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September 20, 1918 • Page Image 1

…A merica ffewish Perkxlical eater CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S. JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL. IV. NO. 16. DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1918. Messrs. Schiff and Straus Jewish Soldiers Win Protest Plan to Summon Undying Glory in And-Zionist Conference Every French Fight ALBERT STRAUSS TO SUCCEED WARBURG ON RESERVE BOARD Movement Fostered by Rabbi "The Hospitals Show It—Their Philipson o...…

September 20, 1918 • Page Image 2

…• THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE TWO Don't Wait Until You Have to pay Next Winter's War- time Prices! Buy Now—Direct From the Makers! Mrs. Edith Marks, of Holly, Nlich., is the guest of Mrs. Celia Jacobson, of Brush Boulevard. JOL F-U-R-S To insure publication all items of interest for these columns should be mailed or phoned not later than Wednesday evening to THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, 207 Peter Smith Bldg., Cherry 3381. WAR SERVICE COURSES F...…

September 20, 1918 • Page Image 3

…Maim faith Paisdial eater PAGE THREE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE a • • • SOCIETY No More Heating Troubles! :41 ;ltd NIrs. \Ir. !tarry Krell, who is sta- tt 1 • .1 M•nian, of i F:11 kirb\ east, tine lift for .\ t- • tit • Kippur %kith his parent,. \l r. and lantiv. Cit) tioned at C;imp Custer, spent Yom 1 ' A I IIJ:,',I1,1'''1;,' ■ ;11! Nlichael Krell. 97 Farnsworth. NIrs. I.. Morrison, of St. Clair For the Opening of Our Regular S...…

September 20, 1918 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ' THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Ever) Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing ANTON KAUFMAN • • • • • A few of these misguided leaders have sprung from Jewish parentage but the hulk of the Jews in Russia are loyal to the interpretation of President freedom, of justice and of humanity for which the Allies hate come Company - to stand. MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Offices 307-308 Peter Smith Bu...…

September 20, 1918 • Page Image 5

…A merica lavish Perla &Cal eater CLIFTON AVENUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIVE THE 7JEWISH CHRONICLE LOUIS MUSCOVITI WOODWARD SERVICE HOW VOLUNTEERS ARE SUMMONED TO HOLY LAND COLORS BEND. SNIFFMAN Congregational News 'SUPPLY TEMPLE BETH EL NOTES. SHAAREY ZEDEK NOTES Ladies id the Shaarey Zeilek Red Succoth Services. Services for the first day of Suc- coth will take place at the Temple on Saturday morning of this week at Ill o'cl...…

September 20, 1918 • Page Image 6

…Fy PAGE SIX THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Turk Rule Ended t rourArisurouninerAlunsurarinsrAsurArzA BRITISH OFFICER SAYS TURK MUST YIELD PALESTINE JAEFA.—Speaking at the first con- ference of Jews of the liberated area of Palestine held at Jaffa. Major the lion. W. Ormsby-Gore. political of- ficer attached to the Zionist Com• in - stun in Palestine, said that if Eng- land and her allies won this war the future government of Palestine would not be T...…

September 20, 1918 • Page Image 7

…vittericair Awish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVEN THE JEWISH CHRONICLE LOOK! (BROOKLYN JEWISH DESPERATE BATTLE OF RAILWAY MEN LOSE JOBS FOR RELIGION JEWS IN RUSSIA FOR DEMOCRACY REVEALED A Big Opportunity. Russian Information Bureau Crushes Anti-Semitic Outcry By Thrilling History of Martyrs and Liberators. Corner Store, with Living Apartment and Two Large Halls. Finest Corner on Hastings Street, at I...…

September 20, 1918 • Page Image 8

…It11110111• 3 0 141044.164 JOIN RIGHT NOW THE U. S. TANK CORPS Ate Am.* MI6 far Saadi di I die Soviet ro, Treat Ern Rough" Boys 111 4 4 . _ .......-- ' ■-4.'' I i 1 ,.....-f , , ) , 7 / g %;1 r h , - v 44 fr: 1 # , :::, 0 4 v s 1 r HERE IS YOUR CHANCE J c r. C. U.S. TANK CORPS RECRUITING OFFICE '0 LIEUT, A, THOMAS SCHRAM BOARD OF COMMERCE, LAFAYETTE AND WAYNE …

