VOL. IV.-No. 31. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THEY CAME LAST NIGHT. Hers of first, second, and third HAPPY CO-EDS. rruWEnVE GoeMw45 Their Captain Thinks he has a Points were officially kept. But in - A OPO Walk-over, But we Doubt I some events, first and second win- tedy Upesm rlsCRoalsntr it--Several Changes. ers were thrown out, by which the Cae obytedsUpperI ClassANO The University of Wisconsin, orthrmawolbeovdofis JUST RECEIVED. at least, an inportant portion place and fourth and fifth men cred- The freshman spread is over and ase is Oak, Mahogny, Wanta nilacik. thereof, arrived litre last night at ited with points. As near as the '96 is to be congratulated, for the T Rentsor orSile. rieesgu.TRsar 9:45 in the persons of lteU. of IV winners could be determined, it was evening throughout was successful football team. They are in fne thought that Michigan had 4.9 points beyond expectation. The all was Q Y0' CB mettle ast feet confident of victory. to Wisconsin's 45. well filled with girls from all classes Their captain, Dlil. Lyman, wiho Besides this difficulty, -Ar. Baird sd departiotits in the University, 51 Ssuth Maa St. lookceid our teams over 015 the lpra- states that seventy dollars must be aid a merry time wan the result. tire fielid last weck, believes that advanceid iefore the medals cais be Tasteful souvenirs were distri- - they sill winiiiiwithout trouble. eiri.bitd eiemsidnigsi1 Suppoorter's of ciur teani,ihowsvr, Thes trouble swill probably be set- refreshmeits completed ltst pro- are not vet readsv to concede IWis- ted at lthe isnnal meetiig dtriig grao. coiisin the gamse. Athouogh or eans the holidays. Te cliaperons iere : Mesasmes goes ito the ganie badly criplpled, W-- eror' ubis. M. I.. DOoge, V. C. Vaughan, . all the men are pretiaredt to puit up - - . Thompson, A. B. lPrescott, N. -I the estgaiie pssile udertie Yesterday was an ieestcay for S. Ho, H. Sole, C. ThomasWe 55t'LtiiiiiltiHye circunistances. lut one of the reg- tennis, anti was improved by the G. N. Demuon, F. W. Kelsey. otfIP$i,$4or$5Shs at50ieo $1ajn auiles utar backsnutilly to-day, and paest osit h obetu- Duriig the evening te Colum- that is Fecund. C'apt Dygert'smet ceeean hceigban social sd World's fair syn- place at full-back sill be filled by first met Jones and Alexander in the posium, to be held at Aacllillan ReH a & C Dye. lst ales ~roiil~eusadsemi finals, winning easily by 6-, hal this afternoon, was announced 10. 18-185 woonics As'., Bartell suet Paul biniig Ot ot it, two' 6-o. Later in the day they met to the girls. As this is the first en- DETIOI, - MICHIGAN. imiportait cagsaeben mnade. Jocelyis and Rm. fe in the finals, tertainoent of the Woman's Leage, -l---N OFT ICE - atd aa stwn ithoiutmtchlsnchr osa, ~ r rprdt Fiurbert, l sitend sill play left aai 505a full attendance is hoped for. All litare~uIll' woetothIii t . e nl1, tii'il5 half, anil tsenleaf siibstitute iguar- ddcly aln o Sl Pcollege girls are invited. Those heeisand nlie.(iy lieu' iylilsietie,' oints their usual game. 'lie store of the joied Ii legoc aiiilii C Ired lt ild y diluulor-l ter, sill py lt edllAs ('apt. seho have not o indth eau idloiti51(iiil'5"it ndlt-issn- lii. tre sen 555 6-3 6 , 3. Isc- yepreu-vii,il.ittisiSi Si li Inei nift Dygert's i 10 t willinot yet permit treststs63 -1 i3 ill have opportiuity to io o there. ii'i vi vi ti.siTi i: eb eszle aiid Clickering thuls beconime 'e omi'slage sbu himons play, 5J. ar ilcaptai cisanslioosaofstheagueeriityuina chmin fteUiest nthe teamsstio-a.dmore n eod-lsssnge, definite expression of the N,,. . iu,.i STtuiT. The listetitp silt e: duls eon-ls igespiritswhich showsvsitself in the itiitl~ii. Ci lii: U.