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October 20, 1933 • Page Image 1

…a IN MICHIGAN NEWSPAPER PRINTED THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH TRE ETROIT 1- 1RONICL- The New Torii Public Library 42nd et and Fi rth NEW 101(K, N ? and Y VOL. XXXV. NO. 22 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1933 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents LABOR LAUNCHING Jews Must Think Clearly in Present Crisis; Jerusalem Quiet FEAR EXIT OF GERMANY FROM LEAGUE OF NATIONS SEALS After Disorders BOYCOTT CAMPAIGN Genuinely...…

October 20, 1933 • Page Image 2

…- -- "1111, THEVEIROITAIHS110.iHONICLL PAGE TWO Tt4F L EGAL saw Price, Quality and Service The honored guests were IT ! II..'--I. Chalk:, Iltias and Nit•. and I I VI, NI, . Adrian Haas of Cincinnati, I. came to celebrate the slivt . nty- i!.. 11th lortlolaN' of NI,. Eruhauf's hi , itaalier, Mrs. Sigmund Haas. On j I- i I'll'., Mrs. Sigmund Ilan, was tlm:. I at luneheon to her friends Nil it :be Statler Hotel. ALL SHIRTS Mrs. Fred Itock...…

October 20, 1933 • Page Image 3

…twisnOlitamat [1/l Y1r1IGU$r HANDBALL COURTS AT JEWISH CENTER. ii PLANS FOR CARNIVAL HOME RELIEF MEETS ON MONDAY, OCT. 23 et; he llom• a • taiut. \I ," . at 1:191. PAGE THREE ifFt(ra It I F and THE OF S. Engagements annom• The engagement .1:Icohs of Poe avenue, Sther of Atlanta, Geoigia. Be Smart! HAVE FOREST daughter of 11r. and 11r , .1., 1 \I 1. lel SII , I . r. Z. SISTERHOOD t- Nre ••• mcnt of her dmitmlitti nett 1...…

October 20, 1933 • Page Image 4

…TREDLTROWEIVISflaROPIICI4 • sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 74EVEFROITAWIS/1 ORM inr, and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Published Weekly by The .1c. ■ sh Chronicle Publishing C•.. Inc. . 11 1, tsne •t the • •1.i• Ai t ri M•rrh T. I '•7 Ihtered am Second.r4— r i.• •• r olllee Detriiii. Mich . General Office and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone: C•dollao 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle London CP 1 0. 14 Stratford Place. London, W. ...…

October 20, 1933 • Page Image 5

…PLEVerRorkimsti RONICLE ■ and THE LEGAI. CHRONICLE JEWS MUST THINK CLEARLY IN PRESENT CRISIS AND MUST CREATE A GENUINELY UNITED FRONT An Outsider To Judge Your Business It in judgment of your Your accountant should Modern accountancy, through its experi, r•• business. point out mistakes in ton! training; aims to irre they are made. 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CHARLES K. HARRIS COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1317 GRISWOLD BLDG. — CAdilla c...…

October 20, 1933 • Page Image 6

…- EDLTROIVEN IS nal RON ICLIE PAGE SIX And THE: LECAI CHRONICLE-' LABOR LAUNCHING GERMAN BOYCOTT SYMPOSIUM TOPIC BOYCOTT CAMPAIGN IN U. S., CANADA I • d The the:, „ any .. BB 111 H symposium to o. I at !• ■ ' ••••j• ' p.irsliKI. the repo,. ! e. in Cleriniee • 1 hr '1.:11 I in t . or Pr, sido tit (areen's p Get i of money to keep your wife and children in Comfort AI. , .,1,1 anything happen to you. But you want It now. N...…

October 20, 1933 • Page Image 7


October 20, 1933 • Page Image 8

…Piqpriton;kwisti gator icm PAGE EIGHT and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE — -.,-- . — --. TO LAY BETH SHMUEL s ^- s, 1 r-s 1,.........., ., -... ‘...i r-s. ..— ____4 CORNERSTONE SUNDAY ITALIAN-AMERICAN I EDITOR LAUDS JEW r SELECT COMMITTEES FOR WOMEN'S COUNCIL CALENDAR OF EVENTS _________ • RUBENSTEIN ELECTED , KVUTZAH IVRITH HEAD oet. 21 11reting of Junior 1 The annual meeting of the Kvut. 1 . !, It of L o s Angeles Sana. zah Ivrith was held ...…

October 20, 1933 • Page Image 9

…PIE VL'I'BOIT,AN Sit One Dollar Opera Paramount Theater MONDAY, OCT. 23 through OCT. 29 San Carlo grand Opera Co. Oukrainsky Ballet Orchestra of Thirty CARLO PERON!, Conductor CARMEN—Monday Evening, Oct. 23 RIGOLETTA—Tuesday Evening, Oct. 21 AIDA —Wednesday Evening, Oct. 25 FAUST—Thursday, Eve., Oct. 26. HANSEL AND GRETEL—Friday, Oct. 27 OPERA DIRECTED MAYFAIR THEATER BY CARLO PERON) OPENING SATURDAY "Caiimal" I- a colorful whirl- in...…

