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May 05, 1939 • Page Image 8

…PAGE SIX rntDentort Aaiun CARON K24 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE AEI !Beth El Sisterhood Mother's Day Fete Saturday, May 13 YOUR FURS? Wherever they were purchased your furs deserve the best care. Let us repair, remodel, clean your furs by our t workmanship. IT WILL PAY YOU TO STORE YOUR FUR COAT WITH Afichigan's Finest Wholesale Fur Manufacturers INSURED AGAINST ALL HAZARDS Eletatorp will tolop sow • o p to the Floor 15 E. Grand River • ...…

May 05, 1939 • Page Image 9

…Ara Periodical eater aterieart CLAYTON ATIINON • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO TIEVETROIVEMSfitSROPIN4 May 5, 1939 FEUER TO ADDRESS h HADASSAH'S LAUGH! LAUGH! LAUGH! You'll Laugh Harder Than You're Ever Laughed Before When You Read— "TALES OUT OF SCHOOL" ("DERZEHLT VON CHEDER") AARON ROSENBERG—Lawyer, Humorist, Author ON SALE SOON See Later Announcements in The Chronicle ••0,7• FURS OF DISTINCTION MADE TO ORDER 1;1•" eis 4 EXPERT FURRIER ...…

May 05, 1939 • Page Image 10


May 05, 1933 • Page Image 1


May 05, 1933 • Page Image 2

…rH E Drntorrjr,wimi 0RONICLE PAGE TWO and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Tou'll Like It, Too .. . Al Your Senme . . • Try . 1 I Restores Sheen 1 , , In, n., St Himelhoeirr._ May Sale ;1,1 A, L NOVEL PROGRAM AT MOTHER DAY EVENT AT SHAAREY ZEDEK MRS. COHANE HEADS COUNCIL OF WOMEN r - 11 1 Restores Life Itnnven, 11 1 ,, Hasn't forgotten the Men! \londh. • In■•■• tirig I ,,' ,tI ■ 11.1 1•AM14 11 ,!; AI r :of ,,,r- loth- I' ...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 3

…PAGE THREE ittbppi rorr_jfilf1srigikoAlcut3 and THE LEGAL CHRONICCE MISS FAYGA E. KEIDAN 1 WINS Y. W. H. A. AWARD Buy Now! . . Engagements .. by the Ilit Don. National Council Wonatn, at their annual :nodal,: which took placte at Temple ihtt ANNIS FURS - SI 1 I \I \I I '.I • . I • k .t d I \I , I " . • I .1 Nil kink I.It II ho. :ill,' Mrs. Sainu t NIT II, 1 l at CdngregatIon • \ I I I .1 " , M r. ;001 N...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR WIEVLTIMITIEWISII ORM ICIE .nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE MOTHER-DAUGHTERS LUNCHEON MAY 14 OF AUXILIARY OF U. H. S. MISS CELIA L. BERLIN PRESIDES AT BANQUET IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. I II 11..-• 11 , 1 1111 111 1, 1+1111'11 a• 'i,. annual lligh- l, 0 I' I;11.,... The Detroit Jewish Chronicle will accept ISN 11, . t ,, , . 11;1,111 , 11i, • for subscriptions, past due as well as new. 51111 1 FROM BUY NOW! 0,0 ,d. ...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 5

…PAGE FIVE wiEVLTROITIO ■ ISfl 91 RON ICH: and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Maw B'NAI MOSHE PLANS BAZAAR MM 13-15 SYNAGOGUE CALLS RABBI GOLDBERG igrinplr Ertl) El Natro PLANT A TREE ON MOTHER'S DAY LEAGUE yU OF). E JUNIOR iALtEAG 1' , I II Gets Pulpit of First Hebrew .1 • \ Congregation of Delray. 1 III a ge o f , NN I It' - , 1,111, , r 11,•r,Itel T. 11•T Illy a. old ,,;„:".f I _ \ I, 5-Mile Road at Morningside Drive la r...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 6

…h tDNICIA • nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PLEDLTROIVLWISII CIRONICLE unite in behalf eef the Palestinian ideal, and let the call gee forth for the creation of a and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE center which will be able tee care for the millions eef declassed and degraded in Jewry., Once WO unite on such a common platform, we m a y hope for that revival of courage and confidence which is today needed in order to instill anew in Jowly the pride ‘vhich is ...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 7

