' .off e f N . . VoL. IV.-No. 28. UN THE INLANDER. An Attractive Number for this Month-"How to Study at the U. of M," by Prof. D'Ooge. We have at hand the advance sheets of the November Inlander. This number promises to be one of great interest, and is full of good things which cannot fail to be a source of pleasure and instruction to its readers. The leading contribution of the month is from the well-known pen of Prof. D'Ooge, Dean of the Lit- erary Department. This article, which is entitled "How to Study,'' abounds in good advice and sugges- tions as to the proper methods to pursue in studying. No student in the University can afford not to read these words of Prof. D'Ooge, for they will be of inestimable value to all who care to study systematically and to the best advantage. S. H. Perry, whose contributions to the Inlander have always been good, contributes an especially interesting article to this number. He writes cn " The Neglected Senses," and makes a plea for the elevation of the so-called lower senses to a higher level as intellec- tual senses. L. A. Strauss offers a sketch en- titled "TThe Oak and the Grove," which is written in an exceedingly clever and altogether charming man- ner. Miss Mabel Holmes contributes a pleasing sketch called " Surf Sounds." "Hugh Chee Indian" is the unique title of an amusing short article by I. K. Friedman, '93, who is so favorably known as a contributor to our college publications. Eugene H. Garnett writes in his best style, of Edward Rowland Sill, an author not very well known, but of considerable merit, as the article points out. We are pleased to note the large amount of verse which appears throughout this number. Much of it is excellent, and under the title, "When Honer Nods," are not a few clever verses. Some of the contributors are: S. E. White, Eva Regine Phillips, H. R. Kellogg, W. W. Drew, W. Hermann Kirk, and others. The alumni notes and record of the month have their usual interest VIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. for graduates. The exchanges and TWO SENIOR ANNUALS. "MWEJvE GOTrE1'- book reviews complete the number, Castalian and Palladium will not he A CAR LOAD OF which certainly reflects great credit United.-Fraternities Reject the Propositions ofthe E I P A O upon the board of editors. t nee ncoiens.fte E R E *P A O W e cannot refrain from again J U- - REC EIVED. calling attention to the business-like There will probably be no union .. Cases in Oa, ahoony, walnut and Black. make-up and excellent appearance of independents and fraternities in To Rent or for Sale. Prees Riht. That's fair. of this year's Inlander. It is as the publication of a senior annual great a success in this particular as this year. The propositions adopted it is in a literary way. by the independent meeting last I The November Inlander will be Friday, were submitted to the sev- 51 South Main St. delivered today to subscribers, and eral fraternities and rejected by will be on sale at the book stores them. The principal reason for . this evening, and in the Main Hall their refusal to join with the inde- tomorrow. pendents seemed to be unwillingness to give up the name Palladium, and Changes in Faculty Rules. a desire to obtain representation on An important change in the rules the DAILY, in addition to concess- governing examinations was made at ions already made. The decision the Faculty meeting Monday even- of the fraternities was reported to ing. Rule 6, which provided that an independent meeting held yester- seSvSotr e tntsvsatssr to vi a arir less t3astcAssS oresar trisr send os$ ,atatsogets students using illegitimate aid at day afternoon in Room 24, with thee examinations should be treated as additional assurance that the frater- absentees, was repealed, and here- nities would in the course of time after such cases will fall under the present propositions of their own. 101, 133-15 oomARD Avr. provisions of the following rule: As there was no immediate prospect DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN, " Students are suspended or dis- of these propositions being submit~ -N O T I C E I---- missed whenever in the opinion of ted, it was decided to proceed with w ate cre to stay. we are ppared to the Faculty they are pursuing a the election of a Castalian board, give a .esssr ork to tt trade of tis sity uncsjequl se ay soivlershrse ever locatedm course of conduct seriously detri- and leave with the board the deter-rev tad ot ".y sri tr sv e dasreTslvr it or let else r rsi- sat 5rsvvt erc sycsssr mental to themselves or to the UJni- d 1)nda ee oer Y 'oods or- s eination of the question of conso- ste . s rstsrc to.n Isisy v toaorsay versity.' "'prw Ids-sd.s line s tom- Tailorina be dation, if it should again arise. As First Class Tennis. informal ballot for election of edi- ____ S7 AAN STJ51eT. tors was taken, but owing to the ex As the tennis tournament nears piration of the hour for meeting no an end, the contests ae increasing formal vote wss taken, and e in interest. Yesterday the two meeting adjourned until this after- matches in the semi-final round noon at 1:151 at which time a board of the first class singles were played, will be elected. between Wright and Hutchings, and Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST. Jocelyn and McKenzie. The latter A Lively Hallowe'en.T LUNCHES, contest was marked by some sharp Last night about 6oo students and brilliant tennis, McKenzie from the various departments gath- Lowney's qhocolates smashing well and Jocelyn getting ered on the campus for the purpose -Ar- in some good passes. The match of celebrating Hallow'een in good TUTTLE'S was left unfinished on account of old-fashioned style. The best of 48 5. STATE St. darkness. The full scores follow: humor prevailed throughout the pro- ltntchings ------- 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1- ceedings, which consisted of rushes, W S Wright -----...- 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-3 bonfires. etc. Nothing more seri- Hutchings .- 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1--6 ous than blocking the street railway, UNIVERS[TY BOOKSTORE Wright--.-.1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-4 and tearing down some old fences STATE STREET. McKenzie---.0 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0-4 was indulged in. A special force of Jocelyls---....1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1-6 police was appointed for the occa- McKenzie - 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1-6 sion, which succeeded in gathering in SaECIALSALEf, eSeaters,Gymnasium Jocelyn-- 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0-6 four of the boys. One, who was ar- Fine Linen Writing Paper, 25c per pound. " rested while hauling a wagon, was Fine Wove Writing Paper, 2c per quarter Amherst and Worcester played charged with larceny. The charge rea I(n sheets). football, Monday, 34 to 4 in favor was afterwards changed to disor- lay the Waterman Fountain Pen. Every- footballwardondayngedoto- one guaranteed for five years. of the former. derly conduct, and at the hearing The freshmen at Harvard held this morning he was fined $o.oo their field-day last Monday. The and $8.2o costs. .A HR'S records were low, except the run- The trial of the other three on the ning high jump, which was 5 feet, charge of disorderly conduct is fixed UNIVERSITY BOKSTOORE 87/ inches. for this afternoon at 2 o'clock. STATE STREET. i1