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November 01, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-01

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LE+W 14. t lEMENT, 1'ri., Nov-.3-1<F ren spread.
51 s.lAUInST. ) Director and Managel Sat,N ov. 4.-isonsin VS. Mchlin, at Ath-
EXCELSIOR LAUNTDRY o v., Nov. 6-Rev. M. J. Sava;e, on
20 EA\T IllUONSN 5T1R2ET. "Evolution and Religion," in Unity Club
good work Guaranteed. Goods cealledfor course.
and deisere. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Fri.,Nov. 10-Social in Iiland League Series.
CAPRFELILR Sat., Nov. 11-51o n. Jerry Simpson in S. L. A
1 E. waihington Street course. Sub ject, "Somi l iecent Changes in
22 Years in the 5usimes.-'
CITY LAUN DRYMinnesota Wins Again.
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. Northwestern ran against a wall
KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE when they met Minnesota, Monday.
+$TATE AVJI2G BA1K+ Northwestern had the ball on Min-
Cor. Main and washington Streets. nesota's five-yard line twice, but
A. L. NoBLE, Pres. RoEsRT PHILLIs, Cash'r.
could not score. Jewett did good
The J. & M. Prg Store work falling on and holding the
Is the place tnuyt ayting is theDrug line. ball but could not make the usual
Midiciess Spong, B irush es, EtcEt.
end runs. Score: at end of first
1 E. JOILLY & Co 5s half, 00-o; final score, 16-o.
When youwant a pure box of Fine Chocolate' -
Candies. Stationery at cost. Cigars, Tobacco, Rules for the Laws.
Gigarettes and the Finest stotk of Pipes in
tie 'sty.
LADIES' andGENTS' LUNCIROOX. At the Faculty meeting last week
R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. the question regarding extra literary
work taken by professional students
DANCING and DELSARTE was discussed. It was proposed to
MRS. ANNE WARD FOSTER require all such to complete any
46 S. State Street.
MONDAY-8p. no. Asiasced Ciss for La- extra literary work in the same way
dies and Gentlemen.
TUESDAY- p. m. Ladies'deisarte class. as work in their own department.
.. Osssentemen'sdancingclass. T.b
sATUIDAY-10 a. m. Gentlemen's danciag This would prevent bolting ex-
2 ass .m. Chitden's dancingclass. aminations, a practice that causes
4n.sss.Ladies' dasscing nt.s
Privatetlessonshby appointment. considerable confusion. No defi-
Ann Arbor Savings Bank nite action however was taken on
Ann Arbor. Mich. Capit. Stock, $50,000. the question.
Surplus, $150,000.
Organized under the General Banking Laws
of this State. Receives deposits, buys and A Generous Donation.
sells exchange on the principal cities of the
United States. Drafts cashed upon proper
identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. The great fish exhibit which at-
OFFIcERs: Christian Mack, Pres.; W. D g
Harriman, Vise Press .Chas.ES. Hiscock, Ca- tracted so much attention at the
shier-5M.2J. Fritz Anne. Cashier.
World's Fair. becomes the proprty

tively, better than our time. Keep.
however, was not pushed out, as he
can better these records consider-
ably. In the jumps, Cornell's high
jump is 5 ft. 3 1-2 5. to our 5 ft.
1-4 in., while our broad jump is 20
ft. 6 in. to Cornell's n8 ft. is in.
Cornell always cuts a figure in the
Inter-collegiates. With this show-
ing, why should not Michigan also
be represented there? Her honor
and reputation would certainly not
suffer in the hands of her represen-
"The Poetry of the Bible" will
be the topic of next Sunday even-
ing's lecture in the M. E. Church.
Yigdol Elohim, said to be the oldest
piece of written music in the world,
will be sung. This music has lately
been received by Dr. Cobern,
through a friend, from the British
T' executive board and its sub-
comimsitties will meet in Room 24,
Friday, Nov. 3, at 5 p. m., to re-
port on the work of canvassing.
The patrons of the city of Ann Ar-
bor have been treated to a series of
novel entertainments, consisting chief-
ly of performances that appeal more to
the eye and ear than to the intelli-
gence. In order to satisfy a desire
that comes to every well-balanced
mind for something of a higher intel-
lectual order, the management an-
nounce, with a feeling of pride, the
forthcoming engagement of Mr.
Walker Whiteside, the tragedian; who,
in conjunction with his supporting
company, and the necessary adjuncts
that go so far to constitute a series of
finished performances. The bright
particular star of the organization,
Mr. Whiteside, through his admirable
performances in the states, has won
the right to be ranked among the most
brilliant exponents of classic plays of
tls century. Armed with the testi-
monials of some of the most brilliant
reviewers and critics in America, Mr.
Whiteside will appeal to the intelli-
gence and intellectuality of the pat-
rons of the Opera Rouse. During his
engagement, which occurs Nov. 3d, lie
will present hamlet in a manner befit-
ting the taste of his auditors. There
seems to be no doubt of his ability to
thoroughly satisfy a most exactig
public; not by the stereotyped methods
so usually employed, but a conscien-
tious deviation from that adopted by
Students wishing typewriting done
call at J. R. Bach's law office, 16 E.
Huron street. Best rates.
Do you wish to rent your rooms?
Why don't you insert a line or two in
our local column for a few days?
More rooms have been rented through
the DAILY than through any other
medium, for the DAILY practically
falls into every student's hands.