…- _tmrkinsniftorucil littiiert and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE as, zf To he sure that you purchase the It e s t DELICATESSEN, SALAMI, FRANKFURTERS-- wstsh for this label! PLANS QUARTERS OPENED MUCH PROGRESS IN COMPLETE FOR CONVENTIONS BY YOUNG ISRAEL TEMPLE CARNIVAL PROVIDE VACATIONS FOR HUNDREDS OF YOUNGSTERS I ,111111 1 1cti . I,, Pay insh !lit . • i v. •• anis and as ) til lUr , 1! Ill tilt INCA, •. Kosher N.1,1111 using the ...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 8

…MEDerRonlixtsfi ORM ICU • PAGE EIGHT and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 115 A OFIltit 11111 loon•/ 1 SID Ii ANIIKI N. %torero, I, Union fiturd In nut. Sh ull Pt MOE SALE --DAfAult haying b.: 9,,1e 1 _ m.,., and ',indium,. of r . e %/am YEwcsn ito icLE s. , fi it• INDRI's. A ♦ .Attorney. 13!6 Colon Guard. 11,11 , 1 , 111.1; h.., 111.1s. '..- tit TOAOL SA f a IMfaoll ha‘lno been • oil Ao... nji renol... lt "Ill, 14111 11 n I0 11. 111 1 I ...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 9

…PiEVcritorr,kwisii @Rom ICLE PAGE NINE and THE LEGAI. CHRONICLE • 1 • lit 111,11,1, l'outilv of Wayne the Probate Court Dr held at the Probate I Detroit. on ‘111. TE E e the oat toile thoilso . o Tf 11, SIAIE OF MICHIOAN Is At a ',soon of the Probate (Oust • I. 0 LEGAL NOTICE SECTION / Continued from Page Eight • ' amh.10 ■■■■■■M•■•■•■•■■•■■■■•■•■■•■■■■ • ■■■■■ thitt,-thret Presoll 1,, dodge ol Probate III , III I of {JENNY on. and b...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 10

…PraVentonlralmsn ((Tamara PAGE TEN THE LEGAL CHRONICLE .Rd _ .4..P. .fie , 1 ■ I the Nme Place, mortgagee gland , :Unice, I or PC, rIOLIIIMMWMw&IgKelLmLswkwkleikmokimwilmoNgLegint 1 courtroom In the City of Detroit, on the lain mortgage made ID JOhn W Sennett and , t. Wayne . du of October. A. U. 19211 ai.I • et the de 1 e of OW not.. f. ar1 , 100 and ! he doe at the date of 010 ......, v.., LIEF. INAHRANCE COMPANY. tenth day of Mahar, In t...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 11

…I. NO. VEN PAGE ELEVEN E DETKOIVEMSN 61 RON !CM • nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE a dohaty, Michlgan that t••f holds. g (nrwtt court Is ram inurtgage .'m be unn ..t.11 I. • a mle at public auction to the lilt premises de. 141h nn I. ,..l ,. h thereof ',tease elfnn to pay tne amount due the date ed sate to- 174I , 11.0701.1. at .ted ths.,•.be premiums gold t. • moto.. Vtornms fen allowed 01 1•• A re sail Prem - . ,1 Detroit county ghe and described 7...…

May 05, 1933 • Page Image 12

…ORM ICU E • n• , ,ww,,,,,L.wkm,‘ ,,,im .-- , .ds. it Time mod mortgae• wIll be for, ilawivamogimm., , , lo.ed by A sale at public au cto,n. to the I ..thes t bidder , et the Southely o t Cmw eess A .-.., er ......a. W the County Building I n the v ,. ,.• 1. ,, 1 War, County. Wellman r that certato ypiece or parcel of lend stt ',Weil. In the Count/ en lo the C it, d State,.of Mottwan end, descried r I I , Iowa. to-lent • he• ze • , 1...…

May 05, 1922 • Page Image 1

…Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION 0 1 VOL. Xl. NO. 24 TEMPLE CELEBRATES GREAT SUCCESS OF $400,000 CAMPAIGN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, Wants Little Alice Reared As Jewess Rabbi Wise Objects to Mrs. Duryea Adopting Armenian 'Refugee Seen in Movies AUXILIARY TO PICK OFFICERS FOR YEAR Shure,. Zedek Young People Elect New Board Wednesday Evening. MAY 5, 19...…

