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September 02, 1977 • Page Image 1

…• How Israel's Enemies Cut Each Other's Throats But Are United by Their Hatreds HE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review VOL. LXXI, No. 26 of Jewish Events The Tragedy of 'No Peace' • Washington and Beirut Inconsistencies Editorials, Page 4 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 $12 Per Year; This Issue 30° September 2, 1977 Israel's 'No to PLO' Remains Firm (Don't Threaten Us,' Begin Warns; Arab League Geneva Role Nix...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 2

…2 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Terror Begets Terror: A Cartoonist's to Beware of the Examples Stemming Indecencies...Arabs Bat/le Arabs But Judging the Antagonist on the Scale of Tactics Toward His Own Kin • In an age of terror and turbulence the often agonized con- cerns are bitter enough without looking for additional faults in the antagonists who threaten one's sense of cal- mness. Yet it is nece...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 3

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday September 2, 1977 3 at, Which do you need, a Dan k or us? something important the extra interest you'd be getting in any American A lot of people could no more Federal Savings account. We call that difference the do without their checking account than their Hudson's saver's edge," and we think you should get it, not your charge card. We under- bank. That's why we pay stand. But if you do your the highest int...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH :NEW 'S Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of.lnly ?o. 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association. National Editorial Associal:, n. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 1751r, \v. Nine Mile, Suite Southliel.l. Mich. 1s075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southlield.•Nlichigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Suhscription SI PHILIP SL...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 5

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Reorder Priorities in Jewish Education ROCHESTER, N.Y. (JTA)—A leading figure in Jewish education is calling for a restructuring of prior- ities in the American Jew- ish community and is urg- ing that a substantial alloca- tion of communal resources be redirected to Jewish edu- cation. In remarks prepared for delivery at the second Con- ference on Alternatives, in Jewish Education, Rabbi Ir- ving Rosenbaum, president...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 6

…6 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS •• • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •14,0, • • • • • COMPLETE LOCKSMITH SERVICE: • 26661 Coolidge Just s. • Oak Park Mich. 48237 • M to Th. 9-9; Fr & Sat 9-6 • 541-2505 • • • 2 DEADBOLT • • LOCKS $0095 • ea Installed au • • offers expire 10/1 • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • of 11 Mile KEYS 50' • • • • West Bank Arabs Start ...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 7

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . Friday September 2, 1977 7 Israel Terms Romanian Meetings Positive, Despite Differences on M.E. (Continued from Page 1) The major difference that emerged during the Begin visit was Romania's insist- ence that the Palestine Lib- eration Organization be in- cluded in Middle East nego- tiations and the Israeli re- For Custom Drapery Cleaning, Call DRAPERY ‘—} CLEANERS tl That The Name Implies" We Also Wash & Fi...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 8

…8 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Legacy of Maurice Samuel —a JPS Classic An inerasable name among the great Jewish lit- r I PREPARATION I I I Promotional expert can plan. write. layout and produce news- paper ads. circulars. catalogs. direct mail...etc. Call or write JULIUS A. CHUPACK, 836- 3993. 19359 Ferguson. Detroit 48235. smount ime ■ I I erary giants of all time is once again a medium for elevating the sta...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 9

…Friday September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Cutler-Initiated Halakha Chair New Settlements on West Bank Hit at Bar-Ilan U.; Detroit Dinner AMSTERDAM (JTA)— The pro-Israel "Working o Hear Rackman on Thursday Group Israel" in Holland has cabled the chairman of Israel's Knesset to protest against the establishment of three new Jewish settle- ments on the West Bank. The group was estab- lished some three years ago to counteract pro-Palest...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 10

…10 Friday; September 2, 1977 THE 'DETROIT' JEWISH NEWS 15,000 Youth Visiting Israel -JERUSALEM (JTA)—A record number of 15,000 youths from 14 countries are currently visiting Israel as part of the summer camp program of the World Zionist Organization. The WZO Youth and Heha- lutz Department has organ- ized a series of activities in- volving some 10,000 youths in various projects related to their backgrounds and in- terests. One such activit...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 11

