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August 22, 1919 • Page Image 1

…A merica 9ewlsk Pcriodfcal Cotter CLIFTON AVANU1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ME DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL VI. NO. 12. Beth El to NEW YORK JEWS TO Temple Hold Supplementary Services cn Holy Days RAISE $7,500,000 FOR RELIEF FUND DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1919. Happy Youngsters at the Fresh Air Camp Per Year, $2.00; Copy, 5 Cents HUNGARIAN JEWS SUFFER OUTRAGES FEAR POGROMS IN GERMANY AS JUNKER...…

August 22, 1919 • Page Image 2

…THE DE1ROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE TWO Mr. and Sirs. Leon Koplowitz are occupying their new home at 339 Clairmont avenue. 4manamtansmoommsmomsimmounssomatomiesairo uniusommumnounassitmonum SUMMER FURS A Itimommamoluir * R E Miss Anna Solomon has returned from a delightful five weeks' visit with Mrs. Benjamin Stern; formerly I Miss Hattie Summerfield of this city, in Boston and environs. H E R E Mr. and Mrs. Max Stetter arc cruising in ...…

August 22, 1919 • Page Image 3

…PAGE 'THREE THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE LOCAL NOTES Gneiss/sag Cleveland Kunsan City St. Low 17111•111111111 WOODWARD AV& Nliss Lillian I. Gitlin, of East Pal- mer avenue. left August 15th for a Iw o weeks' trip through the east, where she trill meet her mother who ha. been visiting there with friends for the past six weeks. DETROIT The Auxiliary of Zion is a tumor Judean chili winch was organized re- cently in the western district. T...…

August 22, 1919 • Page Image 4

…THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE FOUR IT JEWISH CHRONICLE of our people never feel the need of a congregation until death has conic into their homes or until marriage is to be consumated. It DETRO behooves the Jews of all kinds to awaken from their lethargic indif- HOME MICHIGAN'S JEWISH PUBLICATION Co.. Inc. ference. Let orthodox Jews join the Synagogue and let Reform Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Jews affiliate with ...…

August 22, 1919 • Page Image 5

…A merica lapis* Periodical Carter\ CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIVE THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Ei ,loussissomassmoussustumussionsuussusmusionsismoussioussissossussmssmsussussussmossannsow+ HA E.- Ei serr i E 7 71"...: —..... .. ..%:.?:.. A ....• ,*- iii r 'at =-- - -..Crls. - s. g • ., . Clover Hill Park Cemetery g General Motors Trucks y., Ton, 1 1 /2 , 2, 3! '2 and 5 Tons' Capacity. Bodies for every purpos...…

August 22, 1919 • Page Image 6

…▪ THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE SIX PIONEER RESIDENT OF DETROIT PASSES AWAY pn,p m il pN Abraham Anspach, one of Detroit's most respected and beloved Jewish citizens, died Tuesday, August 19, at the age of 77 years. lie was buried from his residence, 414 Monterey avenue. Highland Park, Mich., Tues- day afternoon. Rabbi Samuel S. Mayerberg officiated. THOMAS NORMAL TRAINING SCHOOL Phone Northway 192 1197 WoOdward Ave. Detroit, Mich...…

August 22, 1919 • Page Image 7

…• A merica Yewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVIIiUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE SEVEN THE DETROIT JEWISh CHRONICLE cainaumananialamaiaaniannimanaumunatioatinuo4 JEWS IN BRITISH ARMY 0 Head Lights Dull? SUFFER 8,674 CASUALTIES The Rev. Michael Adler, senior - Jewish chaplain with the British Ex- pcditionary Forces, estimates that 2.324 Jews in the British army were 6 killed in action and 6,350 wounded or missing, giving a total of 8,674...…

August 22, 1919 • Page Image 8

…r PAGE EIGHT o= ==imo==iono=to=o 1==so=o 0 Motors, Oils, Mining and Curb Industrials for Cash or on Moderate Margins p, fi o CHARLES A. STONEHAM & CO. 11 Real Estate Exchange Bldg., Detroit TELEPHONE CADILLAC 6150 (EstablIsned 1903) Direct Private Wires 41 Broad Street, New York Weekly Market Letter Sent Free o 0 "No Promotions" 0 C01:101=01501==10 1=10 = 01:1101==011120 CUgRTISS & EWELL Funeral Directors Conscientious service--p...…

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