~ IAlexander and Baer played the d-fehsn petls eea de- - lvii Ei Poiii. tL. oinieM.tciding et of the match leftsnfnu- iresn'brea the -utseasa sl e, Feissn___-let i.led.. .reelaf siiehed oini Thursday,, andawonobe Freeman------Leti ased -- . A.ussn' iexan hrsa,-ndwn and the ladies of the faculty into Ril- - -'_tuul,'i- - .. mSdsAlexader, 6-2. This aforenoon at an moe' re- Jaeeb.-.---- itiGuOard.l.-lIennine 50O o'clock, Joceyn and Hutchings coe yua~ei Dlavis -- -ilt Tecile __ ..Vila -etintefnaso tefrt-ls ions iith each other. Artistic Phtgrapher, 6 E. HURON SF. 'Dickinison ---.--ight dI _-ie.shersaa sen ntefnl ftn is-ls Capt Lyisa- Cn-te dastlnicu sigle. -Last evening all things seened to Nesna____.Let Halt .-._.iiuureivt -- -"-+~-.---- conspire to bring about a happy HO U C E , Carrll.------ ight Hlilt .---Freud Their Christmas Number. rsl-vnAnAbrwahrLw e' h~its itichusrdul.. ......FlllBakin----l. . .- Der rslteenAnArowahe____s g~olt$ SabstitntessI. of i.-silcvdiencGould, W Hri n S .lerself, and omany remarked upon the - s tentuluci. Ryan. U. ot Sd C.2T. tfrmi,Pati G.W.Haris'n S-H.P hiy her, Sinrei oa, Seate e isonvusi iiteamuI' of the Ilander editorial board, lvely and beautiful scene wich the TUTTLE' S go directly hame ftnnhee. have gone to Detroit, on business in all full of pretty girls in pretty 48 S. STATE St. No End of Trouble. connection with the Christmas num- gowns presented. ' -- er of the Inlander, which will be- The difficulty concernhng ltst in- a special holiday number, enlarged "ProfessIonas" Reception. Y x UNIVERSTLY BOOKS7TO'E tercollegiate field-day, held at Chi- to ioo pages, illustrated wills twenty cago, last June, is not fully settled half tone engravings and ten zinc The dental, honopathic, medi- ST ATE ST REET. yet. At the meeting held in that etchings and bound in a cover in ca, and pharmacy members of the_______ citynt' last Saturday, only Michigan three colors, especially designed forStdn' Christian Association will and iscnsinwer repesetedthi numer.receive the students of these depart- SPECIAL SALE of Seates (Gymnasius and iscnsi wee rpreentdhisnumer.Sisi, Ubrellas,eti., isl. and definite conclusions were not ~ ~ --- mets at Newberry Hall, tonight, at Fine Lines Wiing Paper, 25e per psnd. reached, although the plans reported It is reported that several homeop. 8P m. Fine Wve Writing Paper, 2Se per qarter in a former issue of the DAIL, to students who attended the old school "A merry lert wrkeths god lie a medi- resin (aosets). tinte.' By de Waermas Funtais Pn. Every. throw out certain irregular entries clinic yesterday afternoon, were re- rROGRAsti: onaegaranteed for fie years. were proposed and virtually at- quested to retire from the clinic, Musi-----------..Instrumental Trio cepted as the best way out, the request being in the shape of a Reminiscenrces.......Dr. Presott Some difficulty was experienced, :note signed by the medical commit- ,Independence..-...-.Dr. Egleston W A HRW S however, in determining the win- tee. The matter has ,been reportd .M usi-flute solo-.....Mr. Geist 'Extracts-----------------...Dr. Ta ft UNIVERSITY BOKSTO ORE ners after these mend had been re- 'to tbe faculty and will undoubtedly 'Does-----------------....Dr. Vaugn jetted, for the reason that only win- lead to an investigation. Music......The Yellow and Blue STATE STREET.