…Friday September 2, 1977 11 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FLORENCE • OCTOBER 14-22,1977 • NOVEMBER 4-12,1977 OCT. 8-16,1977 Your Trip Includes: • • • • • • • Round trip charter jet flight In-flight meals and beverage service Seven nights at a first class hotel Continental breakfast daily Florence! Full day excursion Highlight city tour of Rome All transfers and baggage handling in Rome • Gratuities to bellmen, maids and wai- te rs • U.S. & It...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 12

…12 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS MICHIGAN THERMAL INSULATION Save S-ENERGY Finest spray blown products . available. • All season comfort BEST PRICE FAST SERVICE Free Estimates LICENSED & INSURED 626-3204 Larry Shalit, Pres. Developer William Gershenson Dies William Gershenson, who with his brothers founded a major auto supply firm and later became successful in the land development field, died Aug. 27 at age 73. Bor...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 13

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Soviets Embark on Campaign to Silence Emigration Activists Vance Will Meet Kreisky, Gromyko WASHINGTON. ( .JTA The State Department has announced that Secretary of State Cyrus Vance would meet in Vienna with Chan- cellor Bruno Kreisky Tuesday and with Soviet Foreign Minister Adrei Gro- myko in Vienna on Wednes- day and Thursday. The department said the principal topic of talks be- tween Vance and Gromyko would be SAL...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 14

…14 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Trepper Book, Autobiographical Documentary A Review by DR. PETER MARTIN "The Great Game : Mem- oirs of the Spy Hitler Couldn't Silence," by Leop- old Trepper (McGraw-Hill) is not one book; it is sever- al books. For one, it is an historical document written by the head of the Soviet anti-Nazi espionage net- work which was called -the Red Orchestra" by the Ges- tapo The `reat game" was to c...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 15

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday September 2, 1977 15 Nancy Dickerson, prominent national correspondent, reports for Detroit Edison: "See how homes winning Detroit Edison EEE Awards are built to save on energy costs from top to bottom.” Detroit Edison is a concerned participant in America's crusade for conservation. The wise use of energy is a national goal, but it requires a working relationship between those who supply energy and those who...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 16

…16 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS IBM . $400 MESSAGE OF ISRAEL: Add 'n Type 6:30 a.m. Sunday. WXYZ (1270) and WRIF-FM (101) and 10:30 p.m. Sunday. WDEE (1500), a message to the Jewish community. (Copyright 1977, JTA, Inc.) * * * RELIGION IN THE NEWS: 6:30 a.m. Sunday. CICWW (680). * * * VISTAS OF ISRAEL: 6:30 a.m. Sunday. WOMC- BE SMART. BUY SOMETHING YOU'VE NEVER SEEN. We're now accepting orders for all 1978 U...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 17

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Orthodox Oppose Israel Woodland Dedicated Joint Beit Din by Grandchildren of Honorees AA NlufflerftBrake NEW YORK (JTA)—The proposal raised in Jerusa- lem to create in the U.S. a joint beit din (court of reli- gious law) of Orthodox, Con- servative and Reform rabbis, was denounced by Agudath Israel of America as an "anomaly and in- imical to historic Jewish in- terests." 1'863-23881 LIMETIME GUARANTEE ON MUFFLERS ...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 18

…18 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS U.S. Teenagers Study in Israel NEW YORK—Fifty young- sters between the ages of 15 and 17 have left for Israel for a year of special high school study. The American Israel Sec- ondary School Program is now in its 10th year. It offers a full academic high school curri culum aug- Buiclk mented by special courses in Jewish studies with em- phasis on the Hebrew lan- guage and Israel. Opel -...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 19

