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October 28, 1932 • Page Image 1

…7 HE fl e in- by LEGAL NOTICE NEWSPAPER FOR n d- ire• to or nty Inc ltd. th e WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY FUND'S GENERAL CAMPAIGN HEADED BY CAPLAN .4 fin Hundreds of Jewish Work- eds Enlisted To Aid in the Drive. fast, ,000 ord• d In Bar- d one the any vir ed M stat- ouch ereby ET Y- 1932, ndard ed by ighest eunty. rhere• 1:y of I, the iy mon even hare. he nt- h .1t1 t All I situ n the Nicht- in-wit Perch- ore 16 iv is Ion nerve. ....…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 2

…PIEVErEDITIEWISR ARONICIA5 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PAGE TWO A Fine New Service Should Appeal to Every Family 25 PIECES of FLATWORK . . . cn PLAN FOR CARNIVAL OF SHAAREY ZEDEK REPORTED COMPLETE With all plans complete for the annual carnival and bazaar, the Sisterhood of Congregation Shea- rey Zedek is prepared to accom- modate and entertain a huge crowd of merrymakers in the social hall JVC Digest, the handbook of informa- tion used ...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 3

…PIEPCTROIT,PilSitattoiretafl woe EQUALITY CLUB FETES MRS. EDITH PARANSKY Men's Suits, Topcoats and Winter Overcoats The Equality Club gave a fare- well luncheon at the home of Jen- nie Jaffe, in honor of their presi- dent, Mrs. Edith Paransky, who is made to look new . . . by FOREST Ladies' Dresses, Coats and SUITS Men's SUITS and TOPCOATS Cleaned and Pressed Cleaned and Pressed sir 00 75c •• • up PHONE COlumbia 4200 MRS. EDITH P...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 4

…piEVerRonlEvasn (ARON tag PAGE FOUR .nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE TATS ZIONIST CONFERENCE AT HOTEL STATLER SUNDAY :0 LEADERS •:• GREETINGS TO DELEGATES BY DETROIT BUSINESS FIRMS AND ZIONIST Welcome, Michigan Zionists Greetings to the Delegates Attend- The Following Extend Their Greetings to the Zionists ing the Michigan State Zionist of Michigan Who Convene Here in State Conference on Sunday, October 30. The Detroit Jewish Chronicle joins th...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 5

…&vgrnorrjEnsittfiRcroui) PAGE FIVE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marx Observe Golden Wedding THE NEW Their honeymoon trip to Chicago 60 years ago was re- peated by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Marx, 7241 Webb avenue. This was preceded by a dinner and reception on Wednesday eve- ning, Oct. 26, at the Lee Plaza Hotel, on their golden wedding anniversary. Natives of Germany, they lived in Detroit 62 years and were married here. For more...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 6

…PEDeritOnjEWLSiiffiROMICLEI and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE rii.V ErRonjEwisnetRoxian; The Major Issue of Education. For the sixth year in succession, the and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE United Hebrew Schools of Detroit just con- PubILONA Weekly by The Jewish °m•ekl• NMIM ► log Cm, Wm cluded the traditional observance of Edu- the Post+ Meowed as Second-clue matter March 3, 191C cation Month. It was interesting, in the *•ee at Detroit, Mich., under the Act...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 7

…&iporponjaisn(itaoractil and TN LEGAL CHRONICLE WHOLESALE TO EVERYONE HAIR PADDING FOR RUGS, per sq. yd 45c CONGOLEUM sui low ., per sq. yd. 29c INLAID LINOLEUM as low per sq. yd 79c Stair carpet as low ”, per running. yd. 89c Window shade—on old rol- ler, as low as 39c Oil Opaque Shades 49c Washable Shade 69c Low mices on cleaning shades. LaSALLE WINDOW SHADE CO. 8424 LINWOOD AVENUE Phones Garfield 1230-31 ROY B. CARLIN INCOME TAX S...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 8