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 1

…A mericait Apish periodical Coda CLIPTON AVINU1 • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO THE LWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Per You, $2.00; Copy, 5 Cents. DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1918. VOL. IV. NO. 15. BRIGHT YOUNG DOCTOR I "Industrial Dictatorship of U. S." DAVIDSON, JEWISH Charles M. Schwab Repudiates Bigoted IS MADE A PROFESSOR SCULPTOR, CREATES . Is Established by Giant Power of Advertising in Name of United States...…

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Don't Wait Until You Havel to pay Next Winter's War- time Prices! Buy Now—Direct From the Makers! David A. Brown delivered an ad- dress before the NVindsor Board of Commerce on Tuesday evening, the 111th. F. . . To insure publication all items of interest for these columns should be mailed or phoned not later than Wednesday evening to THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, 207 Peter Smith Bldg., Cherry 3381, 1....M.....INWO...…

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 3

…A merka Path Periodical &ter cLIPTON AVENUX • CnicASNATt 20, OHIO PAGE THREE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Detroit's Greatest Concerts SOCIETY Announcement is tirade by Millie Coplan, of Brush Mi ss bo ndevard, u levard, and has returned front a i WOODWARD FIVE EIROIS MONTH was I wrtrinle (Continued on page 7) NIrs. Jacob King and daughters, Misses Rita and Anette, have just returned from their trip east. Miss Rita King has completed...…

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 4

…PAGE TWO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE --- it Don't Wait Until You Have to pay Next Winter's War- time Prices! Buy Now—Direct From the Makers! ■ irweall David A. Brown delivered an ad- dress before the Windsor Board of Commerce on Tuesday evening, the lOth. WAR SERVICE COURSES For Women Mr. and Mrs. David Barris, of To Insure publication all items of Interest for these columns should be mailed or phoned not later than Wednesday evening to THE...…

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 5

…vbirericor Amish Periodical ewer CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ••••• ■ ••• ■■ ,. SOCIETY Nliss Millie Coplan, of Brush Announcement is made by 11 r. boulevard, has returned front a and Mrs. J. I.. Isaacs, of 523:i Ellis week-end visit with her parents, at avenue, Chicago, III., of the engag•- \I r. and NIrs Harry I.e fkofsky are visiting in Chicago, where they I arc the guests of NIrs. NI. Loeb...…

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 6

…r,e FOUR THE JEWISH. CHRONICLE. THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Moreover, we believe that the solicitude of the Jewish Tribune was SCHOOLS OF PALESTINE, TESTED BY WAR, FACE NEW EDUCATIONAL ERA Issued Every Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company entirely unnecessary, as there were undoubtedly those at \Vashington ANTON KAUFMAN P oldest sufficiently near to Jewish interests to have prevented what the Tribune regards as so great a calamity...…

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 7

…A merica lavish Periodical Cemter CLIFTON ATENU1 - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIVE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE BENJ LOUIS MUSCOVITI WOODWARD SERVICE &-SUPPLY 44 * T 1 ACCESSORIES 45 WE SAVE YOU FROM R E S 25 to 50% ON YOUR TIRES AND:TUBES , 1830WOODINARDAVEMARKET5091 AT PHILADELPHIA AVE E 1 1 0 N D S . - ,,l : Rabbi NI,iverlierg and Rald.i Frank- ill exchange pulpits for the NIonday morning. se rinon hi WE SELL OR EXCHANGE TI...…

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE SIX . 1 ),X . 4 10***0,0 •11.1.11***24 S.7 W ANTED AT ONCE 1 LOCAL ACTIVITIES lk yourAnnirmArmArmArmo. Perfection Lodge No. 486, F. Lathe hands and all around B ROKER-SOLDIER IS & A. M. ASSIGNED TO ARMY mechanics, good wages and DUTIES IN DETROIT Special Communication Wednesday, steady employment. September 18. 1918, at 2:30 P. NI. N . Flamer Stephen Manufacturing Co. Gen. March, Chief of Staff, in a statmen...…

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 9

…A merica Awish Periodical Cotter CIIFfON A... • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVEN THE JEWISH CHRONICLE LOOK! A Big Opportunity. Corner Store, with Living Apartment and Two Large Halls. Finest Corner on Hastings Street, at Intersection of Erskine, FOR RENT FOR ANY BUSINESS Big Custom Assured — branch of People's State Bank on Corner and Theatre Seating 2,000 Soon to Be Built Within Block. Nathan Schreiber 702 Majestic Building WONDER...…

