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September 02, 1932 • Page Image 1

…- )32 I First THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED 4) IN MICHIGAN having Ions of tart C. AN OFFICIAL Mltull umbus, NEWSPAPER FOR 4 7.2. 11. of the ntyof on the D29, in re 472. madto ce, for fifty.. 03/100 memo'. WAYNE COUNTY By M. A. TENENBLATT. tCopyright, 1032. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Inc.' Will Be a Wood in Larger Washington Forest Now Being Planted. or the Prem• or to any to on said eon at I teats the al. lea any by th...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 2

…Thei)gruorrjEwisnalRONICLE PAGE TWO and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE o c h 's 11 i me l Featured in Our RAINBOW FOR GIRLS TO ELECT OFFICERS Purity Assembly No. 12, Rain- bow for Girls, will hold its first business meeting and election of officers Tuesday, Sept. 6, at 7 p.m. sharp, at Eastern Star Temple, Fashion Sale Annual Fall One of Our Famous Himel•Hose First Quality — 4Thread ChiffOn Dyed to our order in the new fall colors. It's smoot...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 3

…PAGE THREE pcikricorrjelasn &Mai and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE JEWISH RADIO FORUM . STARTS FALL SEASON I, AN EXQUISITE DRESS -To Save 50c ,_.-- ... Hundreds of thou- TAKE ADVANTAGE sands of Detroit RUINED! of These Low Summer Prices Savings: Men's Suits and Topcoats - Cleaned and Pressed 75 c ,, . when it applies to Dry Cleaning. P Cleaned and ss00 ..E. up r W hen you send your Clothing to Forest Cleaners and Dyers, your garments...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 4

…PEVErRorrlEvasn PI ROXICIA *net THF 1.,FGAL CHRONICLE GORDON STRESSES ECONOMY PROGRAM more intimately acquainted with the duties and business details of the office than any other man in David Gordon, candidate for Wayne County. Gordon was the first outstand- the Republican nomination for County Treasurer, is making his ing public official to attack the campaign stressing the need of evil of nepotism In the employ- better and less costly adm...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 5

…fittiVElitOrtgEWISfliffiRaw11(:44 PAGE FIVE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Nag Qtitg Notre British Firm Obtains £500,000 Pal/aline Contract. Mrs. Geo. L. Kahn and chil- dren, Sherman and Sybil, returned' to the ir home p ing a week in Detroit. Mrs. Phil Kahn and children,' Madeline and Aaron, of Detroit, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Kahn of Auburn. HAIFA.-(J. T. A.)-Spinneys, Ltd., a British enterprise, will sup- ply all foodstuffs to the...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 6

…liiEVerRorriaisn aIRONICIA and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE THE the Israelitische Familienblatt in urg- RONIGLE with ing Herr Fulda to return to the Jewish com- munity from which he resigned some time ago. The Rundschau reminds the noted Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., tea. writer that German Jewry is now indeed Intend as Beeond•clus matter March 3, 1919, at the Post- like a besieged fortress which Nazi bands, ale...1 Detro...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 7

…PERETROITIEWISii (AEON ifa and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Ssa.ti . sws TZ The Fifty-fifth Year Chaffee Noble School OF EXPRESSION Two ng to 'event ament gogue It ap- e sur- uch a ! . only game ing of inance trhaps refer I read don't prob- nother t Jew- ; that n, you r that owsky, ed his stantly rry-go- speak- aise to lills as Sr has, 3 some himself we can from v more n, that .e Sur- d() and of the ears to not in- may at ome of e coun- ...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 8

…TflEPEPBOIEknifICIRONICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Lest You Forget THAT a faithful and conscientious public ser- vent is seeking re-election; and THAT his insistence on efficiency and economy havo saved Wayne County taxpayers hun- dreds of thousands of dollars; and THAT his splendid administration of an impor- tant public office merits his retention. MAY THIS REMIND YOU THAT CONVENTION OF HADASSAII SEPT 18 LYCIF4 F I OE R NC Cgl i rGEIS t...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 9

…PAGE NINE itit 7iIBI9LTROTIJEWIMI C_T06113 rind THE LEGAL CHRONICLE I. Yet, tory dot re- . the of her eh ful- 1 power self to ements In the • ncient lance :ent. — The Italy, pm a or- unday I as a prac- which ervice indus- ns of nigh -More miss- ebrew id So- 0 first year. 'oland, .,atvia, • and on of- tattles Its. In its et- a and JUDGE GORDON STANDS Executive Council Confirms UPON AN ABLE RECORD Lewis Goldberg as Justice of Superior C...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 10

…„.. PIEVETRONAITS11 &RON ICLE PAGE TEN 5n4 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ( hi • • been. from inked ore the twenty•sixth day or On', ilek resides In this state and Gat pre-1 served by reason o Wayne hi held), of the premises de- 1 .erved by reason of their absence from. this State, it is orgred that the said her, A. D. 1112. at ten o'clock in a kribed in said mortgage. or so much'« toggiment within. thin state, or their cess for hi. apnea... lug bek ...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 11

…• - 111 EberRorr,inistt R0741CLE PAGE ELEVEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLR ay of One. tack in the ,on to said tontine my 'NOSEY to I to the y such cm. LEGAL NOTICE SECTION Continued from Page Ten eel . 11, 113j. VOSKY, k menu. , 625 Fend k the Circuit ne. In I ban. k• Cheney, letendant. It it that after defendant's. Inknewn •nd ordered that mearanee in months from old bill voll at lad order taw. I. 1932 RRIA11. eft Judge. 2t1 — County ...…

September 02, 1932 • Page Image 12

…SEPTEMBER 2, 1932 limpergorelatisii (41Roxiazi •nd THE LEGAL. CHRONICLE is I of Private Claim twenty-eecond day of August. 1919. In ,sot one-half County of Wayne is held), of the premise. Liber 938 of Mortgages on page 640, oaring from the •ffidaylt on file that Ir described in said mortgage. or so much f our hundred seventreefour 1170, lying (which said Grange Life Assurance As- for the appearance of Thomas II. North of the North li...…

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