THE U. OF M. DAILY.' ORGANIZED 1880. INCORPORATED 186 THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51So.1IsINES . ihretor and Manager. EXC ELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST IIU ON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods caled for and deivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 0, E. Washington Street 22Y ears in1 the Business.e-. CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +nTATS SAVIfG$ BAf2K+ Car. Mail and Washington Streets. A. L. NoaLE, Pres. MoET PtiLtIPs, Cash'r. The 3. & 14. prhg Sore Is the place to buy anything in the Drug line. Medicnee, Sponges, Brushes, Etc. Ete G-© TrO _ R. E. JOLLY & Co.'s When you want a pure box of Fine Chocolate Candies. Stationery at cost. Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes and the Finest Stock of Pipes in the City. LADIES' and GENTS' LUNCH ROOM. R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. Sanxte Street. MONDAY-8 p. in. Advanced Class for La- dies and Gentlemen. TUESDAY T-p. m. Ladies' delsarte class. 8).iii. Gentletoen'sdancting tins SATURDA- 10 a. to. Gentle mn n da .ntg class. 2 p. m. Children's dancing class. to m.Lades' datctng class. Privae essons by appottitment Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbor. Mich. Capsta,,Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, buys and tells exchange on the printial niitenof the United States. DOmfts cashed aeon iiroper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OFFitERS: Chrtian Mack, Pres.; W. 0. Harrtma, Vice Pres.; ('hta. . Riscock, Cu- shlar" M. J. Fritz Asst. Cashier. U. OF M. CALENDAR. Tueaday tt. i-7ep.ublictn clubelection, in bitt lcture ron, at 7:35 p. n. Fri., Nov. 3-Freshman spread. Sat, Nov. 4 --Wisconsin vs. Michigan, at Ath- letic Field. Fri., Nov. 0-Social in Inland League Series. Sat., Nov. It--lon. Jerry Simpson, it S. L. A course. Subiect, "Sonie Recent Changes itt Agriculture. 'Twas a Great (?) Victory. Speaking editorially of the U. of M.-Chicago game, the University of Chicago Weekly says: i The victory over Ann Arbor meant much to us. It gave us what we most need,-a reputation. (?) A moment has gained many a decisive battle. One moment gained for the University of Chicago a glorious victory over one of the greatest (?) football teams in the west. It is not certain that Michi- gan would have made a touchdown had not time been called. In fact, it is probable that the gallant Chicago men, with the desperation born of de- spair, would have driven the freiedl Ann Arbor eleven back from their last stand. But it was not necessary. The timesas up, andAnnArbor wassbeat- en. Reputation, encouragement and spirit all came with the victory. Truly it was wodlerul." () Yale University Statistics. The following table of statistics shows the growth of the University during the past year in its various departments. The figures for 1892- 93 were taken last year at a some- what later time than this and the actual increase is therefore a little greater than the table shows: '92-93. '93-94. Gain Yale College, 970 1,085 118 Scientific School, 497 599 62 Philos. and the Arts, 105 127 22 Law School, 160 184 15 Medical Scool, 74 77 3 Theological School, 110 113 3 Fine Art School, 31 31 0 Total, 1,956 2,170 223 UNIVERSITY NOTES. Frank W. Fletcher, lit '75, newly elected member of Board of Regents, was in town Saturday. T. L. Bolton, lit '89, who has a fellowship at Clark University, Wor- cester, Mass., is visiting old friends. All S. C. A. dues should be paid by Nov. st, and thus save the treasurer the inconvenience of call- ing upon you. The Microscopical Society which is being organized by Dr. Huber will hold its first meeting in the Historical Laboratory, Tuesday, Oct. 31, at 7:30 p. m. ANNOUNCEMENT. The executive board and its sub- committees will meet in Room 24, Friday, Nov. 3, at 5 p. m., to re- port on the work of canvassing. GERTRUDE BUCK, Pres. INTER-COLLEGIATE. The University of Wisconsin has a course in singing college songs. The course is said to be very popu- lar. Mr. James Gordon Bennett, pro- prietor of the New York Herald, has offered Harvard University the sum of $t,ooo for establishing a prize to encourage journalism. U. of M. Republican Club. A meeting of the club will be held in the lecture room this evening at 7:30. Important business before the club. The office of vice-president to be filled. Speeches will be made by a Mis- souri Republican legislator, S. G. Long, and other well known stu- dents. Let every one be present. GEo. W. FULLER, President. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. The ttlatrons of the city of Ann Ar- bor t. .. been treated to a series of tiovel entertainments, consistingchief- ly of performances that appeal more to the eye and ear than to the intelli- gence. In order to satisfy a desire that comes to every well-balanced mind for something of a higher intel- lectual order, the management an- nounce, with a feeling of pride, the forthcoming engagement of Mr. Walker Whiteside, the tragedian; who, in conjunction with his supporting company, and the necessary adjuncts that go so far to constitute a series of finished performances. The bright particular star of the organization, Mr. Whiteside, through his admirable performances in the states, lion won the right to be ranked among the most brilliant exponents of classic plays of this century. Armed with the testi- monials of some of the most brilliant reviewers and critics in America, Mr. Whiteside will appeal to the intelli- gence and intellectuality of the pat- rons of the Opera House. During his engagement, which occurs Nov. 3d, he will present Hamlet in a manner befit- ting the taste of his auditors. There seems to be no doubt of his ability to thoroughly satisfy a most exacting public; not by the stereotyped methods so usually employed, but a conscien- tiott deviation from that adopted by predecessors. Notice. Students wishing typewriting done call at J. R. Bach's law office, 16 L. Huron street. Best rates. Notice. Do you wish to rent your rooms? Why don't you insert a line or two in our octa1 commi for a few days? More roomaveo hbeen rented thronigs the DAILY than through any other medium, for the DAILY practically falls into every student's hands. BUSINESS LOCALS. =Notten inserted in this column at the rate of 5 cena per tine. Special rates for longer time, and extra lines furninhed by applying at the DA1LY olie.l Go to the J. T. Jacob's Co. and get your underwear. They have the largest and best assorted line in the city. FOR RENT.-One single room and very pleasant Iront suite. South and west exposure. Firsatetheat, and lighted. 23'; Willianms teet. 2t To RENT-One front suite, one large single room, furnace, bath, closet. It 38 Monroe st. Pleasant Suit of Rooms-Alcove fur- nace heat, toght, stationary wash-bowl. 24-30 25 E. Jefferson Street. To RENT-A suite of rooms, lower floor, for three; or each room separate- ly; rates reasonable. 27 Church street. All neckwear at half price, good patterns. E. A. Wallace &0 Co. A cut in prices of banjos and man- dolins this week at State street Music Store. Full Dress Coats and Vests, good styles, at $8.75. E. A. Wallace & Co. ATTENTION.-Do you think of buy- ing a type-writer this year Then call at the DAILY office if you wish one be- low cost. See the $1.00 Underwear we are sell- ing at 57c. E. A. Wallace & Co. Baths 10e at P. o. Barber Shop. Ladies' and children's hair-cutting and shampooing at Jerome A. Freeman's. Four Dollar Underwear at $2.25 now at E. A. Wallace & Co.'s. Seniors in all uepartments are enti- tled to senior rates on photographic work at A. IV. Colis', Studio, No. 6 Huron st. M-W-F-2w Fine Umbrellas cheap-only a few left. E. A. Wallace & Co. STUDENTS, ATTENTION. - Every Tuesday Mr. A. E. Rose will be at the Cook louse with a complete line of samples of Fall and Winter Woolens from the Golden Eagle, of Detroit. An invitation is extended to all to inspect the line, which is one of the largest in the State. If you need anything in the line, it will pay you to investigate. Jaros Underwear, $2.50 quality, now $1.50. E. A. Wallace & Co. FOR RENT.-Front suite, with light, heat and bath. 23 Thompson street. 26-31 Unlaundried Shirts. 75c quality, now 43c. E. A. Wallace & Co. BRACE Ut with a good pair of shoul- der braces. A large stock at low prices at Brown's Drug Store. A few shop worn braces at 50c. Knox Hats-regular price, $5.00- now $2.50. E. A. Wallace & Co. For sale, Good Victor Safety. $90. O. E. Butterfield, 41 Catherine street. 19-43 All stiff Hats at one-half price, at E. A. Wallace & Co.'s. Have you been to Hazlewood's Bil- liard Hallyet? Everythingnicepleas- ant and quiet; no boisterousness. Baek Hose, 25c quality, now 17e. E. A. Walatce & Co. Seniors in all departments are en- titled to senior rates on photographic work at Etandall's. Lots of White and fancy-bordered Handherchiefs at 6c. E. A. Wallace & Co. Go to BROwN'S DRtUG StoRE for all Laboratory supplies. Dissecting cases, aprons and sleeves.-Low Prices. Choice Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes at Sheldon's Biliard Hall, No. 3 North Main street. 1-7 A big line of Fine Neckwear at 19c. E. A. Wallace & Co. Ann Arbor Dye Works at 3 West Huron street- Special attentiongiven to cleaning and repairing suits. Have your light suits dyed. 1-7 All canes will be sol at one-third regular price. E. A. Wallece & Co. New Laundry. Try us for the best work you ever saw. Work done in eight hours no extra charge. Office, 10 E. Huron street. Works 47-51 W. Huron. Telephone 83. Pertin best P. K. Kid Gloves,. $1.75 now. E. A. Wallace & Co. MIGHIGAN GENTIAI tTime Table (Revised) Sept. 24th, 1893. 000 nn P. M.AM. M ail..........4 27 Mal. ............. 926 D xrso... 5305Doy Express...0819 N.3. LGm"ted 5Ei . N.Lmt 0. 18 N. S. Limited.d954 N. Y. Limited.. 9 45 P. M. N. Falls Special...1112 ChicagoExpress.. 155 N. Y. & Chi. Lim..12 31 G. R. & Kal. Exp.. 6 08 A. M. Cli. N.Express... 850 Atlantic Express. 5 SDPacific Express...10 20 D. N. Expresi....(640 0. R. Saprets..10 4d OW. RnUGLS, H. w. HAvES, G. P. & T. Agt, Chicago. Ag., Ann Arbor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and4- - PUBLISHING KOtTSEL- Student Work a Specialty- Best workmen and Lowest Prices in the City. GRANGER'. - CLASSES IN DANCING will meet as follows Gentlnmen, Saturday mornings 10 and Thursday eveningsa :00; Ladies, Saturday afternoons 4. Ladies and Gentlemen, ad- vanced class, Tuesday evenings 8. Ground ,oor. 6 Maynard street. Tuition. oteieterm twelve weeks) $5. Pupils receved at any time.