October 20, 1933 • Page Image 10

…inEVErRoirjEwun &cram V I. " Th E LM BORDELOVE CHOSEN PRINTING DIRECTOR ARRANGE REGION* J. N. F, CONFERENC E ontinued from Pag e One) Democratic collet - es-fie/rid ehair- - - Redemption Rally To men and Demooeratic looloolo•rs, in- Land , 'toiling Arthur F. Islerle, Judge Be Held in Chicago Jaaell Sanders. Rosco e B. Huston, on Oct 29. chairman; Andrew C. . . acting ' , linty chairman; ClOcat.itt, On Sunday, Oct. 29, in ,i A midwestern l...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 1

…(.4 AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR WAYNE COUNTY The XV 11' and York 4 2:414 VOL. XXXIV. NO. 35 LAUNCH PALESTINE 'Professor 1933 CAMPAIGN AT „„, NATIONAL MEET , I. 1 A 1.,, din, slip of si Our, 13e4 hit( eery inn, lie 4 l e of wit: rt of half the ' the 'het, eu co s. rte Contrasts Dis- Europe, Prog- r• , s in Holy Land. — - LEHMAN URGES JEWS TO HELP HOMELAND --• Building a Haven for Jews in Palestine Declared Essential COrfe...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 2

…~ IE VLTROrF, PAGE TWO and YOUTH CONFERENCE CALLED FOR JAN. 31 HEBREW CALENDAR 5693. 1933 Fast of Esther Friday, Mar. 10 Sunday, Mar. 12 Purim Passover Tuesday, Apr. 11.19 Shevuoth 1 ridgy, June 30.July 1 Fast of 911, of AF Tues., Aug. 1 Sept. 21, 22 Rosh Hashonah Yom Kipuor Sat., Sept. 30 Dance for Benefit of Kosher Kitchen To Pe Held on Feb. 11. At a In, III: • youth organiza; evening, at the h. 1991 West El, were comp! , ti d • the ...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 3

…THEDLTROITJENIMI et RON 1CL£ PAGE THREE ■ and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE T. N. T. GIRLS N. T. Girls will have an open T. :11, 1 meeting Sunday, Jan. 22, at Doris Levine, 1t the home of Girls 297 1 la,•:01,•na. 1.111: i„iping ntorta,iiment and ref 1••0.11- • trimly the nies•ton'. ntents THE NEW 1933 BUICK-- -"FINEST EVER BUILT" LAUNCH PALESTINE 1933 CAMPAIGN AT NATIONAL MEET ..1111' 1 , 1111 , 1 I , ■ I , .o ;II I., an lee II I I • • ...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 4

…• • - - itonjEwisn KoN icLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE. TitEliETROII/EWISli oRONICLI; and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Pub li•hed Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. i tan tendencies w I hich i I dull appeal to Other-, no more than they (solid satisfy the Jew,. themselves," Dr. l'insker's i,rgaments are particularl,• con%. incing, even IlOW, 50 years :trier then were originallymaims!. when he dass , - - ••- / An Important Discou...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 5

…PeberRorrimsn (nRONICII and THE LEGAL. CHRONICLE ORGANIZATIONS EXCITED OVER MOVEMENT TO PROTEST AGAINST RIOTS IN POLAND A ,I,,,li,p, (Continued from l'a.;t• I mit. I ComPlete pl um bing ili t .,,.I, 1 . ,., k,,,., (Continued from Preceding Page.) , 1, l' - 'I' • Then the telephone girl s, i„,„1„ pause. of packing the original , •1 le, elm,. .1rheiter OrtIon, Painters' l'ilten ;1"1." with Communist sled:m.1ton cone Me . hritcher VI...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 6

…iitEVerRonjEwisnefRONICLE PAGE SIX A1101. 11f, ISAAC f 'SKI Men, Bank 951 1.1 Na• SPIS 3117 9 7 MICIIII1AN S TAFF CF • Circuit , . plum A and seven tert. MARI 011. No Cult or pro- ceedings at it, to. ttt emrts having beer In- ylituted t ..1 the d ,erred by said : ,rtesee c,r lArt thereof. Nog, therefore tt, c f•• hog er of sale contained I. p•ir,lattt to the statate ' the in, In sot h rase mean. I UF.SIJ ‘, not be I.I F I 1,11...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 7