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Right In Your own Driveway! Apartment Loan MIAMI BEACH (JTA)— A 114-unit apartment proj- ect for low-income, elderly persons, to be built by the Greater Miami Jewish Fed- eration, has been approved for a $2.3 million loan from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Devel- opment. If a man loves his wife as his own self. respects her more than himself. leads his children in the right way and sees them married at...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 20

…20 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS NO W LEASING 1978's • - Sabbath, Selihot Services Are Listed Selihot—penitential pray- services as Cantor Joseph ers chanted in advance of Levine chants the liturgy. the High Holy Days, will be CONG. BETH ABRA- recited in area synagogues HAM-HILLEL: Services 6 and temples this weekend p.m. today and 9 a.m. Satur- in addition to regular Sha- day. Bruce Weberman, Bar bat services. Mitzva. ...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 21

…Friday September 2, 1977 21 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Temple Beth El Will Continue Classes for Special Children Under the leadership of Rabbi Jeffrey B. Lazar, educational director, Temple Beth El for the sec- ond year is offering two reli- gious education programs on Saturday mornings for exceptional and emotionally impaired children between the ages of six and 14. Temple membership is not required. chil- exceptional The dren's program, whic...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 22

…22 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CONGREGATION Eli CHAIM is proud to announce High Holiday Service to be conducted by Cantor 1TZHAK TATELBAUM at the JEWISH WAR VETERANS HALL 16990 W. 12 Mile Rd. Southfield Donation $25 per person for reservations cal Mrs. A. Miller Mr. G. Zeidman 557-0814 399-2164 CONGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL-BETH YEHUDAH 15400 West Ten Mile Road Oak Park, Michigan Extends best wishes for the New- Year ...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 23

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday September 2, 1977 23 The ISRAELI ENSEMBLE Shofar Blowing and Cemetery Visit are Among Rosh Hashana Preparations By RABBI SAMUEL FOX (Copyright 1977, JTA, Inc.) is customary to visit the cemetery during the month before Rosh Hash- ana because to visit the cemetery is to make the in- dividual assume a more It M., serious approach to life. Visiting the cemetery im- presses him with the fact that a person is...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 24

…• !. 24 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS SAM BARNETT AND HIS ORCHESTRA 968-2563 / Official Autho rity, Aid Denied in Kappler Escape From Italy BONN (JTA )—Frau Anne- liese Kappler, wife of the former Rome gestapo chief Herbert Kappler and organ- Al's Foreign Car Service SPECIALIST IN VOLKSWAGEN AND PORSCHE CARS CALL. 548-3926 548-4160 541.9704 - 1018 W. 9 Mile Rd. Alfons G. Rehme 0 FERNDALE MICH. - Between L...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 25

…i.„_,, y Club Berkle THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Former Detroiter Quits Chicago Post Danny Raskin's LISTENING POST JERRY KALMAN at Sen- try Drugs on 10 Mile Rd. and Southfield, gets more than just calls for pre- scriptions...Could be most anything, and Jerry usually has the answers...for both young folks and adults. He talks kids out of over- dosing with drugs...called 911 when a woman told about her nitro glycerin pills not working (she was...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 26

…▪ ▪ 26 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS YOUR GUIDE TO GOOD DINING CHINESE FOODS CHINA CITY Owned S Operated By May & Stephen Tom Hon 24535 W. 12 MILE RD. AT TELEGRAPH • Private Dining Room • Businessmen's Luncheons OPEN 7 DAYS WAH-ME g£5'1 AURANT KING LIM'S GARDEN I 1 COMPLETE CARRY-OUT MON.-THURS., 11 a.m.-12 Mid. FRI. & SAT., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. SUNDAYS, 12 noon-10:30 p.m. CHINESE & JAPANESE Authentic Mandarin & ...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 27

