AOL 3,,At VOL. IV.-No. 27. IT'S SETTLED NOW. Tne Northwestern Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association Decides Chi- cago Field-day Controversy. The representatives of the differ- ent universities in the Northwestern Inter-collegiate Athletic Association met in Chicago Sunday, and defin- itely settled the matter of the Chi- cago field-day of last June. It was decided to throw out the five men on Michigan's team who were off color, and to give the places won by them to the ones next in order. The reports in the Chicago papers were accepted where it was necessary to substitute new men in the places thus made vacant. Michigan, however, can still lay claim to the championship by a to- tal of 49 points against 45 for Wis- consin, her nearest rival. The medals will probably soon be forth- coming to the winners. Roman Archaeology and Life. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. The following dissertations will be given in Course 3 in Latin. This method of studying archaeology and life, introduced five years ago by Prof. Kelsey, takes the place of text-book work on the subject. This part of the work is voluntary, but is taken every year by a good percentage of the class SEC. I.-MR. MEADER. ''The Land Question in Ancient Italy," Mr. Will M. Mertz. Dec. 8. "The Theory and Use of Music Among the Romans," Mr. Freder- ick W. B. Coleman. Dec. 12. "Rome in the Middle Ages," Miss Alice Patterson. Dec. 14. "The Roman Catacombs," M'Ar. Walter H. Thorp. Dec. 19. "The Roman House," Mr. H. L.. Lyster. Jan. 1io. "The Practice of Medicine Among the Romans," Mr. Dexter M. Ferry, Jr. Jan. i2. "The Roman Monetary System," Mr. Ira A. Beddow. Jan. 16. "The Organization of the Roman Government in the Time of the Re- public," Mr. Hobart B. Hoyt. Jan. IS. "The Government of the City of Rome Under the Empire," Mr. Stephen Langdon. Jan. 23. "Roman Books and Their Publi- cation," Mr. Duane Reed Stuart. Jan. 24. "Themes of Ancient Art," Miss Edith M. Kimball. Jan. 26. "View of the City of Rome in the Later Years of the Western Empire," Miss Alice M. Pound. Jan. 31. "The Life of the Early Christians WHY CORNELL REFUSED. "WnE VE GOT EM" in Rome," Mr. Fred M. White. Jan. 2. Questions of Money Not Involved- A CAR LOAD OF "The Survivals of Ancient Roman Afraid of the Team's Life in Modern Italy," Miss Isabelle weknss____PI NO Hosie. Jan. 6o , D , Just why Cornell refused to play JUST RECEIVED. Mr. John Fogelsong. Jan. 8. the University of Michigan at De- Cases in Oak, Mahogony, Walnut andBlack. troll on Thanksgiviag Day was a To Rent or for Sale. Prices Right. That's fair. The New Instructor. mystery until the Princeton-Cornell - 'il Prof. Reuben Kempf, the new game was played a week ago yester- °Q bclosac instructor of the U. of M. Glee day. It is now evident that the St South Main St. Club, as a graduate of the Royal money question was secoidary and Conservatory at Stuttgart, Ger- that having a weaker team than usu- many. He is one of the foremost at Cornell did not want to face ES musical men of Michigan. In 1883 Michigan. he conducted the Beethoven Club, The yellow and blue-certainly has which carried the honors of the a good team this year and with fur- state. For the last four years he ther coaching will be able to hold has conducted the Lyra Society, of its own and a trifle added. The de- Ann Arhor, which has exceeded feat by Chicago was due to ill luck local fame. He was delighted with rather than of anything else.-News when you wanttheLatetMotooitan Styles -Trihune. r ,Shesa 3c o$tapaitr less the material in the club, and pre- -Tribune. tlan Ann Arbor prices send for Catalo ue to dicts a brilliant future for the M. g a an - Mr. Nagarkar Again To-night. Glee Club of '93-94. The club is fortunate in obtaining an instructor Mr. B. B. Nagarkar, whose lec- 101. 183-185 WOnwnnW.A AV., who is energetic and will push the ture in the Unity Clnb Course last DETiROIT, - - MICHIGAN. club to its utmost ability. night, on "Social Life in India," -+-N 0 T 10 E nv--was listened to by a large and de- wooay her" to stay. te ae nronared to The November Inlandergil aoth rgiones ere o sth e anodpr'ped'to T Nv b n de lighted audience, will give anotheroNesilrd in toyk01oneae eoe iselty The second number of this year's lecture this evening, in the Unitar- lennn not e'l n'0 hy any a yInlor is America, and t lpin'c s uners d iey ~nodsoro- Inlander will be issued Thursday, ian Church, on ''Religious Life in dei. nnit 1,rs 000 (irty del nesto0any and the DA111 will print a review of India." This lecture will be free, pr ed. line i'n TOilin it in tomorrow's number. and the public is invited to attend. .A T The improved appearance of the No one who is interested in the re- Iilander has brought forth many ligious regeneration of India-this complimentary notices from ex- motherland of historic religions and changes. The last number of the philosophies-should fail to hear University of Vermont Cynic clips Mfr. Nagarkar. The lecture will "An Autumn Day," by Henry West, begin at 8 o'clock. and makes the comment that it is as ,+ - Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST. worthy of praise as any they have Engineering Society. E I OT LUNCHES seen. At the next meeting of the Engi- Low y'S hooa Inland League, neering Society, to be held Nov. 3, __T A large audience greeted .rat S p. m'., in Roomi i, Dr. Guthe TUTTLE'S Earle Wilfley at the Inland League will give a talk on "German Univer- 48 S. STATE St. sities versus American, or the Beer- lost evensug. A long program con-mgvessteF tbl. sisting of many numbers by Mr. mug versus the d Wileyan smemuicsts aih- At the same meeting ammend-A li Wilfley and some music was faith- ments to the constitution will be UNIVERSITY BOOKS TORE fully rendered. Mr. Wilfley's im- personations were excellent and he voted upon. STATE STREET. was loudly applauded after each or r .' t numbr. Te pice ntited "as- Poor Corneli Isn't In It. number. The piece entitled "Las' --- SPECIAL SALE of Sweaters, Gymnasium ca" was very touching. His selec- Writing of Cornell, the special Suits, Umbrellas, etc., etc. tion from Mark Twain's "Inno- New York correspondent to the De- Fise Linen Writing Paper, 25c per pound. cence Abroad" created considerable troit News-Tribune uses the follow- Fine Wove Writing Paper, 25c per quarter mirth. The Chariot Race, from lream (120 sheets). ing language: Buy the Waterman Fountain Pen. Every. Ben Hur, was also well given. 'Cornell is now out of the big race one guaranteed for five years. The music on the program was and the old opponent of the University furnished by Mr. Hartsell and Miss of Michigan will deeply regret before Davis, and lent a pleasing variety to many days that she did not accept the W AH R'S the many numbers by Mr. Wilfley. usual offer to play the yellow and blue in Detroit. From the showing of the U IVERSITY BOKSTOORE Friday evening, Nov. 10, the Inland two clubs it is probable that Michigan League gives a social. would be the victor." STATE STREET.