…- RONI CLf GAL C RON1CLE HE T PAGE EIGHT ofhis ideas on the subject in sev- ly and modestly, reported Cap- to the prison before they knew eral straight from the shoulder LEHMAN AND HORNER the reason for their trip. An tain McGrath, Just after dark. in Chicago. This, of course, airplane carried gas bombs to the "101 a good job, I congratulate merits no especial prize for brav- you!" replied the acting-gover- (Continued from Preceding Page) p...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 9

…▪ PAGE NIA 5)erBorr i fEwisnffiRarocul wier- asd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Ned W Andros, At eeeee y, 1526 Usk. Guardian Bldg. MORTGAGE SALE.-Default baring been made In the terma and condition. of • (Artois mortgage made by Frank P. Florello, al. known aa Frank Florello and Sarah Fiorello, his wife, of Detroit. Wayne County, Michigan. Mortgagors. to the Ohio State Life Insurance Can... an Ohio Corporation of Columbus. Ohio. Rabbi Elmer Berger w...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 10

…• • ThEikritorgfrwisn(ARomag PAGE TEN nmen• ■ •=r and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE en. ■■■■.■• - a r w der by registered mall as d c rd o g pLo df d •;:y id l o rom ,oitu dId t n do btde bn e same yred su ed.sond .h T e 7.:, f= ee l;flale70;f e!l:ir deT etthu ildw.b . of bee ROBERT M. TOMS, Nathan Silvana., Agent. 1907 rirel rkWiliagglIMILIWilloWILIMILIPM.WIMMISIMII.Wholip I ti de f that her place of rmidence. It is ordered Harry N. Grmsman, Attor...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 11

…Americo( Ada Periodical eater CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 10, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN riffifrrHordEWiSH RD?4 LCI ma _ ■ --- . Attorney, 1633 First DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D. 1932. 12:00 o'elock, noon. Eastern Stan- it in ordered that the defendant.. Joanna Joel W. Joasplemea,leig, National Bank SALE.—Default Ala Ilittendole, Avila Pouwels, Anton Valk. MOHTGAGE harlot dard Time. said mortgage will be and Leopold Leifief. enter their &PP. , made in ...…

October 28, 1932 • Page Image 12

…FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 THEVErRordenan (hornet, and THE tEGAL CHRONICL recorded in the office of the Regleter of D. 1032. et 12 o'clock noon, Eastern allowed by law, nod any sum or thme Standard Time, tail mortgage will be Deeds, for the County of Wayne anti which m•y be paid by the undersigned Slate or Wadden, on the twelfth day 0' id, on Pe. 6 of Pitits. pay the amount do, ae if and/or forfeit:red by a eal• •t public auction. to April, A. D. 1...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 1

…I AN OFFICIAL LEGAL NOTICE NEWSPAPER FOR WAYNE COUNTY i l 41 THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISHir NEWSPAPER PRINTED . V , „ and VOL XXXIV. NO. 22 Russ Authorities Refuse To It was distinctly a group of Convert Synagogue college-age young people that Into Cinema. crowded the registration office of Beth El College of Jewish Studies CIRCUMCISION IS NOT last Monday night, and the spirit CRIME, COURT RULES of youth prevailed over the open- MOSCOW....…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 2

…• MVentorr,faiiisn (ARoxiaz PAGE TVVU FLATWORK (Mehl...* chore) 50c 10 LARGE PIECES ALLOWED IN Tills SERVICE ALL SHIRTS Sign a Peace Treaty With - Your Purse By Making a Quality Selection The choral group of the Music Mrs. Henry Wineman spent a few days with her parents in Study Club will present an oper- etta to be staged during the com- I'ittsburgh last week. ing season under the direction, of Prof. George Galvani. All members Dr. a...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 3

…PIElkritordEmsn ARON1CLE PAGE THREE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE JUNIOR HADASSAH'S I SIMCHAS TORAH PARTY PURITY CARD PARTY DINNER DANCE NOV. 13 OF MIZRACHI YOUTH ON SUNDAY EVENING Engagements Pa/MUSCLE DEVELOPER Mrs. J. Kramer of 2555 West Euclid avenue announces the engagement of her daughter, Rose Marie, to Irwin Gantz, non of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gantz of Jos. Campau. The wedding date is set for Dec. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Madanes announce the...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR FRANZ WERFEL SEVENTY YEARS OF JOURNALISM IN PALESTINE I — By M. A. TENENBLATT .., (eoevelithe ism J. T. A.) Can we live without faith in Cod? Franz Werfel, the famous Jewish dramatist and poet, asked when he addressed an audience of some of the leaders of intellectual life in Vienna recently. • Speaking as a firm believer In religion and a determined oppon- ent of materialism, Werfel de - nounced the Godlessness of our generat...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 5