…ThE9grRortlEryisit (ARoN lac •, : '. amount due. as afit,/ I sn'• with the 1 , -u• tI , .ctlt 17'. 1 end all lee II 1, apenseri, including the b la, and also an, ,•1 nutt be paid by it. Interest In ntentlseS are des.. !: ptece or , of Detroit •.. .1 State ot af:: It 1 to ,a Al P ■ , r 1 Ten it and all Inn. , 1 pild Sal Seillt1 PAGE SEVEN a- nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE-- eile ■■ ••• ■ =1 ■ 1. ■ 7 1101 ■■■•■•■■■•■■■•■•■■■ 11 .\\IIMILIA • ■•■...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 8

…TifEDETROn;AVItinetRONICLE PAGE EIGHT MARRY P. AIRN tRII, .ttlorney• 1411 Maw naelt Filda. N.710E or PnRICI 0 , 1•111' eXIF - WM.,. dein, 1,,, terms and coed. , , nitwit hy Cheri ,- o . . . LEGAL NOTICE SECTION t$ I J Continued from Page Seven AknalklikWILIK1 k 10 01. 1116.117%.11.11.1LNIMWIVIkIVILIMIEWW1 . • • ' 1 ,',11 1 , i 1 , •,,,, rtgagee Refl., Pt! ' •• • 1 Michigan in I itwr 2,.., '., 40. velli , h quit mo...•. , Or ...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 9

…• PI E 91NROHILH ISII el RON ICIE. PAGE NINE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE U. H. S. AUXILIARY'S , AFFAIR WEDNESDAY Evening Gowns and Frocks Made Refreshingly Clean and New After the holidays your dresses, Nvraps, scarfs, gloves, negligee and other dainty garments fltEell refreshing. Forest will make them spotlessly clean, invigor- atingly fresh and beautifully restored. Forest service is acktioNvIedged to be "Detroit's best" and the prices are...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 10

…piEDerRonjEwistiefRDNICIE PAGE TEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ALEXANDER SPEAKER FOR ZEDAKAH RALLY ' Himelhochs 111, ,".IMr-. .1. Oakinan of :Mini Is- odall avenue announce the hstrothal 14 their daughter, Rose, to .1, M1 renslur, son of Mr. ant Nir )less l'imsler of 3105 'fwenty...nim! -treet. s' 'f h,. Zedakah cliffii is sponsoring its serotel pop rally for the donor luncheon at the ',taller Jan, 23, on Monday For a Very Limited Time? an...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 11

…PAGE ELEVEN ifirrttorrjewis n at tun lc LE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE SHOPPER'S GUIDE SAM KESTIN AT YIDDISH THEATER 1 Discount Sale at Van S. Shop VAN S. SHOP 16,61, Ove Romper. • . eeeeee I hildren's 1,666.66 DisCOUNT IN 'hod • Oti 1 ,o 11116 tiollilar 5712 "MEDICINE AS CAREER" TOPIC OF DR. FREUND'S VOCATIONAL ADDRESS will lie "Alediche as a Cale, subject of Dr. II ago Freund, — Comedian Is Guest Star at Playhouse During This W...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 12

…PIEDerRorriE_Ivisn ORMOLU PAGE TWELVE ailleMeeollOollehe ■ . scHows • THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Jan. 2r, 1 , cabaret dance night I Shower Planned To Be geld This Mid-Winter FURNITURE Gtr the Junior Young People's 1. 4 r ,,,iy of Shaarey Zedek. The social hall of the synagogue will b e eon- into a night-club for the Saturday Evening. banquet held on Jan. is at officers for the I - 1 .11 111p11 1 , the Los Angeles Aux- ..• .-tailed...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 13

…II PIE V entordiwun PA GE THIRTEEN ROXICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE _ ing that it may do the Jews in ' Poland sonic good. Sincerely yours. MRS C. AVRUNIN. - cl_ ra...-. - tj „ .r.71- SPECTACULAR DEBUT OF THE NEW PONTIAC .-• reroTE.R. BOX wt.' --- EDITOR'S NOT E : The I lk.t roit Wise, J ,newish Chronic le, being a forum D r . Jonah B. for public expressions on all Jew- From I J. D. C. Chairman. ,h.oi,i, chronide , , ish issues, is...…

January 20, 1933 • Page Image 14

…• • THEPETROITS,WISRafRONICLE JANUARY 20 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Nt h FIRST INSERTION NOTICES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 lost I'll•s• .1ht 1. %I 1,01,r• on 1%1111 • ,,„ „ ,„ Morn, 1528 Union Luard 1111 ,01t 10.1 dated trit four- J01 On reading and filing the petition • or parert of land s, W. JOSEP11 , 0‘, Attorney. 1033 rod deceased A D 1 ,271 and De . 0 141',1 Bank Bldg. , .t M'ke Asada. 0141 1111 that ad...drat 1011 I C10 1 1 1 S...…

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