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CARRY-OUT ONLYI The Best of Everything INCLUDING LUNCHEON COMBINATION PLATES thi.m. TO 4 p.m. • souPs• APPETIZERS • ALL CANTONESE ENTREES A- LADY WHO left her purse OPEN 7 DAYS...MON.-SAT., 11 a.r0.-,10 pT.m.FASUN-.-.12 noon-10 p.m. KWANG' 19961 W.12 MILE RD. 569-6448 EVERGREEN SHOPPING PLAZA On Evergreen Side ■-■■■■■-■-■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ -i WHEN IN WINDSOR EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE IS HUNGARIAN VILLAGE • '4.95 '6.9...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 28

…28 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Best of Everythir SERVING ITALIAN-AMERICAN CUISINE IN THE FINEST TRADITION OVER 40 YEARS A DETROIT DINING LANDMARK (YOUR HOSTS: DAN &MARCELLA MOODY) • Luncheons • Dinners' • Cocktails • Late Evening Menu • Private Banquet Facilities MON., 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. TUES. THRU SAT., 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. SUNDAY BUFFET DAY. 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. 17630 WOODWARD (4 Blks. N. of 6 Mile) 869-3988 ...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 29

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Oen Friday September 2, 1977 29 0100 Nett& ut GET ACQUAINTEp_ OFFER!!(' • Negaredirt EtZ I I I I 0 IS Y lE g I o MIX'EM or I I MATCH'EM When When You B uy Bak ed Bagels at our Low E veryday Price. Um& 1 Offer per Coupon I 12 i I I I I EXPIRES SEPT 11, 1977 alessavaese asesaBasionammo I CHECK OUR BREAKFAST SPECIAL (7:30-11:00 A.M.) HOT onwvER SPECIALS EGG ON A BAGEL WITH COFFEE DAILY •AFTE...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 30

…30 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS UNBELIEVABLE! FANTASTIC SAVINGS! The Best of Everything EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 25% OFF ON ALL DISHES MON. THRU SAT. 4 to 6 p.m. INCLUDING GOURMET SELECTIONS, APPETIZERS, DINNERS. ALA CARTE. ETC. Sorry. No Entertainment • 77 Coupons or Credit Cards For This Special 11QI1;S11- 1AW INN Offer Expires Sept. 9, 1977 6404 ORCHARD LAKE AT MAPLE-ORCHARD MALL-851-6400 REG. HOURS: Mon. Thru Thurs...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 31

…In 1306 the first general expulsion of Jews from France took place. BUDDY'S PIZZA assisting may call Betty Rose Eisenberg, 968-6083. Anyone interested in work- ing on the group's pub- lication may Pall Joe Scott, 649-3792. For membership COUPLETS 5016 will visit Jewish patients at Petoskey Hall on Sundays and the Children's Village on week- day evenings on a regular basis. Persons interested in 17125 CONANT COR. E. McNICHOIS 892-9001 BU...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 32

…32 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Former Detroit Resident Will Serve as Student Rabbi in Puerto Rico Temple Beverly Weintraub Magid- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weintraub of Detroit, will serve as stu- dent rabbi to the Reform congregation 'in San Juan, Puerto Rico, for the High Holy Days. Mrs. Magidson is a fourth- year student at the New FOUNDERS SOCIETY CONCERT SERIES presents EDITH J. FREEMAN & JOANN FREEM...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 33

…THE DETROIT.: JEWISH NEWS 1 Women's Clubs BNAI MOSHE SISTER- HOOD will hold the first part of a four-part series. SAVE! SAVE! BUY DIRECT FROM THE I MPORTER AL KLINE • SEYMOUR KAPLAN and Co. IMPORTER AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS DALGLEISH CADILLAC 30555 Southfield, Suite 100 645-9200 6160 CASS AVE. TR 5-0300 ma N•••• ■ 14111•11.11,1111111.4M11 ■ 4.41.04 7,..J111.411.1•Mr(1411111.11•11,1411 ■ 111.t.11•1•114.1•11.1 ■ C CATERING SUP...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 34