October 21, 1932 • Page Image 6

…PEDETRORIEWISIILARONICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE _ ______ _ ilEVEMOIT I IEWISfl 91 RON ICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ► te/Sehot weekly by Th. Jewish Chronicle Puhlishing C.. IPA lin(bered as Second-class matter March 5, 1911. at the Pont' cal. et Detroit, Mieh., ander the /tat or March a, 1879. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue T elephosel Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle Landon °face: 14 Stratford Pla...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 7


October 21, 1932 • Page Image 8

…PEDLTRorringstietRoricLA and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Rorocus ari Entoritt "flow do you like your Rebecca? Does the Rebecca I have pictured compare well ifE with the pattern given?" Those who knew and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Rebecca Gratz stated that the job was well tee Jewish Ch.:wic• Puhliehlmi C., done, Scott having done some of his best eadka.,4 Weekly by VI* Second-6.s matter March II, 1111, at the Peet. writing in delineating his character. I...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 9

…riEkcrttorejaisnOIRONICL. ,t and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE B'NAI B'RITH'S JUNIOR AUXILIARY (Continued from Page One.) p lo is in es Id er ed nt ng at ho ,us he (er tas , en LARGE STATE DELEGATIONS TO ATTEND JEWISH WORKERS MICHIGAN ZIONIST CONFERENCE OCT. 30 ENLISTED TO AID COMMUNITY FUND (Continued from Page One.) Walman; Mra_Esther_Schuster, in ■ GET RICH SAFELY... ich ht. er- ton Dr. the by are the row to, no But PENSION ...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 10

…......... wwwwwWWW•Weneasreennemo so iouembewornomm o noubledi e-s: Werilia.22,16262,62O7.2smomesess. ... r ione--usweel -es elow -v Bie fied,e'-..nece PAGE EIGHT- MEETING OF REFORM MANY CLASSES ON 143rd ANNUAL RABBIS IN CINCINNATI NOV. 2-6 Y.W.H.A. PROGRAM PIEIATRIDiffEWISH giftONIGLE • nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE CON GR EGATI EsGu t-g ON FENKELL LADIES LOAN SCHOO sYCNHOI I L SIMCHAS TORAH DANCE TO RESUME SESSIONS STATE REGIONAL HADASSAH ...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 11

…PAGE mn PEVETHLO_FrjEWISii aROMB34 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE COMSTOCK MEETING EIGHT BIRNKRANTS TO BE HELD OCT. 29 ARE NOW LAWYERS f;..1 PROTEST CUTTING SCHOOL BUDGETS Calendar of Events of the League of Jewish Wom- en's Organizations. I NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS PuIrsuant to an order from the are uit Court, the regular monthly "No 'rove." dockrt hrt been prepared. The call of these cases will be made on Tues- day, November I. 1952, at 910 A M.,...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 12

…• 41)1TROITJEWISII PAGE TEN ■■■■•■ sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE WIZIO 1711. ■■■■■ a‘NILI MIMI I KW IC WI a■ al KV. LEGAL NOTICE SECTION Continued from Page Nine ■ @.111MMilbNala‘Wh.‘Miiii IL501. 110aahnIAWWilkili. Irving B. Ackerman, Attorney, 325 Hasn- mond Bldg. 1833.7 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, at.—At • session of the •Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Courtroom In the City of Detroit, on the ninetee...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 13

…-- ▪ TI161)entorrlama Olitoracul and 3 it on n. p• at • at 1. n• in en of ho jI e. he id to b• oh of •t of ne r in he V iot nd en James J. Wolfe, Attorney, 209.07 mond Bids. FORFEITURE OF LAND CONTRACT. —To BERNARD SHILLER. You, Ber- nard Rifler, are hereby notified that a certain land contract bearing date of the twenty-aitth thy of April. 1924, bY and between Albert Weingartner and Luis! Weingartner, hie wife, of the firat P...…

