THE U. OF M. DAILY. _____ +B~OOM$' 4 +-ThatAdvert'ein the U. of Al. DAILY, + ISaturday, Oct. 28th,.powdis'h & atesoij, Calkins ' P harm acy SrFMV S 2JvEY]2- jooI & c x E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. I-ave a I1ull Assortment of UNIVERISITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THlE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN T0 STUDENTS. SECOND HAND LOKS UOLCILT OI E"XIIA NED. CUA TE,=S =I -RATTIJD ThaTKO 13 PS'S PSZYES. The Simplex Printer. A new inentien for dupl icatin copies 01 writings ald drawings. irlin unrLnp lh Porceluin tNicketlotlted illerLampN. er J505 .5 'CI. T ILO Shd 5 drtl,l'I3l.Wilialtrectt-le-.tdeea- Weter tate Steet: Nictel Pltted Roa el Lampi, Na. 0, ecnter Nickel PI-teed Roeseter LamopN:, center______________________ dralt,It U. edraft, '.25. Niekel Piated Tale Lamp, tao. 1, crter Nickel Plated Gereman Student Lannyt, Emc- Z ZOc OOT traft, $1.25. areas, V. 5. Nickel tlated Pale Lampe, Na. 2, center Nickerl Plated Gernman Studrnt Lamap, Per- dealt, $1.5. fection ei.a..Stlow and lteBttonst, Nicel Plated Jana Lateep, No .2, center Nickeel 'toted Ceratian Student Lampt, Prin-' U. at 21. Flab Pius. draft, $L.75. cesm-," $.50. Pine tietpaeetag eane, Btand Latnt. ,Bracket Luaps, Libtrary'Lamps,. ha ntaet Sceene. Piano Lampse. New-stylea and avtorte-licee theanla-tsaa-hanExainour ieott efoeteyen , and saveti nncy 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. Eroan atorigieal, aneardinary tpatprer wthe arty pete, ioo con~ies cta be made. Fitty copiet of typeeweteteremnuscrjit roue in15 mites-, Sendforecirculastendsm plesof work. AtUNtS it Nill. LAWTO"N &Co., --ON- l Monday-7- October 3oth e wllI issue an editian of :2501. copies of THE' DAILY Which willto thoroughly distrihutedi among the students and wii thus furnish the host method for student advertis- ing offered in the city. Ad- vertisements will he received up to 8P..". SATURDAY. Fee Eaten apply at Ike DAILY OFF-IisCE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. UNIVERSI'TY NOTES. Cantetallet at 3 o'clock shtarpi. D). I3. Cahnl, lit 'Sy ls atcing lawv ittClicao. lProf.h ecitettileeltures to ilte late steetleats i n ttlv. Mliss Grace Antiersowi, lit '9_t, in tee'hi itit h lis -ea. 'Plee juntior late election occurs taco weeks fromtotday-. Work on thte new' recitation bud- tng in progressitng rapidly. J. Donovan, lutw 'gi, in editor of Ite Tribune at Gladstone, Mtiche. Miss Kate Fletcher, lill '95, is ex- pected In retain to college next se- mester. MiussiMarguerite Conk, 'gi, of the D~etrnit High School, is visiting in lice city. The setuinary course in currency and bunking hteld its first mceetitag Tuesday. Dr. Cobern will speak at te Sunt- day aftertnon meeting in Univer- sity honsicital. Henry lBrenner, lit'S9, iu teaching mathaematics in the Chticago Manual Training Schonl. G. E. ReycraftI, wit '96 taedical class lat year, is attending the De- troit Medical College. A workman fell from thte roof of the dental building yesterday and was qucite seriously hurl. Miss Frillie G. Beckwith, lit '94 has given up her college work and expects to attend the New York art school oneltyear. Missa Cathcerine Codd, lit '95, hcopes to ret-toe leer work in tile Utieretity nitt 1se'roster. Miss :SIycyI. Cooley, lit '};, is speettingithte water1-c t-itter sister, Mrs. Ike Ante nDtot C. I].Depuy, lit'tgt testeeachaitg NIechtateicalEi aneeringe teathe Clii- 1.1o 0Matnual ITraitni'n School. Thlos. ken ,lit '91.andlpresitdent of thee S. I. A. ic'go-'ga, ts prac- ticing law in Washintgon, D. C. Several U. of 1I. students whco have been etmployed at the World's Fair wiii re-enter school next wveek. '96 mnedics fininsed their election of officers yesterday. Miss Jennie Hall twas elected secretary, atidH.. E. Swceatland treasurer. Tice Oracle Doard wiii nit for a conmposite photograph this after- stoon, wvhich will be publisiced as a f rontispiece in that paper. R. P. Lancont, lit '9z, is chtief engineer for Shailer & Schioglan, engineers and contractors, in thte Phenix Building, Chicago. The Mathcetmatical Club wilnmeet Saturday evening, Oct. 2S, in Room no, Civil Etnginceerincg building. Mr. Cole wiii give a paper on Cal- culating Machcines. Election of of- ficers. Mr. Geo. H. Pond, of the Ann Arbor Courier, will speak before the Young People's Vespers in St. Andrews' Chapel, to-morrow at 6:30 p. m. His subject is, "The First of the Great Triad.' WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler. E I 11 , Floisit, "Telephoe' t5a. 11 M116 4 slId TVI iws~jl11 taitl 1 t'.5lttl Jeeitl 1t" - Dots"Ejr~ ~i et t- -ntErlea-- lete'- _It tl -' 0 l e It aot it - cs esa ety i I terti-. I f a. a} tit tat)rr l t. o le R. %:iI . r' Ir' t B-'ESe RCasier ~TM ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS whtsaee well- ing In pap alittle mane titan Ite price citaeged folee Ierdilnarp teade Clee.reltes, ceikaiid THIS BRAND auperor eaileikes. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 CIGAIRETTES aee made frtheieghtest, attst delieate in flaevee, and lhigkesitealstGOLD LEAF grown in Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, end oteseree Cleat tkenaeeofIkemantufatureeeaas kelaoe is aa every package. Te cGi~j 4MaIcAsIfaannt~accz The Lecdinsj mezaT AL OR Hea the nlewest Sell and Weeteer Woensean ed laegest stoek in ta he c'. Yv ansaet eny neleetion you are luoneefoAu COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. a