported that accommsoda- lions for ao,ooo spectators are being arranged at Minneapolis for the 'T'hanksgiving day game. The University School of Manic, has moved into the new building at A few '94nen as n-ay Saturday neorne could be done int iag a class glee e cided to mect aga Is. tee., ite boemi4., It is heotped theat cll be there. 'lwo elel-kinowne wcere sueccessful in co-ed spireadl last Ishey wvere so wnell thsey escaped detec began to dance. wbe n-an discovered,and querade wan brougf their speedy ejectios The Mhedical FEs lhave the repoert inS regardliag thse Hots sired to leave clif Coin." on Friday,d reqsuestingg themi 'Medical Cotan'"cwa aforgery. All 11 entts are welcomed A meetinsg of ohc ais men, wheo are< thse support given1 Atheletic Associatici Room 9, Saturdsy purpose of forming association. IPresid dressed the meetin the Athletic Associx !cQWM_ R. FULDEv I Smorke ' Oo.-iU. of 1Al. Flae Pins. 1Fn earn oe , &Co. W MV. ARNOLD, Jeweler. "O1PANY. FL JE95 fz( Ov+&~g5 setin aninfr s II CO NS& AL. lrists. iir. Ar'e. et es a enirtisi AURIS B ~lD~i Qllm Toe0phone 115. long to see whsat I tse way of start- r~Jmn~r'al]flaif~jl~ els. It wnas de- elee .'ueeday at 7 t'olsissxt, rhtri1(s. Ste tistiranr P iti 5 r;ssis. Do es -oct se ir 'sTxirtti stistiutt. Payts istr- bipleriNet i-all. 0e5st ir S irsingq -istnitot. issafeity 11 eIteresteel swill lR It. R I'il ' ' U. . ,13. iltlE l.S t- sushr uppe ic cassieee ata'ingl~ III Cte~ Friday eveinetg. elsuised,theat ~gsO elioa until they I lM t en thseir sdenatity I thee little imas- T A ARE THlE BEST. 'hi to an ened by CIGARETTE SMOKERS who 110 wilt- ing is lay a itle 10010thin thioplire an charedtorteodI 51itiny traditCigarttes, willbod THIS BRAND spirt~iooaliote. culty wishes to The Richmond Straight Cut No.1I Saturday's DAki lv CIGA.RElTTES:;" leops' being de- sret musicfrom thec brighteis. stot driicci~e intflavoc, ato i liteeltcosl SOLD LEAF snic lsy" Med. grown in Virgiia. _lenied. If a teete BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, andi observeo tisht taothe m10iiroanfauers an o leave signed beloi n s every package. as recoived it was TH &14 4G s4l IcA Oa nacco onesepatleic nitu- SRANCH ,P,1 0 NerovonsIuNIA in all clinics.- cut a doyeni tenl- " ~ '77" I. dissatisfied ewithe to tennis by tie The Leading. so, was hoel in O evening, for the 0tc sT LO -an independeint dent Shields ad- Has the newestFrill and winter woosniantd ng on behalf of largeststockin the 'ity. Youangt muy ltion. No action 9 Maynard street. Office boors will was taken except the appointmenet- COME AND SEE US. be from 9 to so a. mn. and fromz to of a committee to lay grievances 2 p. in. before the Athletic Board. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. GJIANP OPEIA ItOIJSE., Tbeucal, Novm7th, MATLACIl Riii VAN ZtLE RJIIn'l ,tGlNt JS.fv