October 21, 1932 • Page Image 14

…liinVentorr,faisa(Agreacii3 FRIDAY, OGITOBER 21 - And THE LEGAL CHRONIC , 1. 1 . or Proceed- 112 . (( 1911 . 17) dollar.. No iy havng i bee n in- 9111,1\401M,\WIIMILWIM1111 I wife. of Detroit, Way. Cooley, Mini- Datedo Detroit, Mich.,_Atig. 4. 19 nge et law or in equt COLUMBUS MUTUAL LIFE IN- i t ituted to recover the debt secured bY which eald mortgage I. dated r‘rallIMIlanall\WIIMM‘,, wife, MM. WOrtgagore, to Columbus Mutual THEU E COMPA...…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 1

…• 7, mow• the I In. e ine 134, lints esti. Itaid Now, of par. • of Pro- t on DAY clock ▪ orb Pub• the co to De- ( that etup l widl, mart. ,e k- h. teat Lutes at- , any 7 the s In• wen, that voted county and 5 and torge- North ' the hweet South. ▪ red d— d No. 1052. IN. JIG Fire, 'lathe ono of Bach. Ie, of mrt• I Life ration. ed the nd re• ter of • and day of 15 of mort• at the d In- nine 49.551 It law ed to tgage we, by earn p the • n...…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 2

…plEVETROITfilsISR PAGE TW and THE TEMPLE SISTERHOOD I BRIDGE•TEA OCT. 25 50c School Band 5' Orchestra Instruments Elaborate plans are being per- H fected fur the bridge tea to be Ps held on Tuesday, Oct. 25, in the social hall of Temple Beth El. N Sponsored by the ways and means committee of the Sister- ss Mrs. George W. I.angford, pres- ident of the Michigan Federation Music Clubs, will be the guest speaker at the Music Study Club's Pr...…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 3

…liwkrntorrlarksnlinton10, Wweliammenmameame and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ll■ J. W: E. W. 0. DINNER DANCE ON OCT. 23 Hirrielhocks We all love LUXITE The North Woodward branch of the Jewish Women's European Welfare Organization will hold its dinner-dance on Sunday evening, Mr's. Gussie Hamburger announces the engagement of her daugh ter, Rose, to Henry Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohen of Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Berlin announce the enga...…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 4

…ThEVLTRODIEWISA (A RON NMI _ and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE _ _ While synagogues are crowded and gen- r hEVEFROIVEWIS/1 91 RON IGLE erally a spirit of holiness rules wherever there are Jews during the High Holy Day and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE period, there is not that unanimity in ob- rubno.a Weekly by The Jewish Chi...side Publishing Co. Iwo servance that most people imagine. A glance at the football line-ups will reveal ":17.1 at that Jewsh boys d...…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 5

…THEDentordEmsnall101.4106 and THE And TORONTO Return GOING 2 :15 A. M. Oct. 15th Coaches Open 11 P. 1.4., Oct. 14th Also—Spocial Coach Train 2.50 P M., Oct 15th Stops both way• Weal Toronto and Parkdalt Tickets good in roaches only. N. b a Checked. $4° RETURNING 0 "THE FORGOTTEN MAN" IN THE BYGONE DAYS (Continued from preceding page) Succah must be planned first," (Continued from Page One.) Caine the immediate response from eyes: Mo...…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 6

…PIEVEMOrdEWIS/16,1RONICLE PAGE SIX end THE LEGAL CHRONICLE U. H. S. AUXILIARY POSTPONES MEETING FISHMAN RE-ELECTED BY MISHKAN ISRAEL Congregation Mishkan Israel Will Take PI Me Wednesday, Oct. held annual election of officers 26, at Det roit-Leland Hotel. Monday evening, Oct. 10. The Due to an error in booking, the following were elected: Morris Fishman was elected musicale and tea planned by the Woman's Auxixliary of the United president...…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 7