May 05, 1922 • Page Image 2

…litEDentoreposii ORONICLE PAGE TWO .MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. ipawara- ........ Immin ilia Let Fatima smokers tell you ,.... Last Subscription Concerts of the Season by the Detroit Sym- phony Orchestra. Gabrilowitsch Appears As Soloist. HURSDAY and Friday evenings brought the last "regu- lar" concerts of the season for the Detroit Symphony Or- chestra, and as has been the usual custom since his coming to Detroit, Mr. Gabrilowitsch was the ...…

May 05, 1922 • Page Image 3

…Armerkam Awish Periodical eater CLIFTON AYINU1 - CINCINNATI 30, 0100 PIEVuritorkkwisnejitavici,c PAGE FMB ePraternal zutb Cub ;Niutes Philomathic Debating Club. '2 to Sit Down '20 to Get Up! 0,./ At last Sunday evening's meeting of the Philomathic, Captain Isadore Levin, a former speaker and alumnus of the organization, addressed the members. Mr. Levin referred to the time when he was at Harvard and his experiences as a student. He spo...…

May 05, 1922 • Page Image 4

…W E SIX rimikritorrioasii atitom ICLE TiiEDETROITAWISII &RON 1CLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President tutored as second-class matter March 8, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879. General Offices and Publication Building 850 High Street West Cable, Address, Telephone: Chronicle Glendale 8326 LONDON OFFICE 14 ST...…

May 05, 1922 • Page Image 5

…Atiakair lavish Palatka! Carta cu.. CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE SEVEN bEPLTROITSWISH RON1C LE O9 lf 01i. GiAS. JOSEP1+ --- (Copyright, 1921. By Chas. II. Joseph.) The American Rabbinate 11•• surely lost some interesting material when Al Jolson, Houdini and some other celebr•ted stage lights who, though sons of, or related otherwise to, Rabbis, decided not to follow in their footsteps. And now I have just discovered another one. Ilia na...…

May 05, 1922 • Page Image 6

…As TiE9LTRon;frmsn PAGE EIGHT 711 TAKES LEADING PART IN Y. W. H. A. PLAYLET The "Our Lights Shine Everywhere" I Children Alt Soddy Item. sad ether i.e.] Wee geode be G....imitated to the OW .1 the owl Wodaeoday otters.. I. order to spew Is dm tenett geodes Cfroeiele by Q tnoWe 1324, Society Moe Mail bother so a to be rewind oft Wes Of interest to members of the Sis - Professor Otto M. Marckwardt, edi- torial writer on the Detroit New...…

May 05, 1922 • Page Image 7

…America lavish Periodical Coder CARTON ATIKIII • CINCIXITATI 30, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN EI lS/I RON IGLE L'i S. CABOT APPOINTED 1- MRS. GLOGOWER GENERAL AGENT FOR SUBMITS REPORT CLEVELAND LIFE CO. TO WOMAN'S CLUB Solomon Cabot, well known in local social and educational circles, has been appointed exclusive general agent here by the Cleveland Life In. surance Company. Mr. Cabot has opened offices at 1302 First National Bank building. Mr. Cabot'...…

May 05, 1922 • Page Image 8

…PAGE TWELVE MAY 5; 1922 ThEVeritot rjaisn(i)RoNici.r. DRIVE FOR $25,000 OPENED ON MONDAY BY HEBREW SCHOOLS E. (Continued from page I.) establishment of ni o r e schools throughout the city. The judge said he was confident the drive will be a ==,„ success, judging by the response of = the meeting. A practical demonstration of sales- = manship was given in a short expla- nation of the manner in which people The first B'nai B'rith lodge to be...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The only Jewish publication in the State of Michigan Devoted to the interests of the Jewish people Vol. I. No. 10 DETROIT, MICH., MAY 5, $1.50 per Year 1916 Singe Copies 5 Cents With the Jewish Regiment in Gallipoli The Story of the First Jewish Military Unit in 2,000 Years Trained With Hebrew Word of Command An interesting officer has been invalided home, and is now in London—none other in fact, than the command...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 2 Miss Jewish Woman's Club Has Birthday Party Celebrates Her 25th Anniversary-700 Guests Present that mine would be the honor to chaperone that child of our brain and heart and our higher ideals, that child to whom we owe so infinitely much—well, you now see the result of my appreciation of this great privilege and honor ! "We all touch life at a different angle—we all see persons and conditions with different eyes. In...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 3