Go to the J. T. Jacob's Co. and get
your underwear. They shave the
largest and best assorted line in the
Foi RENT.-One single room and
very pleasant front suite. South and
west exposure. Ftsrnace heat, and
lighted. 23 Williams street. 2t
To RENT-Ose front Suite, one large
single room, furnace, bath, closet.
It 38 Monroe St.
Pleasant Suit of Rooms-Alcove fur-
nace heat, ight, stationary wash-bowl.
24-30 25 E. Jefferson Street.
To RENT-A suite of rooms, lower
floor, for three; or each room separate-
ly; rates reasonable. 27 Church street.
All neckwear at half price, good
patterns. E. A. Wallace & Co.
Fall Dress Coats and Vests, good
styles, at 88.75. E. A. Wallace & Co.
ATTENTION.-DO you think of buy-
ing a type-writer this year; Then call
at the DAILY office if you wish one be-
low cost.
See the $1.00 Underwear we are sell-
ing at 57e. E. A: Wallace & Co.
Baths 10e at P. O. IBarber Shop.
Ladies' and elhild ren s i r-cittingsiid
shampinisimg t .Jei'ome A. FreemanS~'s.
Four Dollar Underwear at $2.25 now
at E. A. Walace & Co's.
Seniorsin all departments are enti-
tied to senior rates on photographic
work at A. W. Corlis', Studio, No. 6
Boron St. M-W-F-2w
Fine Umbrellas cheap-only a few
left. E. A. Wallace & Co.
Tuesday Mr. A. E. Rose wvii be at the
Cook Hfouse with i complete lie of
samples of Fall and Winter Woolens
from the Golden Eagle, of Detroit. Au
invitation is extended to all to inspect
the line, which is 0e of the largest in
the State. If you need anything in
the line, it will pay you to investigate.
Jaros Underwear, $2.50 quality, now
$1.50. E. A. Wallace & Co.
FOR RENT.-Front suite, with light,
heat and bath. 23 Thompson street.
Unlaundried Shirts, 75c quality, now
43c. E. A. Wallace & Co.
BRACE Ut with a good pair of shoul-
der braces. A large stock at low prices
at Brown's Drug Store. A few shop
wtorn braces at 50c.
Knox Hats-regular price, $5.00-
now $2.50. E. A. Wallace & Co.
For sale, Good Victor Safety. $90,
O. E. Butterfield, 41 Catherine street.
All stiff Hats at one-half price, at
E. A. Wallace & Co.'s.
Have you been to Hazlewood's Bil-
liard all yet? Everything nice, pleas-
ant and quiet; no boisterousness.
Black Hose, 25c quality, now 17c.
E. A. Wallace & Co.
Seniors in all departments are en-
titled to senior rates on photographic
work at Randall's.
Lots of White and fancy-bordered
Ilandhercliefs at 6c. E. A. Wallace
& Co.
Go to BROwN's DRtl SoE for all
Laboratory supplies. Dissecting eases,
aprons and sleeves.-Low Prices.
Choice Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes at
Sheldon's Billiard Hall, No. 3 North
Main street. 1-7
A big line of Fine Neckwear at 19c.
E. A. Wallace & Co.
Ann Arbor Dye Works at 3 West
Huron street- Special attentionigiven
to cleaning and repairing suits. Have
your light suits dyed. 1-7
All canes will be sold at one-third
regular price. E. A. Wallece & Co.
New Laundry. Try us for the best
work you ever saw. Work done in
eight hours sio extra charge. Ofice 10
E. Huron street. Works 47-51 W.
Huron. Telephone 83.
Perrin best P. K. Kid Gloves,-$1.75
sow. E. A. Wallace & Co.

Time Tablea(Revised)SEpt. 24th,18s 91t.
P. M. A. M.
M ail.. ... ....... 4 2 1Mil .........92
DayEspress..... a30 DayEsisress ..... 519
N. . Limited..... 6 (8 N. . Limited..... 9 45
N. Y, Limited..... 9 45 P. m.
N. Falls Special..1112 Chicago Express.. 155
N. Y. & Chi. Lim..12 31 G. R. & Kal. Exp.. 608
A. M. (hi. N. Express... 8 50
Atlantic Express. 5 33 Pacific Expressl...10 W
D. N.Express..... 60
G. R. Express.... .10 44
G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor.
Student Work a Specialty
Best Workmen and Lowest Prices in the City.
follows: Gentlemesn, S itseday morningoso
and Thursday evenings 8:00; Ladies, Saturday
afternoons 4. Ladies and Gentlemen, ad-
vanced class.Tuesday evenings 8. Ground
,Moor, 6 Malinrd street Tuition. one term
(twelve weeks) $5. Pupils received at any

of the Illinois University at Cham-
paign. Prof. Forbes, who is direc-
tor of the state laboratory, is now
in Chicago to make arrangements
for the removal of the display,
which consist of 2oo specimen of
fresh and salt water fish. An aquar-
ium will have to be built at the uni-
versity to receive the fish.
Records Compared.
Cornell being Michigan's great
rival in football and baseball, it may
be worth while to notice the relative
standing of the two universities in
track athletics, judging from the
recent fall field meets. Although
the number of competitors at Cor-
nell was considerably larger than
that at our field-meet, yet we have
no reason to fear comparison.
In the zoo yard dash, Cornell's
best time in trial heat or final was
10 4-5 sec., while our single heat
was co 3-5 sec. The quarter mile
at Cornell was considerably better
than ours, being 51 4-5 sec., to our
54 3-5 sec. Our half mile, however,
a m. 8 3-5 sec., is about as good as
theirs, a m. 6 4-5 sec. The 12o and
22o hurdles at Cornell, were run in
17 3-5 sec. and 28 3-5 sec., respec-

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