VOL 1 0.28 JUNE 19 - 25, 1979 SERVING TRI-COU TV SOUTHWESTER ICHtGAN PE eve According to Forum organizers, the ichigan or r • 10 Th summer youth employment center, oper­ ated by the Twin Cities Area Chamber of Com­ merce,' no registering Berrien County teenagers for job . The center at 34S 12th Street, Benton Har­ bo , is open onday thru Friel y, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. according to Ben Butz- b ugh, director of the . ummer employment pro­ gram. Youth tinS job ould bring either their . urity card, dri .. t lice , birth certifi- cate or hool identiflCa­ card .. F for Idministra­ of the ter are paid under the Federal Com­ prehensive Employment Training Act (CETA) and age for wor ers will be paid by private employers. There are 0 classi- fications of ummer job : 1) full-time private place­ ment with business and industry for young people be een the ages of 16 and 21 yean ho are CETA eligible; 2) Rent- -Youth program for jobs on °a day-to-day b . including baby .tting, lawn mowing, cleaning, typists- and new paper. carrier bstitut . Any busin , indus­ try or individual desiring help from YOUDI people may call the center at 1. Houghton Lake; Anne L. . Lamp, Toledo; Carol Raymond, Detroit; alter R ll, Ianang; � Sanford, Kalamazoo; Philip Sims, Detroit; Jeffrey Stone Detroit; J ohn Vanderploeg, K.alamazoo; ellie M. V ar­ ner, Detroit; John F. Walsh, Detroit; Robert T. Williams, Grand Ra . . There is a related story on this page of the poll­ tieing of tb B There is a related story on this p of 'the ork of the South estern ichigan cauc behind Carr's elect­ ion. 'chigan. 1b group t before Detroit . ority Caucus which agreed to have one of their fi� delegat ep down in favor of � out­ state minority businessman after Sylvester Boyd turned the discussion to that ein. Chad Kelly then put Carr's name in nomination before the caucus. The sho of unity between yne County mi­ norities and out-state mi­ norities resulted in the elec­ tion of ven B ck to the White Ho Conference. Minorities elected ere: Carr, Johnetta Brazzell, Ro­ chester; ellie Varner, De­ troit; Phile Sims, Detroit; Elvin Canon, Detroit; Je­ han ansure, Flint; d Edward Mahoney, Detroit . Pr 20 ts The b room manu- .eriD& of b usin represen­ tame from Bento Harbor, Van Buren County and Grand Rapid d to the election -of Percy Can at the White Ho Open Forum on Small Rusin held in Detroit, Thursday, June 14. Representing the Uni­ ted COmmunity Develop­ ment Corporation re businessmen Owen Col, Jame / Walder, Patricia oodard, Charles Kelly and Charles Henry. Robin anidc and illiarn Lilly from the city; Sylvester , Boyd, Jr. Van Buren busi- n an and Frederi �� � Thomas, Clvil Rights offi- cial from Grand Rapids composed the delegation o worked for the election of a minority b ' .. aI' from South em Forum the country's largest. After day of vario • ODS on topics relevant to busin ,. the 900 dele­ gate cast ballots for 2S representati to go to ashington to formulate recommendations to the Pre ident. Others e cted ere: illiam Baer, Detroit; Rich­ ad Bauer, Toledo, Ohio; Haley Ben, Detroit; Johnet­ ta Brazzell, Rochester; Elvin Canon, Detroit; Robert DaI­ tOD, Detroit; Ed ard Deeb, Detroit; Joe Donofrio, To .. do, OhiQ; Ruby Huddy, c 8; rae