…34 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Finest In Musical Entertainment Detroiter's Aliya Group Plans `Remarriage' En Route to Israel LARRY FREEDMA ERIC ROSENOW AND HIS ONTINENTALS 398-3664 Detroiters Sandie and Ar- nold Brutman and Dena and Stefan Hall of Ala- bama, will be remarried Sunday at Kennedy Airport. Both couples are members of an aliya group called Garin Netzanim L'Bar Am, 9e:44 & Vacte'a ' .5eaPod OPEN ...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 35

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS BOB'S 13701 W. 9 Mile (corner of Ridgedale) M-S 8-6 Sun., 8-5 Friday September 2, 1977 35 ndoor Traveling Market Free Delivery Specials Good Sept. 2-9,1977 30002 W. 12 Mile (bet. Middlebelt & Orchard Lake Rd. M-F 9-8 Sat 8-8 Sun 8-5 Bob's beginning to see the light We hope you join us also Bob's LOW LOW Prices will help too PICKED FRESH DAILY HOME GROWN SWEET CORN U.S. No. 1 All Purpose Mich. POTATOES ...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 36

…36 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Hadassah Raises $29 million, Re-Elects Bernice Tannenbaum NEW YORK (JTA)—Ha- dassah, the largest Amen's voluntary organiza- tion in the United States, with a reported 360,000 members, raised more than $29 million this year, it was announced at the closing session of the four-day 63rd annual national convention meeting at the New York Hilton Hotel. Frieda S. Lewis, national treasurer, repor...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 37

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ... ........ 44,,,•••.4444.: .. ..... . .„ •-•• ' • • • • • • • • .4,46., • .............. ................................ ............ \. • • : . . • \ '••••• ••••• ' • %. - • ..... • ••:• •• VArt.f s". 4 Wes, •••,.• \ ts. ••,•':• • ••,. • % • , • Rosli liasbanali 1977 •••.•••, ••.• K Friday September 2, 1977 37 • %. A 5738 Farmer Jack Features Favorite Holiday Foods MOTHER'S OR MANISC...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 38

…38 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS sANdy 7- 1 1111MMAN pharognAphy 25900 Greenfield (at 101 /2 mi. Landmark Bldg.1 968-0808 CANDIDS--POIETRAITS--MOVIES--OUTDOOR SETTINGS-INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS FOR THE BEST VALUES ANYWHERE! ON THE FINEST 14 Kt. GOLD JEWELRY (Rings, Earrings, Pendants and more) SEE MORRIS or JOEL WATNICK FINE JEWELRY 233 Hamilton 121 1"2L GIFTS Thurs. to 9 p.m. Birmingham (Near Crowley s) Take Farm...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 39


September 02, 1977 • Page Image 40

…40 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Nursery to Hold Toddler Class ZO D Asks Carter; Recognize Mishkan Israel Nursery the Jewish holidays and cus- Jerusalem as Israel Capital will expand its facilities this fail to include a class for children under age 3. The program will include learning about the alphabet, numbers, arts and crafts toms. For information, call the nursery, located in Cong. Mishkan Israel Nusach H'Ari, 1400...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 41

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS MACK PITT and His Orchestra 358-3642 FELDBRO Therapy Program for Children Expanded by Family Service A pilot group activity ther- e apy program for children started this summer by the Jewish Family Service has been so successful that par- ticipants are being selected QUALITY MEATS (Trimmed Rite, Pried Rite) 6676 ORCHARD LAKE RD (s. of Maple) ONLY 626-4656 ORDER Now FOR THE HOLIDAYS! ALL STRICTLY FRESH POULTRY...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 42

…42 Friday, September 2, 1977 HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH HAL GORDON THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS In ancient Israel it was a custom to send apples to the sick. I would like to thank all my dear relatives and wonderful friends for their good wishes and thoughtfulness during my recent hospital stay. Musical Entertainment Big Bands or Small Combos Sincerely HELEN BROWN 10 cards and 10 envelopes unlimited quantity SPECIALTY PRINTING CO Mrs. Rosenfel...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 43

