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September 06, 1918 • Page Image 8

…• .L EIGHT THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE high-schools or colleges." Too much emphasis can not be laid upon tin fact that the war is to be won and the future safe-guarded, not only by President the soldier who can shoot straight, but perhaps even more by the mar who has been technically trained in the various branches of science thar Issued Every Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company ANTON KAUFMAN • • • • • •...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 1

…D .., r• 1, ,, 1 • r ..03 7 f:tf4.: r 4 L-e 3 a s I a Li riniamumminuitmimmitommtuomminfilloosj .... 7..„... 74,v '' . V.01 .1,1.• • THE JEW CIIRONI CLE The Only Jewish Publication in Michigan Devoted to the Interests of the Jewish People No. 19 DETROIT MICH., JULY 6, 1917 Vol. II. . mulliP111.11.111114.0.111.. 111“.1.1...11.1., O Innounm isminvomu mnu Retiring President of Central Conference of American Rabbis 1 1 RABBI WIL...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 2

…1 • • 'CHRON Tirlg Z ..• my Sale! : „--;„ • _........___ . . . . . . . _. Fffil _ . The Event of July Our Big Annual Event T . . HIS is the "Wonder" Sale that thousands of our customers have been looking forward to. All those who know what our sales offer will want to come, too, for it's the greatest July Sale - this store has ever planned. We've spent months plan- ning this great sale, and the 25% OFF ON ALL Sale Continues...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 3

…lJ THE JEWISH CHRO The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. II. No.19 _ DETROIT, MICH., JULY 6, 1917 $1.50 per Year Single Copies10 Cents 1111111 I IIIlil l Rabbi Rosenau's Presidential Message To Central Conference of American Rabbis „T1111,1 1Il lil i111111111111 11111 ;1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111 1 1 i1 1 1 1 1 1 11111 1 1 1 .1[1 1 1 1 1 11111 1111'il11...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE East Side Embarks on New Era of Commercial Development Modern building erected by Morris Schechter on Hastings Street raises standard of entire district. Quarters for Bank and Drug Store up-to-date and complete in every detail. "Rose Apart- ments" is new type of architecture destined to transform populous section—Is tribute to energy and enterprise of owner and architect. T HAT the East Side of the "Fourth City" is kee...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY A CCOUNTANTS A. F. THAYER Twenty-Eighth Annual Session of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. 5 JEWISH WAR RELIEF IN CEN- TRAL EMPIRES. State Department Permits_ Funds to Be Sent to Holland for Distri- bution in Enemy Territory. By permission of the State Depart- ment, the Joint Distribution Commit- 617 DIME BANK ACTORY OPTICS — SYSTEM — F tee of the Funds for Jewish War BL...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWISH CHRONIdLE Issued Every Friday by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company. General Manager - ANTON KAUFMAN Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. - Subscription in Advance $1.50 per year Offices 314 Peter Smith Bldg. Phones: Cherry 3381 and 1526 RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN, Editorial Contributor The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on subjects of inter- est to the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibil...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 7

…7 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Congregational News TEMPLE BETH EL NOTES. 1 SHAAREY ZEDEK NOTES - Sabbath Services. Sabbath services will be held as usual this week, at 10 o'clock, Rabbi Franklin officiating. The solo for this week will be rendered by Miss Myra Cohen. Services will be con- ducted throughout the summer. Red Cross Sewing. The ladies of the congregation con- tinue to meet in the parlors of the Temple each Tuesday to sew for the Red C...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 8 0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111! • 1=1 III To insure pub 103 East P !II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111111111111111 1 1111111111111 111111111111111111111r= I E T Y • -:- ste...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 9

…9 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE III Mr. Barney Berman is spending 11i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Meyers of 120 I lancock avenue east announce several weeks in the east. the engagement of their daughter Mr. Herman Battling has re- Elsa to Nathan B. Kopley of this turned from a few weeks' stay in city. The...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 10 Mr. and Mrs. John Heavenrich and family have taken a cottage at Omena, which they will occupy dur- ing the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosenfield have left for a month's stay in Grand Rapids. :\ party of Detroiters who have taken a cottage at the Flats for two weeks includes Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simon and son Harold and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jacobs. They are ac- companied by Mrs. Pauline Jacobs of Cincinnati, who...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 11

…THE 1141V. 4 Q,N 11 14. f as Kam ROSENAU'S PRESIDENTIALNIESSAGE TO CENTRAL CONFERENCE son for -our separate survival. Mr. the intention. to declare that .we Ralph Philip Boas, writing in the At- rabbis, who are - consecrated to the OF AMERICAN RABBIS lantic Monthly of February, 1917, on service of the Lord, whose lips are to (Continued from page 3) "The Problems of American Juda- guard knowledge and from whose Congress discussion appeared ...…

July 06, 1917 • Page Image 12

…z Ye* 1£6"14 I d Fashion, Fit and Fabric! F LET YOUR Soldier Boy carry an ever-present reminder of you with him. He will need the utmost cheer and silent appreciation you can give. He may like one (or more) of these— CIGARETTE CASE—Easy to carry and a handy friend. GOLD POCKET KNIFE—Useful and a fine remembrance. SIGNET RING—We will engrave the giver's initials without charge. WRIST WATCH—With illuminated dial. Tells time day or night. SIL...…

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