…3 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Young Jewish Subject of Czar in Detroit to Interest Amer- ican Capitalists Talks on Life Insurance by Louis Danto Studies American Lumber Methods; says Russia is Land of Opportunity Leaving a home of influence, wealth and social standing in \1 insk, Russia, Samuel Stekol came to this country to study the lumber lmsi- ness and American lumber mills, gaining his knowledge by working as a cruiser and an operator in the...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 4 "You can see the difference" Young People's Society Extends Hand of Welcome Reception to Strangers One of the Season's Notable Events— Thousand Guests Meet and Greet The Young People's Society of for its members, "Temple Beth El Temple Beth El held a reception has always stood for equality and last Sunday evening to all Jewish social righteousness," said he. Doc- young men and women who are tor Franklin was tendere...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 5

…5 THE JEWISH CtIRONICLE Zionists Hold Big Rally Make Preparations for Propaganda and Funds Campaign Detroit Zionists held a meeting city, and as a result of their efforts last Sunday evening at Shaarey it is expected that the National Zedek Synagogue for the purpose Fund will be augmented by many of considering means to more ef- thousands of dollars and that many fectively carry on Zionist work in converts will be made to the Zionist the c...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 6 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE The Welcome to the Stranger Meeting The meeting held at Temple Both El last Sunday evening under President and General Manager the auspices. of the Young People's Society, was in every sense an ANTON KAUFMAN - epochal one. About seven hundred young - people, many of xyhom Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. being strangers in the city had heretofore had no Jewish affiliations Editor whatsoever, f...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 7

…7 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Congregational News Temple Beth El Shaarey Zedek Sunday Services. The subject of Rabbi Franklin's sermon on Sunday morning will be "The Peace Idea in Jewish Litera- ture." Services begin at 10:45. All are welcome. libe attention of members of the congregation is called by Rabbi Franklin to the fact that official duties in connection With the meet- ing of the Central Conference of American Rabbis will require his ab...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 8 "All Aboard" Promises to be Big Success Second Hand Cash Registo rs for Sale On Long Time Payments. Cad. 2253, Cad. 7229-861 West Fort Street Opera, Now Ready to be Staged, Will be Seen by Capacity Audience. JOSEPH GELLER CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS All arrangements for "All Aboard," the opera to be produced by the Young People's Society of , have HOW been Teniple Iteth completed, :Old When the cu...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 9

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE! Local and State News JEWISH' COLLEGIATE CLUB TO ESTABLISH PLAY- GROUND Will Co-operate With Recreation Commission in Securing Site for Newsboys' Playground. Nliss Hilda Goldman and NIr. S. Lowe, which was greeted with roar- ing applause. The ladies of B'Niti Israel pre- sented the congregation with a Torah. The Young People's I lebrew So- ciety elected the following officers: Mr. Dan B. Jacobs, president ; Nliss Lil...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 10 SOCIETY To insure publication, all items of social interest should be sent to Miss Ruth Rosenfield, 80 Palmer Avenue, East, phone, North 4063, not later than Monday evening. Mrs. Henry A. Krolik has left to spend a few weeks in the cast. Miss Judith . Ginsburg was a member of the committee on ar- rangements for the entertainment of the University of Michigan girls taking part in the Japanese opera given in McColles...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 11

…11 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE SOCIETY A Graceful Carriage (Continued from past 10) Florence higher has re- turned from a week's visit at Clif- ton Springs. liss Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldstein were at home on Sunday in honor of the confirmation of their son, Darold. irs. and Mrs. Arthur Schlesin- ger, of Chicago boulevard, who have been spending several weeks at Atlantic City, have returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hirschfield, of Kalama...…

May 05, 1916 • Page Image 12

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 12 SOCIETY (Continued from page //) The Wednesday Sewing Club met at the home of Mrs. Herbert \Veil last week. The Misses Hattie and Florence Silberman are in New York. The Monday Bridge Club was entertained by \l rs. Emanuel - Ber- ger this week. Chaplain, Sarah .Immerman; Mar- shal, Ray Applebaum; Organist, Marion Ginsberg; Ada, Edna Grant ; Ruth, Sarah Kaplan; Esther, Gertrude Herstine ; Martha, Ernestine Smith ...…

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