THE IU. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUIAMEGO ORCHESTRA. LEI"V 1,' .I LI FN'. EXCELSIORLAUNDRY .0 EAST UiL ON STRECET. Good Wovl'RGuaranteed. 0Goodsi'caoled for anod delivred. A. F. COVERT, Prop. HAO I 1'zE. Woohooo-ton Street 22 YIears in the I110 naeo. iO-" CITY' LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOURd ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AV12G$ BAI2R C'or. Main and Wshington Streets. A. L. NOBLE, Preon. ItonnooPH11,ooo,l shr. The 13. & M.1 prhg yore Is the place 0o boy anything ia the Dror lbno. Medicies ongesoc,Brausoes, Etc. Etc. R, E. JOLLY t& Cog's When ou Owa00ntore La'. 00 Fine Chocolate Candies. Stationery 0000os. C'oar's, Tlobacco, Cigarettesoandthoe Finest St( wk of lipes in the (ity. LADIES' and.PESTS' LUNCH ROOM~. R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. DANCING and DELSARTE M .ANNIE WAD FOSTER 46 S. tnte Street. MONDAY-8'. m. Advoaonced Claso'oroLaJ- TLLSDAY-' p. w. Ladies' oioisoeolass. itp. 00. gctio o i 'coo ig las SATURDAY-1110. i0. (gentlemen's dancing ?". dancie la'1s.. 4000in.Lodieso daoncngciass. Prieot le0iosons'b apotmnlolct. Anin Arbor Savings Bank Ano Arboe. Miclo. Capitol Stack, $50,000. Surplus,.$150,000. Oteanized underthta Generaol Banking Lawos of thin Stote. lReccivcs deponits, huys and seclo exchanoge on the principal cities of the United Stntes. tDrafts cashed opon proper identification, Sfety deposit boxcs to rent. OFERS:oooChiristian Moack, Preso.; W. D. Hareoman, Vice Prees.; Chaos. S. Hincoch, Ca- shier-15M. J. Frito Asst. Caohier. U. OPF1M1.CALLNDAII. U. of M. Republican Club. Wviaio-Iti'oio01f 11gb Lroloo -___- immiaoitely: '.011111 Itlioli oabpIr Sat. 0(-.. 1' o 'lo elec.tic Tono letrte' A oeeltni7of' 11he'lub wil be imollooonth i iear louut. IL.D. Wies, ' S. H~lo '.11 ee. lll r0m0 '3to6 tooi te.ecur1rom e''. t'cocop m lloooo j\, s in (a ~ 73. Fll Dress (ots sad estsbool atidooly, Oct. 2.-Miohit.s.'ooo Miaooii t Inmpotant business beforethoc styls, at $3.70.. ±. C. o'olaee ± C'. LAlletico'fielod. clubi. The office of vic-president 'Tbe Queen1's tate 1100 "Olil Sl loodoy, Oct. 3D.-Iepollieo'oo club elcioin.1 to be Eilled. figar. iooi leclooceoomo, ooe70031 1. 00. Spehes will be rm'ade by a Mf- A.CTrENYIII.-.Dii 3010thfink f bli- idoo. SocOt. 3.-Sore Williy in droooati cl eulcnlgsaoS . 9atpo~re hsy ' 1rnc anod eoooi ecritation, 00001 'loaoceitopl or eoienleiltr . o pathe-IL' Oficreflfyou r'i Thnc be- soooaiooo. Iload eagoitSeric'.. Long, and olher well known stu- liwot aL. olc fpowo00 e dents, See the $1.00 underwear we are sell- Anthropology at the U. of M. Let every oe be present. ig at 57. ±E. A. Wallace &7 Co. G___Co. W. FYLLER, Batis t0e at P. . Barber Shop. At the International Congreas of President. Ladies' atdicldre'b afr-uttfogaod . slaoopooiog at Jeroooe A. IFreeman's. Anhrpoog rcetl hldatCh- NOTICE. All persons who have FrRET.-Parlors, or suite of cgthe University was represented be soliciting ''scitin for the roomseo withl.050eif piano. 2n2-r24a by M. H. I. Smith, '95 lit, who U. of Mo. Daily are requested to re- For Dollar Uodrsear at $22.5 now read a paper on "Anthropology at port at the Daily office promptly at at E. A. Wallace &7 Co. the University of Michigan.' 