VOL. 1 NO. 27 JU E 12, 1979 SERVING TRI-COUNTY SOUTHWESTERN ICHIGAN Pric 20 cents Th re is 2 hour-a-day surv iII�� of the Hotel Vincent by the Bums Security force . Hou d in th trailer n in the photo �bo, guards keep QPS on th hot I louted at th com r of in and Sixth Streets in downto n B nton Harbor. Th ecurity force has been hired by a Washington D.C. rchitectual firm that is in t proce s of dra iog up pecification for th remodeling of th building. Th hotel i J ted to becom a Job Corps Center. Just recently the Justice Departm nt ured the 0 p trnent of l bor's interest in the property. On th day The Citizen report r pped th bove p otos, the B nton Harbor fire Departm nt was pump- ater from the hotel's ba ment. c 00 oard in nday' election. L rry iel n c ptured th one-year term with 685 th ir vote: Antoinette ii­ liam (238), nni Robin­ on (269), Lour lIa L nge (248), Di n Duc ett (105) nd Lav me Willi m (205). vote. Other nd 400,000 and under pressure from th United ay office to cut off their c mpaign, the Y CA is at a critical point, an informed source reve led to' The Citizen. A sp cial ession of the Y E ecutive, Board was c 1- led for 7: 30 this morning "to map strategy as how to proceed," J mes Tiscornia admitted to a Citizen re­ porter onday. Tiscornia is Co-chairrn n of the com­ mittee e tabli hed to rai $2 million for con truction of ne YMCA in Royal­ ton To nship. ne Ip Sl ,but too no cti n tabling the requ st until June 21 Running on th Ren- nee Slat ith Coo . rnold it." II of EI for th The problem ro when Whirlpool Foundation reneged on it promi of $400,000, the urce id. delin Higgin, Sec­ retary. _ f the Found tion refu d to di u th po d that gro paign committe that wants to proceed a ne building th tile than planned nd hop to obtain other funding do n the road; the other group that apparently an to shelf the whole proj ct. "Ho c n we build half the pac ag e prornis­ sed to contributors?" the source qu ried. hirlpool's re n for withdrawing from th fund rai ing efforts were reported s "the do not contribute to the n division nd ab ndonm nt of Benton Harbor." Y Director David B rg- m n told Citiz n on- d th tam jor new relea would be forthcom- ing within two we. H d c1in d to comm nt on the pecific of th Cam­ pin difficultie . ep licans for R pub-