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June 16, 1916 • Page Image 40

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 42 The Y. M. H. A., Etc. (Continued from page 14) goguc, where we have undoubt- edly the finest church gymnasium and showers in Detroit. We have also a social hall and general meeting place. Thus far, however, we have not had the use of the rooms as fre- quently as the work demands. What Nye need is an establishment which will stand with open doors every night in the week, beckon- ing to the Jewish youth of the city to...…

June 16, 1916 • Page Image 41

…OF 500 0 , A SAVI N G BUYING HOMELANDS LOTS '59 These lots at $59.00 were formerly selling for $100.00, $150.00 and $175.00. Terms now 3/ 4 cash, balance two equal monthly payments. $69 These lots at $69.00 were formerly selling for $200.00, $225.00 and $250.00. Terms now 3 /4 cash, balance two equal monthly payments. $99 A PRETTY BIT OF NATURAL SCENERY IN HOMELANDS SOMETHING ABOUT HOMELANDS Homelands is really what the name implies—a ...…

June 16, 1916 • Page Image 42

…Summer Display of Out-of -Door Merchandise As you enter the store these bright summer days, you will find on special display the merchan- dise suggested by this new season of out-of-doors. You will find the latest fashions in Sports Apparel, practical, of course, and yet their practicality charmingly turned to good account in the fashion- ing of new modes. . You will find New Summer Fashions in Sports Suits, Sports Skirts, Sports Coats, Spo...…

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