September 13, 1918 • Page Image 10

…Ji PAGE EIGHT THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Inspiring Appeal for Brotherhood, With Denunciation of Soul-Starving Prejudice, Made by Eloquent Universalist Minister "Jewish criminals" is a wanton, wick- ed insult. HOW THE J. W. B. TRAINS ITS CADETS ONE-HALF OF WORLD'S JEWISH POPULATION NOW UNDER voted to discussion of camp and com- munity organization and technique of the Jewish Welfare Board. The world moves toward the light, and is growing wise...…

September 06, 1918 • Page Image 1

…A merica ffewish Periodical! Carter CJITTON AMUR - CINCINNATI 30, 01110 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL. IV. NO. 14. 20,000 SIBERIAN JEWISH REFUGEES IN DIREST NEED MICHAEL FRIEDSAM BECOMES COLONEL The efficiency of the services per- formed as Quartermaster-General of the New York State Guard by Major Michael Friedsam prompted Gov. Special Investigator Reports on Whitman to promote Major Friedsam Sad Condition...…

September 06, 1918 • Page Image 2

…- - - - THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE TWO Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Silverstone, of Perth, ()tit., arc visiting their Don't Wait Until You Have to pay Next Winter's War- time Prices! Buy Now—Direct From the Makers! mother, Mrs. J. II. Levitt, 7(<1; Ilrush street. F-U-R-S M i s s Helen. Cohen, of s32 Nlc- NI i— Lola \Veitiberg and Miss Clellan are., is spending the last .1.11 interesting event of Tues(la w:ts the marriage of Nlirs Helen Lillian .1...…

September 06, 1918 • Page Image 3

…IftliCall lavish Periodical eeNter CLIFTON AMUR - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE l!Tilfit5700001151 -11000. "- - "VI- - -- SOCIETY This Store is Built Upon The Crowley-Milner Idea Airs. Nlax J. Feldman and son, Mrs.' 1). Cohen and family have returned to the city, after spending Leonard, have returned to their home at St. Louis, Mo., after the summer at Orion Lake. visit to her daughter, Mrs. David Feldman. 388...…

September 06, 1918 • Page Image 4

…" E. FOUR THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ti 5679 - NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS Captain and Mrs. Julius Berman Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Robbins and family, of 282 Hart ave. wish their and family of 28 Burlingame avenue relatives and friends a Happy and extend to their relatives and many friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Joyous New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marienthal and family, 1589 West Grand boulevard, Mr. and Mrs. David Goldsmith and wi...…

September 06, 1918 • Page Image 5

…Aierieu *risk Ibiodial eater GLOM MOM - 01110118MATI )0, WOO PAGE FIVE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 5679 - NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS - 1918 ri Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Bass and tam- ! Rabbi and Mrs. J. L. Levine and •• • • • Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Klein and fam-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. DeYoung ! of 212 Warren avenue east, send' family of 676 Brush street, tender New ily, of 93 Eliot street, convey to rela- and family wish their relatives and greetings to all re...…

September 06, 1918 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE JEWISH CHRONICLE SOCIETY NE\VS. harry Starr, who has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ilan- (Continued (ruin pag e nab Morse, will leave shortly for 3.1 ' :qrs. 'Max Rosenthal, of the \Vashington, where lien husband is Pioneer apts., 99 S ec ond avenue , stationed. who has just recovered front a very , — The Misses Kraus, of Chicago, serious illness, has left for Battle where she will spen d a f ew are visiting Mrs...…

September 06, 1918 • Page Image 7

…A merica Apish Periodical CeNter CLInott AVINCI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVFJ° THE JEWISH CHRONICLE JEWISH UNIT OF WOMAN'S ARMY (4111411111111111NORWq A • Ite BY REBEKAII B. HOFFMAN. r eop . .11 "Y; Elb e eprt;., 0,14: p 4 1. Buy Your inter Furs Now at the Merckel September Fur Sale !bat .1inericanisni and Judaism go hand in hand has again been COII - k I1 , 1 \ ely proven by the results ;g e t,' by the first Jewish toil o...…

September 06, 1918 • Page Image 8

…• .L EIGHT THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE high-schools or colleges." Too much emphasis can not be laid upon tin fact that the war is to be won and the future safe-guarded, not only by President the soldier who can shoot straight, but perhaps even more by the mar who has been technically trained in the various branches of science thar Issued Every Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company ANTON KAUFMAN • • • • • •...…

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