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September 30, 1949 • Page Image 1

…National Newspaper Week, Oct. 1-8 Story on Page 20 THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events VOLUME_16—No. 3 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit 26, Michigan, September 30, 1949 crCIEJ50.7 $3.00 Per Year ; ,,Single Copy, 10c Open Thou the gate, 0 Lord, . Yea, even as it swingeth closed, For lo, the day declineth fast. As the day doth wane, 0 Lord, Yea, as the sun doth set, 0 let us enter in Thy gate. . —From the...…

September 29, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Chronicle on the Air c 13 atiza - Lt ' 4 lh, , Vol. 51 — No. 36 , -0. 27 Thurso. (\g, .(. A Soldier J 10c a Copy — $3 Per Year Atonement Calls Jewry to Prayers First Program Starts Sunday At 10:45 a. m., Sunday, the Jewish Chronicle goes on the air. Forty-five minutes to suit any taste will comprise the opening program of the "Chronicle Hour" over station WKMH, between • • • WXYZ and WEXL on your dial. Judaism's most solemn fes- t...…

September 23, 1949 • Page Image 1

…May You Be HE JEWISH NEWS Inscribed in the Book of Life A For a Happy Year VOLUME 16—No. 2 Weekly Review of Jewish Events 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit 26, Michigan, September 23, 1949 er4S7 "1 —Photo By Kluger, Jerusalem 1.E'.1 . $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c T. . 5710 7; 1 Sound the great Shofar for our freedom, lift up' the ensign to gather our exiles; bring our scattered ones • among the na- tions near,...…

September 22, 1949 • Page Image 1

…v„.•10.1 1 -.MN! r ritim 71:v5 WERMINICLE !izr:n .73 Etna:I-L.6 .Teurah, rizrzn 27 Thursday, September 22. 1919 10e a Copy — $3 Per Year Val. 51 — No. 35 roz. \OLP mkt I I 1oLERAN4 049 'PEACE - 1P 5710 • ..r".4. • 6 •• 1.1et. s Sec\ J.) S. ... .– - • • .4 '• , • •• • • g • ,f .- . ,...- • .." .., J n.".. '4 ... s' " . ti•- • ,,Ar. . +44 "'- 2- • .... - % , c.,,,. ...,,,.. ...., 4 ' ''' 'sSio'* . - .4k......…

September 16, 1949 • Page Image 1

…New Recordings Community Prepares for Holy Days' Observance ,E JEWISH A J. Answers to Readers' Questions Weekly Review On Editorial Page of Jewish Events' Pages 7-9 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, l Oc .4ifh.7 2114 p:ot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit 26, Michigan, September 16, 1949 VOLUME 16—No:( 1 Rquests Postponement of Local, Find-Raising to Aid • Israel InternationaLlisalem Mapped by IMommission WASHINGTON--(JTA)—Appeals to the...…

September 15, 1949 • Page Image 1

…gals • AJC Backs Ouster of Group Here UJA Planr New Drives The national administrative committee of the American Jew- ish Congress voted to dissolve the Metropolitan Chapter of Detroit, by upholding the earlier decision of the national executive com- mittee. The Metropolitan Chapter will Vol. 51 — No. 34 appeal the decision to the na- tional convention of the Congress slated to meet on Nov. 9, to elect a successor to its late president, Ra...…

September 09, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Poems by Dr. N. E. Aronstam and _ Abraham Caplan li F WISH NEWS HE A j 1E1 . On Editorial Page VOLUME l 5—No. 26 2114 Penobscot Bldg. of Jewish Events PhOne WO.. 5-1 155 . Detroit 26, Michigan, September 9 ,, — Revived Nazi Threat in Germany Read Commentator's Column on "rage 2 and Editorial on Page 4 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c 19197 Irgunists Threaten Reprisals to Jerusalem's Internationalization Direct JTA Teletype Wir...…

September 08, 1949 • Page Image 1

….Da t/La - 1st jauri,412, .„11 CHRUNT 4> S4.‘' - <t$ Vol. 31—No. 33 Thursday, Septer 4:-,E,1* ,17 •‘ 1/4 .sg) c34.2 Ali in DI' Family " I — $3 Per Year Ben Guric..earns Arabs of Invasion Spurs Plans Jerusalem Out of Israel to Develop Is UN Group's Proposal Negev Area JERUSALEM — (Special) — Appealing for a conscription bill to help build a larger army, Pre- mier Ben Gurion told the Knesset that Israel's army would invade her Ara...…

September 02, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Detroit Jewish Philanthropy Prior to 1899 First in a Series of Articles by Irving I. Katz. On Page 20 VOLUME 15—No. 25 HE SW ISH NEWS et .~ Weekly Review of Jewish Events 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit 26, Michigan, September 2, 1949 'Beards': Prejudices and Emotions Book Review, Page 4 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c Hungarian Jews Smuggled Into Austria; East-West Issue Rises' UN Middle East Survey Pledged Help by...…

September 01, 1949 • Page Image 1

…ArabsDemand Mr5 f o Israel Cros%ing Kinneret INS= s ■ 1 r / C \ r )41/4 Vol. 5I—No. .12 _7 \ ANICLE ssc ,t .Teuri.4h, Thursday, September 1, 1949 10c a Copy — $3 Pet Year Chronic.e Hour Starts Porter Quits Oct. 2, Station WKMH Conference Sunday, Oct. 2, at 10:45 a.m., the Jewish Chronicle Hour the air for the first time with one of the most original and dramatic programs in the history of Jewish radio, in Lausanne will go on L...…

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