THE U._OF M. DAILY._______ CALKINi' CHOCOLATESTI ° That Aduvertise in the U. OF vM. JDAILY, + If youdon'ti'sbecaueyou avaen't, tried tihem. Vo ntee Jude edrun-oby tie, taste. I1 you could, you would ~ls f e o j obiht We wis you could. Calkins' Pharmacy Sw'A2]w S'1,:E'' 34 S. STATE STREET., ~ M-/-OOI:ZoE 8 & W--W-lMOI:RE], NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Iae a Foll Assortmlent of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Bew anti second hand, End all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. TILE USUAL DISCO)UNTS GIVEN TO S'TUDENTS. SECOND HAND LOORS BOUHT OR ENCIIANULD. CAREMS H=JE - YAV SDTi N 1/ISLE] ISISSW YLTBS_ F1JL* LNE A T'ES IIE2.$ a M 2, ente xf , .rmn TW A a mIBBII rrit , ~r',x r r r BrilantBuitnor Luamps wltlc Porcelain Nickel Platted Eiller Lame, No.2,otr IAIA R lbdra01, 2.25. TEDO d l P a~td Royal Lump, No. 5, coer.t Nickel Plated Suehester Lamp, No. 2, ceeter aflt , c.draft, "0. f Ns 1Plated Yale Lamp, N~o. 1, tooter Nickel Plated German Student Lamp, Em- 8pVVL/1,iM.. _a.^ , Nickl Patd Yale Lampy, No. w, center Nickel Plaled Germ an StudentbLamp,.Per- A LBndLmpBrDelLmpLilcury La pBnuetriLamps, Piano Lamcps. New styles and t loer rice tha lat seson.Exaine ur sockbef cetbying, and sotetoo y. Foot Ba!! 44 sofft an AStrant, DEAN & COMPATNT.Y. GOODS. fa~cc CY7YcOIO c , u UNIVERSITY NOTES. Sheehan &Co.'s The Simplex Printer. A oem jt!ett or to dlct tint copsesic From an origiaul, arr ordinary paper cwct arty perr, iou copies coonice imcde. lilty copies of typtewriter omanritis iprcducedr in =s mitesc, Senocircuelarsoandttti iles uf/warl.AURENIS WANTED. LAW TON & 8zCO., 22'saey St.,Ntwork.L 0, K. BARBER, SHOP. Int coecti i ntry. rr ecr flaius. rrttopor- er-rirn itb. 0e btntscfoid15i.t0..Lardtesro ii Preing Parloroutirs. I.IDrutT Nwoir, 'P30E. a ilul _ tart. PA'TRONOWEN'iCSS 155111EItSHO01, So. 4Est loStr teet. FIRST'I' ATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARIIOR. Capitlr,000b. Suputiand trio rfitsbie.300 Trairnl act eneral bankinrgtbusrress. Par- eiganreanrga banght aridsold. Lerters of crerdit protredfor travelers aboad. P. BACh, Proc. S.W. CLASESOS Catshrer. ANN ARBOR-- ThFIJA hLlgND1RY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVSeS; - Manager. Frttl Swift2,'9- lit, is visiting atritds intowon. Dr. H. J. Ktetley, mittct 93, is it toctni visitinog frientdo. D~outglasShtrriey took in the foot- ball11gatite, Saturtday afterinooni. Jonathtan Ptaler, jr., of Detroit, 93 law, is visiting I. J. Ottoivay. Cornell will play with Minnesota TPhaakogivinsgtlay its'tinnueapolis. MSr. G. A. Snoow, slate editor of the Detroit Evening News, is visit- ing friends its town. Nortlswestern aod Luke Forest played a tie ganme at Evanston Fri- day. Rise store was 12 to s2. Te seniors will omeet tonsorrowe afternoon at a o'clock, in Room A, to elect officera for thse noe senior aantual. Tise PtisDlelta Theta boys esnter- tairsed Douglas Siserley ansd Manag- or Glass at thseir houser Saturday eveing. F. N. Harrison, whso attended Ite msedical department here last year, is in tPhiladelphsia at thse Jefferson Medical. Of thse i41 students in the Boston School of Thseology, S7 are college gratluates, 26t from Ohio and 7 from Michigan. RTse Hillsdale foothall teans de- feated the Ypsilanti Nornsals 25 to o at Hillsdlale, Saturday. Alhion met defeat at tise hands of the D. A. C. at Detroit, by a score of 2o to ft. Rhe SMinneoota leans left for Chci- cago Saturday night. Totday thtey c lay the Northwestoern University at Es arostcit. Owvitsg to thte csilditwesther ino tents5gameO s wcrejplayced os Satuir- day. Rise tourinamtentt will be tort- tinucedl this oveek. C. A. IBowen, A. 'Ml 93, wh-ist sttudyinsg theology in thselioston Ulsiversity, is asoistant pastor in the Hyde Park M. I:. Churcs. Travis, '96 lit, who sprained Isis ankle on the football field about ten days ago, is doing wveil and will probably be able to get op to col- lege next week. Ninety-five was weorking up some noew men in football Ipraelite, Satur- day forenoon,.'Tho team still lacks a suitable nsan for center, bist othser- wise has good niaterial. Thsis is thse closing day of list IVorint's Columsbian Exposition. 0111 of respect to thse mensory of Mayor Harrison all ceremonies prepared for the occasion will ho omitted. Trho scores of football ganses on Saturday were: Wisconsin iS, Be- loll o; Chicago A. A. o,- Chanm- paign 4; Butler 38, Indiana o; Ne- braska iro, Baker io; Princeton 78, Wesleyan o; Yale 2S, West Point oa; Harvard 58, Brown o; Pennsylvania So, Lafayette oa; Cornell o, Will- iams Yo; Lehigh 12, Annapolis 6; Orange A. C. 34, Rutgers o; Bow- doin 54 Bates o; Boston A. A. aS, Amherst o, oWM- R. FULDE ,,- j FI4R TCLASS 'TAILO,0 , Williatm Stooet, biritloot Wti'iofStatet reet. Yrellrow atd2 01 a.Btlttns, L, at _41.Flag Pros Pino Repairing Done, WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler. FLOVVEfS, Fi , OVV RS CO E AL. Yri S. ~ lint- . At tUI ltIom' boo N11 {jlief~tfltLhhlfl.S lhhd k kf}1alihi 3 i esrot1.i .ci - o . Ot t llaPt'safety It ~t. P,1i-to . bit ilFi.SE ti-bier. lWttttctt-titit~sotr $R1 ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS lie are will- ine 10 pay aIitlentooetitan te piieo chtarged tor thte ordinary traide Cigarrettes, will Lid THIS BRAND saperior to allaothert. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1I C1GA.IIE'ITES 00e made froma 10e irightiest,nmrot delieute intflater, and igt beicodstOLD LEAF growna in Virgiia. BEWARE SF IMITATIONS, and obserot ttatite name 01fibheitcanulitelas belawrisIaon overy p aa. Q RAN~i ToCisAONVIGINiO. The Leadingj -' 'TAILOR I~shenewet FallandinterWolens antd largestsit-ck in t ity ri. Ytoran getOany telocton youare mlooigfoar. COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washirrton 1t,. rear Main,