…• ATI)erRorrlDtisnaiROXICLB PAGE SEVEN, and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE nem at- for be and ted, tion ich- few- cre- yr Isenberg Favors Comstock Legal Fraternity Alumni To Death a James Crenshaw for Governor. Sponsor Hallowe'en Dance. Is Mourned. "I am very happy to accept your invitation to become a member of the executive committee of the Cen- tral Comstock Club," said William H. Isenberg, a memoer of the firm Isenberg-Purdy & Co. "The time...…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 8

…NPRTRongEwistt &taring PAGE EIGHT and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE _ — Mutual Life Insurance Co, of I d RI reason of Columbia mold not be Columbus, Ohio, an Ohio •Corporation, a MIA. Corp.. of the Snit part. and Ant , mete hie concealment within this Ante, manor mortgagee, dated the twerapflith ray ut tonl Ostmewsini and Sophia Ostonew. 1 akneaoe from hie Mara ski, his wife, of the eecond part, is In of residence. It is ordered that the said August....…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 9

…re Co, of oporetion, Ith day ut Jed in the s, for the Of Mg. if August, doom, tay• there Ott of this tr. t. t he .ed C thy. ) law or in to recoor tome or reture, intain. in D the rtat• la In it hereby IE THIRD 931, it 12 .ard wed lo • It, hlohem Come" I bialding ne County, ling where. County of emiees de• r $o much to Pe) the said non- n at mon Its. charges turner feex sin or mime niortgasee rest in the res are de. ertain piece n the t...…

October 14, 1932 • Page Image 10

…111EVEritorr,invisn Ghia/4101i FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 and T E LEGAL CHRONICLg ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■.‘ pm ono.' LEGAL NOTICE SECTION Continued front Previous Page 9 I of sale contained IS paid mortgme, and contained in •aid mortgage, and put , County of Wayne, and State of Michigan Por.ant to the Minute in such eaaa made of thio notice •nd the costa allowed by !fare, by •Irtue of the power of nle uent to the statute of the State of and defc...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 1

…- S. AN OFFICIAL as LEGAL NOTICE NEWSPAPER FOR el. on ok he WAYNE COUNTY , VOL XXXIV. NO. 20 - • the mes- • ity, nists e of ,ttor- had ewly- ✓ of The 'as a ment THE 'LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1932 —..--r-o— Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper Per Year, ;3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents ADULT EDUCATION Hillel Foundations Carry On AARON DEROY AGAIN England is Not Free from Anti-Semitism JEWS ATTACKED IN In Spite...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 2

…VErRorrimsn ROXICIA sm••• ■••■•■•■■ ... end THE. LFGAL CHRONICI.P PAGE TWO HADASSAH TO HEAR CONVENTION REPORT A Fine New Service Next Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 11, at 2:15, Detroit chapter of Iladassah will hold jot first regu- lar monthly meeting of the new season at Hotel Statler.,,, An in- Should Appeal to Every Family 25 PIECES of FLATWORK 50 BICUR CHOLEM JRS. DANCE THIS MONDAY The Bicur Cholem Jrs extend an invitation to their ...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 3

…7ilEVE1'Rorr,kwisneIR07110. and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE MIZRACHI MIDWEST CONFERENCE HERE FURS for NOW! Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bronstein of 2524 Blaine avenue announc the engagement of their daughter, Rae, to Jack Kaplan of this city Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kovinsky of Pontiac announce the engage ment of their daughter, Lilian, to 0. Charles Brenner of Albany, N. Y. son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brenner of New York. Mrs. Fannie Yeszin announce...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR ThEDETROITIEBISH LARIMOC$4 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE . ■ 101MININ. A UNIQUE LITERARY FRANK CODY JOINS SPINOZA COMMITTEE CONTEST ANNOUNCED 1•1•11 ■ 111=11, Days of Penitence, Prayer and Rejoicing: Season's Observances in Synagogue and Home ENGLAND IS NOT FREE FROM ANTI-SEMITISM member of a famous Jewish house, nephew of the great Jacob Schiff. The memory of two great Jews whose death occurred before this year, was honored duri...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 5

