THE U. OF M. DAILY. + YOU KNOW + CALKINS' CHOCOLATES ARE THlE BEST. If you don't, t'sbaseoyou haven't ftritdtemi . Yuta';u;eu dryugswb thedtate. If Y~oul0jd oouglb 9know oursecare the best that son be Ibougiht. We wsk you could. Calkins' Pharmacy 34 S. STATE SiRLLT. \ 4That Advertise in the U. OF VL. DAILY, +. ^3 J®o/dish &iMatteso ij, SWA.WB JVoc0E0EJ & wETp WMOEf0 TE m 1 NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Pull Assortment oft UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new andi second hand, anti all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. TilE USUAL DIlSCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND iIAND DOORS BOUGHT OR EXCIIAN ED. C.ARETS ENGERAVED D 'E=BSq SB=YYLSS FK=- LLLLINE 8SWEA TEIR8 gymnasium AND .Foot Ba/I GOODS. ;Sheehan &CGn's I'l/bi ff/f 11d ,0(61f/. The Simplex Printer. Brilliant BiusnerLamps with Purcelain NicketlIPfated SMieoer a aNo 2sessie FIRST 'CLIASS TAILO,0R, 'hadi it5c. draft V25.William StreestFirst dooru'Wes"tsof Stsie Street. Nickl Plated RoyufltLamb, So. 0, icenter Ntickel Plategd Rochester Lamp, No. 2i, center____________________ draft, 9 c. draift,S$2.25. Nice'l tlatedl Yale tamp,tNo. 1, cenuter NiceletPlated German Studesit Lasnit, Ens- ZSIZZ _RIL C L.QQ~ ilraft,$1.25y. Dera, 12.7. Nicer lsPlte~d ale Lampff, No. 2, eenter ickiel ilsted Gernman Student Lassi, Pee- sirafe,$Silo. fritiis 3.lfu. Yrllow ansd iBlue Buttos, Nictkel Plnted Junu Lamp, Nii. 2, center Nices ilted GermaniuStudent Lamps. trisn- U. nf M. Flog Pint. itraft, sL. ress, $3.50. Fine tRpairing Dune. -Hund Lampis, Brackeld Lamps,'Libra~rLamps s,,,nueLs. Pan Ln,.,,w:tvv eind at 0 iui rig a than lsseasin EamneUourtok befure buyini,sndsarenmone. 44 south Main Street,DE N&CM A Y Ann Arbor, Mio DA &UVI.AN E E I A new inventionsfor iouplicaling copies wrrilingo andi drainlgs. of l Frum on originol, on ordinary poper oits any pen, ioo copies eantie made. ifty copies of typewriter mnsscrilptsprodiuced so 15 minuotes, Seed for circuilars anit ism pits of worb. AGENiTS VWANT ED. LAWTON & CO., 22 Vesry SofNewVork. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. I ceive,: 'iseeShsosver Bmuss. siretsar- celaso tr sa. if liathsufor i$f.00. Ladies' Bisr Drssnig iParloup stairo. J.0.1TtsJAOtSKIs, 30 E.Wattisnot0. PATRONfIE OWEN'S IBAiRtBE RiSi[, N o. 4 Esnt iiisrin Stree't. FIRS' NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AiRBOR. Capital, $50,000. Surtplus and Profits, S$t0,000. Transuactu a general banckingbsness. For- eigns exchhsige boughst and sold. Letters of credit prnocured fur travrelers abroad. F. BACli, Fres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cshier. ANN ARBOR TIN JAJiUNDRY tCO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SastVtss, - Manager. UNIVERSITY NOTES. H allow'een Itinighit. Thei fres/hmlan /sread occurs Fi/- day 0igilt. i/ie freshmnsaspread u/iloccur 'c/clay evetning. 'T/i Noveniber Inlander uil be on ua/e next Fr/clay. Hl/low'eens parties tv//I be g/ven by all t/ic sororities tots/glit. P~eninsylvania Club Coitrt met yeu- terday at 4 o'clock in room 12. Newv York jun/or laws met yeuter- day after the lecture in roonm 6. Thte surgical cl/ole is crowded wi/b patientu at tie present time. Miss C. 1/. lBronson, lit. '93, is teacbiing in the Lansiisg bigb ochool. Vesterday's large ed//iou of tbe DAIL~Y was everywhere favorably commtented on. Dr. Harry Kennedy, last year o6n lDr. Nancrede's staff, is v/siting fr/ends in town. All fresbmen are requested to submit class yells at thsetiext meet- is9 of the class. A. H-. Townsend, '87 lit, is teach- lng imathematics in tbe Chicago Mantial Training Scbool. A meeting of the sophomore girls has been called for half past ten, Saturday morning, in Room A. The students' directory, published by 0. E. Scott, senior law, will be isaned this coming Saturday. It was to have been issued last week, but was unavoidably delayed. Robert IL. Sackett, 13. 5. '90, is professor of aplplied toathematics and astronomy at Richniond, Id. ThieNosvemob/er/Ilasiler app~ears Thursday. A rev/ev of I/i culrreut numbiler wvil be given in tomiorrowv'u DAILY. The Hobart Cu//ld Soc/al Circle recepiotnhas beet s otpJoinedfroml Fr/day' I/icthi/ret,to Saturday I/he fourth, of Novemlber. I/on. Jerry Simpsons will be the next attraction in the S. IL. A. series. His subject will be "Some Recent Changes in Agriculture.' 'Tle alumni and former students of the Agricultural college in atten- dance here, formed an alumani asso- ciation Saturday evening. 'The 'Women's League wvil give a 'Colombian" social Saturday. Sev- eral of the faculty ladies will talk on their visits to the Wlorld's Fair. The Iron and Steel Club meets tonight at 7 o'clock sharp. Mr. Wright read a paper on "The Ana- conda Copper Smelting 'Works." J. 0. Ballard, moedic '90, died last week of consumption. Mr. Ballard well known when in college, and was on the glee club, and leader of the banjo Club. The congressional campaign in the Detroit district grows warmer as the election day approaches. Prof. Griffin's friends feel sure of his elec- tion. There has not been a"Repub- lican member of congress from the first district for 12 or 15 years. [WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler. FiLOVJVfRS, Fl'1 ONs COSINeSsI HAvisiorf isftn. 105 Sloel'15 Caf. t/iapg',leesf. .ii it rrt Iift.SEO,1t{il. es n ines]ps"s. y s " eg 1TRA* ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS who are wilt- ing to pap a litlecisuef thans the price charesd fue tke ordinary trae igas. retts, uiti 11THISBRAND supeiorstoallfothes.s The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 CIGAR FITES ore mode from tthe brigthtest, mot deliicate iss flsvor, ssnd higihest east GOLD LEAF grown in Virginia. BEWARE Of IIATSIONS, and otserve that tthe namue ofl tke manafacltera as helow se aon every package.TM The Leadinga _4ECTjA1 LOR Boo the newest Fssli and Wiciter Woolnt'csod laegest tnik is the city. Tiu cacn get any ueiectinn you ore iookilig eor. COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.