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Entertainer pianist with Soprano & Bari- tone available for parties & clubs, popular & classical mu- sic. 547-0168 80th Anniversary (JTA)—On Sun- day the local Zionist Feder- ation will mark 80 years since the first Zionist Con- gress was held here. BASEL g eld Schwartz 117 1arrie3 at _am le I e0104:414 Invitations • Personalized Stationery 641-7377 to Larry Shulman, son of MRS. GOODMAN Enid Daryl Schwa...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 44

…44 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL I Flint News FREE Consultation Licensed Electrologist private and confidential by appointmeAt 358 5493 Rabbi Poupko Will Officiate in Flint for High Holy Days - "The Best Disco In Town" ,t (o ANKER4/ 4 *V‘ Disc Jockey Cong,_ Beth Israel an- nounces that Rabbi Solo- mon Poupko of Southfield will lead the services for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Rabbi P...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 45

…7-7;:r 4 , 4 125 EXHIBITS SHOW-SALE Sept. 14-18 E. 8 Mi. Armory 4400 E. 8 Mile Hours: 12-10 Daily Sun 1-8 p m Present This Ad Save 50` On One Adult Admission PT 15 - SENIORS JAY - ADM 61.00 ENTER MS ANTIQUE CONTEST CALL 885-6900 Free Parking MGT STEINER PROMOTIONS Aug. 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heller (Ronna Lip- son), 29114 Franklin Hills Dr.. Southfield, a son, Jason Marc. * * * Aug. 24—To Mr. and Mrs. Steven Berlin (Vicki Hak- i...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 46

…46 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT 'JEWISH NEWS ••••••••111. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS 13 — APARTMENTS FOR RENT All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of l968 which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin, or an inten- tion to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimina- tion." This newspaper...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 47

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — WANTED HOUSES TO RENT Wayne State professor & graduating Law Student, seek house to rent in Oak Park. Call David or Meta Smoklar 17 — HOUSES FOR SALE OAK PARK Cozy 2 bedroom, all brick with ' fireplace. Must sell. $16,200. 542-7176 831-3276 SOUTHFIELD Our Classifieds Get Results Over 2500 sq. ft. pillared center entrance colonial. Cen. air, first floor utility room, paneled family room w/fireplace. 4 bedro...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 48

…▪ 48 Friday, September 2, 1977 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS SOUTHFIELD RANCH 13 Mile -Lahser 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. family room. att. garage. Acre. $59.900. 356-0516 W. BLOOMFIELD $26,900 2028 HENBERT 3 bedroom ranch on large lot. carpeting & stove. For more information call FRED MANN 557-9220 SPLENDOR IN THE WOODS 1/2 block S. of 9 21/2 CAR GARAGE. 3 bed- rooms. 11/2 baths. CEN. AIR. $28.900. Call for appointment. 547-3285 / open sun...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 49

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ► New Homes in Southfield Kenifield Manor 3 Bedroom Colonials and 2 & 3 Bedroom Ranch Homes in Southfield, near schools, shopping, churches, synagogues PP. 4 bedroom Cape Cod. Move-in condition. Beau- tifully carpeted. Well planned family room w/wet bar & fire- place, 21/2 baths, storage space galore, carpeted, paneled rec. room, patio, gas bbq, sprinkling system, garage door opener, corner lot. Lake privileges av...…

September 02, 1977 • Page Image 50

…50 Friday, September 2, 1977 SOUTHFIELD BY OWNER Beautiful colonial on wooded court lot. 4 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, family room w/fireplace, first floor laun- dry. large firewood deck with gas grill. beautiful rec. room w/fireplace and bar. N. of 12 Mile near Evergreen. S69,900. 353 9172 Contemporary. dramatic de- cor. Must see to appreciate. 4 large bedroom colonial. 21/2 baths, cen. air, many ex- tras. Upper $60's. Imme- diate occupancy. On...…

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