…ifffI1e1'RORJEW1Sfi LAR0,41C494 ai U se, 'ews this urse , in Bars ture rted und, rork, mot. mote nerit this row- ns. Ocu- lists I Dr. fished other con- And I the • , Sir d his clang :Tlon wised r and ribcd n the 1875. avant 'uses, , enty- again h an Old Louis I suc- ature, iddish visit- ,' and their Eng- And h lit- 'inski, I play- s doe- r Ein- ash of fiver- 'roles- tholes a new ncella- s road past- s walls rvor. not be :ion of wh...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 6

…TnEVentorrilEWISIIffiROXICIA and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE the Jew is certain to be much more impar- tial and to cast his ballot on the strength of merit. and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE An excellent example of the manner in la. ► der Ga Pnaoltehmil Weekly by The Jewish Chrenkl• Pubba which prejudice plays its part in politics Second-cl.• matter M•rch 5. HIM at the Pats MMentrd is offered by the gubernatorial campaign in lilt .A. at Detroit. Mich. ender t...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 7

…711EDLTROIT,fEWIS/1(AROXICs. and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE And - TORONTO Return 0 CANADIAN PACIFIC ■ ■ "Leshono Tovo Tikosemu", Of /U or ed it on ke fly er res ve he ed re- ild 4 r. er, ild ro- for my cat ing ork Dog dry urn are ode ain late all raid her says iary not his and ,urg sad, e to such lace ning then ding tary raid- Its Lion. ates ∎ears nore very Dune Pro- t on :riti- h of rged ['hey for it to I the tans- ' the ...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 8

…1)L-ritore,/insn (ARoxicK at4 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PAGE EIGHT 15 Local Jews in New "Who's Who"I CLASSIFIED possible exception of Fischer's work on the chemistry of proteins, Will- staetters chlorophyll researches be- long to the very best work in the whole domain of organic chemistry. Today he is easily the foremost or- genic chemist in Germany." At the age of 24, Professor Will- staetter was appointed lecturer at Munich University, where h...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 9

…▪ PIBIkTROITjEWIRI CARON ICLE PAGE NINE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE LEGAL NOTICE SECTION K. TH-EVETRoiVaimigi-RONICIA and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE A Wayne County Loral Near. Publication. SAMUEL STERNBERG, Manager of Legal Department 52$ Woodward Montt. NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS VISITING JUDGES IN WAYNE COUN• TY WEEK OF OCT. 10, 1932. Judge Fred S. Lamb, Cadillac, a weeks. Judge Jesse H. Root, Monroe. 1 week. Judge Herman Delinke, Morrisville. 1 w...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 10

…▪ ▪ jOrtiotzlevint 6Immicg aaal THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PAGE TEN dclon S. m. . October 21, 1912. and .. defend the complaint filed In the rill Court for the County of Wayne, le Che;‘,. some .uld tot be served by ere. of or judgment will be entered by default, sevostk dar A AP* 1921. hy sal he- p eerie that administration of Ind es-1 her concealment witha this state •ell'or cery.-Morrie Shall, plaintiff, vs E Eastero Standard Fuse. Said premis...…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 11

…PtEfrratorefEwisti PI RON ME PAGE ELEVEN awl THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Jeel,W. J.thheon_cAttonny,138,u•nr.t National Bank taidg. MORTGAGE SALE-Default haying been mode in the berme and conditions of • certain mortgaee made by Hugo Teehich and told. TesbIch, his wife. of Detroit. Wayne, County, Idiehigan. Poortesgore, to Colombo. Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Columbus. Ohio, an Ohio Corporation. ow etyegee, dated the thirtieth day of September, A....…

October 07, 1932 • Page Image 12

…FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, flerRorriensli &mail PAGE TEN alba THE LEGAL CHRONICL gage there Is claimed to be due, 01 the ada Ist Peter R Witiob said pron. ar• deserWed as deb of this notice. for princip•I and in. • ." wocrgego wile,1 follow.: Ali that entitle piece or par- tercet the sum of four thousand nine .elLiMigikielklalnilikNIMILWOOLWKI.111NalMillielklkNINO or • owland being the building when the Circuit part Oen/. Now, therefore. by Ortue...…

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