73, Monday evening, Oct. 30, O Youo can get tte U. of AT. Daily, re- Uof .isat 7:30 Wednesday evening, Nov. a. centand backc nuber, ai F. Stolet. Anthropoogy at the U.o .i . xW. CUIOTrss, Fioe Umlbrellsochealp-only a fesw but twvo years old and mucto su- Bus. Man'gr. left. E. A. Walaceo & Co. prise was nanifested at the progress - The 00111 Sl" cigar is a delfcios nmade ill s0 short a time. RN PR S. A seond llivoecof lBostot Drbs, Mr. 5S11t1 also feadt 01paper on01difret fromol Iie in lllllf trel', essrs. the same subject 01tlhe last meieting 1s Rifflieuei,1list ightat thf~e opcooco itat. 1..nolelo . of the '"American Society for the T~mollo Squae Theoatre, Mr. Woller I'm' I S Ill'.Bilflirs lont Pou, A'dvanlcemleut o cec," ecntyWiftefde. the ambititouis westeri trol-Opr oIusoe t3,1 tisRoosolp stifr. oScor, reetygedfal, 1100110 avery favo'ratle impolrsot-w hleld at PMadison, Wisconin. sonoon a10dl l uienoc eifcb ws0ifs- liCo Sico cs yioarC.of'. lt-1010,lecritical of the young man11' Jalro Utnde1r enor, $ 5011 qualit , 010w Suh ct b lya L. f.Al Su-effo i,1. Iblsimpfuersonation of te palrt $1.w.0 . It L. lolliol &7 Co. dents serse to bring thoe L'niversity wa015 loted by carefuttlty. hi tie stuatos which hav e beeoo mailt(e most UlaundoleriecotSifrs.7ie qoiaity, nosy before the public by showing the effective by lhis famolus predecessors ini 4c. ±. A. HValloce &7 Co. class of work dlone at Ann Arbor. thle past, hi renlditio was remarkable BRAtCE Ur iiti a goodl pair of shou- rather for its schobrly fiish, tlan, as tder braces. A large stockc at low prices --' is usual i asprants for historic hoors at Brown's Dug Store. A few shop A Joint Program, in classic roes, for te following of worno braces at 50c. stage troatitionss.His Richelieu wos KnxHt-elaprc,$.0 Thi evnig a 8 'cockinmarked by an originaity wicho should nox 2.0.t.Ats-rgotlr rce,&5.00 This venig at o'cockinlodicateao bright future for him.-N.noy$.0±..tWalce7Co Room 4, Alpha No and Adelphi Y. Ston.. For sale, Gotod Victor Safety. $00 render the following joint program: Mr. Whiteside wilt appear in Htamlets .±E. IButtereld, 41 Cterine street. te Grand Opera House, Nov. 3. 19-43 Music; Essay, Mr. Mirta.; Paper, S. _________ All stiff Hatto at oe-half price, at R. Cook; Original Story, Mr. Dun. Notice. E. A. Walloce &7 Co.'s. can; Debate: Resolved, "TIhat the Have you been to Hazlewood's Bi- U. S. should adopt one cent post- Students wishing typewriting done liard Hall yet? Everyhig nice, pleas- ae.'' Affirmative, Mr. ZLuder and call at J. R. Bach's law office, 6 ±E. oant ad quiet; iou boisteousno~ess. gHuron street. Best rates. IBlackHcIose, 25c qtalaity, owT 17. J. Q. Adams. Negative, Mr. Hub._±. A. Wallace ±7 Co. hadan . 7 Tfan.GeealNtie Seoiors flu all departmneots are en- bar an O.E. iffny.GenralNotcetitletd to seoior rates on photograpic Debate; Critics Report; Mtusic. work ot li~aodols. All are nvited.Do yoll wishi to rent yor rooms Al reivie.Why dtisouO insert it hoe or two-aio Lots of Whifte 11000 facy-bordered our local column for a fewvdumys? bandherchiefas at hc. ±E. A. Wallace A Serien of informal Tea. More rooms have been rented throtogho Co. _____tile DAILY than thrabughi any other Go 1to1110100N sDao rSonE for all Thiseveingbegns he eris o omedilm for the D)AL proticaly Loaborotory spplties. D)issetingeases, Thsevnngbgisth ere foalls inta every stuldent's hads. apronsods ol secsves-otc pri'cs. informal teas, to be given eachu week, NoticeFle "Ole Sl" cigr is hanodled by during the winter, by the Woomen's .__alt dealers. League. A number of the ladies of LoT.-$30.00; on Saturda, Oct. 2, Choice 'lobuacco, (igars and Pipes at theton ind oenther om s t or near athletic griounds. Please Shetdobo's Blfrd Hall, No. 3i North tetw kidy oe hi oe returonand receive liberal rewurd. lain street. 17 for these little gatherings. As the E. V. Deans, hOI+]. 'Washington~ street. Youllan aiugano have the Stylo Inde- hour is to be early and the costume BUSINESS""t oC'-""'ponent Pen0 t tF. Stollet's, Oera strictly school garb, it is hoped thatliueNwDpo.$0. no tifnssor oraltywil mr he [Notces inserted in ti colunn at tle roe A big linte ortinioe Neckwer ot l~c. no tifnes orforahiy wil or icoe 5 ceta pee line. Spcial ruoleo foe logeE ±, A. Waliec ±7 Co. enjymet. ll he embrs f te imoo, anid eaten lines fr'nihed yaspbiooe at enomn.Alto ebr fth me DALvoic.i Asnn Arbor Dye Works at 3 West League will be included during the Go to theo J. T. Jumcob's Ca..mad get Huroni street Specia attentioi givens winter, among the invited guests. yoar tudenwenr. They hove the tod caning atot repairing suits. Have largest and best assorted hine iii tie Yotlgt sts t dyed. 17 This evening the first group of girls city. Alt cumne sit be isold at oe-third is invited to Mrs. PMartin's. Pleasant Sift of Rooms-Alcove fur- regular prfce. E. A. Wlce &7 Co. nace het, ight, statioary wash-owl. NeIotndp 'ryh5frhebs 2-0 25 E. Jefferson Street. w ouTl ever soaw. Work done s Announcement -Oratorical Ano-wo To bRN-A Suifte of rooms, lower eight hoursnooextracbalurge. Office, 10 lation. floor, for three; or eachm room separate- E. lUnrol street. Works 4-51 W. ly; rates reasonable. 27 Church street. IHuron. Telephonioe 83. 'here will be a meeting of the Al neckwear at half price, good Perin best P. K. Kid Gloves, $1.75 Executive Board of the Oratorical patterns. E. A. Wallace & Co. now. . A. Wallace &7 Co. Association, Saturday, October 28, lRoost.-Pleaant and cheap. 25 . at5 p. in., in Room 24. Tickets Lawrence street. 24-2 "A stitch in time saves nine" will, at that time, be distributed to Pll Dress Ties at half price-eight "Maks aud claithes amaist as gude cavases GRTUE UC, styles. E. A. Wallace & Co. as new." cavases. GRTUD Bcs, WANTED-A steward, 22 Thompson All wearing apparel neatly repaired. President. street. ' I 1:t,' MaS. HYAT, 25 E. Ants St. IIHIGAN CGuiw1! Timet Tablle teise'd)Sept. 24tho, 1893. DZExpcess.....d5 0 DyEapresso.. 1 N. .Limitled. 1.0, N. S. Limited..95. N. V.JLititedi...91155P. N. Fallso doeia...ll 12 Cliao~opres'... 15d N. Y.& C'hi. Lim.. 12 31 Kai. Exp.. 6ih8 A.Mobh. N. Expreos... 850o AtlanticExSpress. 5 I33 Pacific Sope'...1.il201 0. R. Eapreca'...104 0. W. ScoluLe'., H. W. HAYon, 0. P. S;, T. Agt., Clhicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and- -~PUBLISHING RKOTT'SE Student Work a Specialty. Best Wokmen atd Lowest Psiccs in thoe City. GRANGER'S. CLASSES IN DANCING will meet as0 collowos: Gentlemoen, S osoodny mornings b5 and Thursdaty evenings 8:00; Ladies, Satordamy afternotons. 4. Ladie-. and Gentlemen, ad- vaneed cass', Tuesday evenings 8.Ground floor, 0 Masnard street. Taition. one term (twelve weeks)$5. Pupils received at any